Date A Live: Alternate Chroni...

By colossal_saiyan

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After Season 3 of Date A Live, an unknown individual makes it into their world. They are unsure of his origin... More

Episode 1: The Visitor
Episode 2: Continuation
Episode 3: Devastator
Episode 4: Patching Holes
Episode 5: Peace and The Looming Storm
Episode 6: Duo
Episode 7: The Arrival
Episode 8: Intermission
Episode 9: Lore
Episode 10: Relaxation
Episode 11: Tengu Cow
Episode 12: Flowers Candy and Games
Episode 13: Miku's Concert
Episode 14: Bond
Episode 15: The Fallout
Episode 16: Mixed Messages
Episode 17: Doppelganger
Episode 18: The Truth
Episode 19: Disturbance
Episode 20: Judgement Unshackled
Episode 21: Date A Bullet
Episode 22: Date A Bullet II
Episode 23: Turnaround
Episode 24: The Blunder
Episode 25: Date A Dance Off
Episode 26: Growth
Episode 27: The Secret Time Chamber
Episode 28: Training Begins
Episode 29: Transcending Beyond Doubt
Episode 30: Growing Tails
Episode 32: War Begins
Episode 33: Fear and Faith
Episode 34: Awakening
Episode 35: The Devil Trigger
Episode 36: Comeback for Revenge
Episode 37: The Final Struggle and The Decisive Conclusion
My Final Message Before Moving Forward..

Episode 31: Power Display

175 8 0
By colossal_saiyan

It is now coming closer to the end of the training arc for our heroes. It has been such an immense struggle to achieve and grow their strength even for Akio himself but it was worth it to get to where they are now. Will the Spirits have what it takes to make Akio transform? Only time will tell.

*SMBZ Trigun: Blue Summers plays* 

Akio is sleeping with Reine in the bed again but he's having difficulty sleeping as he's having a very bad night terror. He sees a silhouette of himself around fire and destruction and the silhouette of himself roars and starts punching and kicking. He wakes up in first person in a fright and sees everything shaking in his vision and slightly red and his voice is faint and he looks at his hands. Reine gets startled and she sees him shaking as he looks at his hands.

Reine: Huh? What's happening?

Akio: W-What is going on?

Akio lunges up out of bed and looks in the mirror at himself in a panic stumbling over everything. It wakes everyone up and they jump out the bed to see what's going on. He looks to see himself with red eyes while he feels a sudden dark surge of sinister terrifying energy and sees the silhouette he saw in the dream looking back at him with a blank expression and its eyes turn red slowly and it screams. Akio freaks about and shrieks in fear like Po in Kung Fu Panda when he looks at the Dragon Scroll for the first time and has his back against the wall. Shido and the others heard him and rushed into the room in a panic as Tohka and everyone else looked in curiosity. Shido bursts into the room with Kotori.

Shido: Are you alright?!

Akio is seen slightly trembling on the wall with his back against the wall on the floor with his eyes still red as he looks at Shido and Kotori but then they fade back to normal once he sees them. Akio looks at them terrified and confused.

Kotori: What happened?

Akio: I..I don't know.. I..saw something.. terrifying... in.. in my sleep.. and.. I saw it again in reality..

Kotori: I..I see..

Akio is seen back in his room with Reine with the others surrounding them in the bedroom as he sits at the foot of the bed.

*Music cuts* 

Shido: What's going on with you and these weird night terrors Akio?

Akio: ...I.. I don't know.. They've been pretty bad. So much so that I'm getting sleep deprivation again..

Yoshinon: Isn't this the 7th time this happened?

Yoshino: I..I think so..

Yuzuru: Suggestion. Akio should rest for today.

Shido: Yeah, you've been doing enough lately. You should take a breather.

Akio: No.. I'm afraid I can't do that..

Tohka: Eh? Why?

Akio: Because... we came here to train. Time is running slim and we don't have that much of it left. I'll keep focusing on my training and you guys should too.

Kurumi: But.. Akio.. you'll be in trouble if you do that.

Miku: Agreed. You can't train and be sleep deprived at the same time.

Akio: ..I'm fine. I will be anyway. If I go to bed, I might be woken by another night terror so resting is ultimately fruitless.

He gets up from the bed and walks towards the door.

Akio: Don't worry about me. I'm off to go train early, it'll help me get my mind off this whole thing. In the meantime, you guys keep getting training so we can have the second rematch.

Shido: B..But..

Akio: Don't stall. I've already made up my mind.

Akio flies off into the distance in a white aura separated from them. Shido and the others are clearly worried about him.

Miku: Geez.. He sure does know how to be hard on himself..

Shido: Yeah.. Maybe all of this training is causing his night terrors.

Tohka: Muu.. He shouldn't be putting himself through this..

Mayuri: ..Hm. I wish there was a way we could help..

Shido thinks for a little bit and then comes up with a resolution that may work.

Shido: Well, I can think of one thing. He's right, our time is running out here so that means we have to train as much as we can today and when we spar, we can go all out against him.

Kotori: What makes you think that will work though, Shido?

Shido: Well, he's told me in the past that he enjoys fighting people that are his comrades. Throughout the whole time we have been here, we have built our strength by tons. Maybe once we spar, it'll lighten up his mood.

