
By memberackan

178K 3.3K 663

[COMPLETE] [MATURE CONTENT] [MAFIA BOOK] Just like the astronomical event she's named after, Nova is one of... More

warning and aesthetics
1 - Super Nova
2 - The Assignment
3 - Coincidence
4 - The Video
5 - Almost
6 - Against My Will
7 - Winner Stays On
8 - Oh Hellz Yes
9 - Two Girls In A Pod
10 - Change of plans
11 - Two Against The World
12 - bleeding out
13 - Reunited
14 - Little Warrior
15 - The devil Wears Ball gowns
17 - A Turning Point
18 - Thump, Thump, Thump
19 - Piece Of The Puzzle
20 - The Morning After
21 - The Only Empty Seat
22 - Three From Three
23 - A bloody mess
Authors Note
24 - Book Worm
25 - Golden
26 - Do me
27 - A Cold Shower
28 - ignorant bliss
29 - I'm driving
30 - Screaming
31 - Damian, where's Nova?
32 - just... stay alive
33 - sleepless nights
34 - A Tad Mad
35 - As Stubborn As Stubborn Can Be
36 - bored out of my mind
Authors Note
37 - Target Practice
38 - The first time
39 - His

16 - Fixated

3.7K 85 34
By memberackan

Hey guys I hope you like the chapter, I'm sorry it's been a few days this chapter was quite big for me and I wanted to make it the best it could be.

Here are some pictures for the aesthetic of the ball I was going for like a cross between the ball in TVD with klaus and people with the ball in Cinderella and a touch of modern.

Leave it up to Daisy to not only be late herself, but make someone who's job requires them to be good with timing, late as well.

Me, Logan and Asher are all standing at the bottom of the stairs in tuxes, I feel like I'm about to go to fucking prom.

I've never enjoyed the stupid fucking balls I'm forced to attend every year, simply because they're not enjoyable. All they consist of is a bunch of 40 year old men, who think they're tough, talking about shit I really don't give a fuck about.

It's all business related and the whole purpose is for them to suck up to me and get in good terms with my mafia.

On top of that, I have to bring a date. It's always the same, a leggy blonde that makes me roll my eyes when she speaks and I have to deal with it for the entire night.

And it ends the same too, by 3am, she's in one of our guest beds because I refuse to take a girl to my room and fuck her, it's my room and I don't want some random slut in there.

As soon as I've finished with her, I get up, put on some grey sweatpants, I always keep in the spare room, and walk out. All the while she's whining about wanting to go again or seeing me again, which I never do.

It happens very often, even last night.

I was on my way back to my room when I saw Nova in the kitchen. I have no idea why but I walked in and started to talk to her.

I was doing fine and was about to go to my room like I originally intended, when she stood from the island stool she was sitting on to reveal she was only in a slightly oversized shirt and very short shorts.

I'm still picturing her thighs in that lighting and the way her perfect ass looked as she bent over the counter to put her glass in the sink.

I have no idea why I then pinned her to the counter and told her she was going to the ball with me the next night but I'm guessing it was my very hard dick doing the talking at that point and not me.

I wanted to know if she felt the sexually chemistry I was feeling because god damn, was it strong.

If she wasn't part of my mafia and was a slut or something instead, I would have fucked her all night at least 3 times by now and it's taking a whole fucking lot not to just fuck her senseless anyway.

"Okay we're ready!" I hear Daisy shriek from up the stairs as she appears around the corner and poses obnoxiously before she walks down the stairs.

I turn to Logan and he looks like he actually likes the look of her. Actually, scratch that, he looks somewhat in awe of her.

I furrow my eyebrows in a slight confusion and turn back to Daisy, who's now at the bottom of the stairs.

"Watcha think?" Daisy smileys innocently as she raises her hands to her shoulders and spins. "You looks great, Daisy." She thanks me before turning to Logan, who's face is still frozen.

Asher elbows him which seems to wake him from his trance and Logan coughs a little before stuttering "ummm... yeah.... uhh great, you look great."

Asher lets out a mocking chuckle and Daisy turns back to me "Nova got a phone call as we were leaving the room, something about Dominic Dynamo? Dynamel?" I interrupted her "Dyness?"

Dominic Dyness was the leader of a gang we were trying to find. We needed some information about his sister who happened to be married to the Mexican Mafia leader and after the shit show they tried to pull on me, I wanted revenge.

