Someone's Calling My Name And...

Da FlourryLTHS

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The Styles Triplets and Louis Tomlinson have been best friends ever since they're still in diapers. Years lat... Altro

Chapter 1: In a field of Dandelions, wishing on every one that you'll be mine
Chapter 2 - knew I was falling when I looked inside your eyes
Chapter 3 he fell in love with his best friends part
Chapter 4 - I tried to be cool but my feelings they don't allow me to..
Chapter 5 - Cause nobody knows you baby, the way I do.
Chapter 7 - I'm right here.
Chapter 8 - only if you knew how much I liked you.
Chapter 9 - If we're not friends, someone else might love you too.
Chapter 10 - Cause I like you but that's not enough.
Chapter 11 - I'm still longing for you.
Capter 12 - When you look in to her eyes hope you think of me.
Chapter 13 - Ang damdamin kong napagtanto na gusto kita.
Chapter 14 - Leave you lover.
Chapter 15 -his lips on mine, so soft. Feelings I don't know.

Chapter 6 - When you're with me, no judgement

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Da FlourryLTHS

"When you're with me no judgement, you can get that from anyone else.

You don't have to prove nothing you can just be yourself."

"I could be your lover or your shoulder to cry on

You can be whoever you like."

"I hope we never change

Even though we both know that we'll move on again

I'll keep your secrets safe

Until the time we both find ourselves alone again."

-No Judgement | Niall Horan

A week later has passed and louis is still a bit pissed.

Ever since the triplets had met the new omega, they have been glued to their phone. Even if they were hanging out they were stuck with it, that louis bet his forty grand the device would swallow them. He would catch them smiling and giggling to it like an idiots. And louis knows who that person is that's making the triplets so smitten. And of course he can't help but be pissed about it.

They are seated in the patio chairs in Louis' backyard, it being a Saturday and with nothing to do, he had invited the triplets over. He's surprised they even agreed after saying they were 'busy' in the past week. They may have agreed to be here but it feel like they're really not, as the three were stuck on their phones again while louis smoke through his vape pen, exhaling the sweet smoke that went to his lungs, making his body relaxed a little bit before it was gone as he heard the small ping of notification on one of the triplets phones. Huffing out and putting his vape pen not so gently on the table in front of him . He glared at the three before standing up and taking the phone out of one of the triplets hands that was closest to him, which was Edward.

Caught off guard, He stared at louis in shock, green eyes wide and jaw slightly slacked. "Louis- what?" Edward stuttered. Louis without even thinking, dumped Edward's phone in his glass of orange juice that Bianca (The Tomlinson's family maid) made for them. Louis heard Edward screeched, while the other two gasped. Louis' eyes widen, what he just did finally sank in to him, scared shitless he darted off towards inside his house, almost bumping to the glass door he didn't saw that led inside. Louis hurriedly opened it as he heard footsteps behind him, indicating that Edward was hot in his wheels, adamant on catching louis. The small omega frantically turning left and right in order to lose the tempered alpha.

Louis not one to back down but also scared shitless for his life, ran as fast as he could. Louis blames the universe on why they put Edward beside him. Why couldn't he just get the attention of the other two instead of Edward's. One thing Louis is certain about the alpha is that he doesn't want his things getting dirtied or broken, even if it was easily replaceable he always took good care for it, unlike his brothers and mostly Louis who doesn't care much when their things broke. As they knew it can be replaced easily, you can say that Edward is the most sensible one in them all.

"Louis Tomlinson! I swear to god, if you broke my phone your dead." Louis heard Edward growled, Louis squeaked before ducking in a corner. In cat and mouse chase, Louis is getting tired. Because let's be honest he's the mouse in this game.

They had reached the dining are, where the two stopped in place. Both across from each other. Edward trying to surge towards louis, but the latter would just go in the other way. Not one of them backing down.

"Geez, Eddie is just a phone. No need to go angry alpha about it, Besides I can buy you a new one again. I can even double, triple, multiple or multiply it. Whatever, The point is you all are so caught up with it. I thought you three are here to spend time with me?" Louis teased, shoulders hunched as he put his hand flat on the glass table, panting as he try to caught his breath. Who knew playing tag with the alpha double his size would be this hard.

"That's not the point lewis-" Edward mocked, crossing his arms making his biceps bulge, giving louis an eye candy. Louis felt his throat closed up, feeling it dry up as he saw the sweat trickle down Edward's arm. Louis curses and thank the weather at the same time for making it so hot today, because if it wasn't for it, the triplets wouldn't wear their tank tops and thin shirts that showed off their muscled and broad chests and torsos, while pairing it up with basketball shorts that showed off their lean firmed thighs.

