āœ”ļø | šŸ’ž š‡šŽš‹šƒ šŒš„ š“šˆš†ļæ½...

By byMegFischer

61.3K 3.3K 1.6K

š‚šŽšŒšš‹š„š“š„šƒ šš„š– š€šƒš”š‹š“ š‘šŽšŒš€šš‚š„ š–šˆš“š‡ š’šŽš…š“ š€ššƒ šŒš€š“š”š‘š„ š“š‡š„šŒš„š’ Newly... More

| dedication
1. Perfect. -Sierra
2. You were the perfect patient - Nick
3. I hate fighting with you. - Brian
4. Take me home. - Sierra
5. Can you please listen? - Sierra
6. Hear me out. - Nick
7. This is the one! - Nick
8. Drink up. - Brian
9. Camping? - Sierra
10. Ring bearer? - Sierra
11. It's corny. - Nick
12. Delaware? - Sierra
13. That was my fault. - Sierra
14. How can I take care of you? - Sierra
15. Like a safe word? - Sierra
16. Agree to disagree. - Nick
17. Sometimes I like to get a D. - Sierra
18. I barely recognize this place. - Nick
19. I never get to have fun. - Sierra
20. Let me fix this. - Nick
21. The first suspect is always the spouse. - Nick
22. Keep going. - Nick
23. You bet, baby. - Nick
24. Neck romancing. - Sierra
25. Been there, done that. - Sierra
26. I thought you vetoed strippers. - Sierra
27. I'm here for a kiss. - Sierra
28. Is everything okay? - Sierra
29. My, my love. - Nick
30. Worry later. - Sierra
31. Garrett Bubble. - Sierra
32. Mrs. Garrett. - Nick
33. Disgusting?! - Nick
34. Flatter me more. - Sierra
35. I'll give you anything you want. - Nick
36. Honeymoon. - Nick
37. I'll survive. - Sierra
38. Can I pet your dog? - Nick
39. I'm worried about a lot. - Nick
40. I'm torn here. - Sierra
41. It's not like that. - Sierra
42. Because I want to be sweet to my baby. - Nick
43. We need to talk. - Nick
45. Let me handle that. - Nick
46. More bad news. - Sierra
47. There's my girl. - Nick
48. You ruined my life. - Sierra
49. Why don't you let her rest? - Nick
50. I love when you're all here. - Sierra
51. I could've lost you. - Nick
Sierra's sappy letter.
52. Something's up. - Sierra
53. Don't be cute about that. - Sierra
| aesthetics pt I
| aesthetics pt II
| bonus
Bonus: Birthday Tattoo. - Nick
Bonus: Tuscany. - Nick

44. I would never ignore you. - Sierra

779 39 34
By byMegFischer

Tw // this chapter contains content of stalking. Please more forward carefully.

"Look at all the cute decorations!" I nudge Brian with my elbow and point to a storefront for an adorable baking supply store.

The display window decorated for Thanksgiving boasts half a window pane that clearly marches toward Christmas. "Oh my gosh, I can't wait for the holidays."

With a noncommittal grunt, Brian appears to be deep in thought as he glances between the window and me. "How's your latte?" he asks, gesturing with his coffee cup toward mine. "What was it again—gingerbread cookie?"

"Awesome! Do you wanna try it?"

"Sure." Sipping from my cup, he laughs as it dribbles over his chin, extending it back toward me. B wipes his mouth with the back of his hand while swallowing, then cracks up again. "Yeah, it's definitely good."

I fish the napkin from my pocket and hand it over. "Is something wrong, B?" I ask, brushing some flakes from his beanie.

He makes a face, then smiles, pointing to indicate we should walk. We slowly dodge other people on the sidewalk on the busy Saturday morning, just happy to spend time together.

People's moods vary from stressed to giddy with the impending holiday, and we mosey away after grabbing coffee, my arm linked through his.

"Dude, it's dumb. But I miss you coming over Thanksgiving. I wish some things didn't have to change."

I lean my head on his bicep as we reach my block. "Yeah, I hear you. Too many awesome memories of Pena Thanksgiving and Christmas. Movie nights with the brothers and Z, Sabrina and Julia talent shows, sneaking beer and Abuela catching us..." I laugh, pivoting to meet his gaze. "Drawing on Josh after he falls asleep!"

Brian's eyes dance as he laughs with me. "Exactly. I miss that shit."

"You know what? We should have a Friendsgiving!" I twist my mouth. "But we'd have to do it after the holiday this year because I'm unprepared."

"That'll do." He squeezes me tighter to him then lets go as we near the building.

A cheerful voice calls my name in a deep Southern drawl, and I turn my head, finding Peter walking his adorable dog. "Hi! Hi, Macy!" I coo, crouching to scratch the sides of her face. "How's my good girl?"

Peter laughs. "She's happy to see ya."

