scourge x reader (warrior cat...

By JdOpEsNaKeU

5.3K 62 46

"I went to see you almost every chance I got, fantasizing about cutting you open and letting that beautiful c... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7

Chapter 6

551 7 5
By JdOpEsNaKeU


(Y/k/n)= your kit name, just in case you didn't see the update on chapter 1

Your wound was healed now, a faint scar left behind.
You avoided other cats as much as you could, especially scourge.

You hated the anxious feeling that constantly pooled in your stomach, scourges words at the back of your mind, no matter how hard you tried to forget about it, you couldn't, you always caught yourself thinking about it without even trying. It frustrated you.

You decided to go for a hunt, maybe that would help take your mind of things. You trotted through the Twolegplace in hope of catching a whiff of mice, however the smell of trash overwhelmed you making it difficult to find and prey.

You walked through a forest clearing, the scent of prey making your mouth water. A plump vole caught your eye and you immediately dropped down to a crouch, your tail low to the ground. You moved slowly, not taking your eyes off of it. A loud snap was heard and you froze, the vole scurried off.

Annoyed, you got back up about to see what scared off your prey, but then it hit you, A foul scent invaded your nose, low rumbling sounding through your ears. Your heart dropped to your stomach.


Three of them...

You bolted away, your body felt hot with the adrenaline running through you. Your heartbeat drowned out the sounds of the dogs barking behind you, but you knew they were chasing you. You could practically feel their hot breath on your tail as they closed in on you.

Your eyes darted around, looking for anything that'd help you get away from the smelly beasts. The closest thing to you was a tree that was small in size compared to the others farther behind it.

You were beginning to get tired, so you used the rest of your strength to dart up the tree, one of the dogs nipping your tail in the process, causing you to hiss at the sharp pain.

You climbed up to the highest branch that'd hold your weight, however it was thin and swayed with your movement and it wasn't high enough to keep you feeling reassured. The dogs were right under you, jumping up in order to get you, only a kitstep away from being successful each time.

Your heart beat harshly in your ears, you kept your tail tucked closely to your body, trying to keep as still as possible, an occasional hiss being drawn whenever a dog got a little too close.

It felt like forever before the dogs stopped jumping, they lied at the bottom of the tree, two were dozing off as other one had it's full attention on you. You were annoyed.

Why are they so persistent? Why can't they just go away?

A cracking noise broke you out of your thought, it had alerted the dogs too because they were up now, their eyes glued on you. It sounded again but this time you felt the branch you were on shift.

You began to panic. The thin branch you were on began to give way and you were wracking your brain on what to do.

If you moved, the branch would break for sure and if you stayed there it'd be the same outcome. You decided to take your chances.

You jumped onto the trees trunk, the branch breaking immediately, you dug your claws into the bark, hanging on for dear life.

The dogs were getting restless, barking loudly causing saliva to fling everywhere. You scrunched your nose in disgust as some of it got on your fur. Your paws began feeling sore, your claws felt as though they were going to be ripped out from having to hold your weight.

You began to get more stressed until you heard a loud yelp followed by whimpering. You looked down and was shocked at the scene before you.

It was scourge, bone and 4 other cats you don't recognize. One of the dogs lied lifeless on the ground as the others retreated, injured and whimpering.

Your claws retracted and you leaped onto the ground, you began to approach scourge swaying slightly, however your limbs gave out before you reached him and your body collapsed.

Your breathing was heavy and your vision blurred. You tried standing up again but to no avail. You didn't realize how exhausted you were until your eye lids grew heavy, straining to stay open.

Finally you succumbed to your exhaustion, closing your eyes and letting sleep fall over you. Scourge watched you, a slight frown on his muzzle. He turned with a flick of his tail as he and bone walked away.

The other cats knew what to do as they approached the dead dogs corpse. One of them had grabbed you by your scruff, dragging you as he followed behind scourge and bone.

You were playing in a small clearing with the your two litter mates, your mother napping in a tree. She took you guys to go hunting, but decided to take a break.

"Im gonna get you!" You giggled, pouncing on one of your litter mates, pinning him. You were easily overpowered by him however, and the roles were reversed, you were now the one being pinned.

"Haha, you gotta be stronger to pin me (Y/k/n)." He laughed triumphantly, his paw on your chest.

You pouted, beginning to get upset, although you wasn't the runt of the litter, you were by far the weakest. You never successfully pinned another kit, you never caught a vole even though all of your siblings did.

You've had cats tell you that you were too weak even for a kit. You'd envy your siblings and wonder why you were so weak.

(S/n) watched the scene unfold, sensing you becoming upset. "It's ok, you don't need to be strong, we'll always protect you." (S/n) said, trying to comfort you.

You're brother smiled, removing his paw from your chest and helping you up.

"They're right, you may be weaker than the rest of us and that's ok, we're here for you."

You smiled, until an unfamiliar scent invaded your nose, soon followed by a piercing scream. You looked to see (S/n) running towards you, a look of terror on their face. An animal you've never seen before chasing after them, although it had small legs, it ran fast.

(S/n) spotted a small rabbit burrow, and was able to bolt into it due to their small size.

"Why is a badger here?" You heard your brother say to himself. A badger? You've heard of those before, you heard they are incredibly strong and that it'd be unwise to take them on.

The badger gave up on (S/n) then set its eyes on you.

You heard your mothers voice "RUN!", She was already chasing it. You and your brother began to run not looking back, however you weren't as fast as him and began to lose breath quickly.

You ignored your burning lungs and ran as fast as you could, ears pinned to your head, your movements were getting sloppy.

As you ran, you didn't notice the small dent in the ground, you ran into it, the uneven footing caused you to trip. You yelped as sharp pain shot up your leg.

You looked behind you, the badger getting closer. You tried to get back up but the pain stopped you and you were unable to move your paw. Your mom was still too far behind the badger to be able to do anything in time.

Your brother stopped running, looking behind him, his eyes widened. "(Y/K/N)!!" He yelled, starting towards you. You were frozen in fear, seeing as the badger was only a tail-length away, it's mouth was opened sharp canines on display.

A blur of fur runs past you and it's as if time stops when your eyes meet the sight of your brother clamped between the badgers jaws, his tiny claws striking the badgers face which seemed to anger it further.

It's jaw tightened and a pained shriek spilled from your brother. Your eyes widened and your heart beat quickened, you scrambled to get back on your paws, ignoring the pain in your leg when you realize he is about to be killed.

"NOO!" You screamed, he turned his head to look at you, face contorted in pain before a sickening crack is heard.

He falls limp, his eyes becoming lifeless.

The badger releases him from its jaws. You watch as his body hits the ground with a thud at the same time that your mother pounces on its back.

You feel nauseous, a scream being ripped from your throat-


You jump

Your eyes opened, looking around the room before landing on scourge.

"You're finally awake"


Sorry for not updating in a while, things have been busy.

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