//Punishing Gray Raven\\

By KochoTurin

48.6K 1K 454

My First PGR fanfic The Punishing Virus has managed to destroy most of Mankind durings its first eruption in... More

Chapter 1 : Commandant Raiden
Chapter 2 : Field Test Completed
Chapter 3 : Skoll And Hati
Chapter 4 : Vast
Chapter 4.5 : White Red And Gray
Chapter 5 : Crimson Abyss
Chapter 6 : Babylonia
Chapter 7 : Frozen Darkness
Chapter 8 : Cyberangel
Christmas Special
Chapter 10 : Strike Of The Hawk
Chapter 11 : Golden Star
Author Note
Chapter 12 : Roseleaf
Chapter 13 : Fallen Stars
Chapter 14 : Eternal Engine
Chapter 15 : The Nighter
Chater 16 : Ouroboros
Chapter 17 : Kowloong
Chapter 18 : Vermillion
Chapter 19 : Lucia
EX Chapter 20 : Ocean Tides
EX Chapter 21 : Venus Vacation
Ex Chapter 22 : Firn
EX Chapter 23 : Firm Grasp
Ex Chapter 24 : Qu
Ex Chapter 25 : Luna
Chapter 26 - Ascension
Chapter 27 - La Luna Sangre
Chapter 28 : Frontiers
Chapter 28.5 : Scarlet
Chapter 29 : Gateway to Sight
Chapter 30 : Imprisoned
Chapter 31 : Mother
Chapter 32 : Previous Era
Chapter 33 : Rising

Chapter 9 : Arts Sand

2.2K 37 71
By KochoTurin




Artic Route

Rosetta:"Good bye again... Raiden"

Raiden:"Atleast i know where to find you..."

Rosetta nodded with a smile as they entered the ship... With Bianca of the Purifying Force

Bianca:"We'll return again on New Murmansk"

Rosetta nodded
The Gray Ravens saluted the forest guards and Rosetta... The Forest Guards also saluted looking forward to their next encounters in the future
Babylonia landing pods

The Gray Ravens exited the hangar and Raiden meanwhile hanged out with Bianca and catch up a little bit
He allowed the Gray Ravens to do whatever they want has he some business to attend too

He opened the door... In the room was Celica and Hassen and Nikola
Seems something urgent was needed to be summoned and him specifically

Nikola:"Take a seat"

Raiden did what he was told and took a seat on the opposite side of Nikola
Hassen the coughed and sighed

Hassen:"I've called you specifically because of your... Accomplishment with the Forest Guards"

Raiden nodded but he waiting for something... Nikola just closed his eyes and waited

Hassen:"I wanna ask... Can we fully trust them?"

Raiden looked at Hassen

Raiden:"The People of ARU has refused to accept this but we can expect them to trust us on future battles"

Nikola:"So a no... Then"

Raiden shaked his head no

Raiden:"Its been established that the People of Aru will never side with Babylonia but will allow them to continue our missions in their region"

Hassen:".. So they gave us a greenlight to do what our bidding our...i see"

Nikola:"Its not the desired Outcome we wanted"

Nikola remained steadfast and began mocking the Aru... Raiden kept his composed face while Hassen tried to calm Nikola about the situation

Nikola:"Not only have we lost... The special relic... We've also got the Aru dismissing us"

Raiden sighed his head...he'd grown to just live with the fact that Nikola will always want the Babylonia to be ahead of everything and everyone

Hassen:"That's enough Nikola... Celica you and Raiden are dismissed"

Celica and Raiden nodded before walking out of the room... They closed the door once they got out

Celica:"How's the mission"

Raiden:"Didn't expect the Corrupted to be in mass... They seem to be attracted towards the Region"

Celica nodded as the two continued to walk

Raiden:"The Narwhal... I can sense its systems will not remain longer due to the Ascendant"


Celica asked and Raiden turned to her

Raiden:"Narwhal's system... Sustained irrecoverable damage... In a few days... It will die"

Celica nodded

Celica:"Why didn't you tell the ARU People this?"

Raiden then remembered Rosetta's smile back then when he talked to her about things

Raiden:"Because i can't..."

Celica understood as she stoped walking and just watched as Raiden headed out far from where she can see
Dorm Room Gray Ravens

Raiden entered the dorm and was shocked to see a familiar small girl with a loud attitude

???:"Yeah Yeah! We're gonna travel to the desert! The sandy place and meet old man again!"