"Me too. So, what are your plans for the holiday?" I ask, trying to avoid the awkward silence as Brian openly glares.

'Oh, nothin'. Takeout as usual. How about you?"

After a few seconds of this, Brian pointedly clears his throat. "Can we go inside? It's cold."

"Sure." I nab my cup off the ground and start telling Peter about going to my in-laws when the large glass door swings open, and our doorman ushers us inside, chattering about the chilly weather.

"I'm sorry you're spending the holiday alone," I tell Peter, reaching to touch his shoulder just as Bri steps between us. "Maybe we—"

"Whoops, sorry about that," B says with false sweetness. He doesn't move from my side.

John waves me over. "Oh, Sierra, you got some packages."

"Ooh, is it a dog?!"

"Careful! That's how I'd kidnap you," Peter jokes, a teasing smile taking over his face. "Well, Macy and I'd better head out. Have a good one."

Brian slams his cup down on the countertop, his voice booming. "What the fuck did you just say to her?"

I gasp, but Peter seems unperturbed as he calls for the elevator. "Whoa, calm down there, tough guy."

When the door rolls open, he boards the elevator, and I turn away to retrieve whatever John has for me, then whirl around at the sound of quick footsteps before Brian disappears between the closing elevator doors. "Oh my god!" I cry, glancing at John. "What the heck?"

John fights a smile, shrugs, and turns away. He gathers an armful of packages for me and turns to hand them over when the door to the lobby opens again, and a man wheels in an enormous package on a dolly.

"Wow, that thing is bigger than me!" I laugh.

The man chuckles, too, extending a device toward John for signature delivery. "Oh, Sierra, this is for you, too, honey," John says.

"Umm, I didn't order anything gigantic..." I poke the box, glancing over my shoulder as Brian exits the elevator. "How does one even get this upstairs? It's not heavy, just the size of another human."

B squats without saying a word and lifts it with ease, striding back to the elevator. I shake my head, thank the two men, tuck the packages and mail into my large purse, and grab both coffee cups before hurrying after him.

Brian bites his lip and shakes his head before I can say a word. "Hit the button, okay?"

"Why are all the men in my life so volatile? You nearly break your hand on Doug, Nick shoves Chris to get away from me, now you threaten Peter." I dramatically rest the back of my hand on my forehead and sigh, nearly spilling coffee into my hair. "Can't I just lead a drama-free life?"

Brian rests his arms on the top of the package, smiling down at me as we zoom upward.

"What happened?" I ask.

Bri rolls his eyes. "I'm not repeating the stuff he said."


"Drop it," he says flatly as we stop on my floor.

"Pendejo," I mutter, exiting in front of him. I smirk at him over my shoulder as he laughs breathlessly underneath the ridiculously tall box. I test the doorknob, finding that it easily twists open.

"Hi, babe! We're back." I tug my coat off, then kick off my Converse as B sheds his jacket, then tosses it into my waiting arms.

The dog trots over with her favorite stuffed lovey between her teeth, wagging her tail, her eyes bright. "Hi, girl," Brian tells her before turning to me. "Does your dog have a taco?"

"Yep. And her second favorite toy is a Barkin Bag."

"Barkin Bag," he repeats, kneeling to pet her.

"Yeah! Like a Birkin Bag. It's adorable." He stares blankly at me, and I wave a hand as Nick crosses the room, the cat in his arms. "Forget it. Hi, Nicholas."

"Hey guys," he says, leaning to kiss me hello. Gently dropping the cat, Nick puckers his lips at Brian. Dodging him, B throws a hand up and turns his face away while we all laugh. Eyebrows raised, Nick circles the tall cardboard box. "Uh, what's this?"

I fidget with my earring. "It's not something you ordered?"

"No," he says softly. "How about I open it, okay?"

"Mmhmm," I agree, snagging the remote off the table and pressing some buttons.

Rock music drifts overhead, and I distract myself with refilling the pets' water bowls and singing along to some while the guys tear open the box. "Amazon delivery day," I sing quietly, pulling the packages from my satchel. I drop them onto the table near the television.

When I slowly turn around, they're prodding a massive stuffed dog. "Aw, it's pretty cute," I say, sinking to the floor next to where the cat has already climbed on its head.

Two hands softly comb my hair over my shoulders. "You know it's probably from Doug, right?" I tip my head back and nod at my husband. A sly smile replaces his slight frown. "Good thing it's not a real dog."

Wheezing with laughter, I get to my feet and hug Nick's waist. "You're right; we'd have to keep it."

"We're eating at Will and Joanie's at six o'clock, okay?"

"Sounds awesome." I twist my mouth and squint at the ceiling. "What should I wear?"

"This. You look perfect." He kisses my temple, then turns to B. "Are you sticking around? Wanna play FIFA?"

