Head Over Heels

By stephzimmy

126K 2.6K 964

Lila Daniels has spent all of her life living under the protective wings of her three older brothers, Charlie... More

(Updated) Chapter 1- New Girl in Town
(Updated) Chapter 2-First Day of School
(Updated) Chapter 3- Crash into You
(Updated) Chapter 4- "Bruiser"
(Updated) Chapter 5- Lunch
(Updated) Chapter 6-Weight Training
(Updated) Chapter 7- Cheer Practice
(Updated) Chapter 8-Group Text
(Updated) Chapter 9-Friday Night Lights
(Updated) Chapter 10- Dairy Barn
(Updated) Chapter 11 - The Carnival
(Updated) Chapter 12- Poker Game
(Updated) Chapter 13- A Small Favor
(Updated) Chapter 14- Spirit Week
(Updated) Chapter 15-Favorite Place on Earth
(Updated) Chapter 16- Pep Assembly
(Updated) Chapter 17- Homecoming Game
(Updated) Chapter 18- Homecoming
(Updated) Chapter 19- Dead Phone
(Updated) Chapter 20- The Monday After
Chapter 21- The Monday After (Tyler's POV)
Chapter 22- Brotherly Love
Chapter 23- Lila Freaking Daniels
Chapter 24-End of the Line for the Bulldogs
Chapter 26- The Wish
Chapter 27- The Truth
Chapter 28- Shut Up and Kiss Me Already
Chapter 29- The First Date
Chapter 30 - Popping the Bubble
Chapter 31 - Birthday Surprises
Chapter 32 - Birthday Dinner
Chapter 33 - Brothers Will Be Brothers
Chapter 34- Thanksgiving
Chapter 35 - Thanksgiving Part II
Chapter 36 - The Goodbye
Thank You!!!

Chapter 25 - The Bet

2.6K 54 32
By stephzimmy

"Alright enough of this depressing cry-fest n' feeling sorry for ourselves. I know it sucks that our season ended without the Title, but that's not gonna stop me from being proud of each of us this season. I'm choosing to think about all we did accomplish and how far we came, instead of what we didn't do. Ya'll are my brothers and played not only extremely well throughout this season, but you did it with integrity, class and heart and that matters more to me than any State Title. We had a heck of a ride and there is nobody else I would rather have gone through it with then all of you."

Chase is saying this to Jake, Brady, Mason and Tyler when we walk down the stairs. From the looks of it, the boys haven't done much of anything besides raid the snacks and sit around feeling sorry for themselves in the five minutes we have been upstairs changing from our wet clothes.

Chase turns around to us girls.

"Perfect timing. I was just telling the guys how proud I am of us this season and I can't forget you ladies either. You all stuck by us at every game and I think I can speak for all of us when I say it wouldn't have been the same without you girls there."

"Aww babe, you're so sweet." Kelly pecks Chase on the cheek and takes a seat in his lap on the couch.

"I think I can speak on behalf of us girls when I say we are also so proud of each of you this season." Payton squeezes Jake's arm before she turns to Tyler and continues. "And if I can get a little sentimental for just a minute. I promise I won't get too emotional on everyone because it feels like there's been a lot of that already tonight.... But I just want to say that getting to be on the sidelines to watch my big brother live out his dreams alongside our closest friends the last three years has been something really special. TJ, you have been so dedicated to your teammates and coaches but most importantly to yourself all these years and it's inspired me more than you will probably ever know. You've always challenged yourself to be the hardest worker on the field at each game. I know a lot of siblings don't really get along, and we have definitely had our fair share of fights.... but all that aside, I can really truly say that you are one of my best friends and I am so proud of all you've accomplished. I can't wait to see what school is lucky enough to have you for next year."

Tyler doesn't have to say a word. Instead he gets up from his seat and gives Payton a huge bear hug.

