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By Ethan4265

170K 3.7K 1.3K

You were from the past, the same past where Madara and Hashirama are from. In fact you are Madara's 2nd son... More

Y/n's Profile
How Y/n Arrived In The Naruto Timeline
One: Enter Naruto Uzumaki
Two: My name is Konohamaru
Three: Sasuke And Sakura, Friend Or Foes?
Four: Pass or Fail Survial Test!
Five: You Failed! Kakashi's Final Decision!
Six: A Dangerous Mission! A Journey To The Land Of Waves!
Seven: The Assassin Of The Mist!
Eight: The Oath Of Pain
Nine: Kakashi: Sharingan Warrior!
Ten: The Forest of Chakra + A Bit Of Y/n's Backstory (Sharingan)!!
Eleven: The Land Where A Hero Once Lived!
New story!
Twelve: Battle On The Bridge! Zabuza Returns!
Thirteen: Haku's Secret Jutsu: Crystal Ice Mirrors
Please Read This!!!
Fourteen: Naruto & Sasuke VS Haku + Zabuza VS Y/n
Fiveteen: Nine tails?!
Sixteen: Haku's Sacrifice and Zabuza the demon in the snow
Please read 2!!!!
Vote results!
Eighteen: Rock lee VS Sasuke
Nineteen: Written Exams
Twenty: The tenth question! + The forest of death!
Twenty-One: A terrible disguise
Twenty-Two: Y/n's Clone VS Orochimaru!
Twenty-Three: Sand Siblings
Twenty-Three: The First Kiss: Temari x Y/n!
Christmas Special
Twenty-Four: Is this the power of a Legendary Sannin? I'm disappointed
Twenty-Five: Hyลซga VS Hyลซga
Twenty-Six: Rock lee VS Gaara
Twenty-Seven: The S-Rank Mission
Twenty-Eight: A Jewel?
Twenty-Nine: A Fallen Kingdom
Thirty: Y/n Uchiha: Father like son
Thirty-One: "A" Battle
Thirty-Two: Meeting pervy sage
Backstory: Just like our mother
New Rules From Now On!
Crossover: Assassination Classroom: Fear
Assassination Classroom: ???
Thirty-Three: The Beasts Plan
Thirty-four: The Timeskip Promise
Thirty-five: Itachi Uchiha
Thirty-Six: Uchiha VS Hoshigaki
Thirty-Seven: Paying Your Respects
Backstory: Deepest Desires
Backstory: What Are Their Names?
Thirty-Eight: Y/n VS Kakashi
Thirty-nine: This Has Nothing To Do With Me
Forty: The Darkness Shows
Forty-One: Insanity
Forty-Two: Holding Back
Forty-Three: Y/n Vs Kurama
Forty-Four: I Know
Forty-Five: A New Power
Bonus 1: Master Fighter
Bonus 2: Training Team 7

Seventeen: Sand Sibilings + Joining The Anbu

3K 77 62
By Ethan4265

*With Y/n*

Alarm: *Buzz*

Y/n: Shut up! I'm up!

Y/n: *Yawns* I don't feel like getting up.....

Alarm: *Buzz*

Y/n: How on earth is that thing still working?!

*5 minutes later*

Y/n: *Brushes teeth*

Rooster: *Morning rooster noises*

Y/n: *Sighs* Is that thing wild? Everyday man! Everyday!

*Later downstairs*

Y/n: *Eating breakfast* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wait a second....... what's the time?

Y/n looks at the clock

Y/n: I'm late as hell!!...... Ah whatever Kakashi sensei's always late anyways

*30 minutes later*

Y/n: *Leaves the house*

*Another 10 minutes later with Team 7*

Everyone: *Looks tired or worn out*

Y/n: You guys okay?

Sakura: Huh? Y/n!

Naruto: Does it look like we're okay?!

Y/n: No

Sasuke: Why are you so late? Kakashi sensei told us to be here at (Whatever the time was)

Y/n: Well I figured that Kakashi sensei was always late and that I would be waiting if I went on time. So I just came later to wasteless time

Sasuke: You just woke up late didn't you?