Origami: Hmm. I see, that does make sense.

Kotori: Well, I don't see a reason to keep waiting. Let's get to it.

Kurumi: Yes. That's probably for the best.

All of a sudden, Shido has this look of concern on his face as if he feels something is off.

Tohka: Hm? What's wrong, Shido?

Shido: I feel like something is wrong in the city.

*DBZ Kakarot OST The Pressure of Battle plays*

Shido's feeling was correct because meanwhile in Tengu City, trouble is rising. People outside of the cities that were followers of the cult that Copy Akio and Ellen destroyed way back then. They have been invading the city with strange unknown powers with a goal in mind and have been possessing military forces outside of the AST and DEM. Jets are flying around in the city and helicopters as well. Everyone is running across the city and panicking in fear having no idea what's going on while the huge group invades the whole city . One of the aircrafts outside of Tengu City flies to a tower that is currently broadcasting the news. One of the followers from the cult uses the powers that they possess to maneuver the poles and hack the news channels. The live broadcasts on TVs start to glitch and skip to another leader of the group who is shown speaking to the people of Tengu City between the static skipping.

Group Leader: Citizens of this town. You haven't been graced with the truth. Our savior has given you mercy throughout your whole lives but today we finally stop the attack on our name. Our original leader was killed by this individual.

The screen glitches for sometime and then it shows Copy Akio.

Group Leader: As you can see, we can control your towns at will unless you will turn him over so that we can deal with the sins of his past. If you plan to resist us, we will not hesitate to include you in it as well. We will be looking forward to your cooperation.

The broadcast ends and every single station goes back to the regular news. They then continue to talk about the hijack that just happened as the trending news alongside the invasion attack in Tengu City as some of the people who resisted have been taken captive. The AST, rightfully worried about the situation, started to take action against Ratatoskr.

AST Member: Captain! What do we do?! All of the group members have the entire town captive! There's only a certain amount of people we can save!

Mikie: We'll have to contact Origami to help us! Surely she can help right?!

Ryouko: Indeed. I may be the commander, but we need as much help as we can get in this situation.

Ryouko contacts Origami but she has no luck since she's technically in another realm so naturally, the call doesn't happen and they have to resort to Plan B.

Ryouko: Tch.. It's no use. We can't allow this to stand. This guy that killed their leader is the reason why this is happening. We have to turn him in instead to get this riot to stop.

AST Member: So be it.. Ratatoskr is working with him, right?

Ryouko: Those are the only people that I would guess are working with him as well since he's always somehow with them.

Mildred: Wait, why do you all sound so hesitant to go after him?

Ryouko: Well, last time we encountered each other, there were two of him at the exact same time and he isn't someone to take lightly since he was able to handle us with ease the first time we tried to catch him.

Mikie: It seems like we have no choice but to sell him out.

Mildred: Well then that's what we'll do.

Ryouko: All right then, let's move out!

Everyone: Yes!

Meanwhile some of the citizens are overwhelmed with anxiety and fear with people asking where Akio is. Schools have trouble being in session because some members of the group are invading the schools causing a ruckus within the district demanding information about the Saiyan.

Cult Member: Do you know of the enemy?

Miss Okamine: U..Um.. I only saw him a few months ago, I haven't spoken to him ever since nor seen him. I don't see him as an enemy, he seems like a sweet guy.

Cult Member: A person of that description would not kill our first leader.

Hiroto: Even if I did, I wouldn't tell you anyway!

Everyone looks behind the class and see Hiroto being taken down by the members of the terrorist group.

Miss Okamine: Hiroto, no!

Hiroto: Tch..! I refuse to believe in that hot garbage anyway!

Cult Member: You stubborn child. You will be punished for your arrogance.

Hiroto: Eh?! I won't be punished for nothing! The only one I believe in is my goddess!

Ai Mai and Mii are taken captive but they are still able to make fun of Hiroto.

Ai: So even held hostage, he is still being himself?

Mai: I guess no matter the situation, he will always be the same.

Mii: That's so lame.

The group members take the girls away along with their classmates in the classroom to take them in for questioning. While this is happening, All of the crew on Fraxinus are looking down seeing people getting held hostage.

Minowa: Tch..! Can something be done about this?!

Kawagoe: It's hard to say with certainty.. There are way too many taken hostage!

Mikimoto: It doesn't help the fact that they have strange powers to distort reality in different ways to achieve their goals!

All of a sudden, all of the members of the AST fly up to Fraxinus and they all point their weapons at Ratatoskr.

Shiizaki: What is the meaning of this?

Kannazuki: You DARE point a gun at the commander's ship!? You want a piece of this?! What you do will ultimately be useless in the face of my protection!!!

Everyone gets tense and everyone starts jumping from their seats yelling and speaking over each other with inaudible screaming and scrambling as the capital of the AST speaks to them as Fraxinus ready their weapons as well.

Nakatsugawa: What are you here for?!

Ryouko: We need you all to turn in the fugitive!

Kannazuki: Huh? Who are you talking about? Akio?

Ryouko: I don't need to tell you! You have heard what they will do if you don't turn him in! We will all fall victim to them! Where is your real commander?!

