Tied by Destiny (Completed)

By Bepannah_love

518K 25K 5.6K

Karthik Reddy, a well known and one of the best cardiologist of Birmingham running his own hospital 'Reddys'... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Prologue - Our Bond.. Unnamed & Unknown
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Author's Note
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Bonus Chapter (50k Love❤️)
100k Love💖

Chapter 28

6.1K 356 82
By Bepannah_love

Everyone started cheering as soon as they saw Aadhira on stage. She was smiling looking at everyone. 'Ghar more pardesiya' started playing and she started moving gracefully to the song. She kept doing the steps of semi classical dancing to the song.

Karthik couldn't look away from her, his eyes were stuck on her as she kept moving gracefully to the song. He remembered how she used to try to dance while watching television when they both were kids. She used to try to look at the dancers and try to copy their steps.

She would dance giggling and laughing trying to make him dance along with her. He was disastrous in dancing then also, he would fall and end up making her also fall. She would giggle and laugh looking at him and just say "Kalthi you vely bad dansh.. I teashh you when I go big".

He smiled thinking of his little Aadhira and seeing how beautifully she was dancing now. She really loved dancing then and now her dancing is so smooth and in perfect sync to the song.. did she learn dancing that she is dancing so gracefully.. the smile on her beautiful face is most endearing..

Everyone were looking at her dancing in awe cheering loudly for her. He was smiling continuously seeing her dance. His legs having a brain of their own moved closer to the stage wanting to watch her closely. She keeps circling around her as song reached its end.

The song ends and she bows down smiling in front of everyone and turns to leave the stage. She sees Karthik standing near the steps looking at her and was about to move past him when her cousins pull her back towards the stage.

They circle around her and start dancing for 'Saranga Dariya' song.

Dani Kudi Bhujam Meedha Kadva
Dani Guttepu Raikulu Meriya
Adhi Rammante Radhura Seliyaa
Dani Pere Saranga Dariya

The Bucket Or Pot On Her Right Shoulder,
Look She Is Wearing Shiny Clothes
She Is Not Going To Come By Calling As She Is Daring Enough
And She Is Saranga Dariya
(Her Personality Compared To That Of A "Flowing River")

Dani Edam Bhujam Meedha Kadva
Dhani Yejentu Raikulu Meriya
Adhi Rammante Radhura Seliyaa
Dani Pere Saranga Dariya

The Pot On Her Left Shoulder,
Look She Is Wearing Shiny Clothes
She Is Not Going To Come By Calling As She Is Daring Enough
As Her Name Or She Is Saranga Dariya

Kaalluku Vendi Gajjel
Lekunna Nadiste Ghal Ghal
Koppula Malle Dandal
Lekunna Chekkili Gil Gil

As She Doesn't Have Silver Anklets On Her Legs,
But She Has Elegance In Her Walk Without The Silver Anklets, Sound Can Be Heard
Look She Spreads The Awesome Fragrance Of Jasmine,
Though She Does Not Wear Jasmine Flowers

Rangeleni Naa Angi
Jada Taakite Ayitadi Nallangi
Maatala Ghatu Lawangi

Marla Padite Adi Sivangi
Teegalu Leni Saarangi
Vaayinchabote Adi Firangi

Her Hair Is So Black,
That The White Color Of The Dress Looks Or Turned Into Black
Her Words Are As Spicy As A Clove
And Don't Mess With Her, She Will Turn Into A Lady Tiger If The Situation Demands Or Comes
She Looks Sweet As A Musical Instrument Without Strings
So Don't Try To Take The Advantage Of Her,
Otherwise, She Can Turn Into A Cannon Firing War Machine..

All her cousins dance around to the song that perfectly suited her personality. Karthik was smiling to see them dancing to that particular song as he remembers her fire breathing dragon nature, ofcourse a firing machine only.. the way she keeps shooting daggers through her eyes seeing me..

She was looking at her cousins as each one of them comes to dance with her individually. One of her cousin pulls Karthik to the stage as they dance for the last stanza.

Dani Nadum Mudathale Meriya
Padipothadi Mogola Duniya
Adhi Ramante Radhura Seliya
Dani Pere Saranga Dariya

The Wrinkles On Her Waist, When Her Waist Curves
Looks So Attractive That All Men's In The World Can Fall Easily
She Is Not Going To Come By Calling (That She Is Not That Type Of Girl)
As Her Name Or She Is Saranga Dariya

Aadhira keeps smiling looking at her cousins while shooting her eyes at Karthik as they keep dancing around them. Once the song ends her cousins start teasing Aadhira and Karthik "Bava our Aadhu is a theeki mirchi (hot chilli).. will you be able to handle her".

Aadhira glares at her cousins "Shut up all of you.. I'm not a theeki mirchi". Karthik chuckles looking at her "That also she is saying like she is breathing fire on your face". She turns to him fuming and shoots daggers from her eyes at him "Can you also shut up or do I have to stuff something in your mouth to shut you up".

