{SONDER} || Katsuki Bakugou x...

بواسطة wepozamer

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Shiina Ito, a blasian girl born into the prestigious Ito family, on track to become a professional hero in th... المزيد

|| CHAPTER 1: Green Is Your Color ||
|| CHAPTER 2: Take Your Chance ||
|| CHAPTER 3: Our Promise to You ||
|| CHAPTER 4: A New Sunrise ||
|| CHAPTER 5: Stacks of Greed ||
|| CHAPTER 6: Stacks of Greed (2) ||
|| CHAPTER 8: Fresh Faniliarities ||
|| CHAPTER 9: A Prickly Pear ||
|| CHAPTER 10: Water in my Hands ||
|| CHAPTER 11: Karma Isn't Biased ||
|| CHAPTER 12: Two-Fold ||
|| CHAPTER 13: A Sharper Smile ||
|| CHAPTER 14: Aloof ||
|| CHAPTER 15: That's Right! My Official Protege! ||
|| CHAPTER 16: Mends Manifested ||
|| CHAPTER 17: Renaissance||
|| CHAPTER 18: In Our Heads||
|| CHAPTER 19: Festive Sports ||
|| CHAPTER 20: Layers of Deceit ||
|| CHAPTER 21: Stepping Stones ||
|| CHAPTER 22: Predicted Impediments ||
|| CHAPTER 23: Delectation From Enmity ||
|| CHAPTER 24: Caucus ||
|| CHAPTER 25: Indignation ||
|| CHAPTER 26: Parasite ||
|| CHAPTER 27: Intransigent ||
|| CHAPTER 28: Vitality - The Catalyst Hero ||
|| CHAPTER 29: Conclave ||
|| CHAPTER 30: Mental Toil ||
|| CHAPTER 31: The Start to Retribution ||
|| CHAPTER 32: Dreamer ||
|| CHAPTER 33: Between The Pages ||
|| CHAPTER 34: For Me? ||
|| CHAPTER 35: Rumination ||
|| CHAPTER 36: Zenith of Hate and Fear ||

|| CHAPTER 7: Give it Your All! ||

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بواسطة wepozamer

After exiting her 10-minute trip to the bathroom with a yawn, Shiina went on her way to walk back to the dining room when her shelf full of unbearably large trophies made her stop in her tracks rather suddenly. Longest shot-put throw, longest soft-ball throw, furthest javelin toss, etc. The row of awards her eyes fell upon were full of almost a fraction of the physical activities she'd won before.

More trophies for different sports sat underneath that shelf. And beneath that one sat framed certificates for various achievements regarding contests she'd entered, all covered by glass that had a light layer of dust.

She bent down to the ground and gazed upon the other more forgotten trophies she'd won during her younger years. More innocent awards such as winning a spelling bee and a math contest sat upon that shelf, which expelled a laugh out of her.

"This is so corny," she remarked under her breath.


"GAAH! Midoriya!"

He put his hands up. "Sorry! I didn't mean to scare you! You just took a while to come back so... I got worried. Uh... So did your parents. What're you... doing here?"

He looked over to the shelf Shiina sat so intently in front of, remembering how his mother spent so much time in front of it. And now here she was, sitting down with a mysteriously sullen expression. He sat down next to her and began looking at all of the trophies that sat across the partially dusty shelves.

"These are all yours, aren't they?"

Ito didn't respond for a bit. Instead, she brought her knees to the bridge of her nose with her arms stretched across her legs.

"How could you tell?" An unusually raspy voice sarcastically responded to him.

Midoriya too crossed his legs as he read all the titles for the bottom shelf trophies. The more innocent ones, by Ito's standard.

"Have you ever had a friend before?" She asked.

"Well, uh... I have Kacchan. Though... I don't know what I am to him, really."

"Doesn't that guy pick on you?"

"...Well, sometimes, yeah. He says he's just trying to make me realize the truth but... now I've got a chance, you know?"

Ito just frowned in disbelief and turned her head away. "...He's still an ungrateful hot-head."

