Webbed Up In Love

By Nerdfanatic247

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A Peter Parker love story. A book in my trilogy series of Peter Parker love stories from each universe! Be su... More

The Beginning
The Change
The Tragedy and Powers
With Great Power Comes Great Responsiblity
You too? And The Wrestling Match
Revenge for Uncle Ben
New York Is Introduced To It's Hero's
The Upside Down Kiss
He Knows
The Choice
The Final Battle
Two Years
Peter Parker's 21st Birthday
Responsibilities and Meeting Otto Octavius
The Missed Date
The Power Of The Sun In The Palm Of My Hand
Doc Ock
The Gala and The Final Decision
Life Without Spider-Man
The Confession
Finding Spider-Man
The Runaway Train
The Truth and Otto Octavius
A New Villain and The End
How Times Have Change
Peter and Harry
The Hospital
Spider-Man Saves The Day
Eddie Brock and The Daily Bugle
Key To The City and The Sand-Man
Symptoms Explained
Three Year Anniversary Dinner
The Real Killer?
The Symbiote Aggression
Harry and Cate and The Return of The New Goblin
The Break-Up
The Fake Photo
Bad Boy Parker
Finding Peter Parker
The Big Fight Part 1
The Big Fight Part 2

The First Green Goblin Encounter

374 17 0
By Nerdfanatic247

The next day I spent the morning with Harry in the boys apartment. And then when I heard sirens in the distance, I kissed him goodbye and left. I saved a robbery by myself and when I was finished I sat on a rooftop swinging my legs back and forth simply enjoying the view. My phone started to ring in my pocket.

"Hello, Peter. How'd it go at the Bugle today?" I asked him as I answered.

"Well, he gave me 300 dollars for the pictures..."

"Wow, Pete that's great!" I said excitedly. But I could hear it in his voice that something was wrong. "You don't sound to thrilled. What happened?" I asked concerned.

"He said the headline was going to be Spider-Man and Spider-Woman: Hero's or Menace's?"

"Menace's? Did you explain that we were protecting that armored truck?" I asked baffled.

"Yep, said he'd make the headlines and I'm just a freelance photographer... But, hey! Better news, you know how you wanted a journalist job? Well, The Bugle is looking for a new article journalist. I heard about it while I was in the office. It'd be perfect for you. I gave them a recommendation for you. It's an easy job, easy to do while we are busy being hero's." He laughed.

"What?! Peter, seriously, that's amazing! Oh, my god. I'll get down there right away!" I squealed jumping to my feet. "If you were here I could kiss you! You've just made me so happy!" I laughed and then realized what I said. "Oh, uh..."

"Really?" Peter chuckled behind me in his suit, with his phone to his masked ear. He clicked it shut and walked over towards me.

"No!" I said too loudly. "No. It's a figure of speech." I scoffed and cleared my throat. "You take this patrol and I'll head down to the Bugle... Uhm, please..." I said nervously taking a step back not realizing how close to the edge I had gotten. Peter grabbed my hand and pulled me towards his chest so I wouldn't fall off of the building.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly. His head tilted slightly.

"Oh, me? Yeah, I'm good. I'm great. I, uhm, do you mind?" I gestured toward's the Daily Bugle building that wasn't to far from where we were.

"Not at all, go get 'em tiger." He laughed and let go of me.

I laughed and stepped away from him, turning and swinging my way down the street. I changed quickly and ran inside the Daily Bugle. They hired me after reading my resume and I got the job as a journalist. The nice part about it, was it was almost like a freelance job. I wasn't going to be stuck at a cubicle, I could write whenever and wherever as long as I handed in something for deadlines. Mandatory meetings twice a week. It was so perfect, I could have cried.  

About a week later, Harry invited me to attend the Unity Day festival with him. I agree, of course. Though, Peter ended up  inviting me to go with him the very next day since he was required to take some pictures.

"Hey, so I was thinking. Maybe, do you want to go to the festival together?" Peter asked.

"Oh, I'm sorry Peter. Harry already asked me. It's a big company event for Oscorp, and I was hoping to write an article after talking to the executives for the company..." I told him quietly.

"Oh, it's no big deal. I get it. That's fine. Really. It's great." He spoke and just kept nodding his head. I knew he was upset.