Kannazuki: She's not here and neither is he!

AST Member: How do we know that for sure?!

???: Even if he was here, they wouldn't stand a chance.

Everyone looks up to see Ellen descending down in between them to settle down the tense in the air.

Ryouko: That doesn't confirm his presence Ellen Mathers! What brings you here anyway?

Ellen: I have no intention of being harmful. I've come to tell you all that all of this is all a misconception on my part.

AST Member: On.. your part..?

Kannazuki: What is going on here? What is the misconception?

Ellen: If you remember the news about the group of terrorists taking people hostage, I sent the copy of that fighter the DEM made to let him use his abilities. After all of the onslaught, he managed to defeat them all including their leader.

AST Member: A copy?

Minowa: Now that I compare the two images, the one that they're after has a collar around his neck and the more recent photo we have of him is almost identical but the collar is nowhere to be seen.

AST Member: Come to think of it, didn't they fight and the one without the collar won?

Ryouko: ...I think so as well. I remember Origami telling me about that day.

Mikie: Well where is he now?

Ellen: That's a question that I don't know the answer to.

Kannazuki: He and the commander have been absent for about 3 days for something urgent. There's no telling when they'll be back but that doesn't mean we should wait either.

AST Member: Well, what do we do now? Do we fight back since the guy they're looking for is dead?

Ellen: I think it's best to do that. They don't have the right to take over the city anyway.

Ryouko: Very well. That's how we'll do it but before we go through with this, how do you know for sure if this is the same guy?

Ellen gets quiet and her face gets serious.

Ellen: He.. possesses a similar energy to Shido Itsuka. While he may have defeated Ike back in the day, he spared me because he must have seen that I had potential to turn a new leaf but then as a desperate move for revenge for Ike, I helped train and give the clone we made intel about the Spirits. In the end, I only drug myself down even further when his clone denied me. After that, the real one didn't end up destroying me even after all I've done. I think that's enough evidence to show that he is willing to give others like me a chance.

Everyone looks at Ellen and thinks let that sink in for a bit.

Ryouko: Well, since he's not here to do the work for us, we are going to have to work through this without him. Spirit or not, we can't let them reign over our city.

AST Members: YES!

Ellen: I think so as well, although those strange powers are definitely a different breed.

Mildred: Yeah, we'll definitely have to work around that.

Kannazuki: It'll be okay. My will for commander's ship being in perfect condition when she gets back will heighten my motivation!

Kawagoe: ...What he meant by that is "We'll help."

Ryouko: Let's get down to it then.

They all make it into Fraxinus to discuss the plane to put an end to the major terrorist attack in Tengu City. As this continues, the group members are questioning all of the people about Akio. Hibiki is in that crowd and is terrified but she knows the most about him so the group leaders ask her the most questions. She even has to talk to the new leader as she sees all of the destruction outside the window in a random empty building that they took over in the city. They take her and sit her down in front of the leader.

Leader: So, we've heard that you know the most about the enemy.

Hibiki: Y..Yes.. I know about him..

Cult Member: Would you care to explain where he is?

Hibiki: W..Well, I don't know where he is.. I haven't seen him in a few weeks but I do know that he's not a human. He has told me he is a martial artist and he has the ability to transform in appearance.

Leader: Transform in appearance?

Hibiki: Y..Yes. He is able to do such a thing. When he transforms, his hair changes and tail does as well with some kind of unique fire around him. I'm assuming he increases as well along with the transformation.

Cult Member #2: Is that so?

Cult Member #3: Are you saying this just to strike fear into us?

Hibiki: N..No.. Not really. What I'm saying is true about him. He is truly not someone to take lightly and I don't think that you guys could do anything against him..

Cult Member: You underestimate the powers that we have been blessed with. Compared to a fool who can only change his appearance and you are not even sure if he gets a power boost from the said appearance change.

Leader: We, on the other hand, have the power to control your cities and people. Soon enough, we will be able to rule over the whole world for him and claim your sun while doing so.

Hibiki: Y..You what?!

Leader: That's right.

Hibiki stands up from the table in terror, shock, and disbelief not knowing what to say in response to the plan.

Hibiki: W..Why would you do such a thing?! Isn't Akio the one you're after?! Why would you risk the entire planet for some minor consequences that happened in the past?!

Leader: It is for our god. Our savior wants to rebuild everything because of the sin in this world and all worlds, therefore he has blessed us with a fraction of his power to build a machine out of this planet's parts to follow through with the plan.

She backs up in terror as they all watch her back up.

Hibiki: You.. You guys are so corrupt! Now I see why Akio would do something like that! You truly believe the world would be better when everyone is dead when it was just one guy that caused the issue?!

Leader: Say another word and we will have your soul along with his.

Hibiki's heart jumps in her throat as she hears those words and she is left speechless.

Leader: I'm afraid that even if he isn't here, the building process has already begun. Even if you start a movement now, there will be nothing you can do.

Hibiki gets even more scared and runs out of the room rushing out of the door in a hurry. Some of the members try to go after her.

Leader: Let her flee. Do not fret, for the destruction of this world is already underway.

