My master :Sasunaru

By VictoriaMasonga

731K 14.4K 9.1K

Bond to be a servant,inorder to support his mother Naruto lands in the hand of Sasuke Uchiha and the love tha... More

Chapter 1
chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 9
Chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 10
chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
Not A Chapter
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
Chapter 24
chapter 25
Chapter 26
chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Not a Chapter
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
chapter 64
chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80

chapter 39

7.1K 152 30
By VictoriaMasonga

                   Naruto's pov

I arrive at my house and head straight to the kitchen only to find it spotless,I sigh and I go towards the living room and throw myself on the comfortable couch""you thought that I didn't clean it?"I hear Yahiko's voice""...... bring me a glass of wine"which one""anyone,I don't care"I say while letting the back of my head lean on the couch and I put my hand on my forehead

I hope that he doesn't tell sasuke that I'm back,..... I'm having second thoughts about staying here,I should have left with jiraya this morning....."here"Yahiko says, distracting me from my thoughts, while stretching his hand towards me,I look at him then I take the glass and take a sip

"Now tell me what's wrong?"Yahiko says while sitting across from me and folding his arms,I look at him in silent""who told you that there is something wrong?"I ask him, then he scoffs at me"Naruto let's not get to that, I know you, more than I know nagato""what?why did nagato get involved?"I ask but only to see he didn't give a damn about my question"you can either tell me peacefully or I'm gonna force the shit outta you" doesn't have to get that far"I say while leaving the glass of wine on a short glass table""so tell me""*sigh,you could have worn something that should have covered your hickeys,I know that I don't have a man in the house but that doesn't mean you have to rub it in my face""......huh wha?.... don't you fucking dare change the subject!, tell me what is wrong damn it!!"Yahiko yells at me,I know if I don't tell him he's gonna annoy me all night

"........I meet him"(silence)"Sasuke!!!?"he shouts"what no no,not sasuke but itachi, his brother"ooooooh, fuck, you need to be more specific"he says while calming down""....... what happened?"he asks getting all curious""I told him to tell sasuke that I'm back"".......mmmh,I see.... what the fuck naruto,are you fucking crazy why would you do that you fucker, am I not enough that you even told that fuckers brother to tell him that you are back,you stupid asshole?!""I release a small chuckle after seeing Yahiko's reaction

"What's so fucking funny"he asks with rage in his eyes""I was kidding of cause you are enough onii cha..."..............."he looks at me in  silence then he calms down"" better be""I am,I told him not tell sasuke that I'm back and now I'm just hoping that he shouldn't tell him""mmmmmh but...where did you meet him?""Yahiko says while leaning back on the couch""at that new average store"he raises his right eyebrow

"A store?.... what was an Uchiha doing at an average store"mmmmh I don't know,but I asked him""what did he say"he didn't finish telling me cause I received a call and we couldn't finish our previous conversation""mmmmh.....but it's strange isn't it?"yeah really strange

"Anyways I hope things will go smoothly and nothing bad happens,oh yeah father called me,he has arrived at the rain"mmh that was quick?""yeah but I wonder why he left so quickly""it's because he forgot his perverted stuff"I say while feeling annoyed

"Those books?!""yeah....he said he wanted to finish his work or something like that,I didn't give a fuck on what he was saying"I say while taking the glass of wine from the table and taking another sip""uuuugh"Yahiko release a sound showing that he's annoyed""I wonder why people are so into his porn books"".....they are not that bad""what, don't tell me that you are into them,or are just saying that because he's your father?"I say while choking on my own wine

"No it's not like that,.... even though the man has a screw loose in his head but let's admit it, the man has skills"Yahiko says while closing his eyes and I sigh"and you can't tell me that you have never read one of his books"Yahiko says"..... only once,but I couldn't stand the cringe,it made my stomach turn and it hurt"I say while gulping all the wine down my throat

"...... mhm....... and I've only read three of them"what you managed to read three of em and finished them,I couldn't even make it out of chapter 1,it took me three months just to finish that damn book""fuck really"Yahiko says while a hint of amusement coming from his words

"......but for some Fucking reason people love his books.....back when I was at the uchiha mansion kakashi used to love reading his books....I wonder if he still does....."a minute of silence goes by and I look at Yahiko and see him looking down at his lap.....

"......... Yahiko, what's wrong?"",five years have passed but you still think about them""what..... what are you tal-....wait kakashi is not even an Uchiha Yahiko""ha"he scoffs"I'm telling you the truth.... and by the way,why do you hate the uchihas so much

"He looks at me then he turns his his face to the other side, with the way I know Yahiko he doesn't avoid questions but him acting like that, just makes me curious as hell

"Yahikooooo, I've asked you a question"I say while a smile of amusement showing on my face"oh would you look at the time,I need,we need to sleep,we have  work tomorrow""stop avoiding the question and just tell me

"He looks at me then he avoids eye contact with me"I'm waiting...""ok like,you know that itachi sasukes brother was in the Akatsuki right?"

That my mind does"I say while nodding"ok so like, back then....I was like in a bad phase, relationship with jiraya just got bad......

".... I'm listening"I say while still nodding"" like I joined the Akatsuki""oh you joined the Akatsu- You joined the what?,you were fucking in the Akatsuki??!!, How the hell did you end up in the akatsuki and what were you thinking?...those mother fuckers tried to kill me and they were the reason why my clan came to an end

"W-wait at that time I was not in it, trust me"I glare at him"I'm telling you the truth,I only got in because at that time I was depressed and shit

"Mmhmm, and about you hating the uchihas?""well...ummmh I dated itachi before""whaaaa?""and he fucking cheated on me, with another Akatsuki member""whaaaaa?"I thought that I wouldn't get anymore surprised but,he dated itachi,and itachi cheated on him?!,I didn't know that itachi was that kind of a person, since he has always been good to me since I was young and... finding out this side of itachi it's really....... interesting

I look at him and I start laughing"so you got your pretty little heart broken that's why you hate them?"no it's not like that,we were not that serious but it still hurt, and guess what after he did that to me he only dated deidara for a week and broke things off, then he left the Akatsuki

"Mmmmh he was really a heart breaker mmh?""yeah that's why I hate the uchihas

"Point taken"I say while standing up and yawning""anyways I'm tired I'll go to sleep

"And remember tomorrow we have to go to the cafe"Yahiko says while pointing at me"I know I know...oh and will you pick menma tomorrow please"I say while making puppy eyes"I love the kid but no can do,I have plans tomorrow,plans which will help you too"he says while standing up too"what kind of plans?

"Just....plans,well goodnight"he says that while leaving""..... good....night?

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