Shinobi: The Fūma Leaf Police...

By kagamiuchiha25

22 2 0

The story took place about a year after nine-tails attack, Juri Fūma is the youngest leader of the Fūma Clan... More


Chapter Two

7 1 0
By kagamiuchiha25

" We should give some restrictions upon the Uchiha Clan." Aimi Uchiha said. " Even though I'm an Uchiha-Senju bloodline so I can do the work of Lord Tobirama's jurisdiction upon the Uchihas."

Fugashiro and Itachi were deadpanned.

" Are you kidding us Aimi? If we do Lord Second Hokage's method, then the Uchiha Clan will be angry and as pissed ad hell." Fugashiro Uchiha said.

" Too much policie which Lord Second made, could lead to a civil war." Itachi Uchiha said.

" That's why we need a policy that could prevent a civil war." Aimi Uchiha said. " Like limitizing a number of Uchiha children from enrolling the Leaf Village."

" There was Sasuke, my younger brother will enrolled in the academy by the time at age of 7." Itachi Uchiha said. " He will be the first even though limitations did happened since some of the Uchiha children particularly young boys are trained to be policemen."

" Quite part of the Uchiha Leaf Police Force's own policy." Fugashiro Uchiha said. " You were lucky that Sasuke became an exception one."

" We'll see what the future holds of Sasuke once he turns 7 years old." Itachi Uchiha said.

" I bet Sasuke will be determined to be the future elite shinobi of the Hidden Leaf Village." Juro Fūma said.

Six years later, Shisui returns from the mission after he managed to drove the Hidden Mist ninjas away from the territory of the Hidden Leaf Village as Fugashiro, Juri and Aimi were showed up.

" You managed to drove the Hidden Mist ninjas away." Fugashiro Uchiha said.

" I used my genjutsu to neutralized those wild asses from the Hidden Mist for the second time." Shisui Uchiha said. " They are retreated. At least I managed to prevent another ninja war erupted."

" Looks like you need to report it to the Third Hokage." Aimi Uchiha said.

" I was on my way to the Hokage's Office." Shisui Uchiha said. " I'm still worried about the Uchiha Clan."

" We are in deeply concerned sinced tensions between the Uchiha Clan and the joint forced Fūma Leaf Police Force, Uchiha Elite Police Squad and Root which already formed as Alliance Leaf Black Operatives." Juri Fūma said.

" This must be a conflict between military divisions which lead to the unexpected civil war." Shisui Uchiha said. " I have to get the bottom of this by talking to the Third Hokage. I have to solve this even though me and Itachi really didn't agreed with the Uchiha Coup."

" Don't worry, the Allied Leaf Black Operatives is monitoring their movements." Fugashiro Uchiha said.

" Are all members of Uchiha Leaf Elite Police Force are pure Uchiha members?" Shisui Uchiha asked.

Fugashiro deadpanned.

" Nope. All members of Uchiha Elite Police Squad are hybrid bloodlines like myself being half Uchiha and half Hyuga while Aimi is half Uchiha and half Senju." Fugashiro Uchiha said.

" Okay. I'll be keeping this a secret. No pure Uchiha members would found out about hybrid bloodline members within in the Uchiha Leaf Police Squad." Shisui Uchiha said. " Itachi already know this so he will keep this secretive and so as I."

" My late grandpapi Kagami Uchiha already awared of this situation." Fugashiro Uchiha said. " What you didn't realized that he married to a female member of the Hyuga Clan during the time of the Second Hokage. It was my grandfather's idea in order to bring new hybrid bloodlines to continued Hidden Leaf's legacy."

Shisui deadpanned.

" I didn't know that Kagami married to a female member of the Hyuga Clan." Shisui Uchiha said. " I wished I could marry one of them."

Later, Shisui reported to Hiruzen.

" The trespassers from the Hidden Mist were retreating." Shisui Uchiha said.

" That would be great news." Hiruzen Sarutobi the Third Hokage said. " There will be no attacks from other hidden village. This is the second time you dealt with ninjas from the Hidden Mist."

" Those wild asses have learned a lesson not to underestimate an elite shinobi of the Leaf Village." Shisui Uchiha said. " Lord Third, I've been worrying about my clan despite after they moved to the compound in the remoted outskirts, which cause them to be resented and ill feeling towards the Leaf Village."

" That's what I've been concerning too Shisui." Hiruzen Sarutobi the Third Hokage said. " Even the Uchiha Elite Police Squad were also worried."

" I might planned to stop the coup in the right way." Shisui Uchiha said. " I'll try to spy on the Uchiha Compound to gather some intel. I might used my strategy to gathered some intel and I might eagered reported to you for the daily activities that they are currently doing right now."

" Well then, just make sure that there will be no trouble causing upon your clan." Hiruzen Sarutobi said.

" Leave it to me Lord Hiruzen." Shisui Uchiha said. " Just to make sure those wild asses won't dare to harmed the Leaf Village."

Meanwhile, Itachi is at the roof top of the Uchiha Compound Gates where he witnessed the civilians where he can monitored their movements.

" Looks like the civilians are acting suspicious." Itachi Uchiha said.

Later, Shisui showed up.

" Oh Shisui." Itachi Uchiha said.

" Your father wants you to talked." Shisui Uchiha said.

" So he sent you here to watched my backs." Itachi Uchiha said.

" He wants you to talked." Shisui Uchiha said. " I'm not agreeing with the Uchiha coup."

" I'm not agreeing with the coup." Itachi Uchiha said. " That could lead a bloodshed within the Hidden Leaf Village."

" But I have a plan that could avoid the possible civil war between Hidden Leaf's military divisions." Shisui Uchiha said. " I would probably used my Kotoamatsukami to manipulate them to change their minds so that it will prevent a conflict between the clan and the village."

" Would that worked on our clan?" Itachi Uchiha asked.

" Trust me Itachi." Shisui Uchiha said.

Meanwhile, Juri and her sister Mai were meeting Kakashi and Tenzo at the nearby park.

" Hi there Kakashi." Mai Fūma said.

" Lord Hiruzen had decided to formed another ANBU division branch called the Silver Fang. He assigned me and Tenzo to be members of the Silver Fang along with Yugao Uzuki."

" That would be good for you Kakashi." Juri Fūma said. " It looks like someone is stalking you."

Kakashi deadpanned.

" Who?" Kakashi Hatake said as he turned around and faced another female ANBU member and take off her mask and revealed herself to be Rin Nohara.

" Kakashi." Rin Nohara said.

" Rin? You're alive?" Kakashi Hatake asked.

" I survived the wounds that you received because I can able to use my healing jutsu while I was almost bleeding to death." Rin Nohara said. " I almost died but my healing ninjutsu just saved my wild ass."

Kakashi deadpanned.

" Wow." Kakashi Hatake said. " It's been nearly six years."

" We haven't seen each other since the nine-tails rampage." Rin Nohara said.

Tenzo deadpanned.

" What the hell is going on here? I don't get it." Tenzo Eburi said.

Juri and Mai were deadpanned.

" Looks like Rin and Kakashi were in the same class as Asuma and Kurenai." Juri Fūma said.

" No doubt." Mai Fūma said.

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