Y/n: That too

Kakashi: *Enters* Hey guys, good morning. Sorry I'm late afraid I got lost in the path of life

Sakura and Naruto: WHAT!?!?!

Naruto: I'm ready for the next ninja mission sensei and hey come on! No more of this dumb beginner stuff okay! I wanna chance to prove myself! I'm taking a real mission where I can show off what I'm made off!! I gotta break out and burn it up!! See!!!

Y/n: I should of just went back to sleep

Kakashi: Uh, right I get it that's great Naruto. Now take it easy would ya?

Naruto: *Turns to Sasuke and starts waffling*

Y/n: What's he saying?

Sakura: Not quite sure and it's annoying me

Sasuke: ?

Naruto: Believe it!

Y/n: From what I heard he just called himself annoying

Kakashi: Let us know when you're done fantasising, Naruto. Do we can start the mission alright?

Naruto: Right!

Sakura: Could you not be so annoying Naruto?! Just for once!


Team 7: *Picking weeds*

Naruto: *Starts ripping out herbs*

Lady: *Walks out*

Naruto: Oh, hi lady. I got rid of all your weeds pretty cool Huh?... Uh what's wrong?

Lady: You pulled the weeds... and you also pulled out my plants

Naruto: Huh?

Lady: Those were special herbs I've been growing and you destroyed them!!

Y/n: Oh no...

Lady: *Beats up Naruto good*

*Next mission*

Team 7: *Trash picking from rivers*

Naruto: *Falls into the deep end* Ahhh!!!

Team 7: *Look at what's going on*

Naruto begins to fall down a water fall

Naruto: Ahhhh!!!!!!

Sasuke: *Catches Naruto* You are such a loser

Naruto: Grrrr!!

Y/n: Good grief

*At a dog mission*

Naruto: We're supposed to go the other way!

Dog: (Doesn't give a shit)

Sasuke and Sakura: *Looking at Naruto*

Sasuke: What a loser

Sakura: *Sighs* Of course! He just has to choose the biggest dog!

Y/n: And that's a mine field

Naruto: Wait! Don't go there! It's a mine field!

Bomb! Bomb! Bomb! Bomb! Bomb! Bomb! Bomb!

Naruto: Ah! Ahh! Ahh!! Ahh!! Ahhhhhhh!!!!!

Sasuke and Sakura: 🙁 *Sighs*

Naruto: *Covered in smoke* *Groans*

Y/n: Woah! Those are some strong clothes

*Later again*

Sakura and Sasuke: *Carry Naruto*

Sakura: Look at you. Your hopeless Naruto

Sasuke: You really are just one big problem

Naruto: Sasuke!!!!!

Sakura: If you keep this up I'll finish you off myself!

Sasuke: *Walks off*

Kakashi: *Sighs* Guess were not making progress on the teamwork thing, Huh?

Y/n: Ya don't say

Naruto: That's right! And it's all because of you Sasuke! You think your better than everyone else?!

Sasuke: Not everyone just you

Y/n: Hm... that's a lie

Sasuke: Face it, I'm better and stronger than you are. It's a fact. Unless you have what it takes to prove em wrong

Naruro: Grr!

Stare down

Y/n: Back on National geographic's we have two of the most stupid creatures to ever live battle it out for coolness!

Sakura: Huh?

Y/n: On the left we have: The idiotic blonde kid who can make 1000 shadow clones: Naruto Uzumaki!

Naruto: Hey!

Sakura: Pft

Y/n: And on the right we have: Mr.Too cool for pink haired girls

Sakura: Hey!

Y/n: Sasuke Uchiha! Who will win?! Find out after this short break!

Kakashi: Alright guys let's call it a day. You can beat each other to a pulp some other time. Anyway, I have file my report on this mission

Sasuke: Whatever I'm out of here

Y/n: Welcome back! We just heard from David Attenborough himself that the Sasuke Is Emo! You heard it here first! From David Attenborough himself! Sasuke is Emo!

