*ON HOLD* The Theon Revelatio...

By lyssaariquinn

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(It is highly suggested that you read Theron I & II before this book to prevent any confusion) Fate is a tric... More

Part One - The Vitamin D Deficiency


1K 96 13
By lyssaariquinn

Mom's eyes are wild. Darting from me to the ravenous horde of blood leeches behind me. She screams, "DUCK!"

She doesn't need to tell me twice.

I dive over the imaginary line of safety that I've drawn within my head, past her and my father, only to flip over and witness dad catch a vamp mid-air. His unsheathed lycan claws bury themselves deep within the under jaw of a scrawny vampire hellbent on leap frogging on my back.

Its black eyes are still focused on me as the last remnants of dying nerves cause its extended arms to twitch in a failed and feeble attempt at grabbing me. My nostrils are instantly assaulted with a stench I can only describe as skunk doused licorice. Black blood, thick and rancid, flows down my father's forearm in a gooey wave.

I will definitely be looking into the licorice company as soon as possible. Something tells me the "beef" gelatin may not be entirely cow...

Dad's eyes, now just as inky as the vampire ichor covering him, bore their menacing rage into the lifeless minion. He wastes only a second displaying his obvious displeasure at the deceased creature before leading the charge into the remaining vamps with my uncles hot on his heels.

Mom helps me up. She grasps my face, forcing me to look away from the battle before me. Her brown irises hide the gorey melee in the background as they flicker between mine, "Are you okay?" Her hands are warm, soft but equally strong, outwardly projecting a feeling of comfort and safety to my already bruised ego.

Let's be honest, had I been able to shift, I wouldn't be here now... seeking the surety of my mommy.

Not trusting my voice, I can only nod. I'm alive so that means I'm okay... damaged pride aside.

She pulls my head down and kisses my forehead. Mom glances at Maddy before demanding we both get behind her. I can only watch in mystified silence as her five foot, eight inch frame decides it's going to be the last line of defense between us and the fangers now feeling the wrath of the Ancients. Apparently, should one break through a furious half lycan half human vampire slayer, she will shield us by way of her outstretched arms.

Now, one might tend to question this tactic, but dad is actually saving those damn vamps by keeping them away from my mother. I am not under any common delusion that females are the weaker sex—thats a human misconception. Humans are the only species on this planet that thinks the female needs protecting... In the wild, animals know better. While dad tends to fight because he has to, mom has emotion on her side... the more she feels, the more blood she spills.

I'm certain there's science behind that somewhere.

"T-t-that's... Theron," Maddy gawks in between gasps of air, her hands on her knees attempting to catch her breath—that thing that one does to send oxygen to their brain so they don't look like a complete idiot by not following the branches of a family tree. I mean, fuck man, I look just like him.

She needs to inhale deeper.

I send her an incredulous eye roll that is way too hard for my head's liking, "Yeah, he's my dad. Keep up, Mads."

The forest enhances the ferocity of four Ancient lycans as they take on maybe thirty vamps. Their viscousness encompasses me, one slash, rip and tear at a time. It vibrates through not only the woods but my entire body, which is currently chilled by the thought of knowing I was seconds away from the same fate.

Blood sprays and splatters, painting the trees and the grass in an obsidian sludge that will surely remain as a solemn reminder of this fiasco until the end of time.

My sight is pulled in every which direction, not entirely certain who to focus on first.

Marius has four on him as his canines tear into the pulsating neck of a very unfortunate vamp who stupidly decided to attack his front. Feverishly, his head shakes back and forth, shredding into the fanger like a dog playing with a stuffed toy. He flings it across the woods, a rag doll hitting a tree with impeccable force. He pulls the other two off his back, snapping their necks simultaneously before moving onto the fourth attached to his now bleeding leg.

DeLoren and Kai have paired up in some sort of twisted game of hot potato. Uncle D throws a bloody minion to Kai who in turn sends a lethal punch to its chest as it hurdles towards him. I can hear its diaphragm shatter, abruptly cutting off its squealing glee at the possible snack it thinks it's flying towards.

And then there's dad.

His face is pinched in fury and concentration. An evil smirk stretches across his lips, never meeting his black eyes, as he rips the throat out of the nearest creature and beckons for the next in a manner that is traumatically calm and a bit disturbing. I grimace at the deafening snarl he sends six rushing vampires intently focused on his immortal skin... except one.

One out of the six...

That one has me in its line of sight.