"He does sometimes upset me... like one time where he hit me really hard on the shoulder. It... hurt pretty bad. It made me so upset that I wanted to put live spiders in an envelope and mail it to him."

Ito slowly turned her head to her friend.

"...You what?"

"I don't want to do it anymore! I realize two wrongs don't make a right... but still..."

"Yeah..." She moved a bit further from Midoriya with a slight scooch while making a mental note to never piss her friend off. "Anyway... thanks for being here. I just feel like this is all... sort of odd. I mean, I know more about you than I do my parents. And... that just feels weird. It feels like I'm having dinner with very... very, very distant family members. You know? I mean, crap, I don't even remember my mother's birthday. O—Or my fathers— I don't remember their birthdays. And then they sit there and... and they act like I'm the most important thing to them."

"...I'm sorry..."

"It's fine. It's not your fault. I just... I thought... well, I thought maybe... I don't even know. I just wanted a friend."

"I'll be honest... I don't really... know how to ''have friends'' either... All my classmates do anymore is have disdain for me."

"No way, you too?!"

Midoriya flinched a bit. "You're picked on? But... you're so cool. And your quirk is awesome...! Why would they wanna pick on you?"

Ito's smile wasn't there for long. "...I've encountered a few... problems throughout my time at Ikigai..."

"Oh... I'll be honest I didn't think someone like you had any problems... well..."

Ito looked over at Midoriya right as he did with her, causing both of them to make silent eye contact.

"I just thought you worked a little too much... 'cause, y'know..."

"Know what?"


"Well, what?"

"It's just..."

He didn't know if she was genuinely clueless or if she was purposefully oblivious to the obvious dark circles underneath her eyes, so he just looked away with a hint of embarrassed blush scattered across his cheeks.


"I mean, yeah. I do work very hard. Thanks for noticing."

Should I tell him his really loud crying caused me to crash into a vent on the roof of his school?

"But anyway," Ito crisscrossed her legs. "I mean... quirks don't solve everything. It gets me to where I need to be but... not to where I wanna be."

A bit of semi-comfortable silence fell upon the two before Ito cut it short.

"And you... Stars, you're so cool. I've only known you for a week and your modus operandi is so honorable. You kept going despite being bullied and told you couldn't be a hero... even without a quirk. I think that's single-handedly the coolest thing a person can do."

Midoriya grew bashful. "...Yeah. Thanks. Though, my dreams were nearly crushed yesterday, so..."

"Yesterday. Holy crap, that was a ride, wasn't it?" Shiina laughed and turned to Midoriya, almost already in a fit of giggling. "What kind of number-one hero tells a kid something like that? And on a roof? Did he even listen to you when you told him how your classmates treated you?"

"I mean, yeah it was a bit harsh but... It was the truth..."

"I guess so, yeah... but still! He could've put it a bit lighter without having to necessarily sugarcoat anything. But... I'm just talking out of biased morality."

There was another period of silence, this one a bit more awkward than the one from before. Until Shiina stood up and grabbed a famed certificate she earned for tossing the farthest hammer-throw out of all the competition.

"You know, I only won this one by... about a few yards. I can't remember exactly but... Father thought it was a decent throw for someone like me. Pfft, I'd like to see him toss like that... The throw was incredibly difficult to execute."

Midoriya stood up and looked at the same certificate with a sad smile. "Your dad doesn't really seem to appreciate you... does he?"

"...I guess not... I mean... I think so. But..."

"But what?"

Shiina sighed. "I'm not all too sure. He says he's busy and doesn't have time for things like that. If I think I'm doing a good job, then I don't have to waste his time by telling him how the progress is going. I just... keep going. It's weird and I don't understand his motives but... it is what it is."


"But hey! We can still try that idea you had!" Shiina gave Midoriya a friendly punch. "You know, the one where we tell him about... the... progress I'm... making... uh..."


"How about you tell him instead?"

"Me?" Midoriya asked as shock covered his freckled face.

"Yeah! I mean- if he hears it from another mouth besides mine, hopefully, he'll still let me be somewhat associated with you as long as I keep up the good work! Wow, you're a genius, Midoriya."

