Darkness Within

By MthewCmps

21.4K 882 233

Nico helps Percy with his troubled thoughts, it is time to accept his full nature. The war have just ended i... More

Let's Talk


790 32 9
By MthewCmps

Hello everyone, I hope y'all doing fine.

Since I started this book, I decided I would put some smut on it, I am kind unsure now if I will keep doing it, but here is where all will begin.

Anyway, if you are sensible to this content, or don't want to read it, you can skip after the line ------------------------

The smut scene will start right out of the bad, so be careful.

And even after the scene is over, the rest of the chapter will have suggestive and mature language, be warned.



August 22nd


Nico's hands were around my waist pulling me under him, he was breathing on my neck, sending shivers to my entire body, his mouth kissed my neck, my collar bone, my chest. My mind was foggy and I couldn't see his eyes, but his smell was unmistakable, it was intoxicating. He was kissing down my chest and reached my belly button, he played with tongue before moving down, his nimble fingers found the waistband of my boxers and he did a quick job of pulling then down, his grip held tight around my hardness, for a moment I thought I would explode without even any attrition, I was craving release. He holds my member in his hand and brought down his head to my groin, kissing the base of it, teasing me, one side, then the other one, he went further down to my balls to play with them. I thought I would explode at any second. Finally, he moved up and line the tip of it with his awaiting mouth, when he closed his mouth around it, I lost my composure and was about thrust deep down his throat...


Reality hit me hard, like a bucket of cold water, I woke up with gasp and ragged breath, my heart felt like I just ran a marathon.

My vision was blurred, and I was still coming down the intense, very obvious wet dream. The ecstasy felling was waning down when I look to my side to see a sleeping Nico, facing the wall. His even breath told me he didn't wake up to my abruptness.

The wet feeling in my lower parts made me jump out of the bed, 'carefully' trying not to wake up Nico, I could feel the mess in my underwear and couldn't let any vestiges behind for anyone to find. I would choose death over that.

I ran to the bathroom, closed and locked the door behind me. I turned the lights on and looked down, there was already a wet spot forming in the front of my sleeping shorts. I striped down both the shorts and my underwear, and I have to say, mess was an understatement. The truth is I haven't had any 'release' since before Hera took me away, the last time I had alone time was a few days after my birthday last year. After that was months of slumbering, then waking up to Lupa, training was hard and that didn't even pass my mind, after that, when I finally reached Camp Jupiter I was thrown in a quest after quest, the days at the Argo II it did cross my mind to do some 'normal teenager behavior', and I had my own cabin, but I was mostly exhausted and all I wanted was to rest, then Tartarus, which is not the best place to think of a wank, by the way. Then we were back and the war was finally over. The last few weeks, have been too chaotic, and with mourning Leo, and Annabeth's weird behavior weighting in my head I didn't really feel like doing it.

I guess no male teenager in the history of teenagers have been so long without touching oneself. The mess was kind of expected.

I put my underwear into the sink, I whispered an apology to no one in especial for doing so. I opened the faucet to wash the evidence off. After I was satisfied, I willed the rest of the water out of it, drying immediately.

There were still some remains in my groins and pubes which really needed a trim. I decide to take a bath to clear my mind. As the tub was filling with warm water I sat at the edge and took a deep breath. I still didn't have the time to process. I just had the most intense orgasm off my life, and was dreaming of Nico going down on me. Gods how could I ever face him again. I knew for a fact that I have been falling for the younger boy for a while now. But unfortunately, I missed my chances, Nico told me he once he had a crush on me, but I wasn't his type. Even if he is gay, he won't want anything with me, and that thought was eating my insides, just being near him were too intoxicating, I still could smell him on me. Now I know why he never wanted to be around me when he had crush on me before, liking someone who didn't liked you back, was the worst feeling I ever had and I almost drown on mud and choked with poison before, this was still worse.

I also wanted to put a distance between us, and so I did when I spent time at dad's place, but it was too hard, my body ached to go back, to stay near him, I have no idea how much strength Nico had, to stay away for so long.

When the bath was filled, I poured some products that I found near to make it all bubbly and that smelled great. I was about to get in when a knock at the door almost made my soul leave my body.

"Perce, are you okay?" Nico asked from the other side "You jumped out of bed all of sudden and run here, are you okay?"

"Y-yeah... I'm fine, I am just running a bath to clear my head"

"What happened? Bad dream?"

"Uhm... yes... er... dream" Definitely not a bad one, but he didn't need to know that.

"Do you want me to join you?" He asked trailing off by the end

What the fuck? I am still dreaming? Should I pinch myself

Ouch... definitely not dreaming. Why the hell would he even ask that? I mean he is a demigod to, and blurts stuff out without thinking all the time... Wait, why would he want to join me... stop overthinking Percy, he is awaiting a response.

And nope, absolutely not... I can't trust my body right now, to be naked in a tub with that guy... no no no... can't do, just say no Jackson...




Didn't I just thought against it, stupid mouth speaking on its own.

Shit, I have to open the door now.

I can do this, just don't start anything suggestive, he will kill me on the spot if I do, its just two guys, friends joining in for a friendly bath... yes, completely normal!

I unlocked the door and hurried to the bathtub, I was already getting aroused just by the though, and should hide the damn thing under the bubbles.