Sasuke: *Looks pissed at the comment*

Sakura: Wait! Sasuke! I'll go with you!

Naruto: *Sad boi*

Y/n: Go where? To the male toilets?

Sakura: 😳 What no!

Y/n: Whatever

Sakura: So.. um.. Sasuke why don't we.. I mean you know.... let's do something more personal

Y/n: Hey you better name my nephew Sarada!

Sasuke: 😳

Sakura: 😳

Sasuke: Shut up you Fucking Idiot!!

Y/n: Hehe

Sakura: No! I didn't mean that! I meant... you know... our training

Sasuke: *Looks back at Sakura and Sighs* I swear you're just as bad as Naruto

Sakura: 💔

Y/n: *To Naruto* Don't listen to him. She's worse

Naruto: Great! Thanks for that! ☹️

Sasuke: Instead of flirting why don't you prescribe your Jutsu and make the team stronger? Let's face it you're actually worse than, Naruto

Y/n: Told ya

Sakura: *Depressed as crap*

Naruto: Don't worry Sakura! Just forget about Sasuke! You and me can develop our teamwork all day

Sakura: *Angry and Annoyed*

Kakashi: *Disappears*

Y/n: *Also disappears*

Naruto (T): Sensei and Y/n disappeared! Are they giving us some alone time?

Rock box: *Appears*

Naruto (T): Fake rocks?

Naruto moves and the box follows every-time. It was Konohamaru and his team Blah blah Sakura beats them up yeah... then Kankurō and temari appear

*With Y/n*

Y/n: *Walking around the market place*

Anbu: *Jumps infront of Y/n*

Y/n: Huh? Who are you?

Anbu: I am a Anbu black ops member and i need you to follow me

Y/n: Huh? Why?

Anbu: Lord Danzo wants to talk with you

Y/n: Danzo?

*At the Hokages office*

Y/n: *Enters the room*

Danzo and Hiruzen: *Look over*

Anbu: *Neels* Lord Danzo I have brought Y/n as requested

Danzo: Good job you are free to go now

Anbu: Yes sir *Leaves*

Y/n: So what do you want with me Old man?

Hiruzen: Y/n, speak with more respect when talking to your elders

Danzo: Now now, it's alright. He's still young so he'll be excused

Y/n: Whatever

Danzo: Now Y/n do you know why you're here?

Y/n: Not a clue

Hiruzen: We're here to give you a sorta promotion

Y/n: What sorta promotion?

Danzo: You're gonna be a secret Anbu member

Y/n: Excuse me?

Hiruzen: Your gonna be our newest Anbu member

Danzo: One of the youngest Anbu members

Y/n: Why me?

Hireuzen: Ask Danzo

Y/n: *Looks at Danzo*

Danzo: Well our previous secret Anbu member retired so your gonna fill up the spot

Danzo (T): Also your my back up eyes if anything goes wrong

Y/n: You didn't answer my question

Danzo: Well if you want a real reason. It's because you have much of the stuff they call darkness inside your heart. And your extremely skilled with both Ninjutsu and Taijustu

Y/n: Okay? And what do I do exactly?

Hiruzen: Well let's see... as the name suggests you go on top secret missions assigned by either me, Danzo or one of the other elders of the village or one of the feudal lords and only those people. And they are all top ranked missions as well

Y/n: Right....

Hiruzen: Well if that's all *Gives Y/n a mask*

Y/n: What's this?

Danzo: A Anbu mask

Y/n: I see.... looks cool... I guess?

Hiruzen: Well, if there is nothing else you may leave

Y/n: Oh one final question

Hiruzen: Yes? What is it?

Y/n: Do I have to leave team 7?

Danzo: No, your work is in the shadows

Hiruzen: One last thing is you must keep this a secret! Understand? 

Y/n: Got it

Hiruzen: now you can leave then

Y/n: *Leaves*

Also this now you look with the mask on:

*With Kurenai*

Team 8: *Out of breath*

Shino: *Not out of breath*

Kurenai (T): Hm... I wonder...

