//Punishing Gray Raven\\

By KochoTurin

51K 1K 463

My First PGR fanfic The Punishing Virus has managed to destroy most of Mankind durings its first eruption in... More

Chapter 1 : Commandant Raiden
Chapter 2 : Field Test Completed
Chapter 3 : Skoll And Hati
Chapter 4 : Vast
Chapter 4.5 : White Red And Gray
Chapter 5 : Crimson Abyss
Chapter 6 : Babylonia
Chapter 8 : Cyberangel
Chapter 9 : Arts Sand
Christmas Special
Chapter 10 : Strike Of The Hawk
Chapter 11 : Golden Star
Author Note
Chapter 12 : Roseleaf
Chapter 13 : Fallen Stars
Chapter 14 : Eternal Engine
Chapter 15 : The Nighter
Chater 16 : Ouroboros
Chapter 17 : Kowloong
Chapter 18 : Vermillion
Chapter 19 : Lucia
EX Chapter 20 : Ocean Tides
EX Chapter 21 : Venus Vacation
Ex Chapter 22 : Firn
EX Chapter 23 : Firm Grasp
Ex Chapter 24 : Qu
Ex Chapter 25 : Luna
Chapter 26 - Ascension
Chapter 27 - La Luna Sangre
Chapter 28 : Frontiers
Chapter 28.5 : Scarlet
Chapter 29 : Gateway to Sight
Chapter 30 : Imprisoned
Chapter 31 : Mother
Chapter 32 : Previous Era
Chapter 33 : Rising

Chapter 7 : Frozen Darkness

1.9K 37 3
By KochoTurin




The Gray Ravens are currently entering the lower atmosphere to Earth

Raiden:"Mission states that we should see if The Aru people will accept help and see the corrupted levels...also an Ascendant traces have been found... Eliminate them if possible"

Lee:"There using us as diplomats Commandant..."

Raiden:"I can tell"

The Aircraft entered the atmosphere until...

*Alarm Triggered*

Lee he looked at the readings and saw many missiles heading towards them

Lee:"Commandant take the wheel!"

Raiden jolted and immediately did some basic dodge manuevers which succeeded

Lee was checking the engines and began overriding the safety mechanics


Raiden nodded and forwarded the ship which dodged a few missiles before pulling the wheel and elevating them and then turning the wheel... Raiden aslo noticed the other missiles coming towards the left area and then back at the right side

Raiden:"Shit! Everyone hold on!"

Raiden looked forward and saw a flash... Something was coming... He then positioned the ship and did a dodge... On the corner of his eyes he saw a spear which hits the missiles making them explode

Raiden:"Grab on! Lee!"

Lee nodded and immediately Raiden stood up and allowed Lee to take the wheel... He then went towards Lucia and Liv he buckled them up before he himself grabbed ahold of the seats and managed to buckle himself up

Lee:"This is gonna be rough!"






The Group regained their vision and saw the ship had severe damage... But somehow they were safe

Raiden did a sigh of relief as he stood up... And brushed some dust off him

Raiden:"Everyone ok?"


Liv said as she stood up before wobbling attempting to walk... Lucia catches her... Lee on the other hand dusted some dust off him

Raiden then looked around the area they were in... It had snow everywhere and it covered some trees the main he can see is the abandoned cars and the road

Raiden:"I can say we arrived at our desired location"

Lucia:"I guess so Commandant"

Liv:"Is this a road connecting to Murmansk?"