"But I-"

"Come on! Come on!" She grabbed his arm and dragged him back to the dining room. "We won't know if it doesn't work until we try it, right?"

The two immediately sat down once they entered the dining room, which was full of lively chatter between the three adults.

"Oh, Shiina. There you are!" Atsuko, greeted her as she began picking up a bit of her food. "What took you so long? That was a lot longer than 60 seconds..."

"I was making sure I... didn't lose something."

"Oh, really?" Her father asked.


I mean, I'm technically right.

"Well... we were just talking about you!" Inko smiled at her.

Shiina put her elbow on the table and gave Midoriya's mother a cheesy smile. "No. Way."

The woman laughed before continuing. "Oh, of course! You seem to be your father's pride and joy with how much he loves talking about you."

Ito turned to Midoriya with the same smile but bigger. "NO. WAY." Midoriya just glared at her with a nervous smile.

Atsuko let out a chuckle and pointed her chopsticks at her husband. "That's your daughter..."

"Our daughter."

This is so weird...

"That's fantastic," Ito began hurriedly picking out clumps of her rice. "Also, Midoriya, didn't you want to tell my father something?"

Shiina shoved the rice in her mouth before Midoriya could react.

"What?!" He glared at Ito and then her father with a nervous smile. "Oh... uh— right! Yeah!"

Shiina had to stop herself from laughing so she wouldn't choke on her food by clearing her throat and putting even more food in her mouth.

"Uh...well... s—she's definitely a hard worker! Uh, that's... that's... uh..."

Oh, my goodness.

"Well, I know that already..." Her father cut himself a slice of sweetbread with a smile.

"No, wait! That's not what I mean! Well, it is— but! Uh..."

Shiina was sweating up a storm while aggressively chewing on rice. The tension was so aggressive she couldn't help but let out a laugh.

"What I'm saying is... even though we've only... known one another for a little over a week... uh..."

Midoriya nervously glanced over at his friend a few times while speaking, who gestured for him to keep going with her eyes, rice stuck to the side of her mouth.

"I can... already tell how hardworking she is! She's also very supportive of me and I am of her... so..." He glanced over at Ito's dad. "Uh... I'd like to... keep her around... more often!"

"Is that implying something?"

"No! Not at all!"

"I think he's just trying to tell you how much he appreciates them getting along so well! I mean, I know I sure do," Inko put her utensils down and smiled. "He's been so much happier ever since they started getting along. I remember when he first told me about her! He seemed so excited and couldn't stop talking—"

Inko was interrupted by Midoriya's soft groaning as he rested his face on the table, his hands desperately clamping his hair as he waited for her to stop talking.

"Oh, he gets so embarrassed," she whispered. "I don't know why!"

I'd be embarrassed, too.

Ito finally swallowed the rice in her mouth. "Thanks, Midoriya. And... Mrs... Midoriya. I'm glad you both recognize my work. And I'm glad you're... happy to have me around."

The dinner continued with what has been its foundation the entire time; food and chatter. The further the dinner proceeded, the less stressed Ito felt. She didn't know if it was because her father seemed so happy compared to how he usually comes off if he's home at all or just because... this is the most she's ever interacted with her parents.

Why can't things be like this every day? She wondered.

Time passed on as the conversation shifted from pro-heroes to recent disasters around Musutafu. Eventually, the topic of a certain slime monster taking hold of a boy in middle school passed the table.

"That was just yesterday, wasn't it?" Inko asked. "Oh, I don't know what I'd do if Midoriya was in his place... I don't think I'd be able to sleep at night if I knew that thing had gotten close to my son."

Midoriya and Shiina shot one another with panicked glances on time.

Thank goodness you didn't tell her anything, Midoriya.

"Speaking of," Ichiro turned to his daughter. "You returned home awfully later than usual that same day, Shiina. Not to mention your appearance was rather... scattered. I still didn't get a response as to why."

"Oh, well," Shiina let a nervous smile spread across her face as she leaned against the table. "I was fine but Midoriya and I had some trouble getting through a crowd of people. We didn't get hurt, though."