"Pete..." I said softly and tried reaching out for him. He shrank away and walked away from me, upstairs to his bedroom. I sighed and sat down on the couch putting my head in my hands. Harry walked through their apartment door and saw me there.

"Oh hey, Babe. I didn't know you were going to be here." He said happily. He walked over and greeted me with a kiss. He held my hands and pulled me to my feet. Tucking some of my hair behind my ear. "This is a nice surprise."

"Oh, yeah. I was planning on surprising you. So, here I am. Surprise." I said trying to sound as happy as I could.

"Okay, what's wrong." He chuckled.

"What? Nothing." I scoffed.

"I know you a lot better than that. Come on, tell me." He said sweetly and I sighed.

Oh, you know, your best friend is mad at me for going to an event with you instead of him, and things between us have been a-lot more intimately feeling lately. I could almost swear, he likes me, but maybe it's just because I'm Spider-Woman. If I wasn't he likely wouldn't give me a second glance as more than a friend. But, here I am dating his best friend, when I'm in love with someone else. I thought sarcastically and rolled my eyes. I could never tell him that.

"Nothing, really. I was actually hoping maybe you wanted to come hang out at my place for a little while?" I asked sweetly. Harry's eye's widened and he nodded vigorously.

I was angry at Peter for being mad at me due to something so stupid. If he liked me, then maybe he should tell me. So, Harry and I went back to my single bedroom apartment and hung out for the day. It was nice, to spend sometime with him, without being interrupted. We watched a movie in my bedroom and cuddled together on my bed. Harry started to kiss me, laying us down while hovering above me. The kiss picked up and got passionate quickly. Soon enough, our clothes were stripped and we gave each other our first times. It was enjoyable, really, but I didn't feel that spark of passion they said you were supposed to have with your partner.

A few days later it was time for the festival. I had decided to wear a pretty pink strapless dress. There was no where to hid my suit, or my web shooters, so I stuck them all on my purse, with a special compartment I had made. I figured if for some strange reason I needed them, they'd be easily accessible.

Harry and I stood on a balcony overlooking the crowd.

"Welcome to OSCORP Industries Unity Day Festival. Let's hear it for Macy Gray!" The announcer on the PA system said.

Time Square was filled with people, and giant balloons like you'd find at the thanksgiving day parade. There was music bumping and it was a great time. That was for the people enjoying it, anyway. I stood next to Harry akwardly as I looked around the ground for any sign of Peter. I spotted his little figure taking pictures of the event. I sighed and held Harry's arm as he introduced me to his Father's company's colleagues. We stood off to the side afterwards and Harry gave me a glass of champagne.

"Hey, Cate, why didn't you wear the black dress?" He asked curiously. He had bought me a black dress, but it wasn't something I'd look good in. I tried to speak to explain, but he cut me off. "I just wanted, to make a good impression with my Father you know? He loves black."

"Harry, he's already met me. If he was going to be impressed he already would have been. And you said, it didn't matter if he liked me or not, because you already do. And I thought this one made me look pretty." I said adjusting my dress with my hands. Harry grabbed them and brought them up to his mouth. He kissed each of my knuckles.

"I think it make's you look beautiful. And I do like you. I love you." He grinned and held onto my hips pulling me in for a kiss. I smiled into it and then pulled away.

"I love you, too."

"You know," He whispered into my ear walking around the back of me. "You were right, that dress is pretty. But you know where it would look even better? On my floor, after this celebration." He moved some of my hair and gently kissed my neck and I shivered. Goosebumps raised along my arms and neck.

"Harry." I chuckled and held his arms around my waist from behind me. I sighed leaning into him.

Harry looked out to the crowd and noticed Peter standing at the bottom watching the two of us with a displeased expression.

"Hey, come with me inside. Let's get another drink." He smiled awkwardly and I nodded.

We took no more than a couple steps away from the edge of the balcony when I got a spider-sense that something was wrong. I looked around not seeing anything yet. Harry had stopped and talked to Mr. Fargas again to find out about where his father was.

"Harry," I whispered. "I think we should go inside now." I said stressed urgently.

"Hold, on babe." He brushed me off and went back to his conversation.

