𝐅𝐒𝐧𝐝𝐒𝐧𝐠 π‡πšπ©π©π’π§πž...

Da Idek-515

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Chapter 1:
π‚π‘πšπ©π­πžπ« 𝐭𝐰𝐨:

π‚π‘πšπ©π­πžπ« 3:

313 0 5
Da Idek-515

Harry stared at the plate of food infront of him. After sassing two deadly death eaters he decided to make himself a plate of breakfast instead of just taking a bite of his pancake but he was quick to realize that he couldn't even finish half of it.

"What's the matter,little lion? Do you not like the food?" Tom questioned his mate,watching as the boy moved his barely eaten food around.

"The food is great" Harry said honestly,pouting down at his plate. "I'm just not hungry anymore,I'm sorry for wasting it."

"You hardly touched your food,sweetheart" Narcissa commented,worriedly glancing at the boys plate.

"I-I know,I'm sorry" Harry apologized,guilt swirling in his stomach as he clenched his fist.

"Don't worry about the brat,he's always wasting food" Severus drawled,his words causing Harry to flinch as his anger rose.

He stood up,his chair scooting back with a screech that made everyone look at him in shock.

"What is your problem with me? I haven't done anything to you and your always such a-" Harry stated,moving his hands angrily as he stared at the man.

"I would watch your next words carefully,Potter" Severus said threatening.

"Watch your tone,Severus. Don-" Tom starts,giving the man a warning look but he was quickly cut off by his mate.

"No! I want to know what the hell is his problem" Harry stated angrily,frustrated tears forming in his eyes as he leans closer to the man that hated him, "What the fuck have I ever done to you?"

"Your just like your father" Severus snarls,not hiding the disgust in his voice as he stares down the boy. "You parade around like the world revolves around you. You throw a fit when something doesn't go your way. Your nothing more than a spoiled brat. Y-" Severus starts listing his reasons.

"If you count living under the stairs and hardly being fed once a week spoiled,professor,then I was living like royalty" Harry interrupted angrily.

When the man stared in shocked silence and no one spoke Harry backed away,his hands shaking as he slowly started backing out of the room. "I-I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that."

"Little Lion i-" Tom started as he was the first to snap out of it but his small mate interrupted him.

"I-I have to go" Harry cut in,quickly turning on his heel and running.

Tom turns to Severus who gulped,standing up and bowing "My lord I-AHHH!"

Tom watched in satisfaction as the man withered on the ground,screaming as he did so. The man might of not physically hurt his mate but by the boys tearful eyes as he yelled at the man he could tell there was some emotional trauma hidden away that the man was at least somewhat responsible for.

"If you as so much raise your voice to my mate again I will kill you,understood?" Tom said after he stopped the torturing,looking down at the man with a cold glare.

"Y-yes,my lord" Severus panted out.

"Good. That goes for everyone as well" Tom threatened,sending Lucius a warning look.

"Yes,my lord" They all chorused.

"You are dismissed" Tom said,quickly going after the young Potter.

"I'm sorry" Harry said as soon as the man stepped into the living room where he sat back curled on the couch. "I-I didn't mean to act like that. I s-"

"Hey,it's okay" Tom said soothingly,slowly making his way towards the trembling boy. "We all get a little angry sometimes and if,Severus,made you that upset then he deserved it."

"Your not mad?" Harry whispered,looking at the man through his eyelashes when he bent down infront of him.

Tom's breath hitched at the look,not being able to decide if it was adorable or hot. He quickly shook away those thoughts though to comfort the young man. "Of course not,little lion,why would I be?"

"I went in there like a half naked brat. I disrespected your followers and...you. I stormed out and I've been giving you a hard time." Harry mumbled guiltily.

"I didn't like that everyone got to see your gorgeous body" The man said with a flirty smirk,earning an eye roll and light blush from the teen."But you in no way did anything wrong by lashing out,if anything I expected worse. I kidnapped you. You just found out you were my mate and im sure being in a room full of some of the people who in some way hurt you or someone you cared about was overwhelming for you. You were put on edge,am I correct?"