Nico opened the door slowly, and entered the bathroom, after he locked the door he turned around, I never seen him so red in the face and his eyes were wide open with surprise.

Yeah, he did blurt that alright.

Well, di Angelo if you gonna kill me inside at least I should make you feel a little embarrassed.

I was sitting at the feet side of our small alcove bathtub, just over the drain, I had my legs crossed with my knees up, emerging at the sides. I left more than half of the space for him to sit.

He was quiet, fidgeting and looking everywhere but at me.

"Come on, we don't have the whole night!" I sounded way more confident than I really was.

After a quiet 'shut up' he started striping out of his (actually mine, gods have mercy) shirt. I thought about wolf whistling to play around but the idea got caught in my throat. When he reached at the waistband of his shorts I quickly looked away, despite wanting so bad to bask at his glory, it would be too painful to know in detail what I could never have, so I chose not to know.

He entered the bathtub and sat at the other side, when the water, which was on the verge of spilling out, settled down I looked at him. Our eyes met and stayed locked, awaiting... I felt a smile tug at my lips at a laugh erupted, he looked surprised for a second before burst in laughter too. I tried to cover my mouth, I was too loud and would wake up my parents sleeping down the hall.

Nico mimicked me covering his mouth, biting his fist.

What the fuck was going on with us just now?

Despite my lowers bits being extremely hard and leaking, I wasn't feeling to aroused, and as our laugher died out, I was feeling down. My heart churned, with sorrow, sadness and despair. I hated when I heard myself sniffling.

"Perce... what's going on?"

I decide then to just go for it.

I turned my back to Nico, carefully not to move to fast.

"What?" He gasped with surprised when I lowered myself into his chest.

Stradling him, I turned again a little, laying down laterally over his chest.

When my lower back and waist got in contact with his groin, I felt his hardness pressing on my skin. I didn't think too much of it, I was still a guy, a naked one sharing a bathtub with him who was still gay teenager, if he didn't feel just a little aroused, I would be really insulted.

"What... Percy?"

"I-I sorry Nico..." I sniffled

"Are you okay?"


And I really wasn't. It was sure an emotional day, after breaking down with mom earlier I thought I would be better but it just brought every feeling I was burying, back.

Everything since, Tartarus, so many deaths, my break up, the campers fearing me, everything I though I was over, came back drowning me.

'How could a child of the sea god drown?'

I finally had the true answer... not mud, neither poison, no it was on feelings and despair.

"I don't know... it's just too much sometimes you know?" I started "My life just has been turned upside down."

He was still silent.

"I really did like her you know? I really was dreaming for a family, living safely at New Rome, studying... but now when I think of her..." I felt him gulping "I don't feel anything, just sad I lost my best friend, who can't even look at me anymore."

"And then there is the camp, I really loved that place, the people, teaching the young kids, but now... I don't really want to go back anymore."

"And I feel so different, when I sleep at my bed at camp, it feels like I am sleeping in someone else's bed, I don't like to think what last year Percy would say if he saw what he would become."

"Perce, change in not always bad..."

"I know, I know, I am not sorry that I changed, it just feels weird, I was so naïve and happy, and now things are so complicated... and then there is yo..."


"Er... nothing, just there some other stuff that make me sad and weirdly happy at the same time"

"Like what?" He chuckled

"Er... Nothing really"

"Percy... will you tell me, someday?"

"Yeah... someday" Maybe.

I realized I was trembling. Nico notice too and he put his arms around me and hug me tight.

I sigh with contentment. This was nice, and I was feeling very sleepy. In fact, I did fall sleep.

For the first time in a long time I really felt safe, I felt a weigh lifting from my shoulders, I finally felt like I could breath.

After what felt like a few minutes Nico shook me awake.

"Percy, wake up..."

"Hum... Nico... did I fall asleep?"

"Yeah, for about an hour"

"Shit, sorry"

"I-it's o-okay... just, we should be getting out, the water is getting cold and its almost morning, we should go back to your bedroom before someone else wakes."

"Ok, let's go"

I stood up, carefully not to slip. I felt my neck burn, when I remembered I was butt naked in front of Nico.

I hurried to the cabinet and pick up two towels, not that I needed since I was already dry, I put around one my waist. Thankfully I wasn't hard anymore, it would be near impossible to hide the tenting just with the towel.

I turned around and Nico, like I was before, was looking away, staring at the tiles of the wall.

I gave him a towel and turned around and went looking for my underwear and sleeping shorts, no shirt since was too warm night so I was sleeping shirtless. I put them on while Nico was drying himself besides me.


"What?" I asked

"You are already dry..." he said

"I can dry you if you want..." Oh shit, that was way too suggestive "I-I mean wi-with my powers"

"N-no need" said the younger boy, face, neck and ears all red.

Since I was already dressed, I left the bathroom so he could have some privacy. I went to my bedroom and sat at my bed waiting for him.

A minute or so later he came back, without a word he crawled over the bed back to his spot, he laid down under the bed sheets looking at me. I turned the bedside lamps out and followed him under the sheets, the curtain drapes were opened and the full moon lights were enough for me to see him perfectly. I laid down next to him and we stayed there looking at each other for a while, until I had enough.

"Nico... what is going on?"

"I don't know Perce..."

"Nico... c-can I kiss you?"

Please say yes...



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