Hibiki is running away in the city trying to find someone to hurry to so she can alarm everyone about this as she sees the piliar being built by the members of the group on top of a huge building. As the cult members are building the weapon out of the metals around them, they notice that Hibiki is running in the streets.

Cult Member: Hm. It seems like they let one go.

Cult Builder: Well, not that it matters. Soon enough, the incoming eternal justice will be forever imprinted on them.

The Leader could hear the Builder talking telepathically and he speaks through him telepathically as well.

Leader: I too agree but knowing the human species, they will always find a way around the seemingly impossible with their annoying persistence against destiny.

Cult Builder: Well, with that in mind, what shall we do?

Leader: There is only one thing that is acceptable, eliminate all of the humans or force them to evacuate their home town. Even if they do rise against us, the power that we have been blessed with will overpower their feeble defenses.

Cult Builder: So be it. We will not give them a chance.

He turns around and faces the whole city and shouts an announcement for everyone to hear.

Cult Builder: Followers! Begin our reign!

All of the members rise up in the air and everyone looks off in confusion not knowing what to say as they ascend in the sky. The citizens instantly get frightened and they all start running for it as the blasts rain down and explode. It chases the people running and hiding away in the safety area underground. The explosions burst up in the air with sparks flying and they destroyed buildings. As Hiroto, Ai, Mai, Mii, Ms. Okamine and all the rest of the citizens that made it out run an intense shockwave that gets sent behind them, breaking the entire area. Hibiki is rushing by herself out the firestorm behind them. Hiroto dives as the intense shockwave makes everyone fall as they retreat from the city. Hibiki is the last one to make it out and she's still running but the Leader comes out the smoke behind her and she looks back in horror.

Leader: Farewell.

The Leader shoots the ground with a blast and she goes flying from the impact of the blast and knocks her into a tree. Ms. Okamine being kind-hearted to other people freaks out and screams as she sees this happen in front of her. Hibiki slides down on the tree unresponsive. Ms. Okamine rushes over to Hibiki while the other students try to warn her to stay away.

Ai: No, Ms. Okamine!

Mai: Come back!

The Leader points a blast at her as well and fires it as they continue to rush and get out.

The blast is incoming but Mikie comes in with her Realizer to block the blasts with a shield but she takes damage as well as she defends it off and throws a smoke bomb as she gets her cousin and Hibiki out of harms way as the Leader stands amongst the dimming smoke. As Mikie flees, other members of the AST retreat as they were trying to fight them as they were attacking Fraxinus. The attacks were too much for it to handle and Fraxinus ended up retreating from the city out of sight.

Leader: You are permitted to run but you can't escape destiny.

As Fraxinus and the AST girls run off far away out of sight of the cult members, Mikie flies up with Miss Okamine and Hibiki badly damaged. As they make it in, everyone gets worried and shocked.

Kawagoe: Wh..What happened?!

Mikie: Th..They were getting attacked.. The one with the white hair was hit by the impact.. And my cousin tried to help her..

Ryouko helps Mikie up with Mildred. Miss Okamine looks down on Hibiki, worried.

Ryouko: We're gonna have to get them to the emergency room!

Miss Okamine: W..Wait a minute! What about her? We can't leave her like this!

Ryouko: Eh?

Miss Okamine: S..She knows alot about their plan..! I was there as I overheard for the last few minutes with the leader of the terrorists! She can provide details about that machine in the building!

Kannazuki: Can you provide details as well since you were there as well?

Miss Okamine: I..I don't know everything.. But I can give you the last few details on the plan!

Ryouko: So be it. Get all three of them to the healing station!

As all the members of Fraxinus and the AST work together frantically to help all of the people that are injured in the battle, Fraxinus' members are struggling to come up with a resolution to get rid of that machine that is being built.

Nakatsugawa: Tch..! This is useless! Now that they have us out of the city, what can we do?!

Mikimoto: Yes.. It doesn't matter if we come back or have a better plan.. We can't outdo the fact that they are way more armed than us!

Minowa: And on top of that, we have this machine to deal with!

Shiizaki: Can we just shoot it down with the weapons we have already?

Kawagoe: I'm afraid not. Believe it or not, our tech isn't advanced enough to deal with otherworldly dark powers that they possess.

Nakatsugawa: You gotta be kidding... We possess the most powerful weaponry!

Kawagoe: We do but not only do they take a lot of energy, recently and just now, the ship has taken too much damage to even try to get those weapons to work!

Minowa: Great.. What are we actually supposed to do about this?

As Kannazuki sits outside the meeting room genuinely stressed out thinking of a strategy, he has a flashback of Kotori and Reine as they fill paperwork for a new weapon some days after they defeated Kano.

Kannazuki: Well, it seems like we did it again, commander! We saved the DEM again with that weird tail guy on our side!

Kotori sighs but she agrees.

Kotori: Yeah.. It was quite a close one too..

Kannazuki: So what's new about this new weapon?

Kotori: It's a prototype weapon. A Railgun.

Reine: It wasn't easy to acquire then and now along with the fact that it wasn't cheap to purchase.

Kotori: Yeah. From what we are seeing, it is a motor device that uses electromagnetic force to launch projectiles using kinetic energy at the speed of Mach 7.

Reine: We have to make these kinds of moves right now because of what's going on. We have the DEM still after the Spirits with technology that is abnormally unique, and we have this other person that we have no intel about.

