DREAMERS, niklaus mikaelson

By euphemire

376K 13.3K 2.7K


ㅡcast + playlists
ㅡthe great before
i. homecoming
ii. familiarity
iii. hello, fiji!
iv. daybreak
v. evening talks
vi. invitations
vii. the ball
viii. our bubble
ix. hot rod
x. comfort
xi. around the world
xii. mystic grill
xiii. glitter and gold
xiv. bury a friend
i. just like sunshine
ii. the family
iii. traitor
iv. of flowery shit
v. tequila!
vi. missing you
vii. ah, monets
viii. under pressure
x. the finish line
i. midnight memories
ii. heart breaker
iii. apologies
iv. all ye faithful
v. bayou blues pt. 1
vi. bayou blues pt. 2
vii. old friends
viii. hello, goodbye
ix. casket girls
x. into the woods
xi. sensual politics
xii. a small death
xiii. sunlight
xiv. the fallen
xv. cruel world
i. after her
ii. the firstborn
iii. inferno
iv. matters of the heart

ix. a funeral for three

4.5K 213 41
By euphemire

these violent delights!

·° 。: ✰ : ·° 。

          IT WAS A STRANGE IDEA, she knew that without a question; but it was also a truth she couldn't deny. Ever since she started visiting that land of comfort and torture in her dreams, things had went downhill. Well, not completely (the same couldn't be said for her mental health). Those wretched illusions could bring her joy one night, and pain the next. It was either a portrait of bliss with the unnamed stranger, or a landscape of hell with blood and gore. There was no in-between, and it drove her mad.

          Thisㅡwhatever this wasㅡwas no different. The same warmth filled her senses, leaving the brunette dizzy with euphoria. Everything about everything was brighter, the colors were more defined, and the air was lighter. Like so many times before, she trudged through the forest, a path she had memorized like the back of her hand.

          Her footsteps were light as she skipped happily, the perfect picture of giddy anticipation for what was to come. Or rather, who she was about to meet.

          It was already difficult enough to hide their relationship from their friends and families, but both knew why it was necessary to do so. It wasn't like anything drastic would take placeㅡit was just easier to avoid being the center of attention and gossip, and focus on themselves for once. It was selfish to keep such a thing private, but it brought the pair so much happiness to be in their own world.

          Adrenaline rushed through her veins, a type of high blurring her senses. Her eyes were alight with life, and the smile never left her lips. In a light colored dress, she looked like a goddess. It was clinched at the waist, flowing down to reach her ankles. The fabric swayed every time she took a step, her wild curls moving freely.

          She saw the clearing, but no one was there. It was strange how empty it was, especially since he was always early. Whether it was under a blazing heat, or a torrential storm, he was always the early one in their meetings. The weather was perfectly fine, and he wasn't there.

          Her bones grew heavy at the thought that something was wrong.

          Maybe something came up. Or there was an emergency. Whatever it was, she wanted to be there for him. With the intention of finding her lover, she moved to return to the village.


          The path was no longer there, and her way home was lost. A shudder ran down her spine when a gust of wind blew past the other direction. Rustles followed suit, a dark blur of motion moving through the tall oaks. She turned to look at what it was, finding nothing unusual. The brunette backed away, then the same rush of motion passed behind her.

          Again, there was nothing there.

          Run, her mind screamed, legs complying as she broke in a sprint. Untamed twigs caught at the bottom of her dress, dirt soiling its edges. She paid them no heed.

          She ran and ranㅡfrom what, she had no idea. Her pulse rate skyrocketed, her breathing rough as she heaved for oxygen to fill her lungs. Something was chasing her, she knewㅡher instincts had told her so. It was either a really smart or petty thing to do. She didn't look back, she didn't hesitate.

         Panting, the brunette bent over. She glanced behind her, and a weight was lifted off her shoulders when the forest looked normal. Nothing and no one was lurking in the shadows. The only sound was the rustling leaves, which responded to the cool breeze.

         Goosebumps erupted on her arms, and she exhaled. She spun around, relieved that she managed to escape from whatever she ran from. A gasp left her lips as a pair of handsㅡhands that only brought her joy, that never even dared to cause her any type of painㅡroughly clamped around her forearms. A sharp jolt wracked her body, and she felt the air leave her lungs when her back was pushed against a tree, the bark piercing the fabric of her dress.