That's when her mind ran back to the small cut he'd acquired on his cheek when that slime monster showed up for the first time. If she hadn't been so caught up in what she was doing then she would've detected the monster sooner... probably preventing him from getting hurt at all. Or passing out...

"Oh, Midoriya got home a lot later than usual as well... I hope you two didn't get hurt on the way home."



"Us? Hurt? With me around?" Shiina smiled again. "Things were fine. Just a plethora of foot traffic grabbing us by the ankles on our way home. That's pretty much it."

"Oh!" Inko placed a hand on her chest. "Thank goodness! I thought something happened to Midoriya! He's been in a much better state ever since meeting Ito, I tell you. She must be such a reliable child."

Ito let out a silent sigh of relief before staring at Midoriya with glee in her lidded eyes.

I think it's going to work.


As the dinner wrapped up and as the cleaning maid, Ayaka, came out of her room to clean the leftovers and empty dishes, Inko, Ichiro and Atsuko said their goodbyes near the doorway for what felt like an hour as Midoriya and Ito stood by the door, awkwardly waiting for their parents to wrap up their chatter.

The lovely reflection of the evening light cast beautifully from the picture windows and the skylight looming above the large foyer. The mood was busy but calm and the room was full of lively chatter. It would make anyone feel at ease, but not Ito. She and Midoriya were hoping after this dinner, they could still be friends. Best friends.

Eventually, Inko called for her son and Ichiro ordered a ride home for them from his personal driver. It was strange since he knew how to drive, but Shiina didn't really think to question it. Especially not with so much on her mind. She did give her goodbyes to the family, wishing them well and ensuring them how much fun she had. Though, she was deadly nervous. She thought this would be the last she ever saw of Midoriya.

So while her father's back was turned to her, she gave Midoriya the biggest hug she ever could, nearly squeezing his organs out of him with how tight she held the boy.

"If I don't ever see you again... for however long we're separated..." She mumbled in his ear. "I'm gonna remember your name. And I'll do everything in my power to find you again. I promise."

Despite how tight her arms were around him, he could still speak. "Yeah... same here! I won't ever forget you. I promise."

Ito let go of her friend and smiled. "I think... I think the dinner worked but... just in case. Okay?"

"Yeah... I think it worked, too. I mean, I hope so..."

Right as he said that, the car taking them home pulled up outside of the gate. She wished her last goodbyes to her friend as he and her mom exited the gate and entered the car, probably never to be seen again.

That's what Ito believed.

That night, she and her father had a small chat right as she finished a good 3 sets and showered for what felt like the first time in a while all before changing into her pajamas. She was left sitting on her bed, hugging her pillow and trying to avoid any thoughts that she knew would make her cry.

It'll be fine. I'll get to be his friend. Everything is gonna be fine. I'll be fine. We'll be fine. We...

A rough knock at her door led her away from her mind. She hugged her pillow even tighter knowing exactly who was behind the door. Her stomach was audibly bubbling with the petrifying uncertainty lingering behind her door.

She opened the door and was faced with her father. As unusual as the day felt, this made it feel even weirder. They usually only communicated through her phone or her TM, so this face-to-face contact was just as weird as the day that had just flashed by.

He just stood there, staring down at her. As if he were thinking of what to say. But she knew he knew what he wanted to tell her, and she knew he'd tell her what he wanted to say, whether it was what she wanted to hear or not.

"Uh— Hey... sir. Is everything alright?"

A few more seconds went by before he dug in his blazer pocket and dug out a familiar cell phone.

"Well done."


"Before I give this back to you, I need you to assure me you'll..."


"...keep up the good work."

If it hadn't been for her steady nerves, she would've collapsed to the ground. "Oh!— Uh, yes, father! I'll do my best!"

He snatched his hand away once Ito's had slightly brushed his, swiftly wiping his hand along his sharp blazer as if wiping something off of himself. Ito was too happy to notice, glaring at her phone with the stupidest smile ever.

"Is that all...?" She asked.

"Yes, that's... all. I will also have your schedule appropriately rearranged within 4-7 business days. Do you even realize how lucky you are? I let you come home late and this is what I do for you. I hope you realize you could've suffered actual consequences from your misbehavior."

