Wilbur Soot x Reader Oneshots...

By ghostbur_go_brr

46K 554 544

I'm lookin' for a window to another world... Where I don't feel as lost and bored... Hello there, y/n. c!Wil... More

please read first!
hanahaki. </3 :)
shout at the wall... <3 </3 :D :)
★ charming. <3 :P
enough <3 :] :D
marbles </3 :P
★ cupid <3 :0
ender <3 :o
dad? <3 </3 :) :l
... 'cause the walls don't fucking love you </3 :]
count </3 :] :)
extra beauty <3 :P
deep breath <3 <33 </3 :P
training <33 </3 :] :l
golden blue <3 :P
★ ravenclaw rivalry </3 :P
second chance <3 <33 </3 :P
★ the final page <3 </3? :P
i see the light <3 <33 :]
★ world's end. </3 :D
dinner <33 :0
★ the five stages of grief. </3 :)
honey <3 :0
★ shattered </3 :) :l
thank you ♡

finally. <3 :)

1.1K 41 11
By ghostbur_go_brr

art by @ ccynosaur on Twitter <3

tw // death mention [well ofc, revivebur babyyy <3]

revivebur, fluff, romantic


italic = flashback

a/n: request woooo ty Qibli1nnit <3

Y/N pov

I never really liked Ghostbur, he was just an overly optimistic ghost stepping in for the real Wilbur. Ghostbur was never the real Wilbur and never will be. Every time he would try to talk to me I'd avoid him, he must've known I loved him in his past life. Always trying to find me, trying to show affection, but I merely pushed him out, he was only a fragment of Wilbur, if even at all. He was barely the real Wilbur.


"Y/N! Would you like some blue? I have more left-"

"No, it's fine." Wilbur never used to do this.


"Y/N, Friend really likes you!"

"Okay..." Wilbur never had this sheep.


"Y/N! Y/N! Do you know why I blew everything up?"

"Yeah, but I won't tell you." Wilbur would've remembered.


The only resemblance I spotted between the two was the yellow sweater and the red beanie, and even then, I wore the real sweater every day, the sweater that the real Wilbur was wearing under his coat on the day of his death, the two Ghostbur had was only a gimmick. I felt my head for another iconic piece of his attire as I sat on my couch at the home we used to share in the arctic.


"Wilbur! Where are you?!" I exclaim, running around the woods with my short stubby legs.

"BOO!" a British voice sneaks up from behind me and I scream, bursting both of our eardrums.

"Wilbur! What the fudge- You scared me!"

"That was the whole point, Y/N."

"I know, it was just scary," I chuckle and unfold the piece of yellow clothing in my arms, shoving it in his arms "I made this for you!"

"Aww, thank you! I have something for you too," Wilbur gets down on one knee, taking off his red beanie and using it as a ring, "Will you marry me, Y/N?"

"Wil...Wilbur, we're eight! What the fudge are we-"

"I asked my dad and he said it was okay."

"Oh, okay," a cheeky grin creeps up on my face, "I'll marry you! Yes!"

We both didn't know how to kiss, so we only hugged, merely placing kisses on each other's cheeks.


I can't believe I ended up with both pieces of clothing at the end of the day, both of them tear-stained. That engagement lasted 17 years, and yet, no marriage. I found it hilarious though, engaged for 17 years.

Every day I would visit him, compared to Schlatt's grave, Wilbur's was pathetic. Only two pieces of cobblestone to look back on the brave leader. Schlatt was a tyrant, and Wilbur was the only one who could truly see the whole picture. The nation needed to be destroyed, and it was destroyed, either way, so all the progress didn't matter. Those children needed to face reality and they did, finally.

163 days I waited for the real Wilbur to come back, fidgetting with the sweater, which I had to stitch up occasionally due to me picking at it so much. The 164th day was... off. A bit too quiet... No annoying Ghostbur to annoy me, no Tommy to accompany the said annoying Ghostbur, no annoying blue sheep to bleat in my ear. There was definitely a shift, and I'm sure everyone on the server felt it. My heart raced as I picked myself up, finally travelling to the main grounds of the SMP.

