Pretty Reckless โ”โ” Derek Hale...

By Monrox

1.2M 30.9K 15.8K

[COMPLETED] โIt was my fault for caring. I've made a habit of never doing that again.โž All teenagers dealt... More

| ZERO: Darker than Death โœ“
| ONE: Lingering Gazes โœ“
| TWO: Transition โœ“
| THREE: Beating Hearts โœ“
chapter four | web of lies
chapter five | hot girls and car wrecks
chapter six | a little taste
chapter seven | ptsd
chapter nine | impulse under pressure
chapter ten | heart of stone
chapter eleven | werewolves and alcohol don't mix
chapter twelve | sugar lips and harsh words
chapter thirteen | bite to the dust
chapter fourteen | miguel juarez
chapter fifteen | the huntress and the wolf
chapter sixteen | words before threats
chapter seventeen | panic on the rise
chapter eighteen | howls at night
chapter nineteen | the perfect shot

chapter eight | seducing a stilinski

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By Monrox

08 // Chapter Eight

Seducing a Stilinski

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Author's Note ; hey everyone, so I'm gonna write this chapter in first POV just to try it out. If I like it then I will continue writing my chapters in 1st POV. If I don't then I''ll go back.

        During school, Scott had to avoid Allison. Derek had told Scott to stay away from Allison until the full moon. Last night, Scott had also "talked" to the Alpha. The Alpha drew a spiral in the window. According to Scott, Derek wouldn't tell him what it means. Hell, even I didn't know what it meant.

        I was walking into the class that I had with Scott and Stiles. Once I walked into the classroom, Scott spotted me and quickly walked up to me.

        "Hey Clara, can you help me with something?" He asked, almost desperately.

        I shrugged, "Sure, what?"

        He sighed, "Stiles won't talk to me because of what happened with his dad." I glanced over to see Stiles angrily glaring at his desk,  "Can you please make him talk to me? I know it will be difficult but-"

        Scott stopped talking once he noticed me starting to laugh, "What?"

        "Difficult?" I rose my eyebrows as at him but he just became more confused, "Scott, I can make Stiles Stilinski do anything just by undoing two buttons." I lifted my finger up, gesturing to the row of buttons I had on my shirt.

        While gradually walking over to Stiles, I undid the two top buttons on my shirt and flicked back my side bang. I had decided to braid one side of my hair and pin it back. Don't know why I did it but what the hell? I pulled out the chair in front of him and sat on my knees, facing him. I leaned over, with my arms crossed, on his desk.

        His eyes widened once he saw me and he tried hard to look at my face instead of my chest. Werewolf or human, any boy with raging sexual desires will look at a girl's chest.

        "Hey Stiles." I greeted him, my voice low yet playful.

        "Hi...Clara." He said, his voice high until he cleared his throat.

        "Listen, Scott's really sorry about what happened to your dad." I said slowly and seductively. I knew all the right moves when it came to seducing a boy. And judging by how is heart beat was increasing by the second, I was doing it right.

        But Stiles wasn't having it once he clenched his jaw and looked away, trying to ignore me too.

        "Stiles, please talk to him." I pleaded. I looked up at him and bit my lip. His mouth gaped open, trying to form words but ended up cursing under his breath. He was already getting flustered. Finally, he pushed his stubbornness away and turned around to see Scott. I hadn't noticed that the whole time I was seducing Stiles, Scott had taken his seat behind him.

        "What did he say?" Stiles huffed. Scott smiled before giving me a thankful nod. I smiled widely, proud of myself, before turning around in my seat.

        Seducing a Stilinski: Check

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

        "He wants you to tap into your animal side and get angry?" Stiles questioned, squinting his eyes as the three of us walked down the hallway. Scott explained that Derek was going to teach how to control the shift.

        He nodded, 'Yeah."

        "All right, well, correct me if I'm wrong, but every time you do that, you try to kill someone, and that someone's usually me or Clara." Stiles retorted. He was kind of right, hate to admit that.

        "I know. That's what he means when he says he doesn't know if he can teach me. I have to be able to control it." Scott explained.

        "Well how is he gonna teach you to do that?" Clara asked.

        Scott shrugged, "I don't know. I don't think he know either."

        "Okay. When are you seeing him again?" Stiles asked.

        Scott ignored him, "He told me not to talk about it. Just act normal and get through the day."

        Stiles smacked Scott lightly on the chest as all three of us stopped, "When?"

        "He's picking me up at the animal clinic after work." Scott answered.

        "All right, well, that gives me and Clara to the end of the school day then." Stiles said as Scott's face twisted into confusion.

        "To do what?"

        I turned to him, smirking, "To teach you ourselves."

        Lunch had just started and I could not have been more happy. I don't understand why but I never eat breakfast.I really have to start because I'm starving at this point. I set my tray down next to Stiles, who's eating an apple, and he is across from Scott, who is hiding from Allison but hiding behind a textbook.