Liv asked... Lucia nodded and Lee confirmed it

Raiden:"Let's follow this road... Liv be in the middle... Lee got behind Lucia on me"

Lucia nodded as the two walked forward into the snow covered streets
Liv followed behind and Lee prepared his guns
Somewhere in the Artic

A Huge Mechanical Narwhal floats and swam down the ice covered waters... And on the distance a white haired female watches

Alpha:"[Disconnecting now]"
Back at the Gray Ravens






The Gray Ravens are putting up a fight against the corrupted... However the snow makes it hard to move for each of them... Raiden also wore a mask... Courtesy of Liv saying he needed to and he tightens his clothing aswell as giving him some type of pill



Raiden did a couple of punches with his new mechanical pal... While the Gray Ravens didn't look at him... They did heard him use a weapon so they knew he was safe


Raiden looked and saw a Corrupted about to stab on him

???:"Get down"

Raiden dodged to the left and avoided a spear... The Spear hits the Corrupted and slashed it in two
Raiden looked around and saw a Construct however... The body has a an almost horse like appearance instead of the usual bipedal using two legs... This Construct had four

The Gray Ravens then got together with their backs... Looking as the Contructs demolish the corrupted with ease... After they were done

They circled the Gray Ravens

???:"Stop! We are the Forest guards! We do not tolerate those trying to go to New Murmansk!"

Liv:"Uhmm than-"

She was cut off as the Construct aimed a spear ar her which prompted her to leap backwards

???:"Do not step further!"

Lucia got ahold of Liv and looked at the Construct

Lucia:"Thanks for your help... We are the Gray Ravens sent by Babylonia and we are here to discuss with the people of New Murmansk"

???:"Do not step further!"

She pointed a spear towards her as a warning as was about to slash at her when


A booming voice came from the woods and a Tall white haired Construct walked out and carrying a familiar spear... She also had more prominent upgrades and it was clear she was the strongest

Diana:"Leader Rosetta!"

The Construct then disarmed her spear and went to the now known Rosetta
Raiden widened his eyes a bit atthe mention of that Name... He then looked at the Tall White haired construct in the form of a Centaur

Raiden:"White Grayish Hair... Purple x markings on her hair... Those eyes... And that Necklace... With a broken heart peace"

He was about to go and show her the broken heart piece he had but then instantly knew... He gave it to Alpha...

Raiden:"Oh crap...i gave it to Alpha... She probably doesn't remember me now..."

He thought... He closed his eyes and smiled under his mask

Raiden:"Hm...atleast she achieved her dream of protecting people... I wonder what happened to the old man"

He thought as he looked at Diana having a conversation with Rosetta who had the Broken heart necklace dangling from her robotic neck

Raiden sighed... Lee then puts a hand on his shoulder snapping him out of his thoughts he looked at Lee

Rosetta:"And Besides... Aren't you the one of the most eager to meet outsiders Diana?"

Rosetta said coldly and with utmost authority


Rosetta then closed her eyes and walked passed her and towards the Gray Ravens her cold emotionless face  stared at them

Liv:"That Spear"

Rosetta:"Yes... I was the one who saved you"

Lucia:"Thank you"

And after that Lucia and Rosetta had a conversation that didn't last long and they were allowed to stay and be taken to camp as Diana led them towards Camp... Raiden had his hands on his pockets and contemplating about something on his head

Diana:"Wait here"

The Gray Ravens stopped and took a seat surrounding the Fire
After a few minutes Diana came out with some food for them


Diana told them about the food which was a cake and Liv was astonished by the taste and so did Lucia... However Lee and Raiden just quietly ate it... Lee for silent purposes and Raiden for contemplating purposes

Raiden:"She was so cold... Almost like she had devoided her emotions... Rosetta... What happened to you?"

He thought to himself... Feeling sad that his friend years ago is now some emotionless Construct that lost her once beautiful and magnificent smile
It was to Raiden... Heartbreaking... Knowing that the Rosetta he once knew... Seem to be gone forever

Raiden sighed heavily as he ate the food Diana provided... His mask taken off and allowed Diana to see a glimpse of his face...

Diana:"He looks quite a bit what Rosetta described her long lost friend... But whenever she mentions friend... I can't help but notice the small red tint on her cheeks and a small smile...perhaps it wasn't just friendship but a relationship... How romantic"

Diana continued watching the Squad... As they all talked about the Aurora skies


Diana was taken out of her trance and looked around

Diana:"Corrupted detected... Along with a human signature"


Diana:"This voice...Evan?"