Watching as the teen only gave a slight nod and avoided eye contact he let out a sigh,slowly reaching to softly tilt the boys head to face him(he frowned when the teen flinched but was glad he didn't pull away) "Use your words,darling,I can't help if you don't talk to me"

Harry shivered at the soft order,his cheeks dusting pink as his skin tingled at the older mans soft touch and warm gaze. "I...I understand that you couldn't exactly choose who your mate is b-but...I think you would be better off with someone else."

"I understand" Tom said,pulling away from the boy as his expression turned pained and he attempted to stand up but was quickly stoped.

"I-it's not you!" Harry said frantically,uncurling himself and grabbing onto the wide eyed mans wrist before he could completely stand. He let go after realizing what he was doing and looked away with a small frown. "Just...someone like me isn't someone who would be good as a mate. You don't want me,trust me,Tom."

"I know we didn't get...along but that doesn't change anything. Your my mate and I do want you." Tom huffed,bending back down and tilting his head so he could make eye contact with the teen. "Your mine now. All of you."

Harry stared at the man,looking for any sign of a lie and when he didn't find one he slightly relaxed,a playful smirk on his handsome face. "I would greatly appreciate it if you went back to trying to kill me"

"tch,fucking brat"


"I'm going with you" Tom stated stubbornly,watching as his mate picked one of his t-shirts and a pair of old grey joggers that were thrown in the back of his closet.

He had finally convinced the boy to put on some clothes.

"You can't,Tom" Harry sighs out,pulling the plain white t-shirt over his head.

He had informed the man that he had to get back to the Dursley's and much to his annoyance the man wanted to come with him.

He wouldn't Tom joining him if he were with anyone other than the Dursley's. He understood that the man most likely didn't want him out of his sight but he couldn't let Tom see what he went through.

He didn't know what Tom would do if he saw how the Dursley's treated him,he was surprised that his charms had lasted so long and that the man didn't even realize that he was magically hiding but he was glad (at least that's what he told himself.

"Why not?" Tom whined,much like a child causing Harry to roll his eyes. Tch;we'll have to work on his attitude.

"I'm already late. They most likely realized i'm gone and called the cops. If I don't show up soon they'll just get more worried." Harry half lied. They would of noticed he was gone but not because they were worried,but because they wouldn't have woken up to breakfast.

He shivered. He knew he was in deep shit and Vernon was going to be piss when he finally showed up.

"How about you get me on Sunday?" Harry questioned as he tugged on the black joggers he found in the back of the walk in closet. The Dursley's always left Sunday mornings and didn't get back until around ten so as long as he was returned by then he should be fine. Plus it was only two days way so the man wouldn't have to wait too long.

"Really?" Tom perked up,his pouty lips turning into a bright smile.

"The Dursley's leave around eight on Sundays and don't come back until around ten at night" Harry explained,pushing his glasses further up his nose.

Tom lets out a hum,repeating the times in his head as he held his arm out for Harry.

"J-just make sure their gone before you pick me up" Harry states,taking hold on the mans arm after a few seconds on hesitation. His body tingled with nerves,knowing that in just a few minutes he'll be back to his own personal hell.

"Alright. Hold on tight,little lion" Tom says,waiting for the boy's grip to slightly tighten around his arm before they disappeared with a 'Pop'.

Harry lets out s groan when they land,his stomach turning at the being-sucked-into-a-straw feeling he experienced but he pushed it away,giving Tom on last quick wave before running to the front door.

He takes a deep breath to calm his nerves and nausea before slowly twisting the knob,opening it just enough for him to quietly slip in.


As soon as he stepped into the house he was slammed against the door,causing it to slam shut and leaving him barely enough time to hold out his hands against the wooden surface before he faceplate.

"Where have you been,boy?" A voice sneered as a heavy weight was pushed against his small frame.

Harry's breath hitched,his mouth drying as he harshly gulped,not being able to form any words.

He let out a yelp when meaty fingers grabbed a handful of his hair and tugged,causing his head to forcefully be pulled back.

"I asked you a question." Vernon growled,sending unpleasant shivers down his spine as warm breath ran down his neck.

"I-I we-went f-for a-a-a jo-jog,s-sir" Harry stuttered out nervously,his body trembling.

