
By poochy99

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They were just two normal teenagers going to high school and living a pretty normal life. Until one day, they... More

Heroes in action
Legend of the stones
Power of the Dragonfly
The Butterfly Knight
The Little Robot
Time off
A Date?
Rising Tensions
Growing Closer
Separate Ways
Masquerade Ball
A Robot's Return
Final Battle

Revenge of the robot

1.1K 47 46
By poochy99

Marcy P.O.V

Well that got off to a great start
Being late for class...

Although Anne seemed nice, I wasn't sure what to say since I don't interact with people often. I just hope I didn't come off as rude.

Today, Mr Matt was making us watching a movie since he thought we deserved a treat for all of our hard work for the test.

The movie didn't look that interesting to me, so decided to play on my phone.

"Aren't you gonna watch the movie?" Anne asked, noticing that I was playing on my phone.

"Nope, playing video games is better."

"If you say so..."

I played for a bit longer before that voice suddenly started talking again.

"You need leave now! It's here!"
it urged.

Huh? What's here?

I looked up and scanned the room.

The lights were turned off, so I couldn't see much of anything.

Suddenly, I heard steps from above me.

I looked up at the ceiling and saw two glowing red eyes glaring at me.


"Mr Matt, I need to go to the bathroom!" I exclaimed loudly, standing up.

Shortly after, Anne also stands up.

"Yeah, me too!"

Mr Matt was a bit overwhelmed by our sudden outbursts.

"You guys need to go to the bathroom at the same time? You know what, don't answer that. You two can go."

As soon as he said that, we both dashed off into the hallways. Obviously, I decided to change locations and go to the lockers since Anne was going to the bathroom.

But then, the lights flickered for a bit before turning off.

"Attention students, remain calm as we investigate the situation in our school."
a voice from the speakers came shortly after.

Alright, how do I change?

"If you want to change into your superhero form, just say fluttering wings on!"

"How did you know what I was thinking?"

"Hive mind, remember?"

Okay, fluttering wings on!"

And like before, I changed into my superhero costume. But this time, the tip of my antennas were glowing a bright green.

Cool! That must be a hidden ability!

I carefully and quietly stepped out of the lockers into the dark hallways, only partially lighted thanks to my antennas.

It was quiet, too quiet if you asked me.
Not to mention also very creepy.

I could feel my heart pounding as I started to hear steps coming in my direction.

I quickly hid in a locker.

I held my breath as the steps came closer and closer.

What do I do? I don't have a weapon.

The steps stopped at the locker door that I was hiding in.

Without any other options, I opened the door and slammed it into the stranger.

"Ouch! What did you do that for?" the voice said.

Hold on, I know that voice...

It was Dragonfly!

"Dragonfly, you almost gave me a heart attack!" I yelled, helping her back up to her feet.

"Well sorry for making sure that you were safe." she said sarcastically.

"What are you doing here anyway?
You would have to be pretty fast to come here quickly."

Dragonfly nervously shuffled her feet.

"Oh, well, the news has been reporting a blackout at this school, so I came as fast as I could! What about you?"

"Same thing." I simply said.

"Do you think it's that robot again?"

"It must be.
After all it did say that it was looking for a blue and green gem." I recalled.

"So it's looking at schools to see if it's any of the students here!" Dragonfly theorized.

"Maybe, but anyway, we need to stop it once and for all! Let's start looking at the-"

We were interrupted as a painful screen of metal starting scraping the ground, heading towards us.

That must be the robot.

We quickly hid in an empty classroom.

"What do we do?" Dragonfly urgently asked.

"We need to stay calm and think of a plan. Maybe we can try something with your dragon blade."

"But I don't know how to summon it on command."

"Your going to have to, because or else our plan won't work. Just relax Dragonfly, we will get through this together." I gently reassured.

Dragonfly seemed a bit more at ease at my words, but still was tense.

"What's the plan, Butterfly?"

The door of the classroom suddenly burst opened and the robot entered, it's red eyes glaring with a vengeful nature.


Dragonfly jumped from her hiding spot and onto the robot.

But the robot had expected this and threw her hard against the window, making it crack.

It then took out a piercing gun and blasted needles towards her.

Alarmed, Dragonfly quickly took out her dragon blade and blocked it shots.

"Is that all you've got?" she taunted.

The robot didn't seem to like that as it ripped out the drawing board from the wall and threw it at her.

Dragonfly dodge it by rolling and the board hit the window, shattering it.

"I bet you can't catch me!" Dragonfly taunted, running in a different direction.

The robot quickly followed in pursuit.

Dragonfly was leading it underneath the balcony of the second floor, were I had a desk to push off in order to hit the robot and destroy it.

So far the plan was going smoothly.

But, before that Dragonfly could get underneath the trap, the robot extended its arms and made her trip down into a corner.

Dragonfly was trapped.

Maybe I spoke too soon.

She tried stabbing the robot like before, but it expected this and blocked the sword before grabbing it from her.

This is very, very bad.

The robot smirked and let out a sinister chuckle.

"Any last words?" it asked.

Dragonfly was too afraid to answer it back and just trembled in fear.

The robot raised the sword, preparing for a finishing blow.

No! I need to do something! But I'm too far away!

Suddenly, my bracelet changed forms and transformed into a crossbow.

Without another heartbeat, I aimed it and quickly fired the shot.

It hit the robot right in it's chest, but this time in its core heart.

It dropped the sword out of surprise and stepped back in shock.

Seeing the opportunity, I dropped the desk off the edge.

The desk hit the robot and it's metallic body got obliterated as it crumbled underneath the weight of the it.

Finally, the robot was gone.

The lights suddenly came back on.

I ran down the stairs to help out Dragonfly.

"Dragonfly, are you okay?"

"I-I-I think so, but only thanks to you.
Thanks for saving me, Butterfly. I thought that I was going to get killed!"

"No problem! It's the least I could do after you saved my life!"

The speaker suddenly spoke again.

"Alright students, it looks like the problem has been solved. Please go back to you normal duties."

"I guess I'll see you later, bye Butterfly!" Dragonfly waved, exiting out of the broken window by using her sword to slow her fall as she went down.

I don't think I've met someone like Dragonfly.

But anyway, I should get back to class.

I retransformed back into my normal form before heading back to class.

I entered the class and Mr Matt looked relieved and immediately went to me.

"What was taking you so long!? I was starting to get worried sick!" Mr Matt scolded.

"I was hiding from the danger."
I explained.

"Well, I'm glad you're safe.
I even asked Anne where you were when she came back."

The bell rang and people started exiting out of the classroom.

I was just about to leave when Mr Matt stopped me.

"Hold on a second.
Marcy, Anne, I need to speak to you both for a moment."

What is this about?

Me and Anne went up to him.

"Anne, I noticed that your grades have been declining since last year and you didn't do too well on the small test." he told.

"Y-yes I've noticed that too." Anne stuttered in embarrassment.

"Marcy, you did outstanding on the small test! You got a all of the questions right and your past scores are impressive!"

Where is he going with this?

"So I've decided to assign Marcy to be your tutor, Anne."

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