Brian's mad dash to the couch has the dog running circles. The TV blares as he switches the console on. "That's a yes," I tell Nick, squeezing.

"That okay with you, my sunshine girl?" Hot breath tickles my neck, and I laugh as butterflies erupt in my stomach. He makes me so happy. I just wish everything else was easier.

"Sure, have fun," I whisper, kissing him once, then offer one more lingering kiss before releasing him.

The trash talk begins before Nick even flops down on the couch. As I straighten up the living room, I'm alternating between cracking up at them and playing air guitar as I sing along to the music pumping through our place. "She was a fax machine, she kept her motor clean, she had the best damn modem that I've ever seen."

Wet air sputters from both of them as they catch me goofing around. "Those are not the lyrics!" Brian says, clutching his chest.

"I know, but it's hilarious. I like to sing it to entertain my office mate when we send faxes. Hey, is it wrong that I want to keep the dog? Maybe it's from your mom..."

Brian lets out a string of curses aimed at my husband. Neither of them answers me; laser-focused on their game.

I open the packages, finding some things Nick and I ordered for our regular delivery day, and a mystery box. Delicious vanilla-scented lotion and the disgustingly sugary delicious orange slice candies I love; I salivate just dreaming about eating them.

Stripping off my sweater, I wander toward the bedroom with the dog on my heels, grab my favorite blanket and my iPad, then pad back to the living room, choosing the couch where Nick sits. Stretching out my legs, I lose myself in a book while they yell and fight over the game.

Nick caresses my legs after some indiscernible amount of time. "SiSi, your phone is blowing up with messages."

I yawn. "It's probably one of Brian's brothers texting me to say he's a noob."

"How dare you! I've been playing this for years."

"Wouldn't brag about that," Nick says, snickering.

Brian leaps from his chair and drags me by the ankle before digging fingers into my ribs while Nicholas cracks up and stands, fingers flying over the controller.

"Stop!" I gasp, flexing my foot on Brian's stomach. He doesn't budge, poking his cheek with his tongue while we laugh. I wipe tears from my cheeks and point to the table. "Will you please hand me my phone?"

"Here you go, loser."

"Thanks, noob."

Brian subtly rubs his middle finger against his eyebrow while sinking back into the armchair with the sleeping cat on the headrest. I unlock my phone, my laughter dying off as I review the messages waiting from an unknown number from the past hour.

I know I can be shy. My biggest regret is not taking you out before Nick stole you away. When you used to sit near me in all those classes, I couldn't concentrate. I would just stare, dreaming about kissing you. My heart beat so fast I was sure you could hear it. My relationship with Laurel meant nothing, ok? It's just that my parents made me leave school after your friend beat me up, and I was lonely. As soon I saw you on Nat's TikTok, I immediately fell in love again.

So glad you love the dog. I saw it and thought of you. I wanted to be there to see your face when you opened it. You didn't disappoint. Looks like you love the candy and lotion. Think about me when you use it 😉

Every time you laugh like that, my heart jumps.

Is he stupid or selfish? You're sitting next to him and he's acting like you don't exist.

I would never ignore you like he does. I don't care what it takes this time to win you over. I would always protect you and make you feel safe.

Oh no, you missed one of my presents!

With a slight whimper, I toss the phone on the couch and it bounces next to Nick's leg. Jaw tensing, he snatches it up without a word while Brian purses his lips and pauses the game.

"So fucking done with this," Nick mutters. He shakes his head, then gently places the phone facedown on the table before palming the side of my face. "The number's blocked. I'm gonna take care of this."

"How?" I whisper. "A lifetime of experience with Lifetime movies and studying psych in school tells me this is just the beginning."

"I don't know right this second. But I swear I'm going to figure it out. Where's this last present? I don't want you opening anything else."

"He's consistently escalating. Next I'll be tied up in the back of his trunk."

"Don't say that," Brian answers, his tone sharp.

Wordlessly, I gesture to the table where the unopened mail and packages sit. After sifting through, Nick zeroes in on something and rips it open as Brian hovers over his shoulder.

"What is it?" I ask Nick when he scoffs. Brian sighs, turning away.

"I—you don't want to see this."

"Show me."

"Honey, I don't want you to feel—"

"Show me."

His eyes hold regret and frustration as he obeys my request, handing over a framed piece of art. Private pictures from my pre-wedding session, taken only for my husband's eyes, and now apparently Doug has them.

"You'd think I'd have learned my lesson, huh?" I choke out. "He hacked me once, and now..."

Brian sighs again, pinching the bridge of his nose. Rising from my spot, a tear rolls down my cheek as I go to leave the room, but Nick hops up and spins me back around. "Forget all of this, Sierra. I'll take care of it as soon as humanly possible. I've got you, okay? There's no way he's going to get to you."

I gently slide my arms from his grasp. "Too late."

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