Kidnapped in Italy

By kae_bae2

311K 4.6K 406

First-time publishing- Bonnie Davis is a sweet innocent girl. She has friends that get her into a lot of shit... More

Introductory/ Author's warnings!
The beginning
Being a mother of two is hard
Seeing my angel
Greek God
I'm too young to die!
My fallen one
The interrogation
You won't be shown this type of mercy
Or what?
I'm just tired
Mr. Bossman
I'm a billionaire, neonata
Nerf gun war!
What punishment?/ aesthetics
The deal
Why me?
I am a grown ass woman
I knew you were dying!
Why the nicknames?
Wrapped around his little finger
Who the hell is Jessica?
I'm going to kiss you, okay?
I'm going deaf, mane
You as in you
I zdon't like youwa britcha
Then, let me fulfill your hunger
This is my fault
Hashtag, virgin bitch out
After one fucking argument, Enzo!
What? Cat got ya tounge?
They betrayed us!
Lies, lies, and more fucking lies
A fucking nightmare
Sorry for hurting you, biggie
I can't live without you, baby
I'm back, bitches!
Mr & Mrs, Dickhead
You are my perfect queen
The Set Up!
Your friend was a mouse?
Now, let me taste you
My Punishment
You didn't love her
Everyone's favorite Stripper
Oh, Boohoo, bitch!
The Devil & his Demon
Let me relieve your pain
A bad bitch's party!
The security tapes
Our breakup date
Suck, fucked, and bucked
Girls and Ty night!
The betrayal
Want to play a game?
Im the bait?
Just friendly?
Queen Bonnie & King Enzo
Sexy Santa
Manipulative and controlling
Please! God, no! Not my baby!
No, please! Please, stop!
I don't want to let her go
My man, My man, my man
Good girl
Baby Sven
I love my little family
Spoiled brat
Amore, please
Girls day
No, I am not your mother, remember?
You're still my good girl
What did Antonio do?!
Dad's leaving?
Happy Death Day, Bitch!
Queen Aurora
Live life, fuck, & have fun
Knock Knock, Bitch!

Loving a monster

1.5K 22 0
By kae_bae2

Bonnie Davis

I woke up to complete silence. I reached beside me to feel for Enzo, but he wasn't there. I sat up in my bed and reached for my phone after assuming he was probably in his office.

"It's 2 in the afternoon, why didn't he wake me up?" I asked myself as I got up from bed. I slipped on my shoes and walked out into the hallway, I went downstairs and bumped into Bridget.

"Where is everyone?" I asked her as she grabbed me a cup of water.
"They all left out this morning...on a mission, I think." She stated causing me to spit out my water.

"They went where?!"I yelled. She backed up some and looked down.

"They went on a mission...for your team-

"For my team?!Are you fucking kidding me, right now?!" I yelled at her before running upstairs. I called Enzo, but it went straight to voicemail.

"Enzo, I swear to fucking shit if you went on that mission without me, I will kill you! I hope you hear this bitch...I will fucking kill you! That was my only time to leave the house-

"Beep beep!" The phone sounded and I threw the phone onto the bed.

Enzo Romano

"Antonio, go first and check to see if Jane is here!" I whispered and signaled for him to continue. My phone buzzed and I held my hand up to tell everyone to stop. They came towards me and I sighed after looking at "Mi amore" written on top. I opened the voicemail and it sounded.

"Enzo, I swear to fucking shit if you went on that mission without me, I will kill you! I hope you hear this bitch...I will fucking kill you! That was my only time to leave the house-

The voicemail ended and Antonio laughed while coming up to me.

"You're dead, Enz!" He whispered while laughing.

"Merda!" I whispered. Everyone held their mouths in shock and I signaled for them to continue.

(Translation: Merda=Shit!)

Bonnie Davis

I put on "Twilight" as I sat with my gun on my lap. Bridget brought me some chocolate and I thanked her before picking up my gun as I heard the doors open and close.