*With Asuma*

Asuma (T): Hm... now?

Choji: *Being Choji*

Ino: *Enjoying a drink*

Shikamaru: *What a drag face*

*Back with Naruto*

Naruto: Konohamaru!

Kankurō: *Grabbing Konohamaru by the collar* So? Does this hurt punk?

Temari: Put him down Kankurō. Or you know you'll pay for it later

Sakura: Hey I'm sorry the whole thing was my fault

Temari (T): Who are they? What are they?!

Naruto: You better take your hands off him right now!

Kankurō (T): So these are the leafs genin?

Kankurō: We've got a few minutes before he gets here let's mess with these punks Huh?

Konohamaru: let go of me you jerk!

Kankurō: You're feisty but not for long *Starts to get a grip*

Naruto: Grrr! Put him down! *Runs at Kankurō*


Naruto: What was that?!

Kankurō: You're a leaf genin too? Looks like your village is full of wimps

Naruto: Konohamaru!

Moegi: Konohamaru!

Udon: Konohamaru!

Konohamaru: Hey! Cut it out! It hurts!

Kankurō: That's it! Drop him now or I take you apart! You got that fool?!

Sakura: *Stops Naruto* Your the fool! Making threats isn't gonna help Naruto!

Kankurō: You're annoying all of you. I don't like runts or any other scrawny weaklings. So when a wimp like this starts shooting off his mouth. I just wanna Break him in half

Temari: *Sighs* Fine, I'm not involved in any of this okay

Sakura (T): What's this guy's problem?! This is getting ugly!

Kankurō: First, I'll take care of this little squirt then I'll waste the other one

Naruto: *Runs at Kankurō* No!!!!

Konohamaru: *Drops to the floor* Argh!

Kankurō: Argh! Huh? *Looks up towards Sasuke* !

Sasuke: You're a long way from home and you're way out of your league

Sakura: Sasuke!

Naruto: 🙄

Temari (T): Well well local hottie

Konohamaru: Naruto! *Runs next to him*

Kankurō: Oh great another wimp to tick me off

Sasuke: Get lost

Sakura: Ahhh!!! So cool!

Moegi: 😍

Naruto: *Embarrassed/jealous*

Konohamaru: How come your not cool like that, Huh?!

Naruto: Ahhh!! What do you mean? I could have taken that guy out in 2 seconds flat!

Konohamaru: *Turns head*

Naruto: *Mad*

Kankurō: Hey punk, get down here. You're the kind of pesky little snot I hate the most. All attitude and nothing to back it up

Temari: What?! Are you gonna use the crow for this?!

Gaara: Kankurō, Back off

Sasuke: !

Everyone: !

Gaara: You're an embarrassment to our village

Sakura: !

Naruto: !

Temari: !

Kankurō: Uh... I...... hey Gaara

Sasuke (T): How did he get there? He didn't make a sound. Only Jonin at Kakashi's level are that smooth

*Back at the Hokage's building*

Hiruzen: I have summoned you for a very important purpose. Seeing your fellow Jonin here. I sure you realise what this is about

Kakashi: So soon? I'd thought we'd have a little more time

Asuma: I take it all the other lands have been notified about the coming event. I notice some of there genin have already arrived here in the village

Kurenai: And? When do we start?

Hiruzen: We will begin in one week

Kakashi: That's pretty short notice..

Hiruzen: Exactly seven days from today on the first day of July the genin will be gathered and tested only the very best will be selected to be Chunin

*Back with the others*

Gaara: Have you forgotten the reason we came all the way here?

Kankurō: Uhh... I know... I mean they challenged us! They started the whole thing, really. See here's what happened....

Gaara: Shut up

Kankurō: *Freaked out*

Gaara: Or I'll kill you

Kankurō: Ah right! I was totally out of line. Sorry Gaara

Gaara: I'm sorry for any trouble he caused

Sasuke (T): This guy has a evil look in his eye...