I got some of my guys to find some stuff about Dominic so we could find his sister, then torture her and send video's to her husband . Hopefully he'll get the message and think twice before stealing from me again.

"Yeah that's it!" Daisy continued, "Anyway, she said she would meet us at the ball after she dealt with some twats that had the decency to fuck a tracking devise up." She put air quotes around the parts Nova had obviously spoken.

"Fine. Get in the limo." I ushered everyone outside and into the Limo. I sat next at the back with Daisy and Asher to my left and Logan and Sophia to my right of the side seats of the limo.

Logan was staring at Daisy opposite him, It's like he couldn't take his eyes off her. I didn't really give a fuck to be honest. I would rather my sister fuck a guy I knew wouldn't do something as stupid as hurting her then a dick she just met.

Asher was looking into his lap, trying to avoid eye contact with Sophie. He's never been one to date and I'm not surprised he isn't making an effort with her. She's only here because Asher has to bring a date and I would be surprised if he even fucks her at the end of the night.

There's some music playing quietly and once Daisy kicks of the conversation, the ride the was... enthusiastic? I stayed quiet, occasionally rolling my eyes at someone when they made a sarcastic comment.

When the limo finally stopped, 2 men opened the door and helped Daisy and Sophia out with an arm before we stepped out.

Logan and Asher took their dates my their arms, honestly I was thankfully I didn't have to link with some ones arms. 

If I had too, it probably would of been with Nova but I would still rather not. I walk into a big hallway with very high ceilings and pillars on either side with Logan, Daisy, Asher and Sophie behind me.

"Holy shit, this place looks like something out of Cinderella." I heard Daisy whisper to Logan behind me and he chuckled lightly.

We reached the end of the hallway and were greeted by the guards standing either side of the large doors.

"Mr Marius, the two men nodded. They opened the door simultaneously to reveal the ball room, filled with people. 

A man on my left read out all of our names before we stepped forward. I could feel all eyes on us as we walked down the stairs and onto the main floor.

Everyone went back to their conversations except two men who headed for me. 

They introduced them selves and started to talk about something business related.

They were two minutes into their pitch for trying to get me to buy this warehouse or something like that, off of them when the guy at the top of the steps spoke again.

He announced to the room that all participants in the rating game were now in the room and everyone had 10 minutes to enter their winning name into the box which was by a raised platform.

On the platform there was also a stand with the winning crown on a cushion.

The crown was covered in small diamonds which bought a small crowd of woman to the platform, obsessing over it.

Guess Nova would be missing the game.

As I never intended to enter a name, I went back to the conversation.

But, I got bored and with out any explanation, walked to one of the waiters and took a glass of champagne of the silver platter in their hands.

I downed the glass and placed it back on the serving platter just as 3 woman all came and started to talk to me.

 They started to flirt with me and comment on how good I looked tonight.

I wasn't interested in any of them, yes, they were hot but Nova would be here soon and it would be difficult to bring three sluts home, with her, my sister and two best friends in the same car. 

Then the guy at the top of the stairs spoke again "There is a late participant to the competition which means the competition will officially end in 10 minutes from now instead."

My head lazily looked up, above the heads of the girls and toward the doors as they swung open revealing

"Miss Nova Alecia, with the Italian mafia." The announcer finished my sentence for me.

She stood still, hands by her sides and my jaw dropped slightly. I could faintly hear everyone gasp as she stepped forward.

My eyes trailed her body and her dress

holy mother of fuck

Her dress clung to her upper body allowing me to see the curves of her hips and and her breasts clearly.

My eyes followed her dress to her legs which were displayed at the front of the dress. They went on for miles and they tanned and fuck I wanted to sink my teeth in her thighs badly.

As she took another step forward a beam of gold light caught her flawless face. It captured the gloss in her eyes with her cheek bones highlighted and her eyelashes visible even from down the stair case.

Not only could I feel how painfully hard I was at the moment just from looking at her, but I could tell everyone else in the room also had their eyes fixated on her.

With her gorgeous red heels, she took paced steps down the long open, vast staircase with those god-damn gorgeous eyes, flickering around the room until she met mine.

I held our gaze, longingly before she looked down to check her footing. As she did I looked around me. Everyone was whispering and staring at her. 

She finally made it down to the open floor. I pushed through the three girls, unbothered by their wines for me to come back and made my way to her but a literal group of guys made it to her before me.

