Birds are kinda a Clawthorne...

By Dini6621

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(Amity blight x fem reader) You are (y/n) Clawthorne Eda's daughter SLOW/MINIMAL UPDATES NO SMUTT Extra detai... More

Important details
Chapter 1: late again
Chapter 2: snuggle buddy
Chapter 3: you calling me a monster?
Chapter 4: happens often, I'm used to it
Chapter 5: is it ok if we hold hands?
Chapter 6: GAME ON!
Chapter 7: ok I'm in!
Chapter 8: now stop being a jealous asshole
Chapter 9: Amity stop it, I'm fine
Chapter 10: Christmas?
Chapter 12: I'm still a monster
Chapter 13: OHH AMITY!
Chapter 14: well I broke a promise
Chapter 15: none of your business
Chapter 16: one thing after the fucking other
Chapter 17: the only thing I cant tell you
Chapter 18: go get em Bad Girls!
Chapter 19: girlfriend for the night
Chapter 20: I feel ya
Chapter 21: you ok sweetheart?
Chapter 22: I know you won't let anything hurt me
Chapter 23: shes so fucking weird
Chapter 24: I'm so sorry (y/n) I'm so so sorry
Chapter 25: I don't think I can do this without you

Chapter 11: they'll think I'm weird

2.7K 79 145
By Dini6621

Luz POV:

I open up my book I got for Christmas and trace a light glyph

I activate it and shine it at (y/n)

"(Y/n), c'mon it's time to get ready for school" I whisper as loudly as I can

"Dude we still have two hours, go back to sleep" she replies groggily

"Today is my first day at Hexide and I'm freaking out (y/n)"

"Calm down, it's school for Titans sake, no need to get your leggings in a bunch" she says into her pillow

"Pshh yeah, witch school"

"Yeah witch school" she repeats "what about it? it's just boring classes and rules. I don't know why you wanna go so bad"

"You don't get it (y/n), this is my dream, I've been waiting for this moment my whole life and I don't wanna mess it up"

"You'll be fine Luz just-"

I hear (y/n) start snoring, jeez that girl is no help in the morning

I tip toe down the hall to King's room and peak my head in to see if he's awake

"Luz!" He pops up out of his bed energetically

"Hey bud, good morning" I pick him up

"Luz you won't believe this crazy dream I had last night" King tells me while I walk down the stairs

"What was it about?" I ask entering the kitchen

"So I was the king" he starts

"Oh wow that's really surprising" I laugh as I set him down in his chair

"Hey kid, you're up early" Eda says

"We'll I can't be late for my first day at Hexide"

"You excited?" She asks

"Yes and very nervous and scared and I don't know" I say holding my stomach

"Why are you scared? I thought this is what you wanted?"

"Yes it is but I can't do real magic, all I have is those glyphs from the book (y/n) gave me"

"And that is real magic Luz, you're as good a witch as anyone else there. Hah, maybe even better, that school is full of some real dunderheads"

"Yea but they'll think I'm weird, and I'm gonna get made fun of" I explain

"Hey, there's nothing wrong with being weird, remember us weirdos have to stick together" Eda leans down to me "And just between you and me, if anyone tries to make fun of you I'll sock em right in the eye" she whispers

"Thanks Eda, only you would do that" I giggle before heading back upstairs to try and wake up (y/n) again

*1 hour time skip*

"(Y/n) I swear to Titan if you drive like a maniac" I warn as I cautiously mount the palismen

"don't worry I won't" she rolls her eyes

(Y/n) speeds as soon and I get comfortable

I grip her waist tighter


She slows down for me

"Sorry, I had to" she giggles

*10 min time skip*

"(Y/n) imagine what crazy witch adventures we're gonna have"

I shake her around but quickly realize it's affecting her steering, so I try to hold back a little

(Y/n) makes a hard stop and I finally touch the school grounds for the first time AS A STUDENT!

"We finally made it after old grandma over here made us fly slower than a snailturtle" (y/n) says pointing to me

"I am not!" I think out my tongue

"Are too" she smirks

I ignore (y/n)'s remark and turn to her witch friends

"Hey Amity, Boscha, Willow and other witches I haven't met before" I say in a friendly tone

"Hi Luz" Willow waves

Amity quicky looks up to me with a red face "hey Luz, what are you doing here?"

"I'm a student now, remember? I told you when we were at the Owl House siting for (y/n) to wake up"

"Oh yeah, now you go to school here now with... me... at Hexide" she says awkwardly

I try to process what she just attempted to say "Um... yes?"

Amity looks like a tomato and her ears go down as she starts hiding behind Willow

I hope I didn't make her feel bad

"Ok I'm gonna go and try to make some more witch friends" I say before I walk away

I notice (y/n) look down after Boscha signalled for her to walk over to her

I walk over to the two other witches I haven't seen before to go introduce myself

I look back to see a sad (y/n) and an angry Boscha

I hope everything's okay

Boscha POV:

"(Y/n), why didn't I know about this?"

"I didn't know it would be such a big deal, and I thought Will told you already anyways"

"I didn't know it would be such a big deal" I mimic

"Well duh it's such a big deal, I still don't trust this girl and you just bring her to school with you without warning?"