"Where is he?" I asked Antonio as he held his hands up.

"He wanted me to come and cool you dow-

I shot the roof and he ducked before running out.

"Enzo, she is not calm!! I repeat, she is not fucking calm!!" He yelled from down the hall. I put the gun on my thigh before walking down the stairs. Enzo was pacing as Zuri and Sasha tried to cool him down.

"Oh, the whole squad is down here- Enzo, why are you bleeding?" I asked as I walked towards him. His stomach was bleeding and I ran towards him to see. He gave a guilty look before letting me see the cut, I shrugged and punched him in the cut causing him to groan.

"What the hell, Bon-

"Why the fuck did you go without me?!" I yelled at him. Elijah pulled me back, but I pushed him causing Zuri to step in.

"Don't push him because your man thinks you are too weak to go on these missions, bitch!" She yelled at me. I stared at her with no emotions before slapping her and laughing.

"You're lucky I love you because-

She jumped onto me and we started fighting.

"Get off of each other!" Ty yelled. I pulled Zuri's hair and she punched me, I punched her in her side causing her to loosen her grip and I felt Elijah grab me. He threw me to the table before grabbing Zuri, he comforted her and I frowned.

He hugged her and I gave a jealous glare before sighing, Enzo was staring at me as I stared at them, and when I caught him staring at me I walked away.

"I'm sorry!" I yelled before leaving.

"I know, Bon, me too!" Zuri yelled back while laughing. I laughed a little before thinking, Enzo thinks I can't handle being on missions?

I walked into my room and sat on my bed after putting the gun down. Enzo walked in with a patched up stomach and sat beside me.


"No...I don't want to fight...just leave me alone." I said as I grabbed the remote to turn the tv back on. I could feel him staring at me as I watched the movie, but I ignored him.

"Why do you think I can't do missions? I am very capable of doing shit than just sitting around the house all day! Do you think I'm weak, like Zuri said?" I asked him after breaking the silence. He instantly shook his head "no" and tightened his jaw.

"Since you've been kidnapped, I've been...overprotective, some might say." He stated causing me to give him the "you think!" Expression.

"But it's because I love you, not because I think you're weak, you are the strongest woman I know. Don't you ever think for one second that I think you are weak, because you are not! Non voglio perderti, di nuovo, amore!" He admitted.

(Translation:I just dont want to lose you, again, amore)

"You're not! I'm right here, baby! But you can't keep me here and take away my freedom, Enzo...I won't let you." I said while grabbing his face. I let go and he frowned.

"I can't let you leave, I'm sorry-

"You're sorry, really, Enzo?! I'm not staying in here, this is kidnapping-

"How do you think you got here in the first place?! I fucking kidnapped you, so what I say goes! You will stay here until I feel you can go out alone...with a guard like last time!" He yelled at me. I threw the alarm clock at him and he caught it before grabbing me.

"I've let you do whatever you wanted the whole time! I've loved you, fed you, saved you, protected you! I've done more for you than your fucking parents ever could! You would die without me, you almost killed yourself after two weeks of being away from me! I own you, Bonnie and you know it!" He yelled at me.

I cried and grabbed my pillow to hug it.

"Y-you don't even treat me like a're treating me like a fucking animal, Enzo! I am a fucking human being with feelings! This is what I get...loving a monster after knowing the consequences of it! Pathetic!" I yelled then whispered to myself. The look on his face after calling him a "monster" broke my heart, but he deserved it.

"If I'm treating you so much like a fucking pet then you can sleep outside!" He yelled.

"Rodger, Tony!" He yelled. They came into the room while avoiding eye contact with me.
"Take her out back!" He demanded before walking into the bathroom. They hesitated at first, but then they grabbed me. I struggled in their hold until I gave up.