Diana quickly rushed towards the source of the voice... Followed by the Gray Ravens

After disposing of the Corrupted a Small Coated Boy appeared and introduced himself as Evan

He asked them to take him to Rosetta... To which they agreed
Rosetta was currently atop the Huge Mechanic Narwhal communicating with it

Rosetta::"I Know Derek... I have made my decision New Murmansk is destined to go through this catastrophe..."

Rosetta:"I Understand Derek... I hope you understand aswell"

Rosetta:"... Why Derek? Why go so far?"

Rosetta:"... I see...you've always understood me Derek... When Raiden didn't return that day... I knew he didn't make it..."

Rosetta:"You believe his still out there?... That's a lost cause Derek... I don't think he did... Why Derek?"



Rosetta heard the voice and made her emotionless facade face on and turned towards the direction of that Voice... He saw Diana with Evan and the Gray Ravens

Rosetta:"Evan? Why are you outside the port?"

Evan:"I came to warn you about something...The Narwhal"

Rosetta nodded

Rosetta:"If its about Derek... You didn't have to risk your life here... I've already known"

Evan:"No Rosetta... Its the rising corrupted... The Adults"

Rosetta:"What about them..."

Evan:"They grown restless and mad that Derek is coming back to the ports when it was first sighted... The corrupted has also concerned them"

Rosetta:"I see... Keep going"

Evan:"The Adults... There gathering weapons"

Evan sadly said... Rosetta straight her eyes and a visible groan was present on her face...she then eyed Diana

Rosetta:"Get on my back Evan... Diana keep the forest safe and eliminate the corrupted!"

Evan bashfully climbed Rosetta's back with the help of Raiden

Evan:"Thanks Mr..."

Raiden:"Call me... Mercy"

Raiden lied... Lucia,Liv and Lee are confused by this and was about to ask a question but Raiden knew this and Silenced them... Making them follow his lead from now on and do not under any circumstances call him... Raiden or Yamashita infront of Rosetta

Rosetta:"Gray Ravens follow me..."
The Group arrived at a port...at around sunset times Everyone was silent during the whole walk... No one dared to utter a word once they entered New Murmansk


Raiden remained silent and just watched Rosetta steadfast expression and lack of emotion

Raiden then looked at the people around him... They eyed them mostly

Raiden:"Space Cowards they say..."

Raiden scoffed lightly... Hearing the complaints of the adults and their ignorance about what life is out there and how many constructs fell and comrades that was lost in the war against the Punishing Virus... He maybe new... But war is something that shouldn't be taken lightly

Evan looked back and saw Raiden's hateful gaze around the adults


Raiden snapped out of it and looked at Evan... They then stopped as Rosetta stopped aswell towards two fishermen and some of them had a hateful feared face directed at Rosetta

Rosetta remained calm and displayed no sign of emotions as she ignored the gazes directed at her


Raiden looked at Liv and saw that on her radar... There was a massive punishing virus readings... On the Narwhal

Raiden:"Rosetta!Narwhal eight o clock!"

Everyone then felt the aura as they stood a feet back... Direction was on the Narwhal


Rosetta jumped ignoring Evan... Raiden caught him as Rosetta jumped and headed towards the Narwhal

Evan:"Thanks again! Mister Mercy!"

Raiden nodded... Liv then shouted

Liv:"Corrupted signals are detected... Towards the Narwhal"

Raiden looked as he saw Rosetta jump and parry a slash attack from a familiar figure


Lucia:"Its Her Commandant"

Raiden nodded

Raiden:"Let's split up Team... I go warn the Forest Guards about this!"

Fisher:"They are not allowed to enter this area!"

A Fisherman shouted at Raiden... However Raiden merely took his mask off and shouted back at him

Raiden:"Shut the fuck up! And Accept the Help! You whiny Bastard!"