Gaara (T): He stopped Kankurō with a pebble. Made it look easy. This guys someone to keep a eye on

Gaara: *Gets back on ground level* Let's go. We didn't come here to play games

Kankurō: Hold up, sure I get it

Sakura: Hold on! Hey!

Temari: What?

Sakura: I can tell from your head band that you come from the village hidden in the sand. Of course the land of fire and the land of wind are allies but no shinobi can enter another's village permission. So state your purpose and it better be good

Temari: Really? Have all you guys been living under a rock or what? You don't know what's going on do you? We have permission. Of course your correct we are hidden sand genin our home is the land of the wind and we're here for the chunin exams. Get the picture?

Naruto confused so Konohamaru explains to him

Sasuke: Hey you! Identify yourself!

Temari: Hm? You mean me?

Sasuke: No him. The guy with the gourd on his back!

Kankurō: Huh?

Gaara: My name is Gaara Of the desert. I'm curious about you too. Who are you?

Sasuke: I am Sasuke Uchiha

Stare down

Naruto: Hi there! I bet your dying to know my name right?!

Gaara: I couldn't care less

They walk off

Sasuke (T): Hm... things are getting interested

Naruto: Hey Konohamaru am I in cool or something?

Konohamaru: compared to Sasuke yeah your pretty lame

Naruto: Ahhh!!! You better not show me up Sasuke!

Sasuke: Back off loser

Zaku: So what do you think Dosu?

Dosu: The usual weaklings nothing special. But the one from the Uchiha clan and the desert brat we should watch them carefully

*With Y/n*

Y/n: *Strolling alone*

Kankurō: *Bumps into Y/n* Argh! Another wimp! How many are there in this village?!

Y/n: *Gets up* Who?

Kankurō: *Gets up* I'm gonna take care of you wimp!


Y/n grabs Kankurō then also grabs one of his arms

Temari: !

Gaara: !

Y/n: Move and I'll cut. Stay still and I'll get go

Kankurō: 😰 *Scared as shit* Okay man.... c...calm down, bro

Y/n: I'm not your bro

Temari (T): W...who is this guy?! And how is he so fast?! And even more so... why is he so hot??!!

Gaara (T): I couldn't even see him move! All saw was him at one moment infront of us the next behind us! Who is this guy?!

Y/n: Wait a second your genin from the sand

Kankurō: Yeah, were allies

Y/n: *Puts the knife away* I'm presume you're here for The chunin exams? Am I correct?

Gaara: Yes, and you are?

Y/n: Y/n Uchiha

Gaara: Wait a second!

Temari: Huh?

Gaara: I recognise that name... you're the calm assassin of the leaf!

Temari: Really?! You're him?!

Temari (T): That makes him even more Hot!

Y/n: I'm surprised you know me. However that still doesn't get you off the hook

Gaara: I am sorry if Kankurō was a bother to you

Y/n: Whatever, just don't cause anymore trouble *Walks off*

Gaara: Let's go you two!

Kankurō: R... right....

Y/n: Oh yeah and what's your name?

Kankurō: Me?

Y/n: No not you! The girl with the huge fan

Temari: My names Temari, why do you ask?

Y/n: You're kinda cute *Jumps off*

Temari (T): W..what?! Did he just say I was cute?!...... today's my lucky day!

Gaara: Come on! Stop fantasising and Move it!

Temari: R..Right!

Kankurō: *Annoyed*

*Back with Y/n*

Y/n: *Jumps down from the trees*

Kakashi: Oh hey, Y/n

Y/n: Kakashi sensei?

Kakashi: Here's the application forms for the chunin exams

Y/n: Oh... Um... thanks sensei

Kakashi: I've already give it to Sakura, Naruto and Sasuke. As I said to them this is totally voluntary. It's up to you

Y/n: Yeah sure

Kakashi: What a reason

Y/n: I'll give it in or whatever when the time comes

Kakashi: Right then see ya, Y/n

Y/n: Cya

Kakashi: *Leaves*

Y/n: To be honest I just wanna beat some ass because I'm bored..... also I wanna see what that Temari girls made of

To be continued...

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