It's at that moment that my heart swells a little in my chest. I know exactly how Payton is feeling right now. It's the same way I feel about my brothers. Even though Charlie, Lucas and Tuck drove me crazy at times growing up, there is still nothing like a brother and sisters bond. It's an intangible kind of love that overcomes all obstacles and lasts for your whole life. No matter what I go through, I know I have my brothers on my side, rooting me on.

I scan the room and look at each of my friends. This group has turned into my new, chosen family since moving here. They each have helped fill the void I didn't realize I had from not having my three older brothers around. I've had the pleasure of having some of the best times of my life with this crew, even in such a short time of knowing each other. I've also faced some of my darker days more recently, but these people beside me have all remained constant beacons of light in my life which is ultimately what carried me through. I've felt truly loved and seen by these people that sit before me and it's a blessing I don't take for granted. I'm honored to try and return the favor by supporting these boys through one of their tougher days.

"Well I don't really know how to top that little speech." Kelly breaks the silence and wipes at her eyes. "But Chase is right. You all had an amazing season, there's not reason to mope around. We need something to lighten the mood. How about we play a game?" Kelly asks from her spot in Chase's lap.

"Just as long as it's not poker." Tyler's joke meets my gaze when he parts from Payton's embrace. The dimple on his left cheek is peeking out and I know he's teasing me.

"Yeah Lila got ya'll good that night!" Brady says and everyone laughs at the memory.

That night was one of the first times we all hung out together before everyone knew me very well. It's funny thinking back to how easily I tricked Mason and Tyler out of all their poker chips since they had no idea of what a good player I was. Now, this crew of nine individuals know me better than most of my old friends ever did back when I lived in Grand Rapids. I'd say I'm lucky to have found all of them, but truthfully, they found me.

"Well what kind of game do you guys wanna play?" Claire asks the group.

"I mean we've got a whole bunch of board games and stuff in the closet." Payton gestures to a closet in the corner of the basement behind where Jake and her are snuggled on the couch.

"No no no. We need something more lively than monopoly to cheer the boys up. I was thinking more along the lines of Charades or Pictionary or.....Oh I know! Let's play 'Just Dance'!" Kelly jumps off Chase's lap with excitement and points at the xbox in front of her.

"Yes! I will kill you all in that game!" Mason pumps his fist in agreement. It's the first time since leaving the stadium that he doesn't look like a sad, lost puppy.

Every other guy in the room looks at Mason in disbelief. Or maybe it's horror?

"What?" Mason shrugs to his friends.

Tyler shakes his head in laughter. "Alright fine, we'll play." Tyler decides for all the guys before they can protest. "But I'm mainly agreeing because I want to watch Mason make a fool of himself."

"Oh, it's on!"

Mason points at Tyler with a megawatt grin. He's zero percent ashamed that he loves the dancing video game typically enjoyed by preteen girls. It's as if someone has flipped a switch, and Mason's normal self inflated ego is back in full force. That's our guy.

"You're up first then babe. Better put your money where your mouth is." Rachel pushes her boyfriend off the couch and towards the tv where Tyler is already setting up the game.

"Oh I will. You can count on that."

Mason flexes his bicep and gives it a kiss. He bends his left knee and grabs his foot with his hands to stretch his hamstrings. Everyone laughs at how seriously he's taking this.

"Who thinks they can take me?!" Mason scans the room of our friends with his most intimidating stare.

"Get up there Rach. Show him how it's done!" Payton yells and all us girls clap and cheer to agree.

"I don't know.....I don't want to hurt his feelings when I beat him guys. I hate to kick a man when he's down." Rachel whisper-yells to us girls behind her hand but loud enough that Mason would definitely hear her taunts.

Mason has always been cocky, but I've never known Rachel to back down from a challenge either. That's why they make a perfect pair. They both have intense personalities yet they are able to manage each other's crazy so neither of them bulldozes the other person.

"Oh so it's like that, huh? We'll see how much smack talk you've got once this round is over." Mason pulls Rachel up from the couch into a playful hug before checking her in the hip almost knocking her over.