          The brunette barely registered the dagger he drove through her stomach and the dampness of blood that followed. She was far too shocked at the sight before her. Here he was, in all his haunting beauty. His eyes contained none of the shine they held when they bore into her soul. The blue of his irises were cold as ice, and it froze her straight to the bone. Haunting, indeed.

          "Nik?" she whispered, voice as broken as the beating organ in her chest. She could barely breathe, and it wasn't because he was pressed against her rib cage. He only grinned wickedly, leaving her heart crushed more than it already was.

·° 。: ✰ : ·° 。

          "This isn't normal, Klaus! We have to do somethㅡ"

          Klaus dramatically rolled his eyes, crossing his arms as he scoffed. "In case you haven't noticed, nothing is ever normal in this town."

          "You know that this is different!" Caroline replied, a look of incredulity on her features. The fact that the hybrid could still throw sarcastic retorts at the face of the severe situation made her see red. "She killeㅡ"

          Everyone in the room, except Klaus, jumped in surprise when he slammed his glass on the wooden table.

          "Rosalie didn't kill anyone," he snarled lowly, gaze darkened as it burned into the young, arrogant vampire's soul. "And we're going to have serious problems if you force such accusations on her when she's conscious."

          It was silent for a few seconds. They seemed to be processing what it implied.

          "Iㅡ" Caroline stuttered, mouth opening and closing like a gaping fish out of water. "That's not what Iㅡ"

          "Save it." The Original snapped, making the blonde flinch.

          "The Gilberts are dead, so what?" Kol interjected. "The Hunter's mark is goneㅡthere's nothing to worry about. I thought Elena was too whiny, anyway."

          Klaus raised an eyebrow at his brother's statement, slightly taken aback that he was insulting the face of his former lover. Maybe he had truly moved on, it had been centuries, after all. As if reading his thoughts, Kol threw the hybrid a threatening glance.

          The exchange went unnoticed, their attention being redirected when Alaska spoke. "Rosalie is going to be haunted by the Hunter's curse, you idiot. How the fuck is that not a problem? She didn't even believe me when I tried telling her about vampires, so whaㅡ?"

          Damon Salvatore placed a hand on the blonde's back, and Alaska seemed to snap out of her fuming speech at the gesture. They shared a look, a silent conversation passing between the pair.

           "We don't even know what happened," Bonnie pointed out. The young witch bit her lip, her shaky hands wrapped around a steaming cup of tea.

          Everyone looked at Kol, who snorted at the attention. The Gilbert household had looked nothing short of a fire accident when they arrived. The walls were crumbling, as though a major earthquake had ensued. Nearly everything in the house had been reduced to rubble, nothing but piles of lost memories littered the floor. Elena and Jeremy Gilbert were unrecognizable, their bodies charred to the bone from what could only be fire. Kol, with his advanced Original healing, had luckily survived. He was unconscious, but he was alive. If anyone could describe what had happened, it had to be him.

          "I told you," he gritted out, annoyed that he had been asked the same question a hundred times. "I don't remember anything. They invited me to come over, then Rosalie came. She didn't see us until I was about to saw the Gilbert boy's arm off. The next thing I know I'm laying on the ground."

          "You're sure you didn't see anything?" Caroline pushed, pinning him with an inquisitive gaze. "Not a single suspicious thing? I mean, you're an Original vampire. Aren't you supposed to have super senses?"

          Kol glared at the blonde vampire, responding with an equally offensive retort. The group continued to argue amongst themselves, and the tension rose as insults were uttered instead of actual facts and sensible arguments. Nik silently slipped out of the room, fed up with all their nonsense.

          The walls were lined with paintings, those landscapes he was so familiar with. He knew every shade and stroke used. It was comforting in the sense that something was certain. The carpet was plush under his shoes, footsteps dampened by the velvet surface. He froze when he reached his destination, forcing himself to turn the doorknob.

          His posture was so stiff he looked like a statue carved out of marble with his sharp angles and godly features; unfortunately, his heart felt just as cold.

          Nik gulped, standing right next to the doorway of his room. It was the curse all over again. Finding an unconscious Rosalie on the floor, right in the middle of a burnt house, had the hybrid running quite literally faster than sound. She was pale as a ghost, looking beautiful and deadly at the same time. There wasn't a single wound on her, not a scratch or even a single speck of ash.