Kotori: We can't have any chances running amok so it's best we play safe but also keep in mind that this weapon is strictly limited. The amount of time it takes to restock on that energy could even take years. Right now, as we finish this paperwork, it's energy will be there but it can't be used casually. So, keep this on a low profile. We can only use this when we have no other choice.

Kannazuki/Reine: Understood.

*Flashback ends*

Kannazuki remembers that whole conversation and instantly springs up out of the chair as he runs into the meeting room, shocking everyone.

Minowa: What's going on?!

Kawagoe: Has he gone mad?!

Shiizaki: Or it could be that he's missing the commander and having a mental breakdown.

Minowa: Maybe both.

Kannazuki is digging through the shelves and finds the remote to the Railgun. He instantly starts getting excited and smiling again with his similar movements in Season 2 when he was commander of the ship that one time.

Mikimoto: What's your deal? How can you act like this during a crisis?

Kannazuki: Commander's wonderful voice has made me remember! We have a secret weapon that we've been hiding from the world!

Minowa: Secret weapon?

Kannazuki turns off the lights and shows on a projector that the Railgun is still on standby. Everyone in the room watches the projector as they see the weapon on display as they watch Kannauzki.

Kannazuki: This weapon is called a Railgun. Back in the early stages of getting to know Akio, we had this weapon built in the far reaches of the ocean as it's size itself could greatly harm the ship. This weapon can fire projectiles using kinetic energy at Mach 7. It's perfect for this scenario because we can catch them with the element of surprise by suddenly taking out one of their members!

Minowa: ...Wow. What a pleasant surprise.

Kawagoe: That's perfect! Since it's so far away, they'll never see it coming!

Kannazuki: Right?! Isn't the commander the best?!

Mikimoto: But are you sure we can use a classified weapon like that?

Kannazuki's mood transforms to condescending as he hears those words. Mikimoto gets slightly scared.

Kannazuki: Who are you to bring up that word..? Do I have to tell you that protecting the commander's world and ship along with billions of other lives is infinitely better than discussing classification with military weapons?

Kannazuki's tone changes back to normal.

Kannazuki: Now, what I would suggest is getting the coordinates to that machine in the city which I know that you can provide and ready. THAT. WEAPON!

Everyone: Yes!

As they continue to build, their power increases while meanwhile while the others are still training in the Secret Time Chamber, they are still indeed building their strength for the upcoming battle. Meanwhile Akio is putting himself through some immense serious training. As he is training, he stops and feels something faint outside of the realm which is giving him a red flag.

Akio: ..What is this strange energy that I'm feeling..? It feels like..

A flashback plays with Kurumi and Hibiki and himself feeling the dark energy coming back in the Neighboring World and Mayuri coming back being brainwashed by a familiar dark energy. He continues to look in the sky in the realm in slight concern.

Akio: ...That's not good... I feel like the outside world is in impending danger.. I shouldn't be feeling this energy again, not even slightly, let alone in this realm.

Akio clenches his fist but then he calms down and remembers his mission.

Akio: No.. I can't let that distract me. I came here to train. I'm gonna have to trust that they can handle that. If I leave now, I feel like it'll do more harm than good..

Akio resumes his training. Shido and the others are taking a break. Shido and Tohka are in the bathroom freshening up together giving Shido time to explain to Tohka what's on his mind about the world and Akio since he's worried about him.

Tohka: Shido? You seem bothered about something..

Shido: Yeah.. I'm worried about Akio and the outside world.. I think we both have a gut feeling that something isn't right.

Tohka: Is that so?

Shido: Yeah.. With that gut feeling in mind, I'm stuck at a crossroad whether I should abandon my training to help or not. I feel like if I go with the first option, Akio would convince me to stay but if I stay here, I'll feel guilty for not doing anything..

*DAL Rio Reincarnation Quiet Day OST plays*

Tohka grows quiet and Shido puts his head down in distraught. She goes up to him and hugs him and Shido gets surprised.

Tohka: I understand how you feel, Shido. I'm sure everyone else and Akio do feel the same but we have a bigger obstacle we have to overcome so we need as much time as we need so please, stay with us Shido. We need you to be with us.

Shido is frozen as Tohka embraces him and he is hit with a warm reassurance about his goal to save his world from an uglier threat. He was also able to put together that the world could finally save itself for once instead of him the girls or Akio saving the world for them. Shido hugs Tohka back and smiles as he calms down.

Shido: You're right, Tohka. I really do appreciate you being around when I'm down.

Tohka: Umu. I understand that you need to talk to someone sometimes and I will always be there like you've been there for me.

Shido: ...Yeah. It's always been like that hasn't it? Us being there for each other.

Tohka: Umu. It will always be that way.

As the hug, Kotori is watching them from the crack of the door and is smiling with reassurance.

Kotori: Well, if I can't be around to cheer him up, I definitely can rely on Tohka.

*Music cuts* 

While trouble is still lingering, Rataoskr is working on an experiment and Hibiki wakes up, she is surrounded by a group of unfamiliar faces.

Hibiki: Who.. are you all?

Ryouko: I"m Ryouko Kusakabe. Captain of the AST.

