His only reason (Emblem 3 fan...

By inveigle

76.4K 924 341

Emblem 3 fanfic, you're going to have to read to find out more ;)x More

His only reason (Emblem 3 fanfic - Chapter 1)
His only reason (Emblem 3 fanfic - Chapter 2)
His only reason (Emblem 3 fanfic - Chapter 3)
His only reason (Emblem 3 fanfic - Chapter 4)
His only reason (Emblem 3 fanfic) - Chapter 5
His only reason (Emblem 3 fanfic - Chapter 6)
His only reason (Emblem 3 fanfic - Chapter 7)
His only reason (Emblem 3 fanfic - Chapter 8)
His only reason (Emblem 3 fanfic - Chapter 9)
His only reason (Emblem 3 fanfic - Chapter 10)
His only reason (Emblem 3 fanfic - Chapter 11)
His only reason (Emblem 3 fanfic - Chapter 12)
His only reason (Emblem 3 fanfic - Chapter 13)
His only reason (Emblem 3 fanfic - Chapter 14)
His only reason (Emblem 3 fanfic - Chapter 15)
His only reason (Emblem 3 fanfic - Chapter 17)

His only reason (Emblem 3 fanfic) - Chapter 16

1.9K 48 28
By inveigle

The blood rushed directly to my head as I shot up from my resting position on Keaton’s chest, and he kicked his legs off of the couch and back onto the floor. I didn’t dare turn my head to face the intruder but kept my eyes fixed on Keaton, who’s eyes widened as he turned his head. “Oh- hey mom!”

He let his hands sprawl through his hair before standing up, to face the astonished woman before us. “Who’s this? Is there a party I’m missing?” The tension lowered as she stuck out a curious hand towards me. I shook it graciously, introducing myself. “No party, ma’m. I’m Nadine, it’s a pleasure meeting you.” She was short wit ha round face and whispy dark blonde hair, falling just beneath her chin. Her eyes were the same shade of green as her younger son’s. “Is this a girlfriend?” She mouthed to Keaton.

He awkwardly tugged a sweatshirt over his head, shaking it after he was done. “A girl friend, yes. She’s my friend. And she’s ironically a girl too. Uhh..” Her gaze shifted towards me, and she grinned. “I’m Larraine. Nice to meet you, friend of Keaton’s. Will you be staying for the night?” I shook my head, and with a wink she walked towards the bedrooms, chuckling under her breath.

I’ve always been nervous about meeting a guy’s parents. You always want to make the right first impression, you could never get that back. If they thought you weren’t right for their son, they sure as hell would tell them right when you turned your back. What if she expected more for Keaton- I mean, he deserved so much more than I had to offer. He deserved a girl who would treat him right, ignore the fan attention and not be struggling between two guys, one being his brother. I knew I couldn’t give him all that he deserved, but there was a part of me telling me that the best I could do was try. Sometimes, trying is the only thing that matters because even though a relationship might not be perfect, it can be worth it.

“Well, I think she likes you.” My anxiety eased, I smiled, and sat back down on the couch nervously. “You can’t tell Wesley this happened,” I mumbled soft enough so Larraine wouldn’t be able to decipher what I was saying. “Why?” Why shouldn’t he be able to tell his brother, whom of which was comforting me to sleep last night, that I was the girl who swept in and stole his lip virginity. One, because it would make me look like a two timing whore. Which, I am not. Before this day, I’ve been too close minded for a guy to even take my hand. Two, because I’m not willing to watch one of them get hurt. They both deserved to know the truth. They were both amazing men. And thirdly, because I know I’m slowly sinking deeper into an ocean I know I won’t be able to swim my way out of. “Because I will. When the time is right, that is.”

He smiled, leaning towards my cheek, pressing his lips upon my blushed flesh, then back against the couch, hands lying flat on his thighs. Contently, we watched a marathon of Adventure Time, which I learned to be a strange, peculiar show. I’m not the biggest cartoon fan, I rarely ever turn on my television because of the brain washing shows constantly being played. Which, unsurprisingly, led to my inefficiency to keep my attention on the screen. My eyes kept flickering towards Keaton.

His eyes were widened, captivated by the flashing motion pictures, the corner of his mouth perfectly curled, and when the tension built up enough, he’d flash a smile and let out of a low chuckle. 

After a few minutes and a short commercial break, he turned back towards me. “You laugh just like your mother.” His cheeks reddened, and a hand nervously ran through his wavy hair. “I’m a Momma’s boy, what can I say.” At that second, the front door cracked open, and Wesley appeared, holding two shopping bags and Drew with a small deli bag. Wesley looked up, glancing at the tv screen, back at us, then finally at Drew. “Keaton’s making you watch his nerdy cartoons again? Sorry to put you through the torture.”

Welsey giggled, and Drew chimed in. “What’s next, are we gonna have to pull an all nighter and watch all the Star Trek films? Yeah, Keats!” They hopped over the couch, Drew separating Keaton and I, Wesley hanging his arm over my other shoulder. “Not exactly how you get girls, Keaterpan,” Drew teased, pinching at Keaton’s cheek. He snapped back, slapping away Drew’s hand and placing his hood over his eyes, ignorant of their continuous bickering.

“Momma, are you starting dinner soon?” Wesley yelped, causing my body to slightly twitch. “What would you like?” Lorraine called back, entering the living room while tying a red apron around her back. I could feel my heart begin to race faster, as Wesley’s grip on my shoulder tightened. “Slightly want some Chinese food, but why don’t we ask the guest. Have you met Nadine yet, mom?” He pecked my cheek, lingering for a second, then pulled away. I slowly looked up to Keaton, who’s attention was on his thumbs, rapidly fiddling. 

“Chinese food sounds good.” I whispered as her eyes re-entered my vision. “Oh, Nadine. I think I saw her earlier.” Lorraine grinned, “Wesley. Keaton, why don’t you take your lady friend to the store? Drew will stay here and help me finish packing.”

“Sounds good,” Wesley exclaimed, getting back on his feet. I stayed sat, waiting for reassurance from Keaton. 

He got up without a word. The conversation barely flowed after we left the hotel, it mainly consisted of Wesley teasing Keaton, who’s eyes were glued to his feet, hands in his sweatshirt pocket.

Once we reached the restaurant, the tension began to sky rocket. The man at the counter of the small shop was tall and thin, with eyebrows too bushy to fit his face. “Hello, are you ready to order?” He grinned, as we nodded in unison. “Are you the girlfriend?” He asked, nodding at me, then glancing between Wesley and Keaton. I blushed, biting my lower lip unable to respond. "Who's the lucky boy?" Wesley’s hand lay on my hip, and a smile melted onto his face as he straightened his posture.

The silence broke, and surprisingly, and it wasn't from whom I expected it to be. "I am," Keaton boldly responded.

Author’s Note: Short chapter :) Just to build up the tension. Once I get 15 comments I’ll post the next chapter. Thanks for the support guys, the next few chapters are going to be super important ;)

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