"Bonnie, what's going on-

"Don't worry about it! She's staying outside until she learns some respect! She think she hold power over me...hell no!" Enzo yelled as he came downstairs, laughing. He hesitated at first until he opened the back door to let them throw me outside. I tried to run to the door, but he closed it and stared at me.

"I hate you! We're through!" I yelled through the glass. He shrugged, but I knew I hurt him. I collapsed on the patio and started crying.


I've been out here for about five minutes . Antonio kept calling me, but I ignore each call, I haven't eaten nothing, but chocolate today and it's about 4:00 in the afternoon. I have to pee so bad, but I am not peeing outside.

"Come on!" Tony demanded as he opened the door. I slowly walked in and ran into the guest bathroom to do my business. When I was done I washed my hands and walked out, Tony grabbed my arm and dragged me upstairs.

"Let go!" I yelled at him. He held me as Enzo stared at me with pity.

"I'm sorry Bonnie, but you brought this upon yourself-

I threw my shoe at him and Tony tried to throw me to the couch, but I missed it and hit my head on the table.

"Fuck!" I yelled and Enzo rushed to my side.

"Bonnie, stand up...slowly!" He said as he lifted me. I pulled away from him and walked to the bathroom, I cried as I ran a towel under the water. I looked at my bruised arm and cried more before dabbing the back of my head with the cold water.
The blood kept on pouring and it was leaking onto my shirt.

"Enzo, call a doctor or Zuri!" I yelled at him. He came around the corner and his eyes widened in surprise, before he called Zuri up stairs. He moved my hair around to try to find the cut, but Zuri came into the bathroom.

"What- What the hell happened?!" Zuri yelled, before sitting me down on the toilet and searching my head for a cut. She found it and said that I needed stitches and I nodded.

"Take him to the fucking basement!" Enzo yelled. He came running around the corner with something and handed it to Zuri.

"Here." Enzo said before giving her the med kit. He got on his knees in front of me and tried to hold my hand, but I pushed them away and groaned as the needle pierced through my head.

I cried in pain as the needle pierced my head once, I tried to grab onto something, but all I could do was cry.

"Bonnie just hold-

"Shut up!" I yelled. The needle went through again and I bounced my leg up and down in anticipation, Enzo just grabbed my hand and I didn't pull away. I squeezed his arm tight and dug my nails into his arm causing him to groan. He caressed my arm with his other hand, but stopped when he ran over the bruise that Tony left.

"What the fu-

"All done!" Zuri cheered before cutting the remaining piece of string. Enzo stood up and thanked Zuri.

"Just Don't let her go to sleep because she might not wake up...ever!" She said while smiling. I had a blank expression before walking to the mirrior and looking in it. Zuri left and I locked eyes with Enzo through the mirrior.


"I'm going to sleep." I interrupted before shoving past him. He grabbed my arm and I winced, he looked down at the bruise that was on my arm and frowned before analyzing it.

"I'm going to kill him! I'm-

"Yeah, do that." I interrupted.

"I'm sorry, Bonnie! I'm so fucking sorry!" He apologized. I nodded and sat on the bed to lay down, but he grabbed the opposite arm.

"You can't sleep-

"Why not? Because I might die...seems fine to me!" I yelled before snatching my arm away. He dropped to his knees in front of me and held my hand while looking up at me.

"Bonnie, you are my life. It was three minutes-

"Please save that speech for someone who will actually believe it because I don't! I don't trust you, believe you, want you...I don't even want to love you anymore." I stated while crying. He shook his head "no" repeatedly while grabbed my hands.

"You don't mean that! You do love me, you always have-

"Of course I do! I love Enzo! Not you! You locked me out of the house in the cold! You let your men abuse me... You're starting to ac-act like my uncle-

"No, Bonnie, No...I would never!" He stated as he hugged me. I tried to pull away from him, but he continued to hold me.

"You ruined everything! I hate you! I fucking hate you!" I cried into his arms. I know the words hurt him because they hurt me.
"No you don't, Bon...stop saying that!" He said to me.