"Yes... I know. I'm sorry, sir. I won't let it intentionally happen again."

"...Get to bed."

She softly shut the door behind herself and proceeded to ignore his command by immediately messaging her friend, telling him the exciting news and how the plan worked. He responded several minutes later sharing the exact excitement. The girl flopped back and forth on her bed with dumbfound laughter, just happy to have her friend back, even if it was in secret.

She then was told by her friend to meet up at Takoba Municipal Beach Park the following morning. And early.

"Huh... I wonder why..."

She excitedly messaged her friend, agreeing to meet there, knowing that she'd have to use a map in advance to get there since she wasn't at all familiar with the life outside her home. She was so happy that she couldn't stop smiling until her mind drifted off into unconsciousness.

So instead of participating in her initial egregious schedule, she got herself ready and showed up in her casual clothing, consisting of all black. And upon the sight of her best friend, she smiled wide and began making random noises out of her own happiness.

"Midoriya! Wow, I finally found you through all this trash! What's going on? Why'd you wanna meet so early in the morning? And why'd you..."

That's when she saw him again. The number one hero of the country of Japan, who she was surprised to see disconnected from the life support she was sure he needed to even get out of bed, waved kindly at her in his more heroic form. She lost her smile.

"Ugh, every time I see this guy I'll be reminded of your nightmare of a room..."

"Don't bring that up!" Midoriya waved his hands around. "I'm glad you're here, though! When we were talking yesterday, he told me to meet him here to start training! Isn't this exciting?"

"What're you supposed to do exactly...?" She asked as she glanced around the messy beach. "And you should've told me you were training! I would've brought my equipment with me so we could train together!"

"Oh! Sorry...!" He practically squealed as he rubbed his nape.

Ito glared at all the large chunks of trash lying about on the beach. She never imagined anyone ever having to train at a beach. A messy one, nonetheless. And it wasn't your regular pieces of scattered trash lying here and there. No, it was mountains of furniture and appliances stacked across the beach. She'd never seen a place so... messy.

"What're we doing here...?" she asked.

"Young Ito! Glad to see a familiar face again!" All Might walked up to the girl and extended his large hand out to her. "I'm also glad you're here to support your friend in his training!"

"...Don't touch me."

All Might retreated and let out a laugh. "You're quite the card, young lady!"

How am I a 'card'?

That's when All Might climbed on top of a fridge and hunched his knees to his chest, patting the empty space next to him while looking over at Ito. She ignored him.

All Might sighed. "Let's get going, young Midoriya! I want you to pull this fridge with me on top!!"

The boy's eyes went wide. "What?! With you on it...?!"

You're kidding.

"Come on! Let's get to it!"

"But I can't... I can't do that! Not only is the fridge enough but with someone like you on it... I wouldn't be able to pull all that weight!"

"Wait what?" Ito shook her head as outrage crossed her eyes. "Hey! Give him something a little less strenuous first. What's next? Do you want him to cut down an entire forest?"

He put his thumb out. "Sounds good! I'll make sure to put that next up on our list of workout regimens!"

I hate this guy.

"Well... I'll try..." Midoriya picked up the long ropes tied to the base of the fridge and began pulling as hard as he possibly could. All this succeeded in was his grunting, but no movement was detected from the fridge.

Seconds passed, bleeding into minutes of Midoriya struggling to move the fridge. To no avail.

"Hey-hey-hey! It's pretty comfy up on this fridge! How're you doing down there?"

That's when Midoriya let go of the ropes as he collapsed to the ground. Ito shook her head in shame, walking over to the boy and squatting down to extend a hand.

"All Might, I don't know if your brain has already entered its rotting stage, but I don't think this is gonna work out."

"People move these every day, you know. And most of them don't even have any super strength."

"Yeah, well, those people don't have a seven-foot hero sitting on top of those fridges, do they?" Ito grabbed Midoriya's hand and began flopping his wrist around. "Besides, you can't start comparing some strangers to a lanky, quirkless boy in middle school."