I looked towards my bag that was behind me, and I made an attempt to grab it.

"What is that?" Mr. Fargas said. I stopped and looked around seeing a figured flying towards us in the sky. "It must be new this year."

"That's-That's our glider!" Another man next to him said and I froze.

Harry said the glider and suit that had been taken were the reasons my dad died. Whoever was behind that mask was the assailant behind his death. I made another break for my bag, but Harry grabbed my waist and we stood by the edge of the balcony.

"What the hell is that?" Harry asked watching the figure fly back around towards us.

"I don't know, but Harry we need to move right now." I said urgently.

I gasped as the figure threw something towards us. I shoved Harry backwards away from me as the green suited figure laughed manically. The round glowing ball hit the underside of the balcony making it start to collapse underneath my feet. I screamed as it broke and held on tightly to the railing as he threw another one. The balcony wobbled and I went down with it. I wasn't able to catch my footing to jump away, and I was defenseless without my webshooters.  

The crowds below started screaming and running around in terror, like chickens with their heads cut off. I could hear police men below with my super senses calling out codes trying to get a hold on the situation. I held on to the cement of the broken balcony with my spider grip so I wouldn't fall any farther as the piece of balcony dangled at an angle downward, barely attached.

"Oh, my god! Harry!" I screamed at him.

"Cate!" Harry called back to me in horror.

Peter webbed two people away from the falling debris. He looked back up to see me laying flat on my stomach dangling from the rubble. I tried to climb up but every time it would shift. I groaned unable to do much of anything. I couldn't move without revealing my identity or worse, risk falling to my death. The building shifted again and the balcony I was on began to crack. It cracked and the railing part just under my feet broke away.

"Help!" I screamed. There was no way for Harry to get close enough, but I knew someone else who would hear me.

The Green Goblin flew closer to the balcony again and hovered on the glider in front of us. If only I had organic webs like Peter...

"OUT AM I?" The Goblin shouted and laughed. He threw a bomb onto the balcony.

"Harry, move!" I screamed.

He moved away just barely in time as the bomb went off. The executives were completely pulverized by the blast, turning to dust. The rubble from the explosion rained down and a good sized piece knocked Harry in the head. He fell to the floor and he was left unconscious.

My senses tingled as the sound of the glider approached directly behind me. I turned ever so slightly and the masked green looking elf laughed.

"Hello, my dear."

I screamed playing the part of the terrified victim. Though, to be honest, I was getting a bit scared. I really hoped and prayed that Peter would come soon.

"Look it's Spider-Man!" Someone shouted down below me and I sighed in relief. Spider-Man swung in on a web and kicked the Goblin away from me and off his glider. The Goblin landed on one of the balloons, popping it and going down with it.

Spider-Man landed attaching himself to the building. Luckily there was no one around us and Harry was unconscious.

"It's about time!" I yelled. "Help me off of here!" I screamed.

He was about to send a web towards me but the glider shot through one of the world balloons and it came crashing down. Knocking into a large sign that was sure to crush anyone in it's path. People screamed and ran away from the collapsing building. We both noticed the little boy who was to stunned to move.

"Come on, move kid." Spider-Man said as he watched.

"Go!" I yelled. I could hold on for another minute.

Peter nodded and swung down grabbing him just in time. He returned the little boy to his mother safely. I sighed in relief. The Goblin got up from the balloon he had taken down and growled. The police men on the ground surrounded him with guns aimed.

"Hold it!" They yelled. 

"I surrender!" The Goblin shouted and put his hands up.

"Oh, boy." Peter said watching the scene in front of him, knowing it wasn't going to be that easy.

I desperately tried to crawl forward without jostling the rubble to much. The Green Goblin punched and took down each of the police officers. Spider-Man tried to punch him only to have his fist caught. The two looked at his fist and back at each other.

"Impressive." Green goblin growled. He kicked Peter in the chest and sent him flying backwards through tables of food and champagne glasses. Until he knocked into a light pole hard, which bent and landed on a poor man behind him.

The glider came down towards him and the Goblin jumped on it, gliding back up into the air. He laughed as he started shooting bullets out at Spider-Man as he ran away from him. The glider shot out a small rocket at Spider-Man and missed, making it explode just behind Peter. Spider-Man swung up in the air to get away from him, launching his feet upward and landed on top of one of large balloons. I screamed as the rubble shifted from me moving. The lower part of the cement started to break away even more. There wasn't much time left.

