The Unseen Legion (Compiled S...

By PhiliCheeseCake

8K 145 59

Warren learns of the existence of monsters and joins a secret organization known as the Unseen Legion, hoping... More

Trapped in Sheep's Clothing (1/6)
Trapped in Sheep's Clothing (2/6)
Trapped in Sheep's Clothing (3/6)
Trapped in Sheep's Clothing (4/6)
Trapped in Sheep's Clothing (5/6)
Trapped in Sheep's Clothing (6/6)
To Hunt or to be Hunted
An Unorthodox Lecture
The Last Hunt
An Impossible Defeat (1/2)
An Impossible Defeat (2/2)
Reclaiming the Earth (1/3)
Reclaiming the Earth (2/3)
Reclaiming the Earth (3/3)
The Legion
True Instinct
Empty Handed
Broken Promise
Another Path
Moving On
Enemies and Allies


193 6 4
By PhiliCheeseCake

The following days were met with lots of growth pains. Warren was very slowly beginning to heal. The Legion members did what they could to help Warren heal faster, but it would take some time, even with the help of alchemy, to get him well enough to introduce a prosthetic.

Meanwhile, Eli seemed to be growing restless. Skinner got what little information he could out of the giant, before moving on to the more important mission. Learning from the other giants.

Eli's eyes studied all the refugee humans from a distance hungrily. It had been a while since he had any real food. And recovering from his recent injuries from the cave giant wasn't helping. All he could think about was grabbing one of those tasty human refugees and swallowing them down. He hated how hungry he felt. And he was still stuck in camo.

He was almost relieved once the familiar red headed Collector approached.

"We're ready for you to be of use," Skinner said.
"Does that mean I'll fucking finally get that antidote?" Eli grunted impatiently,
"Once you're a safe distance away from us, yes."
"Thank the fucking stars," the giant groaned.
Skinner cocked his head to look sideways at the giant. "Don't appear so relieved. We haven't even discussed your mission yet."
"Then spill."

Skinner sighed and motioned for the giant to follow. Eli was brought into the biology classroom again, which was being used as the UL command headquarters at this point. Hunters were commonly seen entering and leaving that room for briefings, bringing in weapons and such. They were using Olivia's skills with alchemy to help arm the hunters for future missions.

The classroom was full of several other hunters once Eli entered. They seemed to be discussing things and arguing. Some of them fell silent once Eli entered, glaring at him with a mix of wariness and distaste.

"What is that doing here?" One of the hunters spat.

Eli felt Skinner's hand grip Eli's shoulder. "This is Eli of the Arawn clan. He has agreed to be our spy."

The room suddenly went into an uproar.

"You can't be serious, Tyler!"
"This is too risky!"
"There's too many ways this can go wrong!"
"That thing can't be trusted! He's just going to report back to the giants and they'll come back here for an all-you-can-eat buffet!"

"Shut UP tinies, will ya!" Eli shouted.

"You can't tell us what to do." A hunter hissed.

"Maybe not." Eli grunted. "I don't like ya humans, but I hate the other giants more. Their plan is stupid. It fucks up everything that kept my kind alive for centuries. If humans are wiped out, that'll throw the wood giants onto the bottom of the food chain. Believe me. I don't give a rats ass about their plan. I want the world to be simple, not all fuckin' chaotic and shit. If that means I'll have to sell out the other giants, well screw them,"

"You expect us to believe that bullshit?" East narrowed his eyes.

Eli rolled his eyes with a huff. "Ya can believe whatever ya want. But if you want a human's word for it, fine. I got four who would vouch for me."


"They're right here, too." Eli said. "You can just ask 'em. Olivia Heartstrong, and Warren, Rebeka, and Liss Pace. I ain't arguing with ya more beyond that, 'cause y'all would rather simplify me to be something that thinks with my stomach more than my noggin."

East scowled, not seeming to buy it.

"Annnd, let's steer ourselves back on topic." Skinner spoke again. "East, fetch the Arwen's references."

East opened his mouth indignantly, before clenching his jaw with a scowl and stormed off.

"In the meantime, you're here to be briefed on our mission. Riley?"

A tall woman perked up as she was addressed. "R...right..."  she frowned, then stepped over to the whiteboard where there was a rough map drawn of the surrounding area.

"So after scouting the area and I was able to locate where the wood giants have been gathering over the ridge here." She pointed at the map, "They appear to be under the command of some sorcerer. We have no knowledge of who this sorcerer is, where they came from, and what their next plans will take place. All of the giants under their command exhibit extremely aggressive and reckless behavior, unlike anything we've seen before. They all seem to be borderline feral, no matter how many people they consume. We aren't sure what caused this behavior either."