The Construct waved her hands above and shaked it while shouting Joyfully at the Gray Ravens... Liv and Lucia didn't mind it... But Lee... Well

Lee:"Can you atleast... Shut your mouth for a second?"

Raiden humped himself in the Door and watched the Construct pester Lee to the brink he may lashout
Also Raiden had a File his been holding

Lucia noticed Raiden just watching them and stood up confusing the other two

Lucia then walked towards the door

Lucia:"Commandant come in"

She said... Liv stood up and waved her hands in the air... Lee did a massive sigh of relief... But then

???:"YO! Its Raiden himself! Yey!"

Raiden smiled as the Small construct went to him and practically hugged him to death... Raiden sighed

Raiden:"Hello... Nanami"

Nanami:"Yes Yes Yes! Gray Raven Commandant Raiden!"

Raiden:"Still as loud as ever... My dear?"

Nanami:"Yep! I also managed to get some stuff for you! Like the EMP parts you asked and the mechanical Parts! Hehehehe!"

Nanami said and did a pose infront of Raiden practically asking for Praise

Raiden:"Ok Nanami calm down"

Raiden tried to atleast Calm her down before he would tell the logistics about the mission he is gonna need for them

And that Mission Need Nanami's excellent device figuring... And to top that he is gonna meet two people he didn't see for a very long time and some faces the Gray Ravens are familiar with

Raiden:"Ok Nanami can you sit down now"

The Hyperactive construct then nodded and sat beside Liv who was more than Happy to sit beside with... Lee just sat on one of the chairs while Lucia beside the Commandant

Raiden:"As you know... We've just returned back from our expedition towards the Artic Route and we have established a connection there... However this time we're gonna over see a retrieval of Humanities arts in general... The Dig team has been set their and are awaiting us...A Team member of Strike Hawk will conduct the usual clearing far from us and president Hassen has made it clear we are to meet a member of what they call The Forsaken"

The Three nodded but Lee had a question

Lee:"So why do we need this annoying brat?"

Nanami grew a tic mark and looked Lee

Nanami:"Who are you calling a brat! Old man!"


Liv defused the situation thankfully

Raiden:"... Right... We need Nanami to set up a Perimeter around the Area and make sure the Corrupted won't intervene... And Nanami has made a device if I'm correct?"

Nanami nodded frantically

Nanami:"Nanami has been building a device that will detect Corrupted in a 5 to 9 mile radius... This would give us an early warning of approaching enemies!"

Lee just sighed

Liv:"Are there anything more we should know?"

Raiden looked at Liv and then back at the File he held then looked back at Liv again... He then saw Liv with a dot eyes expression

Raiden:".. It says... Liv will accompany Ayla in retrieving and making sure the crates are loaded into the ship"


Liv breathed and took a deep exhale


The Team covered their ears at Liv who shouted... Meanwhile Raiden just had a Dot eye expression


Liv then dove into Raiden and hugged him tightly while praising him and How she is about to meet her idol for the first time

Raiden:"Liv and Ayla would get along very well"

And so the Gray Ravens along with Nanami headed out towards the hangar
??? Territory

???:"Haaahhh~ all these arts and crafts! So vibrant!"

The Pink haired construct exclaimed with joy and relief...she wore a thigh covering gray pants and a gray shirt with a bunny drawing on its middle

???:"Ayla i just found some new music pieces! It also has some tunes i didn't know!"

Said another Construct... She had black hair that fade to blue going down... She wore a black suit with a blue undershirt and leg covering jeans with a long one sided dress piece hanging on her belt

Ayla:"Oh that's great Selena!"

Selena nodded

???:"Ayla and Selena?"

The Two turned towards a Hologram of there president... Allen or Alan he is the highest ranked of the WGAA
Ayla hyperactively told her of the findings and mentioning Project Arcadia which Allen seems to like

Selena also told her about some other musical pieces lost to time

Ayla:"How dare Babylonia! Leave this masterpiece withering in the sand!"

Allen:"Alright then... I'll see you to it... Also forgot to mention the pickup will be their... Soon"

Allen left out the Commandant part only mentioning Gray Ravens to Ayla and Selena

Ayla:"I see! Thank you president!"

Selena:"Bye Bye!"

Ayla and Selena waved their hands goodbye to Allen who took off

Ayla:"I'm finally seeing the Gray Ravens! And their commandant!"