Hibiki: AST..? What does that mean..? Ow.. my whole body hurts..

Ryouko: One of my fighters barely saved you from the leader of the terrorists that attacked our town. She's over to your left so you have her to thank.

Hibiki looks to the left to see Mikie with Miss Okamine attending to her small wounds. She turns back to Ryouko and Ellen.

Ellen: We've heard that you have gathered info about that giant tower they are building. She was able to provide some details about it but she said you'd be the best source since you talked to their leader.

Hibiki: Ah..! Yes! That's exactly what I wanted to warn other people about!

Ryouko: Tell us.

Hibiki: Yes. Yes. From what I've gathered, they are doing all of this for their god that they look up to and because of the fugitive they are after.

Ryouko: For their "god"?

Hibiki: Yeah. They believe that the sins of this world weren't acceptable to their god and he wants to rebuild the world again to wipe the slate clean by destroying the sun.

Those last parts of the sentence put everyone in shock and surprise.

Mildred: Destroying the sun?!

Ellen: Do you mean collapsing it?!

Hibiki: That's what I assume is the case. As you can see, they have no sign of stopping at all since they are already building it and if we let them get away with it, it won't end well.

Ryouko: Tch.. That's not an easy resolution to come across. Based on the abilities they have, our efforts will be nothing but useless.

Ellen: Well, I can do something about the tech problem we are facing. I can fight them and destroy the machine but not with the Realizer I have.

Ryouko: So be it. We'll have you fight them while we hold off the other members. About the Realizer problem, what will we do about that?

Ellen: The DEM has technology that is beyond comprehension. If we can merge our tech, we will manage to build an even more powerful Realizer beyond any other one that has ever existed.

Ryouko: Hm. I see. That's how it'll be done.

Ms. Okamine: ..I hope it works out..

Ryouko: ..Thank you.

Ellen: Alright. Let's get down to it.

As the plan goes underway, the machine finally is in its final parts of being complete. The AST are fighting the cult members in the city. The city is painted with bullets flying across with each side getting hit by attacks from each other's side as the cult members go on the offensive and the AST goes on the offensive as well with tanks firing huge projectiles and magic spheres being the counter attack. As the strikes from each side hit or miss, it breaks the surrounding areas in the city as all of the citizens that are left or got trapped run out. Ratatoskr is settling the coordinates of the machine in Tengu City to fire the Railgun as it rises out the water and the seal unleashes itself from protection of the water.

Minowa: 35.7 centimeters above sea level!

Mikimoto: 29 West 32 North 65 South 42 East!

As the tracker on the screen scans for the target, it hits directly on the cult members and builder around the area.

Nakatsugawa: We got it!

Shiizaki: Target acquired!

As the Railgun turns itself around, it prepares to fire a projectile while building up the energy in the system as Kannazuki says through the mic.

Kannazuki: 3...2...1... Fire!

The energy that is being charged up in a straight line beam instead of a lightspeed projectle. Completely unaware, the members and builder in the surrounding area get erased instantly in a heartbeat as the beam vaporizes them completely as they scream and fade away. Everyone in Fraxinus gets shocked as they see the beam consume them and fade. Kannazuki on the other hand cheers in victory. The Leader and the other cult members get shocked as they see what happens in front of them then eventually they get enraged as they see Fraxinus coming back to assist the AST girls in the battle as they see the AST girls having trouble with the cult members. They have Fraxinus shoot a massive shockwave that obliterates all of the cult members in the battlefield in an instant to get rid of the horde. This infuriates the Leader even more and he commands the rest of them to shoot Fraxinus.

Leader: Take them down!!

The members shoot at the ship and their strike is effective. It causes the ship to fall and descend down with everyone panicking and freaking out as the ship crash lands and everyone gets injured but they are fine. However, when they see Kannazuki in the faint light, he is unresponsive with severe damage with his shirt blown off half away with blood on his face and body with his eyes closed. Everyone gets worried instantly as they shout his name. Ryouko rushes in to try and save him but it doesn't have any effect.

Kawagoe: Come on Kannazuki! This isn't funny!

Minowa: We need you! The commander needs you!

Ms Okamine: Please!!

As Kannazuki lays there unresponsive, a flashback plays of all of the times Kotori hit him and the times he had with Shido, and the rest of the Fraxinus members.

Kotori: You can be annoying, but I will admit, you're reliable when ever I need you. You've helped my big brother a lot of times where it could have been in danger and for that I appreciate you for that.

Kannazuki gets surprised and excited by the commander's words.

Kannazuki: Eh?! Commander has finally noticed my hard work?! Oh. how I've been waiting for this day to come!!

Kotori: Don't get it twisted, I don't like you but you are helpful when I need you.. Keep it up and you might get praised again not just by me but others too.

Kannazuki: Oh!! I only care about your praise commander! Others don't deserve the special sight that I see you in!!

Kotori kicks him and he gets filled with even more bliss and pleasure as he squeals.

Kotori: What kind of mind do you have?!

Kannazuki: Oh what a lovely day this was.. Don't worry commander, even if I'm presumed dead, I'll still work hard for you! And I guess for other people as well..