"I'm-I'm going back to my room." I stated and he kept shaking his head "no".
"Yes...yes, I am, Enzo!" I stated but he kept shaking his head.

"I need space and if you want me to forgive you...You need to give it to me." I said and he let me go. He stood up and paced back in forth.

"I'm going to kill him...I swear it, Bon! I didn't tell him to hurt you, I swear to you!" He told me. He grabbed my hands and I pulled them away.

"Sure, and I'm the president of the fucking world! Of course, I believe that you Enzo would purposely tell another man to put hands on me." I stated, sarcastically.

"Enzo, I'm not fucking stupid...I know you wouldn't actually hurt me! But you locked me out and said some pretty awful things to me!" I said to him. He sighed and rubbed his face.

"You can-

"I was going to go anyways." I stated before walking into the closet. I grabbed my suitcase and started throwing stuff into the bag, so much stuff.

"You don't need all of-

"Yes, I do...Oh, and," I went to my drawer of lady supplies, and put a few into my bag but Enzo grabbed my bag.

"You are not going to need these supplies because you're coming back in a day." He said. I nodded while laughing.

"Yeah...sure, I see you have a wild imagination there, I like it." I said causing him to frown, he didn't let go and I sighed.
"I'm on my period, Enzo, I'm going to need that." I said.

He sighed and gave me the bag, I rubbed my stomach as it started hurting and sighed.
"Good, I'm getting cramps!" I yelled before throwing a perfume bottle. It barely missed his head and he growled out of anger.

"Sorry!" I stated before walking out the closet.

I made it to my room and threw the stuff on the bed. I shut the room door and jumped on the bed, but I could have sworn I saw something in the corner of my eye. I stood up and shrugged before taking a deep breath.

"Ah, it still smells like me- AHHH!" I screamed as a snake crawled from underneath the bed. I stood up in the bed and kept screaming until I saw Enzo and Antonio run in with a gun. Lexi came around the corner and stood beside my bed, giving me a confused look.

"What?" Enzo asked. I reached for him to grab me and he smirked before lifting me off the bed.

"The snake...there's a snake!" I yelled. Antonio and Lexi jumped onto my bed and I held Enzo for dear life.

"Where is it?" He asked and I pointed to the corner. He sat me down, but I just jumped into the bed with Antonio and Lexi. Enzo walked over to the corner and looked for it.

"It's not here- Bonnie! Don't move." Enzo yelled. His eyes landed on something behind me and I got scared and just jumped on Antonio.

"I said don't move, damn it!" Enzo yelled. The snake crawled onto Lexi's foot and she screamed before jumping on Antonio, as well. We all fell and the snake stood tall and hissed at us.

I rolled off of the bed and jumped back on Enzo. He wrapped my legs around his waist and held me tight.

"How the fuck did a snake get in here-

"Antonio!" we all yelled. Antonio shrugged before jumping from the bed.

"I might have got it to scare Sasha, but I lost it and didn't tell you...sorry! It's a really funny story, actually ...So, first- AHH!" He screamed.

I looked at Antonio's leg to see the snake climbing up his pants leg. He hopped in place before freezing, I saw the snake move up his pants leg more and I choked on a laugh. The outline of the snake moves up to his private and Antonio screamed.

"ENZO, GET IT!" Antonio cried. Enzo put me down and slowly walked up to the snake as Lexi laughed, I glared at her, but she kept laughing.

"What are you all- is that his dick!" Zuri yelled. Sasha and Ty ran in when they heard what she said, then backed back when they noticed the snake.

"Its a snake...Is that a snake?!" Ty yelled. Sasha walked up to Antonio and bent down to reach under his pants leg.

"Yes, please grab- Get the son of a Bitch, Sasha!" Antonio yelled. She pulled the snake out and held it away from her.