Selena happily nodded but she then remembered an important detail

Selena:"Did you heard that Gray Ravens had a new Commandant?"

Ayla then tilted her head a bit curious and asking what is wrong

Selena:"Because of what happened sometime ago! Even Chrome and Kamui and even Wanshi talked about it!"

Ayla:"Now that you mention it! I heard Cerberus and some other squads about how cool and reliable their new commandant is!"

Selena nodded aswell curious to who is the mysterious new Commandant

Ayla:"A bit of a bummer we haven't seen Raiden for some time... Even President Allen is refusing to talk about him..."

Selena:"I noticed also... No Contacts"

Ayla then widened her eyes and put her hands on her face in a shocked manner

Ayla:"Could it be that... He died?"

Selena lightly slapped her shoulder

Selena:"Don't say those things!"

Selena said to Ayla who frantically apologised for her behavior
Ayla and Selena then went back to their duties and overseeing the Transport of the mountains of stuff piled up... Constructs are moving them towards crates

*Engine Noices*

*Motors and Machinery*

Ayla and Selena looked and saw Vehicle's parking themselves into the sides... And then a man walked out
He had gray hair with different colored eyes... A fierce expression and wearing a long brown coat

Ayla and Selena knew... This was the Forsaken's Construct Leader... Watanabe he was accompanied by several soldiers

Watanabe:"...Watanabe of the Forsaken... I'm here to pick up the Commandant of the Gray Ravens for our meeting"

Ayla and Selena nodded and told him they haven't arrived yet... Watanabe and His forces then sat at one of the seats present in the area waiting for the Gray Ravens and their Commandant

Ayla:"He seems... Serious"
A Few moments Later

The Arrival of a giant aircraft put everyone on their feet as they knew this was it
Watanabe walked towards the Landing site and saw the doors opened

Ayla and Selena went inside and helped the movers do their job of taking out the crates into larger crates

The Gray Ravens went out and saw Watanabe and a few Forsaken members
The Gray Ravens nodded as Watanabe looked at the one with the black coat



The Two then saluted each other... And Watanabe looked at Raiden

Watanabe:"Is this your new commandant? Lucia?"

Lucia nodded

Watanabe:"Doesn't seem like a fighter to me... Like the previous one"

Nanami:"Hello Old Man!"

Watanabe irked

Watanabe:"I'm not your old man!"

Raiden however merely sighed as they sat at one of the areas with seats along with other constructs and forsaken members

Raiden:"Team... Nanami you can do your mission now... Goodluck"

Nanami nodded

Nanami:"Nanami shall return safely Commandant! Wait for me!"

As she went off into the desert sands disappearing from their sights as she exited the area

Raiden:"Team... Go find Ayla and Selena... Help them do their works pls"


Lucia and Liv nodded as they followed Lee out of the area and into the working areas
After a few minutes of silence... Watanabe and Raiden eyed each other intently as if waiting for something

Watanabe finally sighed and closed hie eyes... He motioned one of the Forsaken members to come... The member then layed out a File

Raiden:"I see..."

Watanabe:"Its merely a negotiation... We don't fully trust Babylonia"

Raiden:"I don't really care..."

Watanabe was shooked for a moment but quickly retained his composure he then did a small cough

Watanabe:"Then you should now what comes next"

Raiden merely crossed his arms...

Raiden:"Babylonia has issued its end of the bargain by providing The Forsaken with latest techs in exchange for Pilots like you to help them reclaim the ISS in space"

Watanabe nodded

Raiden:"The Forsaken has also issued a deal about this and are not gonna back down"

Watanabe:"... You sure know what your doing"

Raiden merely chuckled as he straightened himself looking at Watanabe
His Posture looked like a certain blonde haired man
Lounge Area

Lucia and Liv and Lee arrived at the Area and saw Ayla greeting them aswell as Selena

Ayla:"I've been personally informed of your arrival! Gray Ravens! I'm Ayla of the WGAA its a pleasure to meet you!"

Ayla said with glee as she greets the members

Liv:"Its really you Miss Ayla!"

Lee:"Yep... She's the famous Ayla"

Liv then got close to Ayla and eyed her eye to eye
Ayla got a bit stunned while Selena merely wrote something in the papers mostly regarding the work and art pieces

Liv:"Umm... Miss Ayla"

Ayla:"... Do you want a-an an Autograph?"

