What if Mapleshade wasn't evi...

By BirdofWarWrites

2.6K 61 26

What if Mapleshade wasn't evil, but Appledusk was? Mapleshade wasn't always an evil cat. When she made the mi... More

Chapter 2 - The Perilous Journey
Chapter 3 - The RiverClan Camp Awaits
Chapter 4 - The Ultimate Decision
Chapter 5 - Newfound Loyalty
Chapter 6 - RiverClan Training
Chapter 7 - An Unexpected Turn

Chapter 1 - The Truth is Told

539 10 1
By BirdofWarWrites

"Mapleshade, who is the true father of your kits?" Oakstar demanded. 

Mapleshade swayed lightly on her paws as Frecklewish stood up, her dark amber eyes flashing with surprise. "Oakstar?" she called. "What do you mean? We all know it's Birchface!"

Oakstar narrowed his eyes at his daughter. "Frecklewish, let Mapleshade speak for herself. I do not believe that a loyal ThunderClan warrior would lie about this," he snapped, as Frecklewish fell back, confusion clouding her gaze as she glanced at Mapleshade, who wouldn't meet her eyes. Oakstar's icy cold gaze rested on Mapleshade. "Tell the truth. Who is their real father?"

Mapleshade hung her head, shame flooding her pelt. "It's Birchface..." she mumbled. "I don't know what you're talking about." 

This is all Ravenwing's fault! If only he had stayed quiet and kept his mouth shut... 

Oakstar half closed his eyes. "You were never close to Birchface," the ThunderClan leader rumbled. "I'm sure he would have told me if he was going to be the father of kits, as well."

Mapleshade glanced upwards. "Birchface wanted to keep it a secret," she whispered. "He wanted to save the news for the clan."

Oakstar narrowed his eyes. "Birchface wouldn't keep a secret from the clan like this."

"For this he would," Mapleshade insisted. "Wouldn't he?" She glanced around the camp. Cats were staring at her uncertainly, while others wouldn't meet her gaze. Isn't any cat going to back me up? Or am I alone... Mapleshade locked gazes with Frecklewish, hoping she could gain her support. But the she cat was glaring at her defiantly with a challenge clear in her eyes, as if telling her to speak the truth. I'm sorry Frecklewish. I wish I could, tell the truth but then my kits would grow up knowing that their clan would never accept them, and that they had half clan blood in them. 

"I'm sure I know my son well enough to know that he wouldn't take on a mate so quickly and be the father of kits without telling me," Oakstar snarled, interrupting Mapleshade from her thoughts.

The orange and white she cat bared her teeth at her leader. "And I'm sure I know my mate well enough that he would keep the news of kits a secret until the last moment," she retorted.  

 Oakstar suddenly let out a ferocious growl. He slammed his paw down onto the rock. "Enough. Just tell us! Who is the real father of these kits?" he snarled, his voice icy cold.

Mapleshade winced, not meeting Oakstar's furious gaze. 

Ravenwing padded forward, his blue eyes brimming with sorrow, though his voice hard as ice as he spoke. "It's Appledusk, isn't it, Mapleshade?"

A gasp rang across the clan. "No! She wouldn't!" A cry came from the cats. "Mapleshade is loyal!"

The truth has been told. I can't hide from it anymore.

Ignoring the gasps from her clan, Mapleshade suddenly lifted her head to face Ravenwing, a deep growl emerging from her throat. "Does it matter who the father is?" she demanded.

"It does matter if the father is from another clan!" Oakstar hissed. Ravenwing stood beside him, murmuring agreement.

Mapleshade shook her head, fury lighting in her gaze as she snarled, "I've kitted 3 strong, healthy kits for ThunderClan, and you should be grateful," the she cat snapped. 

"Grateful?" Oakstar growled. "You think I can be grateful to you after everything you did?" The ThunderClan leader was shaking with fury now, and he struggled to force the words out of his mouth. "You betrayed the warrior code, by becoming mates with Appledusk, the warrior who killed my son, and Petalpaw! How dare you? Of all cats from all the different clans, how could you choose him and do such a thing?"

Mapleshade opened her mouth to yowl back at Oakstar, but something heavy slammed into her, knocking her to the ground. She gasped as Frecklewish sliced open her cheek, snarling angrily. "You betrayed the name of my brother!" she screeched, aiming for Mapleshade again. As she flinched, waiting for the vicious blow, the weight on her disappeared. Mapleshade glanced upwards in surpise, and saw that Beetail and Seedpelt were hauling a spitting Frecklewish off her. The well aimed blow on her cheek stung, and she slowly got to her paws, aware of every cat's raking gaze on her, and Frecklewish glaring heavily at her.

"Mapleshade, I never want to see you again. You are banished from ThunderClan." Oakstar's command rang across the camp as hisses of agreement and hostility sounded from the cats.

What? Mapleshade glanced up, horrified. She knew that being mates with Appledusk was wrong. She knew that she would be punished if found out, and that it was against the warrior code, but she never intended to make a final break with her birth clan, ThunderClan. "But my kits!" Mapleshade gasped. 