Her cousins give them teasing looks "Ohhooo stuff something in his mouth.. I know.. why don't you stuff your lips to his.. then he will shut up.. nice na". Aadhira looks at them shocked and embarassed, both Aadhira and Karthik turn a dark shade of red embarassed and they both look elsewhere.

Aadhira looks at her cousins "Shut up and scatter away now". She too runs down the stage, these cousins of mine are such idiots.. how could they say such a thing that too infront of the idiot of a man.. godd!! What are these kids expecting.. that I will be comfortable doing all this with him or even talking about this to him now itself..

Oh so later you will comfortable with him.. doing all these with him.. is it that Aadhu??.. What no!! He is an idiot I'm not doing all this with him.. we are not even going to share a room.. thinking about all this would make me a fool.. he wouldn't even look at him once we are in Birmingham.. all that he is doing here is acting.. you heard it with your own ears na Aadhu..

Flashback begins..

Aadhira and her family had reached the wedding hall just then. She was running around trying to find her friends or cousins when she crossed a room where she heard Karthik's voice. She thought of ignoring and passing from his room but then she heard her name and stopped.

"No yaar.. You know na I love Navya.. she is only the love of my life.. whatever I'm doing now is for Maa and Dad.. I want to see them happy.. so I'm being happy for them.. moreover this Aadhira is not the one I ever wanted.."

"But what if you start falling for her.. what will you do then Karthi..". Karthik "I don't do the same mistake twice.. so no it's not happening again.. all of it is an act in front of Maa and dad that's all Charles". "Well Karthi I wish you all the best.. Maybe she is the one for you.. we will meet soon", she could hear him chuckling "Maybe if you had said this to me earlier I would have agreed.. but not now.. now it's just for Maa and dad's happiness".

She passed from that room after hearing that. She went back to her room, her eyes well up with tears, Why are you shedding tears Aadhu.. You don't feel anything for him right.. Even if I don't feel anything for him.. he keeps rejecting me at every chance he gets and it hurts..

Why doesn't he even want to get to know me.. am I so bad that the first thought that comes to his mind is to reject me when someone tells him to start a happy life with me.. woww!!.. don't dream anything Aadhu.. get used to it Aadhu.. and better you take care of yourself and your life.. you don't need him..

You can manage everything yourself baby.. Come on.. you wanted to do this for your childhood bestie and Amma Nanna.. even if your childhood bestie isn't happy.. you can make Amma and Nanna happy.. so for them be happy.. and all the more I'll be able to setup my business abroad being with him.. take it as a new opportunity Aadhu..

It's going to be just like how it was in LA.. just that you have a housemate now.. you can do this Aadhu.. but what if I start feeling something for this man.. the way he behaves I don't think that will happen.. confusion ki dukaan (bundle of confusion) he is.. irritating donkey he is.. there is just one good thing.. only that he is handsome.. other than that his top floor is completely fill with some iky goo not brain.. I wonder how he treats his patients..

She wipes her tears that had flowed down her cheeks without her notice, You can do this Aadhira.. you are strong.. I don't know why I'm not the one he would ever want.. I'm not going to try to be someone he wants.. I'm used to being alone.. just that in these few years I came back to India I got used to having so many people around me.. it's okay.. I'll get used to it again.. I don't mind.. and if I feel lonely I have people to talk to.. I can manage..

Flashback ends..

"Such beautiful preparations right Aadhu.. see na how much he has done for your one stubborn wish.. but you never listen". Her mom and dad kept praising Karthik that he had setup everything for the Sangeet and he had done everything just for her. She looks at him "Will you stop praising him.. I could have done everything but you guys don't give me the opportunity.. I asked you both so many times yet you both never obliged..

and he just asked you once and you both happily agreed.. Why this double standards!!.. just because he is your son-in-law.. if he is your son-in-law I'm your daughter Maa Nanna.. you don't have to give him any special treatment just because he is your son-in-law.. he is also a human being.. not some special human that has super powers and stuff..

So stop making it a big thing!! I'm going to be his wife tomorrow.. practically his family.. we all are.. so he can do this much for me.. for us.. so please don't make it as if he went out of his way and did all this for me.. families do things for each other if you forgot.. and if you want to continue praising him please go and do your biasing somewhere else..

and for your kind information we both made equal contribution towards this!!.. yet I didn't let you know because that's not something I do.. he wanted to tell you but I stopped him to see what you guys do.. fine it's okay.. you want to praise him do it.. I don't mind but stop making him seem like God is what I'm telling". Both her parents look down feeling embarassed.

She leaves from there and goes to the other side when Karthik holds her hand and takes her away from there. He had seen everything that went down between Aadhira and her, he takes her away from there. She struggles to get her hand out of his hold "Leave me Karthik.. What are you doing.. I'm not going anywhere with you.. leave my hand".

He turns to look at her "Will you be quiet Aadhira.. else I will have find other ways to shut you up". She looks at him shocked but again fumes as he drags her towards the terrace "What will you do.. you idiot leave my hand.. I will shout... Tell everyone you are kidnapping me..". Her eyes widen in shock as he turns towards her again and does the unthinkable..

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