        As I twisted the cap off of my orange juice, I warily look at him, "Scott, I think the book's making it more obvious. Besides, she's reading, anyway."

        Scott didn't close the notebook but he did peer around it to see what Stiles was writing, "Did you guys come up with a plan?"

        "He did, I didn't." I pointed out, putting a spoonful of my strawberry yogurt into my mouth.

        "I think so." Stiles added.

        "Does that mean you don't hate me now?" Scott warily asked.

        Stiles took a big bite out of his apple, chewing on it, "No but your crap has infiltrated my life, so now I have to do something about it. Plus I'm definitely a better Yoda than Derek."

        "Okay, yeah, you teach me" Scott trailed off.

        "Yeah, I'll be your Yoda."

        "Yeah, you be my Yoda."

        "Your Yoda I will be." Stiles said in a funny voice before looking up at Scott, "I said it backwards."

        "Yeah, I-I know." Scott dead-panned.

        Stiles dropped his smile completely before whipping his head to look at me. I, on the other hand, had my hand over my mouth trying so hard not to laugh. Trust me, I wasn't laughing with him, I was laughing at him.

        "You're such a dork, Stilinski." I giggled.

        Stiles slammed his book shut before gathering all of his things, "All right, you know what? I definitely still hate you and you-" He stood up, pointing to me, "Despite that whole flirty seduction back in English, I now hate you too."

        By the time Stiles was running off, Scott following, I was sitting in my chair, laughing my damn ass off. God, if I'm gonna be friends with these two, I'm gonna have to get use to laughing aren't I?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

        "Isn't this one of the heart rate monitors for the track team?"

        "Yeah, we borrowed it."

        "You mean stole it?"

        "Temporarily misappropriated." I snapped at him, "Coach uses it to monitor his heart rate with his phone while he jogs, and you're gonna wear it for the rest of the day."

        "Isn't that coach's phone?"

        "Yeah, that I stole." I added.

        "Why?" He questioned.

        "All right, well, your heart rate goes up when you go wolf, right? When you're playing lacrosse, when you're with Allison, whenever you get angry. Maybe learning to control it is tied to learning to control your heart rate." Stiles explained, sitting down next to me.

        "Like the Incredible Hulk." Scott said, a stupid grin latching onto his face. Oh brother...

        "Kind of like the Incredible Hulk, yeah."

        That stupid, silly grin grew, "I'm like the Incredible Hulk."

        I groaned, "Would you shut up and put the strap on?"

        After Scott wrapped the strap around his body, Stiles took him to the center of the field. He ducked-taped his hands together in the back, "This isn't exactly how I wanted to spend my free period."

        "All right, you ready?" Stiles asked as he stood about 15 feet away from Scott, opening the bag of lacrosse balls. I wasn't really participating in this whole charade, I'm just sitting on the bench and watching.

        "No." But I then heard him mumble, "I'm starting to think this was a really bad idea."

        That's when the whole "throwing lacrosse balls" thing started. Every hit, Scott would haunch down and groan. I could hear his heart beat go up, little by little. Good thing is that he's not shifting yet.

        "Okay that one kind of hurt." Scott moaned.

        "Looked like it." I yelled from the benches.

        He looked over at me, "Thank you Clara, for the supportive commentary, it helps so-" Stiles threw another ball, shutting him up.

        "Quiet. Remember, you're supposed to be thinking about your heart rate, all right? About staying calm." Stiles said before whipping the stick back and throwing another hard one. To be honest, it hurt to watch this.

        But I looked behind me and saw Jackson, standing by the end of the bleachers, amused yet having no clue what was going on. I got up and made my way over to him, smirking while doing so.

        "Hey there Whittemore." I greeted before standing in front of him, "Don't tell me you have nothing better to do than stalk me all day."

        Too my surprise, he chuckled before growing slightly more serious, "Listen, I was going to tell you at the video store but then the...incident happened. I wanted to apolgize about what happened at Lydia's party."

        I stepped closer to him, a flirtious smirk playing on my lips, "Who cares about the past when the present looks like me?"

        I froze once I heard growling and the intense beeping of the heart monitor. I whipped around and saw Scott falling to the ground, ripping off the tape and digging his nails into the soil. Without another word to Jackson, I ran over to Stiles. I leaned over to see that his heart rate was getting higher and higher. But after a moment, it began to go down.

        Stiles and I rushed over to him, noticing that his breathing was slowly down, "Scott? You okay?" I asked him, touching his shoulder.

        Scott turned over, wincing in pain, "From anger. But it was more than that. Was like, the angrier I got, the stronger I felt."

        "So it's anger then." Stiles then sighed in defeat, "Derek was right."