Evan was shocked aswell as the people along with his team... However a few other older are shocked by the fact they recognized that tone that voice and that fire in his eyes

Raiden:"Lucia and Lee help defeat corrupted that will show up... If things get tough send support from Babylonia until i get back"

Lucia and Lee nodded and then headed towards onboard the Narwhal

Raiden:"Liv i want you to support them and help those that get injured"

Liv nodded before heading out
Evan then tugged his coat

Evan:"I can help you Mister Mercy..."

Evan proudly said... Raiden nodded and both began to run towards the Forest Guards ignoring the please and the complaints of the people

After a few feet away from the port Raiden then jumped and a Mech Appeared before transforming into a bike midair... He stopped when the Bike landed on the ground and turned towards Evan

Raiden:"Hop in Evan"

Evan hopped on and held his arms around Raiden's waist... Raiden fired the engines and began driving the bike... Evan was livid at this experience



The sounds of blades clashing atop the Narwhal continued

Alpha:"What power..."

Alpha said emotionless
Rosetta didn't respond but rather fought harder and struck Alpha who kept parrying her strikes

The two then battled from the Narwhal towards the icy plane there strikes emitting shock waves that can be felt around the area


Rosetta then jumped and tried to stab Alpha... Alpha parried it and the used her Blade to attempt and slash at Rosetta

Rosetta managed to dodge and gain a few feet away from Alpha... She then readied her shield and spear

Alpha prepares herself by completely letting her sword out...

Both of their weapons emitted some fire that turned the surrounding are below the weapons to smoke


Rosetta dove first and attempted to slash at Alpha... Alpha swiftly dodged and attempted to Slash Rosetta

Rosetta saw this and using her shield... She swats Alpha but before it made contact


Alpha blocked it and then jumped away using the shield and the force emitted a shock wave... Alpha landed towards the snow... Rosetta grabbed her spear tightly

Rosetta then turned around and headed towards the port... Alpha made chase and using her speed
She closed the distance and appeared forward towards Rosetta

Rosetta was shooked at this... Alpha then descended her blade and attempted to slash at her neck

Rosetta saw where that Slash would hit her... Towards the neck and into the necklace she held


She blocked it using her own hands gripping the necklace with the other... Rosetta then struggled at first but Alpha then disappeared and appeared behind her attempting to slash again

Rosetta groaned and kicked Alpha... Alpha dodged but the force sent her back a mile


Rosetta descended towards the Port and saw the Gray Ravens defeating corrupted... She then felt a pain on her right arm...


She held it tightly dropping the spear and kneeling... She began getting the pain out after a few minutes it was gone

Alpha then descended back a feet away... Infront of Rosetta... Rosetta looked up at Alpha

Alpha:"Your only here... For the Narwhal aren't you... It was communicating with you the most"

Alpha said... Rosetta groaned and held her spear

Rosetta:"Derek... Is... My last friend"

Rosetta said as she looked at Alpha... She then opened both her eyes and a shine emitted from one of the things hanging on Alpha's neck

Rosetta widened her eyes... Her vision saw the broken heart piece... On Alpha's neck... The Necklace... He made...

Rosetta:"Rai... Rai..."

Rosetta began stuttering in shock... She flashbacked a time at the male from the past
Alpha raised a brow and looked at the thing hanging on her neck... She then widened her eyes aswell

Alpha:"Another Broken Heart Piece"

Rosetta then remembered a certain someone from her past... She remembered the view and the times the played and even the stories the two shared

She remembered the time of their separation... And their promise to each other... Each memory she had with him began hitting her

The Gray Ravens arrived at the site and saw a downed Rosetta


Lee nodded and then sent an Emergency Frame replacement towards Babylonia

Alpha then looked at Rosetta, the Narwhal, The Broken heart piece and then began piecing the pieces of this mystery

Liv:"Rosetta's punishing virus readings... Its starting to reach the past the charts"

Lee grew worried

Lee:"Her emotions and her M.I.N.D are at a state of destruction"

Liv:"It just reached past the charts..."

