Beyonce/MJ fanfiction (unfini...

By The-Butterz

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Beyonce/MJ fanfiction (unfinished)

1.4K 17 10
By The-Butterz

The first time i met Michael was at the studio with my cousins, our girl band was called Destiny’s Child, Michael had taken an interest in us because he wanted us to perform with him in his Invincible concert. Durring this time around him we didn’t talk much, but i would always peek over at him and a lot of the time he was checking me out.  Now, a few years after those days. I had been invited to an MTV sponsored party. My friend P. Diddy came up to me with a strange smile on his face, he was somewhat jumpy.

“Damn!! Girl, guess who’s asking around for u?” He said almost peeing himself.

“I dont know, who?” I asked.

“The one and only KOP, thats who!” He said.

“Really? Well where is he, its been a while.” I said, intrigued.

He took my hand and leaded me to a group of people. I searched around and finnaly spotted him. I stopped short for a moment and made sure my hair was fine and that my teeth were fine and everything else was fine. Before i even finished my checks i looked up and Michael was starring straight at me, his face only inches from mine.

“Woah! Oh, My god. You startled me!” I gasped.

“haha, I am sorry. Hi, how are you?” He asked, his brown doe eyes sparkling.

“I - I - I . . . I need some water.” I said, suddenly the temperature in the room sky rocketed and my knees buckled. I fell slightly forward and fell into his chest. He grabbed my arms and held me upright.

“Oh no, lets get you out of here.” He said, and led me outside.

He sat me down on a bench outside the back entrance of the club and said he was just going back inside for a moment to get me some water. I sat there alone thinking what just happened. Michael’s face kept flashing in my mind and my body went rigid. Michael walked out with a glass of water.

“Here, how are you now that you have some fresh air?” He asked, starring me down with his deep brown eyes.

“Better. thank you!” I said, “U. . .look really good, Michael.” i added.

“well, same to you. You look more beautiful than the last time i saw you, i didnt know that was possible.” He said.

“Wow, Michael, u know what to say to a girl.” I said, amazed how easily i was just letting these words fly out of my mouth.

“Yeah, I know how to treat a girl as well.” He said. His eyes slowly centered on my lips. I watched, paralized, as he leaned in close to me and touched his lips to mine, we werent kissing, but his lips were just connected to mine. He looked up into my eyes as if to see if my eyes looked startled. He leaned farther and kissed me. His lips were warm and just somewhat moist. I slightly parted my lips and entered my tongue into his mouth, he reacted to this by dancing his tongue around mine.

His hands were resting on my knees at the time but slowly drifted upwards to my waist where there lay a thick black belt, he hooked his thumbs into the top of the belt and moved his hands from the front to the back of it. I lifted my hands and ran my fingers through his cropped black hair.  At this he pulled back.

“I’m sorry, wow, uhmm” He said.

“What’s wrong?” I asked. Confused, as i was i was deffinately enjoying our kiss.

“I just, i’ve had a thing for you for some time now. And I’d really like to get to know you more before I get any more into this moment.” He said standing up. “Would you like to go out with me sometime?” He asked.

I felt so embarrassed because I had forgotten about my boyfriend. SHIIIT shittt!!! I thought.

“Michael, I am really sorry, but I am not single. Shit, I wish i were but I’m not and i love my boyfriend, i just got caught up in the moment, and i really do apologize.” I said, covering my face with my hands worring about what he might say that would make me feel really bad about what had just happened.

“Oh, well. Better luck next time eh, can i at least give you a ride to your suite?” He asked, politely.

“Yes, Id very much apreaciiate that. “ I said.

He later lead me to his chofer sat next to me in the limo. We talked about our lives and our music. It was very nice. once we got to my suite, Mike lead me up to my door. He looked sad, i felt really guilty about what had happened between us.

“May, I at least give you a kiss goodnight.” He asked, shyly

“Well, okay.” I said. I watched as he leaned in for tha second time that night. His lips pressed to mine and suddenly, I realized that my body had a mind of its own that night. I Wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him passionately. I leaned on him and he stumbled backwards and landed on the wall of the hallway behind him with a thud, he didnt seem to care about the hitting the wall with such force and we kept kissing.  I pulled away just so much so that I could speak.

“Come inside.” I said and grabbed his arm and quikly slided my ket through the dooor and ran in. I turned around and locked lips with him again. Softly I could hear him mumbling in between kisses.

“Beyonce. please, beyonce. . .stop. . . please.” I finally pulled away. “I really would love it if we continued this, but i just cant do this this way. please dont make this any hharder on me.” He said with pleading eyes.

“Im sorry, yes of course, I;m sorry franktly i just cant seem to keep my hands off of you this evening.” We then said our goodbyes and parted.

About two years later  I was asked to introduce Michael durring an award ceremony, I didn’t even see Michael before I introduced him. I was quite nervous.

“Ladies and gentlemen I give you, the one and only KOP Michael Jackson.” I searched frantically with my eyes wondering which was he was coming out. I finally spotted him entering from the right side of the stage. He was wearing a slim fit outfit. *Damnnnn* I thought. Michael strode over to me and hugged me. I took in a deep breath of intoxicating Michael scent.

“Why hello, beautiful stranger.” He whispered. After embracing me he took his place at the podeum and began his speech, i really couldnt concentrate on the words that here coming out of his mouth, my eyes were taking to much brain power thinking of how marvelous his ass was. During his speech he turned around and whispered “Ur distracting me,” I laughed flirtatiously and waved his flattery off my ego.

Finally after what seemed like an hour, he was done with his speech and was awarded the guiness book of records award. He turned around and smiled at me, smoothly taking my hand and leading me off stage with him. Once backstage he swung me around to face himand leaned me up against the wall.

“Damn girl you donw want to know how many times i lost my consentration up there.” He growled.

“Really? Well, I do apologize, I didn’t mean to.” I smiled. I started breathing frantically as Michael kissed along the side of my neck. He sucked, and bit as I melted into his arms.

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