Midoriya removed his face from the floor and looked over at All Might. "Yeah... there's an extra 600 pounds with you sitting on top of it..."

"Naaaah, I've lost weight, so I'm down to 560 these days. In this form, at least."

"What a total difference!" Ito smiled. "Get off the fridge."

"Why do you have me dragging trash across the beach anyway?" Midoriya asked.

All Might let out a boisterous laugh and took his phone out. His flash went off as he began taking pictures of Midoriya. "Take a look at yourself! You're not ready for my power!"

Midoriya's mouth flew ajar as tears began spilling from his eyes. "But I thought you said that I was worthy!"

What the...?!

"All Might! What are you doing?!" Ito turned to All-Might. "That's not funny! Shaming him for being unable to pull not only your weight but the weight of a fridge with the body type he has is disgustingly asinine! And you're taking pictures?! Seriously, where is your head right now?! Give him something easier to work with so he can work up to carrying that deteriorating meat sack you call a body around!"

"No!" All Might hopped off of the fridge, still taking pictures of Midoriya's sobbing. "I'm talking about his weak body!"

Midoriya turned to face All Might with a gloomy expression painting his face.

"My quirk one-for-all is a whole lot to handle! The combined physical abilities of everyone who has ever used it creates a hurricane of pure force! An unprepared body can't fully inherit it. Your arms and legs would shoot off if you tried to!"

"SERIOUSLY?!" Midoriya shouted.

"Oh, ouch. HHHAAAA! Oh— wait, sorry. That's not funny. Well, it's a little... no, sorry. Not funny."

Midoriya shook the thought away while holding his arms close. "Oookay... So this whole trash thing is really some kind of hardcore gym workout. And... you're my trainer."

All Might put a thumb up and smiled brightly at Midoriya. "You got it! But there's another reason, too! I did a little online research yesterday. Turns out this part of the beach used to be beautiful. But it's been a total mess for the last few years!"

All Might paced around a bit as he spoke, banging his fist on the fridge he'd been sitting upon.

"That's right..." Midoriya stood up. "Because of the ocean currents, anything that's dropped in the water ends up here... people take advantage of that when they're illegally dumping their trash. Now all the locals avoid this place..."

Ito swiped a finger against the fridge and looked at the dirt on her glove. "To think I'd never have to imagine someone lugging a fridge into the ocean until now... How sad."

AllMight with his bare hands began compacting the same fridge into a ball of nothing but sheet metal. "Heroes these days are all about showing off and capturing flashy villains. Things were different before quirks! Service is what mattered! Back then, heroes were those who helped the community! Even if it was metaphoric!"

A large gust of air surrounded All Might as he single-handedly pressed the fridge flat as if it were absolutely nothing to him, having Ito silently and temporarily project an acting forcefield around her and her friend to protect them from any flying debris.

"You'll restore the coastline for this entire section of the beach," he said as the wind settled. "That is the first step on your path, young man, towards being a hero."

Midoriya's eyes popped open as he turned to face the large pile of burdening trash sitting behind him. "All this? But... There's so much! That's impossible!"

"Young Midoriya, you want to go to UA, right?" All Might asked.

"Well, yeah. Of course. You went there, so it must be the best school around, right?" Midoriya asked, a tint of blush sticking to his cheeks. "It's a long shot... but still, I'm gonna shoot for the moon. UA."

"You've got a lot of spirit, fanboy!"

"Oh... UA, huh? That's where you're planning on going?" Ito excitedly clenched her fists and turned to Midoriya with a smile. "Oh, my goodness! If you get in, we can finally go to school together! How cool is that?!"

Midoriya smiled back. "You're going, too?! No way! I'm more than sure you'll get in!"

"Yeah! I'm going in through recommendations... At least, that's what my Father told me once I began middle school. We can get you in, too! Oh— this is gonna be so awesome!"

"Are you two finished?"



"Anyway, as I've mentioned before," All Might turned his back to the two kids. "Heroing isn't easy to do without a quirk. It's not fair, but that's the reality. UA is the hardest hero course to get into. So that means..."

"That I have to prepare my body for your quirk really fast! UA's exam is in 10 months!"