The flashback ends and Kannazuki awakens. He runs over to a button to continue the merging process with the AST Realizers and Ellen's Realizer and it continues to build the ultimate Realizer. Everyone watches as the machine builds it with haste. The machine in Fraxinus finally gets done building it and it's appearance is very similar to Artesmisa Bell Ashcroft's Realizer except it's not as revealing.

Kannazuki: It's.. It's done. Quickly! Go in and end this!

Ellen rushes in to get in the Realizer but the Leader comes in and hijacks the systems with his magic making electricity spark everywhere and it shocks Ellen and she falls down. The Leader vanishes towards the machine as the others plead for Ellen to get up.

Kannazuki: He's turning on the machine!

Mikie: You have to stop him! Get up!

Hibiki: Please!!!

Mildred: Ellen!!!

The Leader ignites the machine's reactors and it starts up with a whirling jet sound.

Leader: Your efforts can't stop me from this! NOW I CLAIM YOUR STAR!!!!

Ryouko summons the rest of the military forces to stop him on the mic.

Ryouko: Enemy on top of the building! Engage!

They all fire missiles and bullets at the top of the building making the Leader block and parry them with a shield.

Leader: Fruitless!

The Leader raises his hands making all of the AST defenses float up in the air with telekinesis. As he raises them up he drops them and down in the city. Ellen is struggling to get up.

Ellen: All of my life.. I've never done anything worth doing until now.. It's...It's all up to me.. If I can't do anything about this.. then.. It'll all be over..

Ellen is crawling towards the Realizer in pain and she remembers all the times she has been given a pass by Akio.

Ellen: N..NOT ON MY WATCH!!!!

She grabs on the Realizer and she becomes one with it as all the parts fuse and combine with her and transmit. As the suit builds on to Ellen, everyone watches in shock as a blue light coats her. They all get blinded by the light but it dims and they see Ellen floating as the circle opens for her to fly out.

Ellen: Let me show you who's the strongest.

She soars out of Fraxinus and to the machine. All of the members of the cult attack her but she gets through them easily. The Leader raises his hand to make debris float in the air.

Leader: There's no saving you. Your world will be dark forever.

Ellen cuts through the debris with her new energy blade and then without the Leader knowing she cuts off his hand, knocks him back, aims at the machine, and fires at it with a powerful blast from her arm cannon making the machine malfunction and explode. She shoots towards the Leader as he falls down but he recovers to face Ellen. He looks at his hand and at the dying machine. His eyes glare red with his face getting tense as his aura rises as he shouts.


Ellen: LIKEWISE!!!

*DBZ Dokkan Battle Final Battle! Time Patrol vs Dark King OST plays*

The Leader launches at Ellen with a full enraged strike but then he misses the strike and Ellen counters by jumping in the air and kicks him away through buildings. He recovers and comes out the other side and fires blasts out of his hand with Ellen charging through them with a shield around her. It transitions to a section of Akio fighting all of the Spirits as they fight him with all of they've got. It goes back to Ellen punching the Leader away and she starts a combo on the Leader with a wild combination of punches and slices with her sword. She charges an ultra powerful punch to hit the Leader and he groans in pain as blood flies out his mouth. He crashes on top of a building making smoke bursts in the air. All of sudden, blasts erupt from the smoke cloud and hit Ellen in the back damaging her Realizer. The Leader erupts from the ground and lets out a Dark Explosive Wave like attack at Ellen knocking her back. He soars to her again about to follow up with a punch but its quickly countered by a kick to the face.

Ellen throws her sword towards the Leader and it shoots up through his stomach and he groans. Ellen uses the CR-Unit's power to blitz around the Leader up in the sky like Cell's Legendary Finish in Dragon Ball Legends. She stops and opens her hand to close her hand and a cyan sphere erupts from the sword around the Leader. The sphere explodes and the Leader could be seen on his last legs on the ground. As the explosion debris, Ellen's arms turn into cannons and two orange electric blasts spawn from her cannons and she puts them over her head as they increase in size and break the entire area. It transitions to the Spirits in the chamber doing the same thing towards Akio. Ellen screams as she combines them and shoots a full power at the Leader and the rest of his members along with the Spirits doing the same thing . The Leader puts up a last minute shield to stop it but Ellen screeches as she makes the blast stronger as it transitions to Shido and the others as Akio fights off the blast in his Base Form. It transitions back to the Leader and his shield breaks as the blast consumes him and he screams in agony as the Leader dies slowly from the beam along with the rest of the members. As the blast the Spirits threw at Akio begins to break his guard, his eyes turn blue with his hair transforming into golden and he screams. Ellen's beam leaves the atmosphere and the explosion in the chamber radiates and fades away as everyone blocks the powerful impact the wind makes.

*Music cuts*

Everyone in the chamber has slight battle damage in their Astral Dresses as they pant and watch the explosion disappear. As the debris clears, they see a golden aura tail and Akio in Super Saiyan as he smiles with reassurance.

Akio: Exquisite!

Shido: H..Hey! We made you transform!

Akio: Yeah, you guys did!

Akio powers down to Base Form.

Akio: I'm immensely impressed at your performance. You've multiplied your strength by uncharted heights in such a short amount of time!

Shido: Yeah.. It wasn't easy but we managed to get you Akio!