Louis sometimes envy their bodies, making everyone around them swoon including him. He remembered that one time the triplets helped the new neighbors that just moved in their street, and how they helped moved in the boxes (by Anne's demands) everyone that day probably died because of how hot they looked, not the sunny day itself.

But since he's an omega, no matter how much he exercise and work out his body will always be curvy with soft dainty skin. That's why he's wearing a pink shorts (that showcase his beautiful and plumpy bum) and a white t-shirt making him look soft and pretty as a candy with his golden skin in display that mostly glistens in the sun.

"You better make sure that all my files there are not ruined, or else.." Edward threatened, eyes narrowing at the small figure that was challenging him. Louis only rolled his eyes, heaving out a sigh as his stance changed in a pose that looks like he gives up, making Edward's tense shoulders relaxes because he finally thought their chase of game are finally over and he would finally hear the sweet voice of his omega friend admitting his defeat and apologizing to him. But that didn't happened.

What happened was louis looking at him through his eyelashes with a smirk on his face before darting to another door behind him that led through their backyard. Edward heaves out a sigh, of course. Louis being a feisty omega he is would only bring chaos and headache to him.


The color of purple and pink hue lights up the sky as the sun set, the colors painting their faces as silence engulfed them. They had settled down and watched Louis' comfort movie Up. Every now and then Louis would coo and make an "aww." sounds, and the triplets would smile at how adorable their omega friend is.

"God. I really, would really love a dog of my own." Louis suddenly whispered, pouting as he watched the animated dog excitedly waggle his tail.

Harry who was cuddled up beside the omega, hummed and caress the Louis hair in sympathy, Understanding Louis' want for a dog. As the omega, since he was a child wanted a dog so badly but his father being allergic to it's fur, so his parents had to turn him down about it multiple times. Leaving the omega broken hearted, but hey at least he had pet goldfish. But it soon died though when Marcel accidentally over fed it that one time the triplets went over the Tomlinson's house for a playdate. Louis bawled his eyes out when he found out that Marcel had killed his only pet. Making the triplets mostly Marcel, guilty, since he was the one who accidently killed it .

After a week that the incident happened, The triplets ask their mom to do some chores in their house in exchange of money so they could surprise the omega for a new goldfish. As they cannot stand Louis' sad eyes and pouty lips. Thankfully their mom agreed, but even if they ask for only the money without any exchange in return, Anne would lend them. But since Anne taught them well, she wasn't surprised the least.

She only told them to wash the dishes and clean up the kitchen after using it to bake a pie. As their maids handle all the cleaning around the house. The nine year olds triplets cheered happily, as their mom handed them the money they had asked for. It even has a spare, so they could buy ice cream for them and for louis.

They giddily asked their driver if he could drive them to the nearest pet store so they can immediately surprise Louis (who was still in his ballet class)

After looking for a perfect fish, the three finally decided on a fish that looks like the fish that they had just watched in finding nemo. The fish having a blue colored body that reminded them of louis' eyes when it shines and the fins being a color yellow that reminded them of louis (since he was the epitome of sunshine).

Harry clutched tightly the fish bowl in his chest careful not to drop it, after fighting and not letting his two other brothers hold it. But him being his clumsy self would trip over nothing but still balancing tightly the fish bowl. He couldn't and wouldn't mess this up. Even if he was clumsy, he could handle it or else "I would kick your ass." Was Edward's threat to him.

After being dropped off, the three stopped in front of the huge main double door of the Tomlinson household. Hesitantly Marcel knocked on the door, after Edward pushed him to do it. Waiting a bit for someone to open the door. A couple seconds passed by when the door was opened, revealing Louis' mom, jay. The woman happily greeted them and they beamed back at her showing her their perfect wide smiles.

They told her their plan, making jay smile and telling what a good idea it was since louis has been sad for a couple of days of what happened. Marcel pouted at what she has said before apologizing, the woman just shook her head saying that "accidents happened dear, the good thing is that you three went on your way and bought something for louis to make him happy, again.

After their little chat, the three went to louis' room (with permission of jay, of course.) While the older omega excused herself, to make her famous apple pie, making harry cheered and jump in joy as much as he can without spilling the water on the fishbowl he held, as the small alpha loved 'Mumma jay's' apple pie so much. The three waited patiently for their small omega friend, as jay said that the small omega would be here any minute now.