"Bosch you need to calm down, nothing's gonna to happen to me or anyone else. I promise"

"But I just don't-"

"No, just give her a chance Bosch, she's been nothing but nice to you"

"Did you ever stop to think about how I would've felt?!" I huff

"But the thing is I haven't seen her do one bad thing to you or anyone for that matter"

(Y/n) puts her hands on my shoulders

"You're my best friend, I'll do anything I can to protect you I promise"

"You could've talked to me instead of just assuming" I mumble

"Trust me I wanted to but I was scared"

"Scared of what? Scared of me?" I push her arms away

"No I just-"

"I don't wanna hear it" I say angrily before walking away

I lean up against the big pillars waiting alone for class to start

Luz POV:

(Y/n) still looks sad as she watches Boscha storm away from her

She walks over to me and puts a big grin on her face hoping I wouldn't notice anything

I don't know what just happened but I fell like it's my fault

The bell screams?

(Y/n) grabs my arm and tugs me inside

"Hurry, we have abominations first today" she says excitedly

"(Y/n) you're going too fast" I manage to get out between heavy breaths

She smiles, while I basically fly behind her

We quickly arrive at our lockers which are luckily pretty close together

I pant while I try to open my monster locker thing and shove my unneeded things in there, without getting bit in the process

"C'mon Luz" (y/n) runs in place excitedly somehow not out of breath

"Ok gimme a sec" I grab the things I need and chase after (y/n)

I lose track of her but gladly I'm close enough to see through a door of a classroom with a little teacher being held up by an abomination

I run into the classroom as fast as I can

But of course I had to trip over my own feet in front of everyone

I hear (y/n) start uncontrollably laughing over the other snickers

This is so embarrassing

"Oh my Titan Luz are you okay?" Amity runs down from her seat to help me

"Yeah I'm fine, thanks Amity" I say embarrassedly

Her face goes bright red

hmm is she getting hot again? Someone should really open up a window in here

She helps me up and walks me to my seat beside (y/n) before going to her seat right in front of me

"What an entrance" (y/n) giggles

*time skip to lunch*

I follow (y/n) into the cafeteria and Amity waves us over to their table

I go sit down with my lunch Eda had packed for me while (y/n) stands in line waiting to get her lunch

Boscha POV:

I stop Will in the entrance of the cafeteria

"Willow I-"

"Boscha can you please try to stop worrying"

"What? I didn't even say anything yet"

"No but you were gonna say something mean about Luz weren't you?"

"Psh no" I look away

"Look Bosch, this is a big change for you and it's okay to be scared but that gives you no right to act out"

I cross my arms

she tried to hug me but I push her back a little

"I am not acting out" I say a little to loud

The whole lunchroom is now staring directly at us

"Boscha stop acting like a child, I'm trying to help you" Will starts getting a little angry

"Well mabye I don't want help!" I shout

Whispers break out amongst the crowd as I storm out into the hall and to my locker

I punch the it's teeth in angrily, hearing it's soft whimpers as I take out all my stuff

"I'm gonna lose everyone" I cry as I run through the halls

I let my legs drop as I smash open the janitors closet and lay on the floor in self pity

"She ruined everything" I rip down all of the products off the shelves in a fit of rage

"Then i'll be all alone" I laugh through tears

I smash everything apart while bawling my eyes out

Once there's nothing left to destroy I let my tired body rest against the cold hard wall

My heart is pounding and so is my head

Yet again I'm left alone

*5 minute time skip*

I hear a soft knock on the door

I jump and struggle to make myself look presentable again, nobody can see me like this

"Come in" I say when I'm ready

"Never mind" I take back after a familiar round eared girl pokes her head in

"You sure, I mean if you wanna be alone I get it but if you're open to talking?" she says with her annoying voice

"I'm not open to anything from you, leave me alone" I huff

"Not even your lunch?" She asks showing me a tray of food from the cafeteria

I just turn around and ignore her as she walks in

She quietly clears a spot on the floor next to me and sits down with the tray in her lap

"Do you not understand, I wanna be alone" I spat

"Hey, it's ok to be angry or sad, or whatever's going on in here" she looked at me and then around the room

"Do you wanna tell me about it? I can try to help" she says

"Will it make you go away faster?"


"Ugh fine"

"Some people might say I'm scared of change and trusting new people" I roll my eyes

"Ahh ok I get it"

"Hah, not to mention my crippling fear of being alone for the rest of my life" I laugh sadly

A tear falls from my eye and I quickly wipe it away

"Hey, it's ok to cry"

"Ugh shut up" I say at the ground embarrassedly

*10 mins of storytelling later*

"So I guess that's where it all started" I look up for the first time in a bit to notice that Luz is right in my face

I push her away

"Sorry, i just really love backstories" she says

"Weirdo" I scoff

I see Luz's face drop after my comment but she quickly shakes it off and turns back into her happy go lucky self

"Well if you'd really like to know I have no intentions to hurt you or your friends" she holds out her pinky "I promise"

"Your enthusiasm is exhausting" I groan

She sits there for a second before I take her pinky and squeeze it as hard as I can

"Boscha I think you're good" she yelp's before quickly pulling her hand away

I pick up my mess and give Luz a small punch in the arm as we leave the janitors closet

"Um... thank you for that" I mumble hoping she doesn't hear it

"No problem!" she says happily

I turn around and start heading down the hall

"Um.. the lunch room is over here" she points

"You go ahead, I have something to do first" I say

"Ok then" she shrugs and starts walking away

While nobody is looking I summon Maya and fly out through an open window

2056 words

Hey guys I'm sorry for the poorly written chapter I had to rewrite it over 4 times

Anyways ilysm have a great rest of you day/night and remember to take care of yourselves <333

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