Ignoring my parents, hands and feet scamper towards me.

Mom's lip curls in warning.

Her nails grow. Lengthening and extending into deadly weapons ready and more than willing to thwart any plan the creature may have involving my blood.

While I would like to say I am a very observant being, that would be a lie. I just kind of put that on my list of things I aspire to be better at... in all honesty, it's rather far down on said list. Regardless, my nose once again is the first and only part of me that tends to be on high alert at all times. One would think I'd utilize it more than I do. The only problem with that is the single scent it seems to zone in on above all others... and I refuse to acknowledge the significance of that.

The stink of decaying licorice is violently shove aside and replaced with none other than cinnamon and sugar, something I quickly discovered is similar to what mom calls sugar cookies.

I have since rejected the idea of ever eating one.

So I am not even the slightest bit surprised when that particular hobgoblin is thrown into the air, levitated in suspended animation. There's a look of disgruntled shock that washes over its features much like the many times I thought we were having pizza for dinner, only for my anticipation to be thoroughly squashed when a plate full of chicken and broccoli is thrust in front of me.

I may or may not have some lingering bitterness towards Marius and his health kick a couple weeks back, but I digress.

And just like that, without warning nor milliseconds to reach a boiling point, the vamp explodes, raining down stinky onyx mist upon Maddy, mom and me.

The remaining creatures are pulled from my family's teeth, and lifted into the air following the same death as the first.

Kai picks a small piece of vampire flesh off his shirt before sending a beaming smile towards the house, "Fuckin' A, Eves."

DeLoren, however, is slightly more disgruntled. Vamp blood coats him from head to toe, a torrential downpour that soaks into his very soul. He doesn't even bother wiping his eyes, "Better late than never."

I don't want to look at her. I hate the consideration of even acknowledging her presence and yet I can't control the need. It gets me every damn time.

Evie's body is camouflaged against the black SUV Khnurn drove them in. A black bodice sits above tightly fitted black pants covered by fucking black.

I'm starting to really hate that color.

Her fiery hair pokes out from under the hood as she lowers her arms from the sky. Violet eyes fade into bright green orbs.



They connect with mine before returning to my uncles, specifically DeLoren, "We needed the power of the moon for this spell. The timing could not be avoided."

Her words force my gaze to the moon. Big and red, it showers its light on us, an omen that illuminates the feeling of impending doom my heart will not allow me to ignore. It weighs heavily upon my chest, making every breath I take calculated and unnatural.

"Then why are you still standing here?" Dad motions for her and Khnurn to get moving, "Get it done." Personally, I don't believe the vileness of his tone was warranted but at the same time, I understand.

More vampires could still come.

Mom, however, takes a different approach. "Forgive him, Evangeline," she smacks dad's arm as he opens his mouth to argue, "we are thankful for any help you can provide. Please consider joining us for dinner once you're finished."

I don't like how Evie glances at me before smiling, kindly accepting my mother's offer.

Or do I?


I don't know anymore.

And I don't get time to ponder my thoughts and feelings thanks to Maddy who's face suddenly appears before me.

Pain radiates through my scalp as she grasps a handful of my hair and forces my lips to meet her's. They smash into me, punishing and a bit violent, throwing me off balance and confusing the ever loving shit out of me.

Admittedly, I never put much thought into what my first kiss would be like. I just kind of assumed it would be... well, more.



A stirring within me that sets a blaze to my soul...

Not akin to kissing my fucking sister.

And how the hell am I supposed to breathe?

Do I swallow my saliva?

I have no clue what to do with my flailing hands.

The awkwardness of the whole situation results in my lips refusing to react. Stubborn and willful and a whole lot of disgusted, they instead cross their arms like a petulant little child, defiant until the end.

When she finally releases me and I once again feel oxygen fill my lungs, there is one person I locate in the aftermath—only one.

This isn't because I care about her opinion—I don't.

It isn't because I need her approval—I don't.

It isn't because there's an unyielding need to gauge her reaction—there isn't.

It also isn't a requirement that I keep lying to myself but here we are because when I witness the look on Evie's face, I feel every damn emotion it's conveying.

Her gaping mouth slams shut, her despair covered quickly by steely eyes and a determined resolve that appears to cement her body in sculptured stone.

I am left only to ponder the shame consuming my very being as I watch her, Marius, DeLoren and Khnurn and his judgy eyes stomp into the forest... A death trap I should be following her into.

Maddy cackles, "Well that was fun!"

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