"Cate!" Peter screamed from his spot on top of the balloon.

"Help me, Spider-Man!" I screamed at him.

It shifted again and I slid down to the edge of the cement. Spider-Man started bouncing on the balloons to get over to me. I looked at him and he made the last leap to grab me. But, the Green Goblin had other plans. He flew right under Spider-Man and grabbed him, flying up over me, smashing into the building making it jostle more. The glass started flying everywhere and I screamed. I laid my head on the cement to try to shield my face.

The Goblin grabbed the back of Peter's head and started hitting his face into the metal baring of the window. Peter was able to get the upperhand by elbowing the Goblin in the head, getting himself unpinned from in front of him. Stunned for a moment but quickly recovered, the Goblin punched Spider-man in the gut and hit him again making him fall from the glider. He landed on the cement balcony above me and Peter leaned down and over looking at me.

"Hold on!" He yelled.

"What do you think I'm doing?!" I yelled back. The goblin laughed and lowered the glider towards Peter. "Watch out!" I yelled.

Spider-Man quickly turned as guns came out from the glider and shot a web to the Goblin's face. The Goblin groaned trying to get the web off his mask.

"The mechanic's, Spider-Man!" I shouted. The rubble shifted again and it started to detach completely. I began to lose my grip and started to fall.

Peter was quick to reach up and punch a hole through the glider and ripping out some of the wires, making the device malfunction and the Goblin started to fly away uncontrollably.

"We'll meet again, Spider-Man!" The Green Goblin yelled as he got away.

The cement detached from the wall as the final piece of rebar cracked in half. I fell from the little railing I had left to hang on to. Screaming in terror.

"Hang on, Cate!" Spider-Man yelled diving after me.

I reached my hands up attempting to get ahold of him. Spider-Man's finger's grasped mine and he pulled me up to his body as we fell. His arms wrapped around me and we laid chest to chest in the air. A web shot from his wrist attaching to the bottom of what was left of the balcony and his arm held my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face there as well, not wanting to see us smash into the ground. Our bodies turned up right and our feet barely touched the ground as we bounced back up.

"Where's your bag?" He shouted and I pointed. He sent out a web slinging in back to us and he swung us away from Time Square. I could hear the crowds clapping and cheering for him as we got farther away.

"You always get to have all the fun!" I said loudly in his ear, holding onto him for dear life. He chuckled.

"I'm going to find us a rooftop." He said and I nodded.

We swung through the city and people stared and pointed as we went by. He found a garden area that was empty and swung us down onto that.

"Woo! Well, that certainly beat's taking the subway." He chuckled and I smacked his arm. He walked towards me and engulfed me in a hug and I sighed happily. "I'm really glad you're safe, Cate. Though, I could have used your help out there."

"Oh, yeah. Next time I'm dangling from a broken balcony, without my web shooters, I'll try to remember to help out." I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes. "I think you did great and thank you, Spider-Man." I said with sincere gratitude.

"Anytime for you." Peter said softly. He took another step towards me and put a gloved hand on my face, which I gladly leaned into.

Police sirens went off below us following a car chase. We both looked at it and then back at each other. I adjusted his mask for him, since it got messed up from me holding him.

"Go, I'll be right behind you." I tapped his cheek lightly. Peter nodded and jumped off the roof swinging away happily shouting, woo-hoo, making me giggle. I ran into the building and quickly changed, shoving my dress back into my bag. I webbed it up where it wouldn't be easily found and swung off after Peter to help.

That night we sat on a rooftop just after our nightly swing.

"Pete." I sighed. "That thing, whatever it was. That's the thing that killed my Dad."

"How do you, know?" He asked curiously.

"Because, back when Dad first passed away. Harry had over heard the morning of about it. He said whoever it was that killed him and another scientist in that lab, stole a green glider and a suit. There's no way this is a coincidence." I explained.

"Well, I agree and whatever it is. It needs to be stopped. You and I will stop it." He placed a hand over mine and smiled under his mask.  

"Together." I said with a smile under my own mask.

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