Liv:"Miss Ayla...what type of painting did you use to create your very famous art piece illumination"

Liv remembered how she would take and mix paintings to achieve the same effect that Ayla uses

Liv:"I've tried to mimic that style but i seem to always fall short"

Ayla then thought to herself

Ayla:"Well i mostly use"

Ayla the began explaining how her arts are made and how she achieved many variations of effects to Liv

With each complicated words... Liv's whole face began to despair of the abundance of information

She was at lost for words

Ayla:"And that's pretty much it"

Liv:"Ah... Ahh"

Ayla:"But now that's all said and done! You look so cute! I can't wait to see your Commandant!"

Ayla bear hugged Liv and smooched their cheeks together while laughing
Lucia and Lee just smiled at the sight
Nanami then barged in

Nanami:"Hey Hey Hey! I heard a lot of energetic things here!"

Lee:"That... Was fast"

Nanami:"Well it was only few and it's on different areas so... Blah blah blah"

Lee:"This Annoying Child..."

Nanami then teased Lee

Nanami:"This annoying child Nanami is no child! Nanami is just happy to see Commandant Raiden!"

Ayla:"Commandant Raiden"


Nanami:"Nanami says that Gray Ravens Commander is Mister Raiden himself!"


Nanami:"Yes! Nanami was shocked when Nanami heard the news about Gray Raven's Commandant replacement!"

Ayla:"Where's Raiden!?"

Lucia then stepped up

Lucia:"...His currently having a busy time dealing with Watanabe... Its best we don't disturb him"

Lucia suggested... But then a massive Aura spike from a certain black haired blue tinted girl

Selena:"Meeting be dammed... I need to meet him right now!"

Selena then went and tried to find the meeting place... Lucia and Lee along with Ayla and Liv with Nanami followed her
Back with Raiden and Watanabe

Raiden:"And that's all there is too it..."

Watanabe:"Very well..."

Raiden:"Do you accept the terms and conditions?"

Watanabe nodded

Raiden:"Very well"

Raiden straightened the files and carried it before standing up and walking towards the exit


Raiden stopped
Watanabe then threw a machete towards him
Raiden sighed... A Mech suddenly appeared and swatted the Machete away hitting the ground

Raiden:"I suggest... You think your actions first before attacking... Watanabe of The Forsaken"

The Mech disappeared leaving everyone in shock... Watanabe however smiled a little as he grabbed his Machete on the ground
Raiden then left the area and walked towards the lounge

He then heard a loud voice calling for him and he knew who it was


Raiden then did a swift left motion and Ayla fell towards the Ground


Raiden then also did dodged Selena's assault from above making her fall to the floor aswell


Raiden:"What are you two doing?"

Selena and Ayla:"It was a hug why did you dodge?"

The two said at the same time before standing up and dusting themselves before getting close to Raiden

Raiden then motioned Lee to take the files he had... Lee obliged and took the Files and held it
Raiden turned towards Ayla and Selena

Raiden:"How have you two been?"

Ayla:"Doing good!"

Ayla joyfully said... Raiden then motioned his squad and Nanami to leave them alone... They nodded and went back to the outside world and watched the constructs take crate after crate towards the ship

Ayla with Selena and Raiden went inside one of the rooms and sat at the chairs available

Ayla:"Its been so long~!"

Ayla hazingly said hugged Raiden like cat pressing herself closer
Selena also joined the hug... Raiden obliged and hugged the two back

Selena:"Its good to see you after so long... Raiden"

Raiden:"You too Selena... You too"

Ayla:"Oi! What about me!"

Raiden:"... Yeah sure.. You too Ayla"


The Two overall stayed with each other until the ship has finished putting itself and crates are secured
There was some Corrupted attacks here and there but that didn't manage to damage the crates so it was all good

Ayla:"Its been so long! Let's all hang out once again! When we go back to Babylonia!"

Selena and Raiden nodded

Selena:"Old times"

Raiden:"Yep... Let's do that"

Selena then noticed a small gray hair on his neck... His probably seeing other girls... She took it

Selena took her hands and puts it on Raiden's shoulders who stiffened at the touch

Selena:"... Who's hair is this?"

Raiden had a fearful face as he looked at Selena's darkened face and she looks like she would kill him with those blue eyes of hers

Selena:"Are you seeing... Other Girls?"