"So what do you want me to do about 'em?" Eli frowned uncomfortably.

"We need to know who this sorcerer is, and what they have planned next. They attacked Autumn Ridge with a full-scale attack and took out our surrounding cell towers. This was planned, and we need to know where they will strike next. That means exact numbers of what will attack where, what their plans of operations are, exact times and dates this will occur, and anything of relevance,"

"Simple enough," Eli said. "When is this spy thing happening?"

"Soon," Skinner said. "We've begun to see them move out, so we'll have to move fast."

Eli sighed. "Thank the stars. I'm fucking sick of being stuck here in camo."

"Don't thank them yet," Skinner said. "We'll still be having a way to keep a tight leash on you."
He looked to one of the Legion members, who stepped forward, drawing a piece of yellow ice out of their bag. Skinner took it and held it up for Eli to see. Eli quickly swiped his hand at it, eager to be cured, but Skinner held his hand higher.

"Not so soon, giant. This ice is special. It slowly releases the antidote into your skin over twelve hours, then will revert you back into camo after that time. If you try anything against us like escape instead of reporting back, you'll be in the midst of giant territory while being stuck in human form. And I know that will not end well for you."

Eli's eyes narrowed. "I don't like this." He murmured.

"It's either that or being collected from or falling prey to your own kind. It's your choice how this will end." Skinner said.

Eli groaned. "Fine."

Skinner grinned. "That's the spirit. Come. Let's get you on the road, then."


A Jeep was Eli's escort to the location. Skinner, East, Riley, and two other Legion members accompanied Eli as they rode down the darkening mountain road. Eli was seated uncomfortably between two hunters giving him the death stare during the entire drive.

They arrived well outside the city where the roads grew rougher and more winding within the mountainscape. Skinner parked the car along the road, and everyone loaded out of the car. East kept his shotgun aimed at Eli the whole time, who appeared more annoyed than threatened.

Skinner held up his knife towards Eli. His eyes were sharp and alert. "Alright, Robin?"

One of the UL members from before hesitantly stepped forward, taking out the ice and tossed it to Eli from a small distance. Eli caught it with his hands. Immediately, he was struck by a cold shiver and his bones cracked and stretched. He began to grow. The UL members unanimously stepped back. East's grip on his shotgun tightened.

Eli eventually reached his usual height, gritting his teeth from the unpleasant sensation. His eyes were squeezed shut as he recollected himself. The instant he reached his full height again, he was stabbed by the strong, appetizing smell of his prey beneath him.

Golden animalistic eyes shot open. His lips curled back into a snarl.

"Eli. Stand down." Skinner's voice was distant.

Suddenly his claws dug into two of the hunters in each hand. His fists clenched within the organs of their ribcages and they weakly coughed up blood from their hollowed-out insides, quickly going still. Gunshots blasted through the clearing. Blood splattered out of Eli's shoulder. He let out a feral roar.

He couldn't think. All that filled his senses was the appetizing... pulsing... pouring... human blood... he needed all of it. He needed to devour every one of them.  It consumed every atom of his being. His claws retracted from the two downed Legion members and he lunged for Skinner. Skinner narrowly skidded beneath the giant's swiping claws, and he leaped into the Jeep.

The engine roared to life just as the window shattered and Eli's hand went to grab for Skinner. His hand was stopped just as East stabbed the giant in the knee. Eli let out another feral roar, shifting his attention to snatch East and lift him off the ground by the throat, tearing East's knife out of his hands.

Skinner took this opening to speed away with Riley barely managing to get in in time. East was left alone and prone, and there was only one place he was going.

Eli's jaws unhinged and clamped around his upper torso, biting down just enough to draw blood. The taste was sweet, metallic, delightful. It was all he could focus on. Though that wasn't enough. He wanted more.

He hungrily gulped down the hunter, each swallow following rapidly after another. The monster had lost all control. His hands pushed the hapless human in deeper with more force. His ribcage stretched as his squirming prey began to pass through. It all happened so fast that he could barely register the last taste of the human passing his lips when they were now pressing into his middle and filled out inside his stomach. The taste receptors in the stomach lining were filled with ecstasy, causing the muscular walls to flex around its prey excitedly. East writhed and fought frantically within the tight confinement, though it did nothing but send a shiver of pleasure down the monster's spine.

It wasn't enough. The sweet smell of blood still invaded his senses. The two prone corpses of the UL members laid before him and he lifted up one, biting down on the legs with a sickening crunch and gulped them down piece by piece. East's struggles grew once he was reunited with his comrades' remains.