I arrived at L'manberg, or what was left of it. The button room was exposed and the teenagers of the server surrounded a specific corner of it. Hesitant, I followed, gripping onto the sweater. With every step might breath got heavier, and so did the fear on my shoulders. I paced myself faster, afraid of the glass cracking under my feet as I traverse over the crater made on Doomsday, a day I participated in making.


"Y/N! Y/N WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Tommy shouted as I dangled my legs off of the floating obsidian grid, the TNT dropping from the sky.

"FINISHING WHAT MY LOVE STARTED, TOMMY!" I hopped back on my feet, filling the dispensers up with more TNT, "And ending what you tried to continue..."


Ranboo spotted me approaching them. He had fear and confusion in his eyes, while I had a determined look to see what they were curiously looking at.

"You shouldn't fucking be here," Tommy takes out his sword, pointing it towards me. I could tell he still held a grudge towards me ever since Doomsday. It's been three months. I only raised an eyebrow. Before all of this, before the war and during L'manberg... I treated him like a brother.


"Y/N! PLEASE I CAN'T-" Tommy was dying of laughter, I knew his weak spots so I was tickling him, "STOP- STOP- HAH-"

"Surrender, Tommy!" I tackle him, pulling him into a hug.

"I surrender! I surrender woman!"

"Tommy!" Wilbur came from the Camarvan, with a book in his hands, "We need you."

Tommy groans as he brushes the grass off of him, heading inside. Wilbur proceeded in the opposite direction while handing the book to Tommy as they cross paths, "Get up, love."

"Nnnnn...no." I bury my head in his shoulder when he bends down to pick me up.

Unannounced he starts tickling me, I burst out laughing, seeing me vulnerable he tosses me over his shoulder and walks back into the Camarvan.


"Tommy, drop the sword."

"No, Y/N, fuck off. You betrayed me, you betrayed us, and L'manberg is gone because of you-"

"Y/N?" A familiar voice enters my ears through the air. Not the high-pitched echo I usually hear. It sounded hoarse from what seemed to be cigarettes, judging by the smell of the air. It also had a hint of rotting skin, I swear I could hear flies buzzing. The voice still tingled my ears with warmth and welcome, like home.

"Wilbur?" I managed to say, peeking behind the wall. To my surprise I was right.


"Oh my god," I dash up to him, leaping into his already extended arms, "Wilbur!"

Time stood still for the both of us, the birds in the sky frozen, the fish in the sea paralysed. Nothing else in the world mattered.

I was finally at peace.

"I'm so glad you're okay, thank the fucking gods..." he placed a kiss on my cheek and held onto my head, "I see you took great care of my sweater," he whispers into my ear and I chuckle, my tears of joy sliding down his leather coat.

"Of course..." I pull away from the long-lasting hug, while he tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear, my eyes were still leaking, so he bent down to my height to get another look at my face.

"Aww, don't cry dear," I glance at the white streak in his hair, admiring how clean it looked, "Oh well, you still look beautiful when you cry."

"Y/N, get out," Tommy raised his sword up to my neck, and I mockingly put my hands up, "I need to talk to Wilbur."

"Okay, okay! Geez-" I proceed to exit the room, halted someone's hand wraps around my wrist.

"Y/N, wait," Wilbur's enchanting voice lingered in my ears once more.

"Wilbur, let them fucking leave," Tommy returns his netherite sword to his holster. The wind grew stronger, almost blowing Tommy and Tubbo off the platform.

"Y/N, why were you in my limbo?"

The gap between my eyebrows narrow, my mind still processing the question, "What-?"

"Y/N, you know what I saw? I was... I was in a train station, concrete walls everywhere I looked, and a tube line, just an endless railway station. I would always see you, tied down to the tracks every time a train would come close, and you'd die. An infinite amount of times, too many to count. I'd try to cover my ears whenever you would whimper, I just... it hurt leaving you there. I'm just glad to know you're okay."

I smile to myself, squeezing Wilbur's hand before I left, "Come to my house after this, alright?"