Raiden still was stiffened as he looked at Selena and this dangerous place he was in

Ayla:"Hey hey calm down Selena... Maybe its just Old Man Watanabe's Hair don't worry"

Selena didn't but it and continued to interrogate Raiden

Raiden:"...I met my Childhood friend... Or Girlfriend..."


Selena said with a hint of something very very very not Kimochi Yokatta intentions


Selena:"Selena Yes"

Ayla tried to defuse the situation that Selena and Raiden are in

Ayla:"Think Happy thoughts! Remember those Harem books we always read!? Just think of this like that!?"

Selena then looked at Ayla with those eyes which made Ayla scared and immediately retreat to the corner of the room

Selena:"There's no harem... If I'm not the main... Girl"

She said very scarily as she grabbed ahold of Raiden's waist which made Raiden blush

Selena:"Does this gray haired girl know your weakspots?"

She said... Putting her hand below the coat into his waistline


Selena merely smiled with closed eyes as Ayla once again tried to defuse the situation and talk Selena out of it

Selena:"Choose Raiden? I'm the main girl or this gray haired one?"


He was scared because if there's one thing worse than a Musashi heavy slash x... Its an Angry and Jealous Selena...

Raiden and Ayla was running for their life as Selena chased them with a knife in hand and red glowing eyes

Raiden:"We're sorry!"

Ayla:"We're very sorry!"

Raiden:"Me and Ayla just wanted some chocolate to buy! Selena please don't hurt us!!!"


Selena:"You didn't invite me!"

She then began swinging the knife at them while Raiden and Ayla just screamed while running and dodging the Knife


President Allen or Alan just looked on with a tear running down his head before sipping his coffee

Alan:"Just another day at the Art Survey Corps"




End of Flashback

Selena then sat in a chair looking directly at Ayla and Raiden who hugged each other very closely as their fearful of Selena's wrath like the old days

Selena merely smiled at them but that Smile wasn't genuine it hid a perfectly jealous disguise

Selena then brandished out her weapons sheath... And layed her weapon the table far away... She then grabbed the sheath and smilingly walked towards the fearful hugging duo of Raiden and Ayla

Selena then looked at them like filth and children and showing them her weapon sheath

Selena:"I'm the Main girl... Correct?"

Raiden and Ayla nodded frantically
Retrieval Ship
Heading back to Babylonia

Selena and Raiden sat near each other... Liv was on the other side of Raiden... Lucia was sitting on the floor laying her head on Raiden's thighs

Lee was in the cockpit watching over it... Ayla was tightening the ropes that hold the crates in place

Ayla:"Woooo~ finally done~"

She said and went back to sit and rest herself

Raiden:"Hey Ayla!"

Ayla looked and saw Raiden throw a water bottle to her... She caught it and began drinking the water


She exclaimed before sighing

Ayla:"Thank you!"

She said before being informed about something by Nanami... The two then went to the cockpit and meet up with Lee who had something to say to the ship

Lee:"Why is the ship covered in eldritch like paint design?"

Nanami:"You have a problem with it Old Man!?"

Lee:"You child..."

Ayla:"Calm down everyone"

Raiden looked towards the bickering trio and was getting comms communication

Raiden:"[Raiden here]"

Hassen:"[May i ask? Why is your ship looking... Weird?]"

Raiden sighed

Raiden:"[Blame Ayla... And Nanami...]"

Hassen:"[...i see]"

Hassen ended the communication with Raiden
Babylonia dock Hangar

Raiden and the others exited outthe hangar saying their goodbyes to Ayla and Selena

Liv:"Will we meet them again? Commandant?"


Liv nodded as the Team headed out into the dorms... There they waited
The Team talked here and their and tinkered their own weapons... Liv was maintenancing her Levi-Gun while Lee was putting some extra effort and upgrading his weapons... Lucia was sharpening her blade while Raiden was some type device making as he pits two and two together creating parts

Lee:"Commandant can i get the screwdriver?"

Raiden grabbed it and threw it towards Lee who caught it without looking back


Raiden:"Your Welcome"

Lucia:"...Frog Plushies... Frog Plushies"

Liv:"Something your saying Lucia?"

Lucia stuttered and said it was nothing but Lee and Raiden clearly heard her but just didn't bother about bringing it up to her
A Few Hours Later

Raiden and his team were suddenly called personally by Hassen
As they arrived they saw Bianca and a Familiar Horned Hooded Person

Karenina:"Oi! Its you again! Long time no see!"