Akio: Hehe. You guys are really something else. I was gonna make a mistake going in here by myself. Even though it wasn't really for some of you, that was the most fun I've had fighting in a very long time!

Shido: Yeah.. I had fun as well.

Miku: Yeah.. That is a fun way to workout..!

They hear a time beeping and Akio checks the time in the chamber and the time has concluded and they need to exit out now.

Kurumi: Ara. Is it time to exit the chamber?

Akio: Yeah. I believe so.

A few days pass and all of the members on Fraxinus catch Shido and the others up on what happened when they were in the chamber as the city is being rebuilt.

*DAL Spirit Pledge OST All Memories About You plays*

Shido: Are you serious?!

Kannazuki: Yes! It is the truest of truth! I could not let my commander down so I got up just to see everyone and you again!

Minowa: It was an extremely close call. We even had to use the Railgun weapon to stop them from building it.

Kotori: Well, it's a good thing that me and Reine decided to make a deal with it, otherwise we would have been toast.

Reine: Yes. It is indeed a strange world we live in.

Tohka: I can't believe all that happened in one day..

Kannazuki: Yeah. It was pretty crazy. So crazy that Ellen and the AST helped out massively.

Shido and the others were shocked as they heard that Ellen was part of it.

Kotori: W..What did you say?!

Kannazuki: Yes. Believe it or not, she joined in the fray. In fact, she is the reason why the sun is still intact in it's normal place.

Shido: I'm not surprised that the AST helped but that last one took me by surprise.

Natsumi: What do you mean Ellen helped?!

Tohka: The same person that stabbed Shido in front of me twice helped save the planet?!

Kawagoe: Yeah, it took us by surprise too but I think it came from a certain someone that gave her a chance to correct herself for her past mistakes.

Kotori: Eh? What do you mean?

Mana: It sounds like Akio had an immense imprint on her to fight for the Earth instead of causing issues like she did before.

Kotori: Wow.. She really has undergone some serious development because of Akio. Well, I guess it makes sense, even someone like Ellen can fall victim to his positive energy he gives out to others.

Shido: Hmm. Yeah.

Kannazuki: Also, thanks to the commander's praise, I was able to stand up again in the fight!

Kotori: What?

Minowa: Oh yeah, when they fired the beam at the ship, Kannazuki got hurt pretty bad and was unresponsive but a few minutes later, he was able to get up again through a supposed memory of you praising him for his work.

Kotori: ...I don't remember saying anything like that towards him.

Kannazuki: Oh come on commander! Don't be shy! I remember very vividly which is why I was able to recite it so well! You talked about how I was so helpful and beneficial to you all why having that shy tsundere side showing as well! It was the perfect combination

Kotori punches him in the gut and Kannazuki notices that the strike was effectively stronger which made him feel even more pleasure and satisfaction.

Kotori: Now I know whatever you saw was a fever dream!!

Kannazuki: T..Thank you for being such a great commander. I'm so glad I was able to save you and your brother's world so I can experience this again!

Kotori: *Sigh* Just shut up.. You're already giving me a headache..

*Music cuts* 

Akio could been seen mediating in the forest and then Ellen spots him while he's doing so. 

Ellen: E..Excuse me  

Akio opens his eyes and turns around to see Ellen in casual clothes. 

Akio: Oh hey. What are you doing here? 

Ellen: I just wanted to come by to tell you something. I'm sure you've heard about all of the events that happened while you, and Shido were gone? 

Akio: Yeah. What about it? 

Ellen: Well, because of your actions towards me back then, you gave me another chance to become a better version of myself. I finally realized that being Ike's supporter wasn't the right choice. I want to use the technology I have to make this world a better place instead of destroying it with my ignorance. So, with that being said, you are the reason why I decided to live like this for now on, and I was hoping if it was okay for me to.. personally thank you. 

Akio is taken aback by the  serious changes Ellen has been through with her character. In the beginning, she wanted to use him for Ike's conquest of destroying the Spirits but now ever since Ike's death and the clone's death, she finally realized that she has been given many chances to improve herself through Akio's kindness the first time he underwent the Super Saiyan transformation. Enraged by Ellen, he still saw potential in her and therefore she displayed it right in front of him today. 

Akio: Well, you're welcome. I'm glad I could make a great difference within you. That's a really big step for the World's Strongest Wizard hehe. 

Ellen: Hehe well I was the strongest but not where it counted the most. 

Akio's face gets back serious. 

*DBS The Earth Fate OST plays* 

Akio: I appreciate everything that you said to me, but I'm afraid is going to be short-lived. 

Ellen: What do you mean? 

Akio: Those cult members from what I've heard had a familiar bad energy that I faintly felt in the place that I was in. This world is slowly being more affected by a individual that could be here at any given day at this point.

Ellen: So.. does that mean? 

Akio: Yeah. Armageddon is on it's way and we have to be prepared at all cost. 

Ellen: I.. I see.. What should we do if that's the case? 

Akio: Prepare in the best way that you can. Let everyone know that this is something they shouldn't take lightly and to expect the unexpected.

Ellen: Understood. ...I hope it works out well for you all. 

Akio: ...Thank you. 

*Music cuts* 

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