Eli was barely able to finish the two remaining corpses, though biting them into smaller pieces helped them fit better. Even then, he finally stopped on his knees, gasping once his airway finally cleared from his feast and massacre. He ran a hand over his full stomach in admiration.  It felt amazing. He missed this. Stars, he missed this so much... it had been three years since he had a proper meal he deserved... human flesh. He had forgotten how good human blood tasted within him. The pleasant cracks of bones beneath his teeth.

The bullet wound in his shoulder almost didn't hurt. It was nothing compared to the invigorating bliss that coursed through him. He gradually pulled himself to his feet, putting both hands to his stomach to support the added weight, then lumbered off into the forest to sleep off his meal.


Skinner and Riley returned to the shelter, numbly stepping out of the car and stumbled inside the building. The Collector ordered Riley to write a full report of the mission, then began to head back towards the biology classroom.

A Legion member approached him once he entered, questioning where East and the others were.

Skinner glared at the member with the fury of hot coals. "Get Eli's references. Olivia Heartstrong, Warren Pace, Rebeka Pace, and Liss Pace."

The member gave Skinner a look of slight confusion, before nodding and left.

Warren was confused once he was summoned to the Legion's point of command. He was still learning how to use his prosthetic leg rather poorly, though Rebeka offered help to him as he walked.

Skinner sat on the desk and gestured for them to take a seat. They obliged.

Skinner looked between all of them scrutinously, before sighing and glanced at the other Legion member in the room. "Dexter, why is there a child here?"

"That's Liss Pace. You asked for her."

Skinner let out a scoffing laugh. "That is Liss Pace? Christ, she is a fortunate child. Well, I won't censor this for her. This is the apocalypse, and she'll need thick skin."

Rebeka glared, seeming defensive over her little sister. "What is this about?"

Skinner twirled his knife between his fingers, sweeping his eyes over each of them once more. "It's about your giant friend, Eli Arawn. He went missing after he killed three Legion members."

Warren gasped, leaping out of his chair, though almost immediately fell over. He gripped the side of his chair and gritted his teeth. "That can't be possible! He hasn't killed anyone in three years!"

Skinner was unmoved. "Well he just broke his streak. I saw it with my own eyes."

Warren stared in disbelief, lost for words. Rebeka reached out for Warren to help him into his seat again. Liss spoke up behind them. "But... Eli saved us. He can't be evil. He curses a lot, but he's a good person."

Skinner narrowed his eyes, stepping closer to Liss. "No. He's not even a person he's a monster. He eats humans, whole, or crunched into little pieces. I've seen it. Then they're digested, and gone forever, and he feels not a single grain of remorse."

Liss' eyes grew very wide, then they narrowed again. "You're wrong."

Rebeka held out a hand with a glare. "For god's sake, leave her alone."

Skinner finally stepped back with a sigh. "Very well. I just have you four to thank for my mens' deaths, since Eli said each of you trusted him, and now that I can see clearly. Now you have two options.  The first is that you're banished from the Legion from connections with a monster and you'll be thrown out of the shelter and likely fed to the monsters,"

Warren paled. Rebeka leaped to her feet with fury. Olivia sipped her coffee.

"Calm down, miss Pace. I haven't told you your other option."

Rebeka was still fuming, ready to throw punches. But she let him continue.

"You will find Eli and bring him to us, dead or alive. He's a liability since he could tell all the other giants about our location. He needs to be out of the picture." He looks to Warren with a smug grin. "He was your first mission, wasn't he? Perhaps you can finish it this time."

Warren opened his mouth, but he was lost for words.

Skinner's eyes swept back toward Olivia and Rebeka. "But perhaps that's too much to ask from a cripple. Surely you can fulfill the task. Better you than Little Liss."

That's when Rebeka's fist flew, landing right in Skinner's jaw. Blood splattered his lip. He gripped Rebeka's arm and locked it into a hold that put pressure on the joint, threatening to break it.

"Yes, you'll do nicely," Skinner grinned, licking the blood off of his lip. Rebeka grit her teeth with fury, though her stance shook with pain from the hold.

"If I may, Skinny," Olivia spoke the first time. "Edward cares about Wilfred. I have no doubts that Winston can safely retrieve the giant if he's sent out for this mission. There is no need to send Rachel or Lucy."

Skinner focused on Olivia, then on Warren. "It's your choice,"

Warren hesitated. He looked at his sisters. Rebeka grit her teeth. "Warren, don't. I swear to god—"

Warren bit his lip, then finally summoned his voice. "I'll do it,"

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