Lee:"Oh no..."

Alpha then looked at the Fisherman... They held their weapons... One fired and she caught it with her hand


Alpha sent a punishing virus towards the Fisherman using the harpoon the Fisherman shot

The Man fell down and prompted Liv to help the man but she got nothing but complaints and frustration

Lee:"Some people are just hopeless"

Liv eventually managed to calm the person down
Rosetta still laid kneeing the ground and her face devoid of emotion her eyes dead and staring at the ground
A tear fell from her face to the ground

Rosetta:"Raiden... Raiden... I'm... I'm sorry... I failed you... I wasn't strong enough..."

???:"Is that it? Aren't you gonna stand Rosetta? Aren't you gonna avenge!? Are you just gonna lay there!?"

A voice shouted in her mind... Prompting Rosetta to listen to the Voice

It told her to stand up and fight until the last breath and avenge that person she lost to the Construct she had infront of her... To destroy her and take back the Necklace

Alpha:"How weak willed"

Alpha said towards Rosetta...she couldn't understand what's happening to her... The Punishing Virus is infecting her but she showed no sign of being controlled


Then a massive spike of aura emitted from Rosetta... This prompted Alpha to widen her eyes and jump a few feet away... Everyone had their eyes on Rosetta...

Alpha then eyed Rosetta and prepared herself

Rosetta stood up slowly and detaching her Centaur body... A pair of bright blue powered wings appeared behind her back... Her shield largened and her Spesr emitted a red glow burning the ground emitting smoke

Rosetta looked towards Alpha with red glowing eyes... She grinned her teeth

Alpha closely looked at her... Rosetta then disappeared shocking Alpha

Rosetta appeared infront of Alpha and swung her Spear at incredible speed, Alpha managed to block the attack but the force sent her crashing towards the icy layer and a crate breaking it

Alpha then stood up and blocked another strike from Rosetta who screamed everytime she swung her spear

Rosetta then began mindlessly attacking at Random towards Alpha sometimes appearing behind then infront then infront again... This forced Alpha to always defend herself and block or parry each strike

Alpha:"Her Emotions... Such power"

Alpha then fully smiled before striking aswell towards Rosetta





Alpha dodged a strike from above


Rosetta dodged a Slash

Rosetta and Alpha:"Hiyah!!!"

The Two clashed their weapon creating a massive shockwave that sent snow towards every direction

Both Rosetta and Alpha gritted their teeth and began to trade blows and slashes towards each other
Back at the Port

Lee:"Lucia your Frame just entered the atmosphere destination beside the Narwhal!"


The Fishermen and With Lee and Liv defended the ports from the corrupted on land

Many got hurt and one was about to be stabbed when a spear plunged towards it and slashed it in half

Fisherman:"Forest Guard?"

Diana:"The Forest Guards have arrived! Destroy the Corrupted Guards!"

Evan got out of Diana's back and helped the Fisherman from earlier

Evan:"Old Geezer"


Liv noticed that their Commandant wasn't anywhere their

Liv:"Where's Commandant Raiden!?"

Diana was shocked at the mention of the name Raiden... Evan was shocked aswell

Evan:"Wait he wasn't named Mercy but... His true name is Raiden!?"

Diana:"Gray Raven? What do you mean by the name Raiden?"

Evan and Diana wnt towards Liv

Diana:"Liv of Gray Raven... Do you mean that your Commanders true name is Raiden..."

Diana asked... Liv nodded her head and said the full name of their Commandant

Liv:"His name is Commander Raiden Yamashita"

Liv said to Diana... Diana was shocked at this revelation... She then heard a scream and saw Rosetta fighting Alpha very furiously

Diana:"Leader... Rosetta'

Evan:"Diana! You need to go with this information and save Rosetta!"

