Black crystal

By Imhereforthelols7381

184 30 0

This is a fantasy type story. I've been really wanting to make this so i hope you enjoy I might make a book 2... More

Chapter 1: the paper demon
Chapter 2: Yetimese
Chapter 3: Shit is about to go down
Chapter 4: Aqua and the visitor
Chapter 5: the chase starts
Chapter 6: baby driver 2
Chapter 7: the paper forest crystals secret
Chapter 8: a diffirent world
Chapter 9: alot of aftermath!!!
Chapter 10: Fauna shop
Chapter 11: Rumikos run in
Chapter 12: Yetiseme recovery and alot of infomation
Chapter 13: New school

Chapter 14: Noel and Rumiko

17 2 0
By Imhereforthelols7381

Rumiko and Noel get to the park together and a long awkward silence awaits them both. "Hi..." Noel ask. "Hi" Rumiko reply's. Noel goes closer to Rumiko. "I know who you are! Your the girl who attack is am I correct?" Rumiko blush's. "Y-yes". "You also keep referring to me as your target." Rumiko then looks away while playing with her hair. "I don't see you as a mad person. You don't look like one to me." Noel reassures Rumiko. "How about we start over?" "Don't you think that's a little weird though!" Rumiko hists. "Don't be naughty to me!" Noel tease. "Shut up. You can't just tease someone like that!!" Rumiko mention. "Look I was suppose to kill you. But you took my platinum daggers so I can't kill you!" Rumiko talk aggressively. "Do you want to kill Though?" Noel ask. Rumiko just shyly looks away to the question. Rumiko pushes Noel off her and runs away. Noel then goes back to Fauna house and sleeps for the night.
"This Noel girl is really pretty. No! I can't love my target!!! But what if I don't want to kill her? I'm so confused!!!" Rumiko can't think straight. She stays up for most of the night thinking of what to do.
In the morning
They do the usual get ready, put on there uniforms and walk to school together. "Good morning class. Welcome back! I hope you enjoy your first day of school. Today we're writing things about you. Doesn't have to be long but you have 30 minutes to write this, 5 minutes to practice, and the rest up present. I'll hand out blank pieces of paper now." Mr.H didn't stutter one bit. They all start to write there presentation. It's very silent in the class. Probably cause it's only the second day. They all wrote there presentation and then they practice it. One by one they present. Emma, Blaire, then Noel, Rumiko, Yui, Yetiseme, Owen, Jacob, etc. Mr.H starts the day out with history.
"History, now can anyone explain what history is?" No one answer to a pin drop silent room. One kid raise there hand up named Nate. "Yes Nate?" Mr.H ask. "History is events that we humans made long ago." Mr.H look to have an empress look. "Yes Nate! You are correct." Mr.H blurts out. "Today or this semester, we're gonna learn about the history of angels and demons. Let's start off with some easy things first." Noel looks at Yetiseme to see that she already beyond confused.
"We demons have more then one species. We have lunar demons. Lunar demons are demons who kill for the fun of it. Not because of the blood thirst they have for flesh. They're usually the most dangerous demons out there. Example of popular lunar demons are one of the queens, Sencho." Some kid blurts out something mid sentence. "Ayo if one of the queens are a lunar demon then shouldn't the other one be as well?" A kid ask.
"Well you see. That's not always the case. Did you know Chloe patria actaully dated the leader of the Ramon empire. It's strange right. Well believe or not, Evergreen is an angel. A cool fact about angels is that they can tell if your lying or not. Anyways Back to types of demons. Next we got the average demon. Though have thirst for humans, they have adapted to eating vegetables and other foods."
Yetiseme gets distracted by just about anything but the explanation that Mr.H is giving. She get distracted that she didn't even notice class is ending. "Yetiseme were going outside to that massive court or whatever come on!" Noel grabs Yetiseme arm catching her off gaurd and they both speed to the outside field. As they are they bump into Emma. "Sorry bit in a hurry!" Noel quickly mention and they make it out in time.
"Awww. There's the other two" a teacher mentions to the class.
"Hello! In case you didn't hear, I'm Mr. Kurt. Mr.Kurt (since that's gonna reparative, I'm just gonna say Kurt) Kurt is bald, he is 31, and he's a very cool teacher. He just generally enjoy his time teaching. He used to teacher middle schooler and would switch from teaching grade 8s and 6s to grade 7s, but one of hes classroom harass him for being bald. He moved school and now teaches grade 11. He wears s grey shirt, and usually black shorts.
As they all line up on the field, Mr.K watch as another teacher comes in. "Mr.K is this what you demanded from me?" A teacher asked. It's like she from Harry Potter. "Awww yes! Mrs.K, thanks you for the crystal." Mr.Kurt does the finger guns to Mrs.Kell. Mrs.Kell Just sighs and looks at the Teens.