He hums in agreement, as I let go and head back home.

He was alive, he was finally fucking alive!

wilbur pov

"They don't know you've changed, Wilbur," Tommy says, and my face returns to it's unsoftened look, the look before Y/N arrived, "I can't believe you put on this shit act- this... this fake fucking facade to get their love-"

"You know what, Tommy?" I tower over him with my figure, using the rising sun behind me to gain an overshadow against him, "I love them. I don't care what you believe, but I love them, so fucking much. I've waited so fucking long to see them again, they were in my limbo, does that not say enough for you?"

"I believe it's a load of bullshit, you said that just so you could have them on your side again."

"Go ask my hero," my chaotic laugh invades their ears, "You wanna know who my hero is?! Dream. Dream is my hero, he- he saved me... He saved me and killed that stupid ghost! Sure, it cost me hearing Y/N's whimpers again, but that..." my voice faltered, "That just means that I won't have to hear them in pain ever again! Because Tommy, I'm always gonna be there for them now, I'm gonna love them 'till the day I die, Tommy!"

"Wilbur... You're not thinking clearly-"

"I need to watch my sunrise, Tommy."

"Wilbur, fuck, Wilbur-!"


"That sunrise isn't fucking yours."

"Ah, this is my sunrise, our sunrise. Y/N's and mine's sunrise. This sunrise is ours. Finally."

Some people might call me insane, or even crazy, mental. Y/N... Y/N brought out the best in me, they'd do what nobody else was capable of, keeping me stable, they almost stopped me from pressing that button, but the moment they realised what the reason was, they immediately joined me. You see, I only pressed that button because I had convinced them sooner, but they would've stopped me. That's how much of a hold on me, that's how much they could easily influence a mind like mine, and I didn't care. Fuck, as long as I got to love them at the end of the day... I didn't care.

timeskip brought to you by me
vOtE iN tHE nExT f1vE sEcOnDz iF yOu wAnT wiLBuR sOoT iN yOuR hOuSe rN

Y/N pov

A knock on my wooden door, so a smile wipes across my face. That must be Wilbur, I could even tell by the knock. He would usually knock to the theme of one of his songs, this time it was 'Your New Boyfriend,' specifically the 'Life isn't quite what I'd thought it be' part. My grin widens as I knock back on my own door before answering, 'When I was a kid on VOIP.'

When I heard no further response, I thought he had forgotten the tune, so I only replied with the third line of knocks, 'I thought when I get older.'

'I'd marry her, I told her.'

I laugh and open the door, "You wanted to do the 'marry her part?'"

"Of course, would've been a shame for you to take that line away from me," he laughs too, his brown and white hair falling ever so perfectly in front of his face, "When I came back from limbo I felt so... numb. Gods, it's honestly great to be alive again!"

"I'm glad you're back, that ghost was nothing like you," I let him inside my house, we both take a seat on my couch and I fidget with the cuffs of our sweater, "I missed you."

He pulls me into a cuddle, and I bury my face in his chest. He still smelt like shit, of course, but I was too enveloped in awe because he was finally here. In my arms, right beside me, he wasn't transparent or carrying some weird blue dye, he was finally here.

"I missed you too," he sighs and grabs my hand, leading me to the trapdoor in the roof, "How about the sunrise, dear?"

Another wider grin paints across my face, "You bet!"

I exhale, this was perfect. My love was back from the dead, hand in hand with mine. The sun commencing its rise and my head on his shoulder, his head leaning on my head. I couldn't ask for more. The colours of the sky were in a beautiful gradient, the glowing sun in front of us, and the snow on the roof melting, dampening our pants. A few crows even flew above us, either a sign from Philza or death, both of which would've been perfect.

And there, Wilbur Soot and I were finally together at last.


word count: 2133
finally count: 9 [10 if you include the next a/n]

a/n: they both really like the word finally, now it sounds weird when i say it out loud LMAO-

also, introducing the star feature wOoOw ★★★★★
basically i put a star next to something if i'm really really proud of it
next one is gonna be a big big star btw ;] - yes, it's angst

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