Winter Flower ↣ knj

By rainymoonyuri

453 72 61

"I never forget your warmth. I'll be the winter flower, be the dancing star. I'll be by your side. I'm with y... More

0 | prologue


52 12 7
By rainymoonyuri

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I lock up the music shop door and put the hood of my black hoodie over my grey beanie while I put the keys of the music shop into the pocket of my black field jacket as I tuck my cold pale hands in my pocket as well to protect them from this winter night.

I let out a breathe and saw the small transparent misty cloud fade away into the sky as I begin to make my way towards my car. I unlock my car and get inside while turning on the engine. I turn on the warm heater so I can warm up my cold car so Eunjoo won't freeze when I pick her up.

When it's warm enough, I buckle my seatbelt and drive away while I make my way to pick up Eunjoo who adores Namjoon with her whole heart.

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I stop in front of my moms house when I drive into the garage and park the car inside as I leave the car off and locked while heading to the garage door that leads me to the inside of the house with my key. I unlock the door with the house key and enter the warm house. I take off my shoes as I wait by the door. "Eunjoo!" I shout, not so loud but loud enough for Eunjoo to rush out of her room and run towards me.

I see mom peak her head out of the kitchen and smiles. "Hey Yoon, how was work?" She says. I shrug my shoulders. "It was okay but I came here to pick up Eunjoo because Namjoon wants to spend time with her again." I tell her and Eunjoo immediately squeals excitedly. "Yay!" She excitedly says before leaving me and rushing back into her room again.

"Put on your jacket, it's cold!" I inform her as I can feel my mother's eyes on me as she stops doing whatever she was doing and comes towards me with sad gentle eyes. "How is he?" She softly ask. I look down at the ground. "I don't know but he has been drinking lately which we all know it's something he doesn't do." I mumble enough for her to hear me.

"He can't face me too huh?" She ask and I nod. "You have her eyes." I only say and she lets out a sigh. "I understand but tell him if he needs anything, I'm still here and that he is still family." She says and I nod again as I look back up at her.

I can see why he can't face my mom. Sometimes it's hard to stare at her eyes too. "I'll make him some haejangguk, you and Eunjoo can eat with him too." She says and I nod as she leaves me to start making the hungover soup for Namjoon.

Knowing Namjoon, I know he would ignore his hungovers and won't do anything to ease his aching head.

That's the only way to stop himself from going numb.

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆

"Okay come on Eunjoo, lets go see Namjoon." I tell her as I come out of the kitchen carrying a bag where the soup is in. Eunjoo excitedly jumps off from the couch and runs towards the door with her thick purple coat. She puts on her purple snow boots and waits for me to put my shoes on.

She opens the door for me as I walk out the door first and she quickly waves a bye to mom as she locks the door behind us and closes it. We walk towards the car and she goes in the back while I go in the front.

I put the bag of the soup in the passenger seat as I get in and turn on the car to feel the warm air rewarm the car again. I look behind me and see Eunjoo was already buckled. I let out a small chuckle. I shake my head while I put my seat belt on as I pull out of the drive way and make our way to my apartment to meet up with Namjoon.


I look up at the apartment building complex and look right back down at my phone to make sure this is really happening, that I have actually moved back into Japan again.

Seems like it.

I sigh as I turn off my phone and take out the case that carries my violin. Due to how delicate the instrument is, I decided that it would be best to carry this out first and not a bunch of stuff all at once.

I stop in my place as my eyes land on the beautiful winter weather. First my eyes go on the trees. Small bits of clear ice crystals were on the not green but instead white leaves. Some of the brown tree branches covered with small amounts of white cold sparkling snow.

Oh how beautiful was the winter season. Despite the coldness.

My eyes then look up at the midnight blue starless sky that only showed greyish clouds, a sign that it may rain soon. There was no sign of the moon in sight so I frown. My eyes still looking up at the sky with my arms wrapped around my violin case.

"Look out!" A deep male voice said and before I can see who the man was, a sudden force bumped into me as I immediately was on the ground with a hot aching pain in my ass. I groan as I feel the coldness from the snow in gulf me.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay?" A worried voice says as I can hear the males voice was right above me. I open my eyes that were shut and open to see a male with porcelain skin like the snow and smokey grey hair like the dark shade from a cloud while have eyes that are like the dark autumn leaves. I didn't realize he had his hand out, in attempt to help me but he froze when he met my eyes.

His parted rosey thin lips suddenly close as he gulps while staring down at me. He then comes to my side and lifts me up from my waist, putting me back onto my feet. "I'm so sorry, my sister wasn't looking where she was going." The male with porcelain skin said. I shake my head while I dust off the snow that was on me.

My eyes then see a little girl that also has porcelain skin like snow with dark grey hair and dark autumn eyes. But her eyes begin to tear up as she uses the sleeve of her puffy purple snow coat to wipe her tears that fell from her eyes. "I'm- I'm sorry." She softly apologizes.

I immediately ignore the stinging pain from my ass as I crouch down to her level and give her a reassuring smile. "It's okay little one, you should always look where you are going okay?" I gently tell her.

She nods as she sniffles. I use the sleeve of my white coat and wipe her rosey cheeks. "Don't cry okay?" I say and she nods once more. "I like your eyes." She softly says. I smile at the mention of my sectoral heteorchromia eyes. "You have winter eyes." I chuckle while gently patting her head. "They are only blueish greyish." I say as I then noticed something in her eyes.

On her left eye, she has a small white stroke. Like a marble but just one stroke of white while the rest of her eyes were like the colors of the dark autumn leaves.

"And I love your eyes, very rare and pretty." I compliment her. She shyly smiles at me, her gums appearing. "My name is Eunjoo." She says and I smile at her name. Her name means little flower. "Ah so then I'll call you little flower." I tell her and her shy smile slowly falls as she looks up at her brother.

I turn to the side to look up at him and see him gulp again. Before I can say anything like what's wrong. Eunjoo gasps. I look at her but I see she's looking behind me so I look behind me and my heart drops at the sight of my most prized possession.

I immediately go to my violin case that hold the very thing I hold dear to me and open the case, only for my heart to fall in a deep abyss as at the bottom of the strings, broke, not just the plain strings but where it was able to hold the strings, now there was a whole broken hole on my dark brown violin.

I couldn't move.

I felt my world being taken away from me all over again.

The male then comes by my side and sighs. "Come on, I can give you a new instrument." He says but I shake my head. "N-no. T-This violin was different." I weakly tell him as I can feel tears beginning to weld up in my eyes.

This was a gift, a gift nobody else had. A violin, yes but this was a meaningful gift. I pick up the violin and immediately go look to the side that had something in graved into the wood. I couldn't even take care of this.

"Please, just come with me." He deeply says but I shake my head again until I feel a small gentle tug on my jacket. I look to my right and see Eunjoo looking at me with teary eyes. "Please." Is all she says and as much I want to say no, she's too small to be feeling guilty.

I push in my teary eyes and let out a sigh as I placed the violin back into its case and stand up. "Okay, I'll come with you." I weakly say. The male stands up and nods as him and Eunjoo walk ahead of me and I follow right behind with an aching heart.

This violin isn't something that can be replaced or repaired but I know I must get a new one.

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damn so i gave you guys a hint from all four of them and what's going on so maybe you can think about what you guys think but hmm. 👀

anyways thank you for reading and hope you enjoyed this chapter and look forward to what happens next. :)

. <3

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