My jaw clenched angrily, she was my date and I don't like people trying to take things that are mine.

I shoved them all out of the way and found her in the middle, telling some blonde dick to "Fuck off, I'm not a fucking whore and even if I was, I couldn't be paid to sleep with your ugly fucking face."

I grinned at her words and stood by her side before he had a chance to reply.

"You heard her, fuck off, she's mine." I growled at him. He tried to hide his gulp as he walked away and shortly after, the rest of the other men around us.

I wanted everyone to know she was mine so without a word I took her hand and pulled her to the dance floor where over 30 couples where now ballroom dancing, gracefully.

I pulled her close to my face until I could smell her. I craved the smell of her more every time I was able to smell it. 

We began dancing. My left hand intertwined with her right one and my other hand, gripped tightly on her waist.

Her eyes where filled with confusion and innocence.

Fuck, I wanted to throw her tiny ass over my shoulder, carry her upstairs and fuck her until she screamed my name with the most intense pleasure she would ever experience.

But I couldn't. Nova was different, she wasn't a slut and she was apart of my mafia which meant I couldn't just fuck her and never see her again.

We kept dancing until I spun her around which caught her off guard. She crashed back into my arms and let out a chuckle.

It gave me a weird feeling and for some reason, I wanted to feel it again. I wanted to hear her laugh again or to see her smile again.

We spun and danced together, her hand against my shoulder and my body pressed against hers  until the song ended.

Our eyes were still fixed on each others when a voice from the platform made her turn her head.

"And now to announce the order of winners for the competition." A 50 year old spoke into a microphone as people started to gather around.

They started reading the names of the woman who had come last at 200th place slowly making their way down.

After every one, there was a small applaud and disappointed sigh from the girl who's name was called.

Nova was distracted by constantly moving her head to every girl who's name were called, to notice my gaze on her.

I followed the outline of her face, taking in her details until she turned to catch me staring and blushed.

"What's up with you tonight, you're acting less of an asshole than usual."

Ahhhh what the fuck do I say?

"I'm not an asshole."

Really, that's the best you've got Damian?

She chuckled again, bringing back that weird wishy washy feeling.

"And I can't throw a knife." She rolled her deep eyes

How the fuck was I letting her get away with speaking to me like that?

I opened my mouth even though I had no idea what I was going to say. I was either going to tell her off, which was unlikely, or reply with another sarcastic comment, continuing our little game.

Before I could however, Daisy came and greeted Nova while the list of names continued, they were on 15th by now. 

Daisy whispered very badly "everyone here is checking you out bitch!" and Nova shook her head slightly before replying "thank you but they're really not. You're going to win, look at you Days, you look fucking stunning."

Daisy chuckled and the guy on the platform read "seventh, Daisy Marius!"

"Holy shit you got seventh babes!" Nova smiled at her before continuing "They missed me on the list." and chuckled.

Would she fucking stop fucking giggling and fucking chuckling already, my whole stomach feels like it's just been through a washing machine.

"And finally, your winner for tonight, Nova Alecia!"

I grinned to my self, of course she fucking won, how could she not?

Daisy and Nova looked at each other before Daisy pushed Nova making her stumble up on the stage and greeted the man with a smile before turning to the audience.

It made me angry, it was so fucking obvious all the guys in here wanted to fuck her, including me and I didn't like it.

She lowered her head as her crown was placed on her head and she smiled sheepishly before walking back down to me, Daisy and Logan.

Daisy hit her arm in excitement "Holy fucking balls of shit! Bitch you fucking won!" Nova rolled her eyes and blushed a little.

I couldn't take my eyes of her and neither could every fucking guy in here. She turned to me and opened her mouth to say something but Daisy yanked her arm and shouted to Logan and me they were to go get a drink.

I watched her walk away before shaking out of my trance and getting a grip of my self.

As much as I liked it, Nova was not going to occupy my mind any more. Me and Logan were approached by three of our old 'friends' who we used to work with and we started to talk.

I was done thinking about Nova and what ever the fuck she was doing to me.

I had to stop thinking about her and that was that because there was nothing I could do. I'll get this pointless night over with, go home and I won't try anything with Nova.

That doesn't mean I can't think about her though. Maybe I'll imagine it's Nova fucking me instead of one of these sluts I'm bound to bring home instead.

AHHHHHHHH omg this was so amazing to write. I really hope you guys liked it!

Please vote or comment it means the world, love you guys!!!! xxx

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