        As his harsh panting continued, he shook his head, 'I can't be around Allison."

        I quirked an eyebrow, confused, "Just because she makes you happy?"

        "No, because she makes me weak."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

        I didn't have Econ with Stiles and Scott but Allison did. Apparently, Coach was taking out some of his pent up rage on Scott. When Scott's heart rate was going up, Allison held his hand and he calmed down. Allison doesn't make him weak, it makes him in control.

        In present time, I was sitting in the back of Stiles's jeep with the two because we were heading to the school. We were meeting Derek who kidnapped Scott's boss, Deaton. Derek claimed that Deaton was the Alpha but Scott disagreed.

        His jeep finally pulled up into the empty parking lot of the high school.

        Stiles and Scott stood in front of each other while I leaned on the jeep, in between them, "This is a terrible idea." Stiles exclaimed.

        "Yeah I know." Scott sighed.

        "But we're still going to do it?" Stiles questioned.

        "Can you think of something better?"

        "Well, personally I'm a fan of ignoring a problem until eventually it just goes away." Stiles said, gesturing his hand as if he was shoving something out of the way.

        I nodded, "Agreed."

        "Just make sure we can get inside." Scott said to me as I nodded. He had told me to bring a tool, a tool which I don't know the name of, that puts the lock in between its edges and crushes it, breaking the lock. Don't ask me why I have this tool. As Stiles was grabbing the tool from the trunk, a familiar car pulled up.

        "He's here." I announced as I pushed myself off of the jeep, stuffing my hands into the pockets of my jacket.

        As Derek got out of his car, Scott began to questioned him, "Where's my boss?"

        "He's in the back." Derek said calmly.

        The three of us leaned down to look through the window. Deaton was sitting unconsciously in the back with duck tape wrapped around his body and on his mouth. I opened my mouth to say something witty, which would earn me a glare, but Stiles beat me to it, "Oh, he looks comfortable."

        The three of us then began to walk towards the entrance but Derek stopped us, "Wait. Hey. What are you doing?"

        "You said I was linked to the Alpha." Scott said, leaving Derek very much confused. Scott's eyes then connected to mine, "Clara, stay here with him."

        My face dropped, "What?"

        "Just make sure he doesn't do anything with Deaton." Scott asked before him and Stiles continued to walk towards the school, leaving me with Derek.

        I accepted the fact that I had feelings for Derek. It's most definitely is not love but it was strong feelings. I cared about him, which I wish I didn't. I made myself a promise that I wouldn't let myself care too much about anyone ever again. Why, because it leads to heartbreak and absolute bitterness. So, initially, my plan was to stay away from him or at least not be alone with him. But look at me now.

        Seeing as I had no other choice, I leaned against Stiles's jeep once more. Derek, seconds later, casually walked over and leaned next to me. My heart was beating like crazy but I tried to surrpress it. Last thing I want is for him to hear that.

        Suddenly, a certain "sound" comes up from the school speaker. I have to cover my mouth to keep me from laughing. Derek just shuts his eyes, "You have got to be kidding me."

        I calmed myself down, removing my hand but my lips were still in a tight-liped smile. God, it sounded as if a cat had something stuck in its throat and was trying to get it out. Moments later, a loud growl came about. It was loud enough to where it made me flinch. Derek and I both shared the same look before we saw Stiles and Scott walk out, stupid grins on their faces.

        "I'm gonna kill both of you. What the hell was that? What are you trying to do, attract the entire state to the school?" Derek yelled, pointing in accusing finger at the two.

        "Sorry. I didn't know it would be that loud." Scott chuckled, proud of himself.

        "Yeah, it was loud. And it was AWESOME."

        Derek was nowhere near amused, "Shut up."

        "Don't be such a sour-wolf."

        All the humor left Scott's face as he glanced behind us, "What'd you do with him? Clara, you were suppose to watch him!"

        Derek and I looked back to see Deaton gone, "I did watch him!" I hissed.

        "I didn't do anything!" Derek said

        Within the blink of an eye, Derek was lifted from the ground while blood was pouring out of his mouth. All of us watched in horror, screaming. I screamed his name as tears brimmed into my eyes. The one who stab him was none other then the Alpha.

        Scott and Stiles both grabbed me as the three of us ran to the school. I was panicking at this point. He's not dead! He cannot be dead! The three of us stumbled into the school, shutting and holding the door shut behind us.

        This will be one hell of a night.

Here is chapter eight and I finished one episode into one chapter. AGAIN. I cannot believe I've done this! considering I've been writing this since 1 am and right now its 5 am, this is bit of a lazy chapter because I'm tired. Tell me in the comments if you like the 1st POV or if you want it to change back.

Clara admitted she liked Derek! Yay! Hugs all around!

*Virtually hugs*

~ ~ ~ ~ Monrox (Katie)



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