His Wife | Twilight Saga | Ca...

By MissAlyssa03

35.9K 863 65

In 1659, Carlisle Cullen met the woman that would become his wife, Beatrice Heinz. She was the daughter of on... More

Beatrice Heinz
The Family
2: The Past
3: New Home
4: Transformation
5: New School
6: Hospital and Story
7: New friends
8: Event Preparations
9: Finding Each Other
10. Explanations
11: Stories and Fixing Things
12: Trying

1: Desicion

2.7K 66 1
By MissAlyssa03

*Third POV*

New Orleans likes to stay up late. The city that is the birthplace of jazz and cocktails and hosts Mardi Gras every year is no sleepy head. While music is the local language any time of the day or night, come sundown in New Orleans, opportunities to listen and dance to live music and catch cabaret shows are in every nook and cranny. The city comes alive at night, keeping a syncopated beat that is irresistible and is still going strong when the sun comes up. The loud echoing of music traveled through the streets of New Orleans, many people were dancing and partying through the town having the time of their lives. Light glowed from every window and beaded necklaces were thrown about from person to person, many had bottles in their hands filled with alcohol or something of the sort.

The sounds of the town drowned out the thumping of boots in an alleyway and the screams coming from a man as he fled away from something or someone. A shadow flew above him, causing the man to shriek in absolute terror and continue running while holding his bleeding arm to his side. A crash came from behind him as the shadow landed and stalked up behind him. The man tripped and landed on his back, he screamed and tried to crawl away only for the shadow figure to rush up to him with incredible speed and kicked him into the alley wall.

The bleeding man gasped in pain and stared at the tall masculine figure in front of him, their black eyes burning with hungry as they latched onto the bleeding man's neck. Screams and painful shrieks were drowned out by the sounds of jazz and singing. Those painful noises slowly came to a stop as the man was drained of his blood.

"Nathaniel," a soft voice breathed behind the hungry man causing him to spin around into the light.

Nathaniel has messy black hair, is tall and thin, and has a paler complexion than most vampires, and his eyes, the eyes that were once the golden eyes of a vegetarian vampire have become the color of burgundy. He was dressed in a long black sleeve turtleneck, black skinny jeans which highlighted the muscles in his legs, and black combat boots. The pale skin of his face had been tainted and stained red from blood as a look of utter sadness and desperation fell upon his face.

Behind him stood three figures, two male and one female. The female was tall and slender, with an oval-shaped face, long black hair, hazel eyes, and a creamy fair complexion. She was dressed in a button-down white shirt with a black blazer, black women's slacks, and black high heels. This woman was Beatrice Heinz, his adoptive mother.

To her left stood Beatrice's adoptive brother, Ian the oldest in physical appearance. Ian is an extremely handsome young man with a height of 5'10', a well-toned body, and the physical appearance of a 25-year-old despite being 178 years old. Ian is sporting a black shirt with a black leather jacket black denim jeans and black boots. With striking, intense golden eyes contrasting wonderfully against dark eyelashes and eyebrows, and a "bad boy" smile, he can be described as relatively athletic, strong, sexy, and seductive.

To the right is Mateo, Ian's mate, the second oldest in appearance. Mateo is also an extremely handsome man with a height of 5'11', a toned physique the physical appearance of a 20-year-old while he is 256 years old. Mateo is sporting a white button-up shirt with the first four buttons undone, black slacks, and black dress shoes. His golden eyes are enticing to many and have a pale complexion with the slightest olive tone to it, dark eyelashes, and brows with a sweet smirk.

Nathaniel whimpered as Beatrice slowly walked towards him and bent down so they were at eye level, her pale hands raised to cup his cheeks as she wiped away smears of blood, "Ian, Mateo," She called, "Get rid of the body, make sure he can't be identified."

The two men stalked towards the body, "Yes ma'am," Mateo replied politely as he walked with his hands behind his back.

"Sure thing," Ian smirked as he cracked his knuckles.

Nathaniel tried to turn to look at his two uncles but Beatrice kept ahold of his face with a sad smile, "You and I are gonna go home Nathan," she whispered as Mateo and Ian dragged the body away, "We need to get you cleaned up."

Nathaniel whimpered, "Yes Mom," he muttered, scared of what will happen when they get home. Beatrice smiled a little bigger and stood to her feet pulling Nathaniel with her, with the speed only a vampire can possess, they blurred through the streets and out of town towards the large house they call home.

As they entered the home three figures were waiting for them in the foyer, two female and one male. The male was tall and slender with curly brown locks on his head, eyes like liquid gold, and a smile that dazzled everyone. He was dressed in blue jeans with a white button-up under a black sweater that had a little dinosaur embroidered on the left side and a pair of black and white Converse. This is Christian Heinz, the only biological child of Beatrice. He stood with a sad smile for Nathaniel.

To Christian's left stood his mate, Lillian. She was dressed in a pink and black plaid romper with a soft pink half-sleeve shirt underneath her dainty feet clad in high-top pink Converse. She had an oval face with a tan complexion compared to the pale one her siblings and mate had with wide golden doe eyes and full lashes giving her a look of innocence, her hair fell her back in graceful waves as she held her mate's hand, smiling gently at Nathaniel.

Finally, was the last girl Malia, Nathaniel's mate. She was tall with an athletic build, her hair was short and a deep rich brown, her eyes were similar to a doe-like Lillian's, her skin was as pale as Beatrice's as she stood dressed in black and white plaid pants, a cropped white tank top with a black cropped jacket on her shoulders and black boots on her feet.

Beatrice smiled at her kids, "Malia," She spoke, "Take Nathan upstairs to shower and get cleaned up, and then meet us all in the living room, it's time for a family meeting."

Malia smiled, "Of course Aunty," she agreed and took Nathan's hand, "C'mon babe," she called gently and led him up the stairs.

Christian walked into his mother's arms and snuggled into her neck, "Welcome back Mumma," he whispered with a soft smile before he pulled away.

Beatrice brushed back his curls and kissed his forehead, "Thank you, my child," she replied happily, before turning to Lillian who was waiting patiently for her turn, she opened her arms and enveloped the girl in a soft hug before letting go and walking into the living room with them behind her. She sat on a three-seater couch with either one of them beside her.

It wasn't long until Ian and Mateo came back and sat on the loveseat cuddling, Nathaniel and Malia came back and sat down in front of Beatrice, Nathaniel kept his head down, "Nathan," Beatrice called causing him to twitch and look up at her slightly, "It's not your fault, that man provoked you."

Nathaniel shook his head, "I still lost control, Mom," he sighed, "Now we have to move again because of me," he whimpered as venom gathered in his eyes. Malia rubbed his shoulders in comfort.

"I don't mind," Christian spoke up causing eyes to turn to him, "New Orleans was getting boring anyway."

"Agreed," Ian called from his spot on the love seat and Mateo nodded along.

"Same here," Lillian giggled as she twirled a blood lollipop in her mouth.

"Malia," Beatrice called, "What do you think?"

"I agree with everyone," Malia spoke, "It's not your fault babe, if anything you helped make the decision," she giggled.

"Nathaniel," Beatrice called again with a soft smile causing him to look up fully, "It's your turn to choose where we move to."

Nathaniel thought for a second, they needed a quiet place after the noise of New Orleans, a place where they can walk around during the day without being scared. He knew the perfect place.

"How about Forks in Washington?" he suggested.

"That sounds perfect," Beatrice smiled and left to begin planning their move.

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