          Now, she was staring at him. Rosalie was leaning against the headboard, pillows cushioning her back. The hybrid wasn't sure what to doㅡother than fidgetㅡunder her blank gaze. Reading her gaze was once an easy thing that came to him, and the current reality that he could not decipher a sense of what she was thinking, made him scared.

          Same gold eyes, as sparkling and precious as ever. Eyes that had seen him at his best and worst. Eyes were both his saving grace and downfall.

          Just talk!

          Same curly hair, brown and soft. Silky strands he had caressed so many times, still as beautiful as ever. There were those same lips he had kissed so many times.

          Say something!

          "Are you just gonna stand there, or get to the point and tell me the bad news?"

          He blinked, surprised at her harsh tone. Nik was speechless for a moment. "What?"

          "You heard me," Rosalie raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms. "And don't you dare lie. Not to me, not anymore."

          "I've never lied to you, Rosalie, nor will I ever," Nik frowned, still by the doorway. He walked in the room, quietly shutting the door behind him. Sensing that the Monet was feeling on edge, the hybrid walked to the other side of the bed and sat down. Rosalie watched his every move.

          He sighed, rubbing his forehead. Nik faced her, his expression grim. "Elena and Jeremy are dead, and we don't know what the cause was."

          Nik watched as shock marred her features. Rosalie inhaled sharply, tears lining her eyes. She shook her head, throwing the blanket off her legs. The brunette stood, murmuring.

          "No. No, don't lie to me. I told you not to lie to me," she spun, pointing an accusing finger at him. Her eyes were glassy, and he knew she was trying not to break down. Nik swallowed, softly speaking, "I'm sorry, Rosalie. I'm not lying."

          Rosalie began pacing, threading her fingers through her dark hair. She kept on muttering under her breath. "They can't be gone. They're so young, it's not true. It's not true. They're not dead."

          His heart broke to see her this distressed. With the intention of comforting her, Nik started to stand up, movements nothing but calm and measured.

          The Monet abruptly spun around, nearly snarling. "Don't touch me! I swear to God, it won't end well."

          He flinched like he had been slapped, her comment sending an ache straight to his heart. His stomach dropped, eyes showing how hurt he truly was. She sounded so bitter and fearful of himㅡof all people, it had to be him.

          Nonetheless, Nik took a step back, gulping. The distance between them grew, the atmosphere growing colder. He raised his hands, voice still calm albeit a little shaky. "Okay. Okay, I'm not gonna do anything. I promise; but you have to take a deep breath. You have to breathe, love. Please, Rosalie, your heartbeat is too fast."

          Rosalie was still breathing harshly, nearing the point of hyperventilation. Her eyes blazed, "Don't call me love."

          They stared at each other; her gaze angry, his wounded. She was so angryㅡragedㅡand Nik couldn't fathom why it was directed at him. The door flew open, revealing Alaska at the forefront of the group. Their expressions ranged from shock to fury.

          At the sight of her sister, Rosalie cursed, "Fucking hell."

          The blonde recoiled, jaw dropping at the harsh treatment. She couldn't even move after the brunette slipped out of the area. Even without vampire hearing, the humans felt the walls rattle when Rosalie slammed the front door. Bonnie jolted, and Caroline was the only one who spoke up.

          "What happened?" she said in a quiet whisper. Nik didn't seem to hear her, still staring at the spot where Rosalie stood.

          "Niklaus," Elijah called to him, receiving no response from his stunned brother. The suited vampire furrowed his eyebrows, worried about what could have rattled his brother so intensely. Having enough, Kol rushed forward, slamming Klaus to the wall by his shoulders. The hybrid didn't even move to stop him.

          "Kol!" Rebekah yelled.

          "What did you do to her?!" Kol's furious query didn't phase Klaus. Rebekah and Elijah started to walk toward them, intending to break a fight Klaus was impassive to.

          Stefan Salvatore silently watched the exchange, Damon was talking to a stunned Alaska, while Bonnie and Caroline stared horrified at the Original family debacle.

          Klaus's answer was as empty as he felt, "Nothing."

be kind. ❞

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