"What have I said about lying,brat?" Vernon hissed,harshly slamming the smaller males head against the door.

Harry let out a groan when his head made contact with the door,his arms giving out from the harsh treatment and causing his cheek to squish against the hard surface but he didn't answer the man.

"It's okay,i'm not mad" The man cooed softly,releasing his harsh grip on soft black curls and instead ran a soothing had through them. "I was just worried"

However,Harry didn't relax. The man's reassuring words and soft touch didn't do anything to calm him,if anything they made him more panicked.

It's a trick. It's a trick. It's a trick. It's a trick. It's a trick. Get away. Get away. Get away.Danger. Danger. Danger. Danger Dangerdangerdangerdan-

"I just want the best for you" Vernon continued. "You've been such a boy,we can't have that. I only want to help you and I can't do that if I don't punish you for what y-"

"But I didn't do anything!" Harry said desperately,trying to wiggle away from his uncles meaty hands. "I swear,uncle Vernon! I-I didn't d-"

"Shut up!" Vernon snapped angrily,his soft tone and touch immediately disappearing as he once again grabbed a fist full of black curls and harshly dragged the boy from the door. "It seems like I have to go over a few rules. This is why I don't want you out. You've been such a bad boy,and what happens to bad boys?"

Vernon gripped onto Harry's jaw and harshly turned his head to the side,looking into terrified green eyes. "Answer me,boy."

"T-they get p-punished,sir" Harry stated through gritted teeth,feeling his uncles nails dig into the skin of his jaw.

"Good. Now strip and get on your knees." Vernon ordered,releasing the teen.

Harry went to walk up the stairs but a hand quickly grabbed his harm in a harsh grip. "Where do you think your going,boy?"

"The p-play room" Harry gritted out,his jaw clenching at the bruising hold as he looked up at his uncle.

"Petunia and Duds went to the park for a few hours. There's no need to go up there,just go to the living room and do as I said." Vernon ordered,releasing his grip and giving the boy a shove in the direction of the living room.

Harry did as told,pulling off his clothes and only leaving his boxers on before getting on his knees (after he threw the shirt and joggers into a corner of course. He didn't want Tom's clothes to get messy).

Harry stared at the ground,his body trembling and hands clinching as he heard his uncle undue his belt.

"Count" Was all Vernon said as he stepped behind the teen before bringing the leather down onto already scarred skin.

"One" Harry said,clenching his eyes shut at the stinging pain.

"Two,Three,four..." Harry gasped out,biting his lip to stop the cry bubbling in his chest from escaping.

"Five...Six..." Harry whimpered,tears forming in his eyes that he desperately tried to hold back.

"S..seven...eight...nine...t-ten" Harry continued,his back and legs feeling like they were on fire as warm liquid trickled down it.

"E-elev...en....t-tw-twelve..." Harry cried out,tears streaming down his face as he forced himself to stay up straight.

"Thirteen...fourteen...f-fi-fif..teen" Harry sobbed out,the sound tearing through his throat.

The last five were quick but harder,leaving Harry a sobbing trembling mess.

"Get to the tub" Vernon ordered with no remorse as he stared down at the hurting male with cold blue eyes.

"P-pl-please,S-sir. N-no m-more. I-I...p-promise t-to b-be g-go-good" Harry begged,taking deep breaths as he tried to calm his crying.

"Don't make me ask twice,boy" Vernon threatened icily.

Harry used the coffee table infront of him to push himself up with a sob,his body threatening to give out on him as he took slow wobbly steps to the downstairs bathroom. He could feel the warm liquid trickle from his wounds,he knew he'd be cleaning the mess either later or tomorrow. 

His body slammed into the counter as Vernon pushed by him,his glasses falling off from the action. However,he had no time to look for them before he was grabbed and forced into the tub.

He yelled as his body was covered in freezing water,electricity running through his body as his new wounds made contact with it.

He thrashed around as his head was harshly pushed under,his mouth open in a silent scream but all he got was mouthfuls of water.

He was pulled back up after a few seconds,chocking as he took a gulp of air before he was pushed back.

His whole body felt like it was on fire. His lungs burned with need of air and all the water entering his lungs. But he knew this was only the beginning.

This was going to be a long two days.

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