Harry placed the fishbowl in Louis desk that once held Louis' old fish bowl on it. Harry watched as the small fish happily swam, getting accustomed to it's new home. While the other two watched some movie cartoons on Louis' tv.

The three looked at each other, when they heard the sound of feet nearing the closed bedroom door. Edward and Marcel got out of Louis comfy bed closing off the tv, while harry took the fish bowl carefully passing it to Marcel who held it behind his back, as they all face the door that was soon opened revealing the small omega who was surprised to see them in his room.

"Surprise!" The three cheered happily, the small omega taken aback. Put his small hands on his mouth in surprise.

"Hi, what are you doing here guys?" Louis greeted happily, his smile wide and eyes crinkling. He walked towards the three, eyeing them suspiciously, when he saw them shoulder and look each other as if telling one another what to do.

"Uh, guys?" Louis mumbled, his hands waving in front of them, making the three stopped what their doing and look at the small omega, Edward bumped his hips to marcel who was beside him whispering "Do it." That didn't go unnoticed by louis.

Marcel cleared his throat before he speak up. "Uh, Lou-Lou. Remember when I accidently overfed your fish last week? Well I feel really guilty and sad when I saw you sad and crying. So my brother and I decided to ask our mom for some money to buy you a new pet fish. I'm really sorry for what I did, I didn't mean to. I hope you forgive me." Marcel explained, at the end of his speech, the small alpha took his hand that held the fishbowl out of his back. He looked up to see the small omega smiling with tears in his eyes.

Harry who noticed it first, rushed to louis putting his hands on the omega's face and wiping away the tears that has fallen on his cheeks.

"Why are you crying Lou-Lou? Are you not happy, did we do something wrong?" Alpha asked cutely, pouting as he thinks they did something wrong. The omega shook his head, surging forward to hug the alpha that was in front of him, burying his face on the warm chest. Harry hugged tightly his small omega friend, as marcel put the fish bowl down on louis' desk to hug them as edward did the same.

"No, I'm just so happy to have a kind and thoughtful friends as you guys." Louis said, voice muffled as he felt four other arms wrapped around him. Making the omega calm and happy being surrounded in their scents.

Later that day, as they all hanged out in louis' room while eating his mom's apple pie, edward asked the omega what he would name the fish. Without missing a beat, the omega replied with simple, "Mehl."

"What? That sounds like an old guys name." Said Marcel who made a face.

The Omega who was affronted by his friends reaction only pouted before explaining why he chose the name and what it was about. "Well I like to name him Mehl, because that's the first letter of our name combined. M for marcel, E for edward, H for harry and lastly L for me! Louis." Louis said happily, before eating a spoonful of the apple pie, the three look at the omega fondly who was now chewing with closed mouth making him look like a chipmunk. They didn't thought of it in that way. Touched at louis' explanation the three agreed that it was a perfect name for the fish.

After they ate, each wrote the first letter of their name with their handwriting in a piece of paper that spelled out the fish's name, as they later on taped it on the fishbowl that held their fish.

So the triplets promised him, that one day. When they get to go to their dream collage and rent a good flat near it that accepts pets in the building, they would buy him a dog. The one that the omega would adore and love. He even would name him "Cheshire." Louis would tell them, since the small omega's favorite character in Alice in wonderland is the Cheshire cat, but he doesn't like cats so he settled with naming his dream dog that.

The triplets would only chuckle and fondly shook their heads, to the wild ideas the small omega has. They love how, the omega would come up with wild names for his pets. That they would often tease him, that he might name his pups extraordinaire names, which the omega would only pout and say "They'll have the prettiest name with prettiest meaning, because they deserved it and because they came out to the most prettiest omega, so of course they only deserved the prettiest."

Louis yawn as the credits rolled, he snuggled closely to edward, whose lap he's in right now. Burying his face to the alpha's neck and exhaling his nature scent of pine trees that reminded louis of christmas, with the hint of almond in it. The alpha only hugged tighter the small omega, releasing calming pheromones to lull the omega to sleep.

Before the omega fell asleep, he heard one of his alphas whispered to him. "I know we've been busy, lovely, and have not been paying attention to you, I hope you know we'll always put you first." Louis smiles as heard what edward said. His heart beating in happiness, he can feel his chest warmed, the feeling of contentment spread through his whole body. Louis's omega wolf finally felt at ease as his alpha reassured him, that no matter what, he'll be important to them as they are to him.

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