"Hello kids today we're gonna find out your powers. Now some of you don't know a dang clue on what your power is, so these crystals shall make your power very easy to do. But the set back is that your element is color coded to your element. So try your best to estimate your ability." Some kids looked puzzled. Some looked excited, some looked bored. "Now we have a hour of time to do this. We could just get all the kids to pick a crystal and if it doesn't work pick another but there's a easier way. One by one until we find out or admittedly if you don't need a crystal, then don't take one!!!" "The last sentence sound so assertive?" Noel whispers to Yetiseme. Yetiseme giggle and wanted to say something. But then she realized she was second by default.
As Jacob goes up first. He doesn't take a crystal. He shines a beam of light the dummy takes 2 whole minutes to just make a hole in the dummy. "That's alright Jacob, most kids don't know there power at this age or even how to use it. This is why we teach this in the 11th grade as well. Cause by now your old enough to be able to practice and train with your abilities." As Mr.K reassures Jacob the class giggles.
Yetiseme goes up and doesn't take a crystal. She. "She probably has a quirk so useless that a item is more useful." Yetiseme remembers one technique that Asumi teach her. "If you don't have armor then use your mania for a ability called anti-explo. It's named that cause the user instead of wasting mania, uses the smoke as mania to use it more effectively. As the class laugh Yetiseme jumps up and punches the dummy making a 10 meter creator.
The class is shook as Yetiseme looks at a guy named Noah and smirks at him.
"Great job Yetiseme. I notice you used anti-Explo didn't you?" Yetiseme looks up surprise that Mr.K knows what that is.
Next up was Emma. She pulls out her staff and holds a book of some sorts and yells out "water flare make them dissolve!!'" As the dummy gets thrown to the ground by a huge beam of water that disintegrates to the ground. The class is shook. "Wow. Watching you students make me want to see you guys battle each other!"
"Yeah let's see poor Jacob battle Emma. It would only takes like 20 minutes to even hurt Emma?!" The class laughs as Jacob runs away into the school. "You guys look what you did?!" I'll go get them. Mrs.Kell you can continue the lesson." And with that Mr.K goes to find Jacob while Mrs Kell makes a statement on how you need to be nice and blah blah blah. Blare goes up next, she takes a thunder stone and tries it... nothing happens. She takes water stone... nothing happens. She then smash the stones together and she electrifys the dummy. The class is stunned. Mainly cause Blaire is pretty.
Noel goes up and takes a white crystal. Half the boys already staring at her Yetiseme calls them out as they masks excuses. Something that Emma laughed about. Noel try's the crystal nothing happens. As Noel try's it again... nothing happens. Noel try's it a third time and just as she was gonna give up, large snow spikes hit dummy. But Noel thought that was something was off. She takes another crystal this time it was a amber shard and a rock stone and combines them together. She then use the crystal one more time... a massive crystal ball throws out spikes as the dummy gets stab brutally. The class states in shook. They all look at Mrs.K for any reaction and she even in disbelief. Noel walks down and they continue to be impressed one and other. Jean comes up to the field and cast a super sonic wave. Yui came up and cast a red laser beam. Owen came up and destroyed the dummy with his one fist. Then Rumiko comes up.
She looks at Mrs.K. "Go on? We don't got all day!" She goes up to the dummy at a weird distance. "Hey Noel, she using a tactic called mirroring. It's when the user goes to the most safest spot mark it with anything they want and then make there attack and dodge it by doing an action to get to the spot." As Yetiseme whispers that to Noel, Rumiko jumps up and creates a Beam of Black shadows liquid. The dummy's instantly melts as Rumiko dodges back to the quarter line of the field. The spot where Mrs.K ask her to carry on with her powers.
"This Rumiko is sneaky. It's not the quarter line she made her mark. It's the place where the teacher said to carry on. Remember she a lunar demon. She would know these kinda stuff wouldn't she?!" As much as Yetiseme crazy theory sounds unbelievable. She can't argue with her solid hypothesis. The days goes on and they don't see Jacob ever go to school ever again.
I don't have a general fact of the chapter cause this shit filled with information so who yours favorite character so far. Mine personally is Yetiseme and Aqua, then Rumiko, then Fauna.

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