Raiden nodded as Karenina came up to him

Karenina:"Listen! I don't regret shooting you the first time! And I'm not planning to apologize!"

Raiden merely sighed and nodded before going past her which shocked her

Karenina:"Oi! We're not done yet! Get back here oi!"

Karenina pointed her finger accusingly... Raiden ignored her and went towards Bianca

Raiden:"What's the mission?"

Bianca nodded

Bianca:"We're tasked of retrieving Kamui...His Virus levels have tripled"

Raiden:"Not Killing Him?"

Bianca shaked her head no

Bianca:"Chrome of Strike Hawk has issued us a couple of things so we would not outright Kill him"

Vera:"But if it mist be done! They say bye bye bye to that Blonde headed construct"

An arrogant tone that made Lee irked his nerves


Vera:"Well Hello again Commander Raiden!"

Lucia then put a hand out towards Raiden... Aware of what Vera's attitude and how Lee often speaks of her

Vera then waved her hands infront of her

Vera:"No need to get feisty... Not hitting on your Commandant..."

Lucia puts her hand down

Vera:"Atleast not yet!"

Lucia puts her hand up again but this time Lee also went infront and did the same

Bianca furrowed her eyebrows and sighed

Bianca:"Raiden let's just get into the ship..."

Bianca tiredly said
Everyone after a whole that shenanigans seated themselves in the aircraft... Lee and Karenina wasthe pilot

Bianca was sitting next to Raiden who in turn was sitting next to Vera
Lucia and Liv are going through mission analogies and possible scenarios... They know who Kamui is and are aware of what he can do the two needed a strategy

Raiden was reading the Bible while Vera was just smiling while closing her eyes... Bianca on the other hand also went and looked towards the bible with her superior Height
(Bianca is the tallest Female Construct... Change my mind)

Bianca:"The Good Samaritan?"


Bianca smiled at that

Bianca:"Can i borrow it?"

Raiden smiled and nodded towards her

Raiden:"Ofcourse we're friends afterall"

Bianca nodded with a little smile as she gently grabbed and carassed the small book before opening it and reading


Vera said as she layed her on Raiden's shoulder

Vera:"So! Raiden! How's it been since that day? Good? Better?"

Raiden then turned towards Vera

Raiden:"I've been doing good"

Vera nodded enthusiastically at Raiden

Vera:"So... I heard your single? True?"

Bianca, Lucia and Liv sneezed as Raiden looked at Vera with dot eyes

Raiden:"Well... About that"

Vera:"Hmmm? Got a Girlfriend? Bet i can be better!"

Raiden:"Thank Goodness Rosetta or Selena aren't here"

Raiden sighed in relief as Vera kept flirting him

Raiden:"Can we not yet?"

Vera:"Ah! A slow one i see! I like it!"

Vera said as she interlocked their arms together as Vera laughs and then returned back to being quiet as she layed her head on his lap... Raiden was blushing a bit and just played with her head

???:"[Excuse me...Sorry for the intrusion...]"

Raiden was stiffened at that introduction

Raiden:"[Alpha... Wh-What brings you here?]"

Alpha:"[Can i ask something?]"

Raiden:"[Sure... Ask... Ask away]"

Alpha:"[Who's that calling to be your Girlfriend]"

Raiden:"[Are you gonna kill her? I thought you have no emotions]"

Alpha:"[I don't... But the sound of that Girls voice annoys me... Please realise that you are only mine once i deal with Rosetta]"

Raiden was about to say something but Alpha cuts off the communication
He then closed his eyes as he began sweating

Raiden:"What did i put myself into?"

Raiden then looked at Bianca and when he did their eyes met and immediately Bianca avoided the gaze and went back to reading but the Blush was evident from her face

Raiden:"NOT YOU TOO!!!"

Lucia and Liv are still discussing

Liv:"I think due to this... Kamui would be subdued"

Lucia:"Then we can deal with him"

Liv:"Yes.. I would need to perform manual procedures to save him if he ever does get the dark form that he mentions every now and then"

Lucia nodded
Sorry for the short wait... I was playing Kowloong Metropolis and got a massive depression hit me with what happened at the last stage

Please tell me Lucia gets her memories back
"*Inhales Copium*"

See ya Next time

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