Rx: Clara

By hanaripinku

65 9 0

Dr. Ivanov loves being a doctor. He made it his goal to make every patient happy ever since the passing of hi... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Thank You!

Chapter 1

17 1 0
By hanaripinku

I stopped in the hall to take a look at my watch, my shift is almost over. I am exhausted as usual but I love what I do. Being a doctor is so rewarding, I worked hard to get where I am. Even though I love what I do, I still love when I get to go home instead of sleep in here. It's not like those TV dramas. 

Flipping through my papers, I took a look at the last patient I visited.

"Hey Dimitri, what's the results for Mrs. Anderson", Dontay asked, leaning over the desk to take a look.

"Looks like her vitals are improving and everything else is normal, she should be released soon."

"She's been freaking out that she has the plague or something. She's totally a hypochondriac."

"She just had a fever but still we have to listen to her even if she is over-exaggerating", I said.

"Yeah, yeah. Anyway, are you going to visit that girl...what's her name...Clara?"

"Yes", I said, still sounding professional.

He raised his eyebrow.

"You spend a lot of time with her."

I moved my eyes off my clipboard to look at him.

"Don't give me that look. You know I am against relationships with our patients, there's a whole policy about that. She's been here for a little over a year. I hate when our patients feel depressed for being here for so long, I just do whatever I can to make her happy."

"She's really cute though, I saw she was 22."

"Get lost Dontay."

He chuckled and then backed away to continue on where he left off. 

I started walking, I kept on going until I reached a door and then I knocked.

"Clara? It's me", I said as I walked in.

"My favorite doctor", she said excitedly.

"I'm sure there are some better doctors than me", I said as I closed the door behind me.

"They don't visit me every day like you do."

"Well I guess I am awesome", I said as I took a seat next to her bed.

"I never said you were awesome, someone is stuck up."

I laughed and so did she.

I took a look at the monitors.

"How are you feeling?"

"The same I guess", she said with a shrug.

"Mind if I check."

She nodded.

I got up and took my stethoscope off around my neck so I can check her heart. I listened carefully, her heartbeats are still irregular.

"Can you sit up so I can check your breathing?"

She sat up. Placing my stethoscope on her back, I listened again, I can still hear fluid in her lungs.

"You don't look happy", she said.

I placed my stethoscope back around my neck and sighed.

"I always hope to see some improvement Clara but, it's the same...actually a little worse."

She looked down. I took her hand.

"I know I'm not supposed to make promises but I promise I will figure out what's wrong with you. I won't give up okay?"

She looked at me and smiled.

"I won't give up either."

I noticed my hand held hers longer than I intended, eventually I pulled away and got up.

"I have to get going. Is there anything you need me to do before I go?"

"I don't think so, I already got what I wanted."

I smiled.

"See you bright and early tomorrow", I said.

"See you."

I usually take a taxi home when I feel too tired to drive, that's what I did tonight. When I arrived at my house, the smell of some good food hit me as soon as I opened the door.

"Dimitri! You're home finally!"

"Home twice in a row mom", I bragged.

She was just putting away dinner but she always saves a plate for me, even if I don't come home. It's not common for a man my age, 37 to still live with his sibling and mother. Actually, I own the house but I didn't want to live in such a big house by myself. My mom is widowed now since my dad passed away 10 years ago, I couldn't bear the thought of her living alone. She said she was okay with that but she was happy to live with me, along with my little sister who is pretty much a freeloader.

"Ew Dimitri is home."

"Sadie enough, he had a long day today", mom shouted.

I dropped my things on the couch next to her as she did her homework. I messed up her hair as I headed to the kitchen.


"That's what you get for not being happy I'm home."

I took my plate and then joined Sadie on the couch.

"What are you doing", I asked.

"What does it look like", she said in an annoyed tone.

"I meant the subject dummy."

"Dimitri", my mom called out.

"Sorry mom."

"You two act like children, worse than when you were children."

"I am more of an adult than he is", Sadie said.

I scoffed. Sadie gave me a look.

"Just keep it down, I have to go to sleep."

Mom walked over to us, kissing us both on our heads. After she left Sadie let out a sigh.

"What's wrong", I asked.

"Have you ever like wanted to give up school?"

"Every freakin day!"


"College is not easy for a reason Sadie, they want the best of the best. I wish I didn't complain about being an undergrad because med school...now that was crazy, I wanted to quit so bad."

"Why didn't you?"

"Because of dad", I said in a somber tone.

We both were quiet for a moment.

"When he got cancer, I thought since I was in school to be a doctor, I could find a cure for him. I'm sure many people who study to become a doctor go into it thinking they'll be the next one to find a cure for something. Wishful thinking. Even though I wasn't that type of doctor, I didn't care. I snuck around to find info about his cancer and I worked extra hard in school. And then that day...they told us there was nothing else they could do. I went to see him, he looked so sick. Even though he was dying he was happy, for all of us. He was proud of what I was becoming. I told him I was a failure but he laughed. He said 'Dimitri don't be stupid, you can't save everyone but what you can do is make them happy no matter what they are going through. Don't give up because of me, I'll be fine.'"

My eyes were glossed over. Even though it's been 10 years, I still remember that day like it was yesterday. Sadie was 10 and my other brother Logan was 21. It's not fair Logan and I got to have dad until adulthood. We remember so much but not Sadie. That day I made dad a promise to fill in all the things he would have done for Sadie, and I did. I had that obligation since I became the man of the house after his passing.

"I just...I just don't know if college is for me. But I don't want to disappoint dad", she said in a sad tone as she wiped her eyes.

"All dad cared about was that we stayed out of trouble. He wanted us to do what we liked, he is proud of us no matter what we choose."

"Yeah but you're a doctor and Logan is a cop. I don't want to be something lame like a burger flipper."

I chuckled.

"Hey, there's nothing wrong with that. Someone has to feed everyone. I think you should stay in school. You can do a lot with psychology you know. You can work in a hospital or with cops."

She smiled and then moved over to rest her head on my shoulder.

"I love you Dimitri."

"Me too...smelly."

"Hey! I don't smell!"

"When was the last time you washed your hair?"

She pulled her hair to her nose to smell.

"I'm super busy okay!"

She got up.


She stormed off upstairs to most likely take a shower. I love her with all my heart but I'm her brother after all. I can't help but mess with her.

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