Diana looked at Evan begrudgingly because she van quite see how she van interfere with how Alpha and Rosetta kept fighting furiously... Then Lucia in her Dawn Armor arrived beside them


Lee:"I see you got you new frame now"

Lucia:"Affirmative... With this i can fight more better against the Ascendant"

Diana then thought of an Idea... She looked at Lucia and grabbed her spear

Diana:"Construct Lucia of Gray Raven... I need your help"

Lucia nodded

Diana:"I shall distract Leader Rosetta"

She said seriously at Lucia who understands her reason

Lucia:"I wish to cross blades with that Ascendant once again"

Diana nodded and both rushed towards the Icy plains towards The Fighting Rosetta and Alpha




Both Rosetta and Alpha began fighting with all their force... Mostly Rosetta, Alpha was quite struggling to standstill Rosetta and was forced to use some more lethal techniques she uses

Rosetta swung her Blade once more to which Alpha parried

Rosetta:"You Killed Him!!"


Alpha didn't respond which infuriated Rosetta even more... She then began to do some heavy swings and blows towards Alpha

Alpha responded with a parry and then a Slash to which Rosetta blocked with her shield...

Alpha:"Give in to your hatred... Perhaps i did... Who knows"

Rosetta didn't liked that Answer and screamed her wings roaring more loudly and her eyes glowing more red... A signal that the Punishing Virus is consuming her and she's loosing herself


She screamed... She felt the virus infecting her but she didn't care one bit and kept on attacking Alpha

Rosetta:"I don't care about... This Virus... If i can take you down with me... That's all i care about"

She swung again to which Alpha dodged and attempted to slash again towards Rosetta


Rosetta screamed before dealing a massive swing and it hit Alpha straight in the side


Alpha screamed as the hit connected... She was hit... That didn't happen to her before
This put her in a stunned position


Rosetta then was about to slash at her again but Alpha parried it quickly and it deflected down... Rosetta's spear stabbed the ground... She then lets go of it and clenched her Fist


Alpha was shocked by that action... Rosetta then punched Alpha straight in the chest which sent her flying up and crashing a few meters away


Alpha groaned... She puts a hand on her chest which got hit and widened her eyes as she looked towards Rosetta... Not only did Rosetta managed to hit her once... She did it twice

Alpha gritted her teeth... She then tightly grabbed her Blade before fully letting it out and emitted multiple wave slashes while gritting her teeth


Rosetta used her shield and blocked it aswell as dodging the sword waves slashes


Rosetta threw her spear at Alpha which she grabbed tightly and then spun around before throwing it back at Rosetta

Rosetta ran and grabbed it mid air before jumping using her wings and held her spear...the Spear conjured up energy in the air

Alpha held her blade and it emitted a crimson aura... She then jumped towards the Mid Air Alpha

Rosetta and Alpha:"HAH!!!"

Their attacks connected and it emitted a huge shockwave that blew them both away from each other sending them crashing to the ground

Rosetta stood up and charged towards Alpha... Alpha also stood up and began charging at Rosetta both screamed towards each other



Then swung their weapons at each other but before they connect



Two weapons blocked their attacks both... A Blade and a Spear

Lucia parried Alpha's blade while Diana parried Rosetta's spear



Lucia and Diana looked at each other before pushing the two away from each other

Lucia then jumped towards Alpha and prepared her blade
Alpha tch'd before facing Lucia again

Diana then charged straight towards Rosetta who widened her eyes as she prepared to block Rosetta

Diana:"Leader... I wished this day didn't come sooner... Its been an honor to be your student and sister"


Rosetta closed one of her eyes as she felt the Virus overwhelming her
Diana nodded and then began to ready her spear... She then slashed towards Rosetta who blocked it



Alpha and Lucia's blade collided

Alpha:"You again"

Lucia nodded and the two exchanged a series of blows
4k Words less go

See ya in the next chapter

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