"You can take your kits with you," Oakstar growled, his eyes and tone showing no remorse. "ThunderClan has no place for half blood kits, or traitors." His gaze raked Mapleshade, and she flinched, though she held his gaze evenly.

"Fine. I'll go to RiverClan, and give them my kits. At least Darkstar is a remorseful leader! She'll take me in at least and give these kits a home," she spat. 

Oakstar raised his chin. "Darkstar can go ahead and do that. Why should I care about what happens to traitors and half blood kits that don't belong here and an enemy clan?"

Mapleshade snorted. "Giving these kits to RiverClan, and taking them away from ThunderClan because they don't want them will make RiverClan stronger, and ThunderClan weaker," Mapleshade sneered. "So maybe you should care then."

Mapleshade thought she saw a flicker or unease and doubt in Oakstar's eyes, but even if she did it was gone as soon as it had come. Beetail hesitantly stepped next to Oakstar, his pelt bristling. "Oakstar," he murmured softly. "Is it really fair to take this away from the kits? Should they suffer because of their mother's mistake? They're innocent. Look at them." He flicked his tail at the kits, who were playing happily with a moss ball, unaware of what was happening. "They're happy here."

Oakstar shook his head, finally showing some visible sadness in his gaze. "No. I'm sorry Beetail, but ThunderClan cannot have traitors or half blood kits."

"I understand Oakstar, and I respect your wishes..." Beetail trailed off, trying again to convince his leader with a different tactic. "But Mapleshade is right as well. If she gives those kits to RiverClan, that'll be making RiverClan stronger, and us weaker." Beetail dropped his gaze. "Those kits could be brought up to kill ThunderClan cats," he whispered. 

Mapleshade widened her eyes. That was true. But did she really want to stay in Thunderclan? If she did, she would be hissed at and hated by her clanmates. It would take them moons to forgive her again, if they ever did. Birchface was the best warrior in all of ThunderClan, and Mapleshade had taken on Appledusk, who had accidentally killed Birchface, as her mate. Could her birth clan ever forgive her for that?

Oakstar ground his jaw, thinking for a few moments, before he flicked his tail decisively. "I've made my decision, Beetail. I thank you for your input as deputy, but I must do what's best for the clan."

Beetail hesitated, as if he wanted to say more, before he dipped his head respectfully and stepped down from the rock. He cast a glance at Mapleshade, apology and pity in his eyes. 

Oakstar stood on the rock, his tail lashing behind him angrily. "Mapleshade, you must leave now. If any of my warriors spot you on our territory, then they will treat you as we would a rogue, or even worse. You are officially banished from ThunderClan." Oakstar stared down from the rock at Mapleshade, who had bared her teeth. "Be grateful that I'm only banishing you, instead of clawing your fur off and leaving you as crowfood." Oakstar curled his lip.

Blood roared in Mapleshade's ears as fury lit her gaze, and her pelt seared with anger. "After everything I gave to Thunderclan, this is how I'm repaid?" she spat. "I fought for my clan, hunted for ThunderClan, gave my loyalty to ThunderClan, and devoted everything I had to ThunderClan. I would have easily died for ThunderClan and given my life knowing my clanmates were safe." She was breathing heavily now. "And I'm cast away, treated like a piece of prey just waiting to decompose." Mapleshade turned her head sharply, and stood up, leaving the clan stunned at her speech. 

She nudged her kits, her eyes blazing with anger. "Come on kits, we're leaving," she hissed. "We're never coming back here ever again. ThunderClan is no longer our home."

Patchkit stared up at her with wide eyes. "But Mama, I like it here!" 

"Why do we have to leave?" Petalkit squeaked, her face frowning.

"Yeah!" Larchkit added, pouting as he sat down on the floor heavily.

Mapleshade sighed, her heart bursting into a million pieces. "I'm so sorry, my dear ones. But this is not the home for us anymore. We're going to RiverClan." 

Petalkit's eyes widened. "RiverClan? Is that where that warrior rescued us from the river?" she asked.
"It is. RiverClan will give you a safe place to live in, and they won't judge you for who you are." Mapleshade shot a glare at Oakstar, daggers in her eyes, before she turned back to her kits. Her eyes softened with love. "Now follow me, my dears." Mapleshade nudged them to their paws, and the trio of kits sadly trudged out of the gorse tunnel, casting nervous glances at the cats who were hissing and glaring at their mother. Mapleshade followed them, murmuring encouragement, before stopping at the tunnel entrance and whipping around to glare at the whole of ThunderClan watching her with hateful eyes. 

Mapleshade's eyes were blazing fires as she hissed angrily. "I will make you all regret what you did, mark my words." She turned her head sharply to glare at Ravenwing, who was watching her sadly. "Especially you. I'll never forget how you betrayed me and my kits after everything I've ever given to ThunderClan. You will all pay, one day." Mapleshade gave one last glare filled with hatred at Oakstar, before going through the tunnel, leaving a crowd of hissing, jeering cats behind her.

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