"I hope you know Antonio bought that snake to scare you." I said. Antonio glared at me and Sasha glared at him.

"What?" She asked. She shrugged then threw the snake at Antonio. Antonio flicked it off of him and it landed on my shirt.


"Shh! I got it...stay still!" He whispered as it slithered to my breast.
"Enzo, I forgive you! I swear, I do! I'll sleep with you, I'll come back right fucking now if you get the damn snake and stop taking six fucking years!" I whispered yelled to him. The snake's head tried to snuggled into my boobs and I wanted to cry.

Enzo grabbed the snake, but when the snake tried to bite him he threw it at Zuri.

"Shit!" Enzo shook his hand because he was almost bit.

I jumped back onto Enzo and Lexi jumped onto Antonio's back, as Sasha looked at us in unbelief.

"Its just a snake-

Zuri jumped on the bed and rolled all around to smush it while everybody laughed. Elijah came into the room and when he seen the snake he grabbed his gun.

"I got it, baby, come here!" He yelled before running over to her while pointing the gun at her. She yelled and threw the snake to Elijah and he screamed a high-pitched scream.

"What in the Opera singer...did you just scream?" Lexi asked.

Elijah aimed the gun at himself and tried to pull the trigger as he jumped all around, but I snatched the gun from him.

"Don't be stupid, dude...Sasha, grab it!" I demanded.
Sasha shrugged and grabbed it, she laid it on the ground while holding its tail and stomped on it. I looked away in disgust and she took it downstairs.

"We need to talk, now!" Zuri yelled at Elijah while grabbing his hand.

Yes, because he almost murdered her!

Everybody left and I gave the gun to Enzo, he tucked it in his pants and I sat on the bed.

"So, I'll leave you- Are you okay?" He asked as I hunched over in pain.
"Yeah, I's a cramp." I said while rubbing my stomach. Enzo rubbed my belly and I laid on his shoulder, I almost fell asleep on his shoulder, but he stood up while gently pushing me to the side.

"I want to go with you...I don't fully forgive you, but I'm not staying in a room where a snake ghost might be hunting." I stated while grabbing my bag. Enzo took the bag from my hand while laughing before closing the door after we left.

"Do you want a Tylenol?" He asked. I nodded and he left the room for a little, he returned with the pill and handed it to me, but I hesitated to swallow it.

"Really, Bonnie? I didn't poison it!" he let out. I sighed before grabbing the water and swallowing the pill.

"You can still trust me, amore...I will never hurt you. I was just angry this morning...if you want to start doing missions again." he sighed and grabbed my face.

"I will let you-

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you-

"Sit down before you pass have stitches in your head!" he yelled then pulled me down from jumping on the bed.

"You two are bipolar as fuck...he took your mission, you were angry, He locked you out and you were about to break up with him, and now he saved you from a snake causing you to like him again. And I thought I was crazy." Antonio said as he stood at the doorway. I stood up to walk towards him.

"What do you want me to do, Antonio? Do you want me to break up with him? What do you suppose I do and I'll see if it's the right choice." I stated. Enzo stood up, abruptly,


"I think that you guys are highly toxic, your relationship was failing the moment he started lying to you. He is my cousin, but you are my Anna and I am telling you, you are the one who gets hurt all the tim-

"Che diavolo! ci sto provando, piccola-" Enzo yelled.

(Translation: What the hell! I'm trying, baby-)

"Beh, se ci prova è il motivo per cui vi trovate in questa situazione! Anche tu sei troppo tossico e non fa bene al cervello, penso che dovresti smettere anche tu!" Antonio yelled.

(Translation: Well, him trying is the reason you guys are in this predicament! You too are too toxic and it's not good for the brain, I think you two should stop!)

He took me by surprise and Enzo started arguing with him as I was stuck in my thoughts.

Should I? Should I break up with Enzo?


Girl, I don't even know at this point! I wonder if you should break up, as well!

Follow: kae_bae2

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