"Bring it number thirty-nine."

Tyler walks around to the back of the couch after setting up the game. I'm standing there with Claire and Brady ready to watch the show that is our best friends dance battling. Tyler nudges me in the shoulder and hands me a bottle of water.


He casually leans his head down so his lips are close to my ear. I try to not show any sort of reaction to Tyler's sudden closeness even though inside I'm freaking out a little.

"My money is on Mason." He whispers to me. The sound of our friends chattering in the background debating which song should be their first dance fades away when Tyler's blue eyes meet mine.

"I don't know....It's very possible Mason is some kind of closet 'Just Dance' fanatic who plays every night before bed or something....."

I take a swig from the water bottle.

"But I think I've still got to go with my girl on this one." I give Tyler a sly grin and cross my arms over my chest. "Rachel is the best dancer on our team. Plus, she is super competitive. There's no way she is gonna let Mason beat her. He'd never shut up about it." I laugh.

"Oh he for sure isn't gonna shut up about this." Tyler joins my laughter.

"How about we make this interesting?"

"How so?" I raise an eyebrow in question.

"If Mason wins, you have to grant me one wish. Or, if Rachel wins, I will grant you one wish."

"What kind of wish?"

My voice cracks and I quickly clear my throat hoping Tyler didn't just notice. I have no idea where he is going with this and that makes my pulse kick up a few notches.

"Nothing weird or gross. It has to be kept PG Lila. I know your head is always in the gutter so try to restrain your dirty thoughts." Tyler's words taunting me.

I dramatically roll my eyes before I swat him in the stomach.

"Oh shut up! I'm a lady. I would never!" I say in my best southern drawl.

It feels good to joke around with Tyler again, like old times. Tyler grabs his stomach pretending to be wounded by my hit to his gut but he's wearing a big smile on his face.

"You can think about the wish if you don't know what you'd pick right now. Let's say...." Tyler ponders for a moment. "The wish won't expire for one week."

Tyler's blue eyes are sparkling back at me while he waits for my response.

"It's not like it will really matter what you're gonna wish for anyway though...." His voice getting louder. "Since my boy is gonna CRUSH. THIS. DANCE!"

Tyler's voice cuts through our chatting friends in support of Mason who temporarily stops his song search to turn around and give two enthusiastic finger guns to his best friend.

These two are so cheesy it's ridiculous.

"So what do you say?"

Tyler turns back to me once again. He holds his hand out to me and tries to contain his devilish smirk.

I stare at the handsome guy standing before me while I think it over. For the first time since homecoming weekend, things between us don't feel heavy or strained. The banter between us is back and it feels like old times. Even if my heart isn't fully over him, I'm enjoying being around Tyler again. It doesn't feel super hard or awkward like it has felt for weeks. I'm finally in a place where the wounds aren't so raw that seeing him breaks me like fragile glass. Tyler really was one of my best friends before everything went down between us and I've finally gotten outside of my grief long enough to see that there is hope for us to be friends again. He's clearly extending an olive branch tonight, so it seems safe enough for me to do the same for him.

"Why do I get the feeling I'm going to regret this?" I grab his hand and shake it.

"Alright this song." I hear Rachel say to Mason when she stops scrolling the game controller.

"Fine." Mason leans over and pecks Rachel on the cheek.

"What was that for?"

"It was a good luck kiss. Since we both know you're gonna need it." Mason grabs his stomach in a fit of laughter and leans over to high five Chase, Brody, Jake and Tyler when the song starts up on the screen.

Rachel ignores her arrogant boyfriend and starts dancing to the song, determination in her eyes.

"Let's go Mas!" Tyler calls out to his best friend.

A/N Hello everyone! Thanks for your patience as my updates haven't been consistent lately. I'm working on it..... ;)

What do ya'll think so far? I wonder who will win the bet? Lila or Tyler? See you next chapter to find out!

As always thanks for the read, comments and votes. Until next time - SZ

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