"Ah, All Might..." Ito placed a hand on the nape of her neck. "How exactly will you be transferring your quirk to him? Will it hurt you?"

He lifted his hand in the air for a moment. "Can't answer that! You'll know when he's ready," that's when All Might pulled sheets of paper out of nowhere, holding them between two of his fingers. "Besides! There's no need to worry, young Midoriya! I've got you covered! With the help of a handy aim-to-pass American dream plan! Follow this to the letter, and the beach should be cleaned up just in time! I also detailed every other aspect of your life while I was at it!"

"Aaah... your sleeping schedule is almost like mine!" Ito peeped over her friend's shoulder as Midoriya looked through the sheets of paper. Midoriya looked back at his friend with a worried expression.

She eventually looked back at him, staring at his worried face. "...What? Oh, come on! Just look at me— I've got a ton of energy every day all the time!" Ito cheerily pointed to herself, her sharp teeth sticking out. "You'll live!"

"If I'm being honest, this is going to be super hard. Think you're up to it?" All Might asked.

"Yeah, sure I am. I have to work way harder than anyone else to get in. So what choice do I have, right?"

And that's... exactly what happened.

For the next 10 months, Ito watched Midoriya lug around pieces of trash off the beach, big and small, while she happily encouraged him. That didn't mean she didn't focus on her own endeavors, but she managed to follow the new schedule provided to her by her father while also giving Midoriya an equal amount of attention. She was so happy seeing him on his path to finally become a hero, and under the training of his all-time favorite hero nonetheless. How lucky was that?

Throughout the duration of those ten months, the two got closer during their hours of free time. Even during their training hours, too. Midoriya soon even took her to an ice-cream parlor which ended in a sugar rush, drop in blood sugar, and a headache. Accompanied with a good dose of lethargy. He thought he'd die just sitting close to her with how jittery she'd been, but eventually, everything turned out fine, with her being an avid fan of sherbet ice-creams.

They even once went to a store where Ito got a bit attached to a stub earring with a plus hanging from it, and noted to Midoriya how it represented the symbol she'd use on her hero costume once she had the chance to submit one. So, she ended up buying dozens of black clip-on hook earrings as well as several plus-shaped earrings.

This is the only thing Ito ever wanted. A friend. And that's exactly what she had.

But as the months passed by faster and faster, she really began thinking about high school more often. She'd be leaving Middle School for good and would... eventually meet new people. Just thinking about it made her nerves buzz. Not only new people but new people with... new quirks. New personalities. New faces she'd have to see every day. New experiences and new... everything's, really. For some reason, she felt unnerved, knowing Izuku would be meeting these people as well.

A week before the exams, she sat down to have a candid talk with her best friend.

"So... what did you want to talk about?" Izuku asked as he sat down, a bit of trepidation in his eyes.

"Well... I'm sure you know that... with a new school, new people are... bound to be there. And stuff."


"...Aren't you... I dunno, like, worried or something?"

"Oh..." he turned his head away. "...well, I have thought about it. But I have a goal to reach, so even if I don't like it, I'll have to persevere, you know? Like how we've been doing this entire time. I'm not gonna let anything get in my way this time!"

"Yeah— I get that, I know but..."

Ito turned her head in the opposite direction of her friend. Her words were floating in her head and she was trying to form a sentence out of them, creating silence between the two. But a sigh left her as she stood up and put a hand out to her friend.

"Never mind. I forgot what we were talking about."

"What? That quickly?!"

"It happens."

Not wanting to bother Midoriya's determination with her own paranoia, she simply decided to drop the topic rather swiftly. Of course, Midoriya was worried for her and reassured her that everything was gonna be fine once they got to their new school during their daily walk home. Through a bit of nervous sweating, she nodded and agreed. Though, it was mostly for his sake.

To be frank, she was terrified to an unprecedented extent.

But everything was going to be fine, right?

— — —

UGHHHHH I feel like the conclusion of the dinner was a little rushed even though I tried not to rush. It. BUT whatever I hope you enjoyeeed anyway........ hehe ... ily

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