Cheater, Cheater, Bestfriend...

By Offwiththepixies

100K 1.7K 174

So this isn't your average story, sure it starts out like that with a cheating boyfriend and a work-a-holic M... More

Cheater, Cheater, Bestfriend Eater
Chapter 2 pt. 1- At least I get to die next to somebody sexy...
Chapter 3 pt. 2- I'll never tell you!
Chapter 4 - Why couldn't I come up with one of my insults now?
Chapter 6- Put my shirt in a delicate wash, its my favourite...
Chapter 7- Dont worry everybody... he has slain the dragon....
Chapter 8- Australian Guys are so hot!
Chapter 9- What would you do?
Chapter 10- 'I fell on the floor and Adam started banging his head on the desk'
Chapter 11- That tease...
Chapter 12- He's Back
Chapter 13- Leaving her lonely
Chapter 14- Make me wanna die
Chapter 15- Awkward Dinner pt. 1
Chapter 16- Awkward Dinner pt.2
Chapter 17- Awkward Dinner pt.3
Chapter 18- Playing Games pt. 1
Chapter 19- Playing Games pt. 2
Chapter 20- Playing Games pt. 3
Chapter 21 - Regret
Chapter 22- Was That Really Necessary
Chapter 23- Just a Friend?
Chapter 24- Come Back Soon
Chapter 25- First Dates
Chapter 26- Alone Together
Chapter 27- Tests, tests and oh look, more tests...
Chapter 28- Pranks :3
Chapter 28- Meet the family
Chapter 29- Mums Army
Chapter 30- Operation MIA
Chapter 31- Attention!
Chapter 32 - Cameras and Spies
Chapter 33- Distractions
Chapter 34- Glass and Guns
The Funeral

Chapter 1- Like what you see?

5.2K 87 9
By Offwiththepixies

(This chapter has been edited)

Chapter 1

The mall: The only thing I dreaded more than the torture of school. Not to mention it was always full of girls advertising their boob jobs and new manicures. The thought of putting myself through that torture was enough to make me shudder.

"How about this next dress?" Laura's pink manicure came from over the top of the cubicle I am stuffed in.

This is some form of torture that I don't really want to endure for much longer. Dresses were something I did not do.

Not at all.

I pull the dress from her and hold it in front of me, not exactly something I would've picked, but I guess that's why she's here. Pulling the silver number over my head, it sticks to every curve and line of my body.


I knew why she kept handing me these, it was because I can't wear my staple combat boots with it. They were essential. Particularly because I didn't own another pair of shoes.

"Dude I can't wear my boots with this, can you find me one that I can?" I hang the dress over the top of the door, trying desperately to get more room in this small cubicle.

"Exactly Harley, that's the point, silly" I could practically hear her pouting with her oversized Botox lips and flicking her hair over her shoulder, through the door.

"I don't want to have to buy shoes as well, its bad enough you convinced me to do this!" I shout and then I hear her stomping her feet

"Damnit!" she curses, I would've laughed, but I really wasn't in the mood.

Laura had been my friend since birth, and that's why we were still friends. She had other friends of course but she had always been my best friend. Lately though she had been cursing out my favorite music and constantly picking on the clothes I wear, not to mention just acting shady in general.

When we were kids, she would be playing with Barbie's and wearing ballerina tutus, I was on the trails behind out houses, riding my push bike with the boys of the neighborhood. When we turned 10 she was styling the hair of anything she could get her hands on while I was over at the guy's houses beating their asses at Call of Duty.

Never the less we always came back together after some time apart and I'm starting to think some time apart from her will only be beneficial. If I have to live through one more detrimental comment made about me or anyone else I'll be done.

Stepping around the piles of dresses around me, I pick out my loose white singlet top and slip it back over my head, not caring the least about my hair right now; I go in search of my black jeans. To find them stuffed under a bright pink dress, which I flat out refused to try on.

I shimmy into them and go on yet another hunt to find my amazingly comfortable black combat boots, I vaguely remember putting them in the corner of the cubicle, I walk around, avoiding stepping as many dresses as possible, but we all know with this many on the floor, there were bound to be a few casualties.

I throw a heap of dresses onto the seat and pick my boots up, bracing one against the wall I slip my feet into them. Pulling my black leather jacket from the hook on the door, yet again moving more dresses onto the floor, I slide it over my arms and sigh as the comfortable feel of the material as it settles on my skin.

"Are you done yet? I want to see" Laura whines from outside the door. Distraction time.

"I think I need to try on another style, do you think you could go get me one?" I ask with a sugar sweet voice.

"Ugh, fine" she sighs as she clicks away in her heels.

Opening the door slightly I and check the coast is clear before making a beeline through all the stands and to the front door.

"Ohh!" I hear Laura's shout from the other side of the shop, if I don't get out now I will be stuck here forever living out my worst nightmare. Being here for an hour and a half was enough for me.

I literally have nightmares of being stuck in the shop, and she buys everything she can get her hands on and makes me carry all the bags and by the time we get to her car my arms have fallen off.

Finally making my exit from the shop I push my sunglasses back, holding my golden hair from my face. My hair had started to hit my mid back now. It was Tyler's favorite thing to run his fingers through it.

Speaking of Tyler.

I wander over to the large Krispy Kreme stall in the middle of the mall. Really the only reason I come to the mall ever. Around the stall is mostly empty, only a few tourists and girls admiring the 'goods' mill around the front.

I push through a group of 12 year olds ogling the girls ogling Tyler. Their eyes glued to the girls chests. I shoot them a scathing glare as I walk past, making sure they see the disapproval in my eyes.

I walk up behind the girls, who were talking in hushed whispers eyes darting back and forth to the stall.

"Oh he's not that hot, I prefer Tyler" A peppy blonde says, I fight the urge to snort at this comment, she obviously has no idea that, Tyler's girlfriend is standing right behind her.

"The new guy looks like he has no idea what he's doing, we should make him squirm and order something that's not on the menu" The brunette says to the blonde, I really have the urge to shove a spork down their throats. Look I'm all for making somebody I hates life miserable but, somebody they don't even know, that's just low.

There isn't anyone manning the front of the stall, so I'll have to wait to see who will be joining us at the hellhole this year.

"Yeah apparently he is starting next at school on Monday, he's going to get so much shit" The brunette smiles and they all smirk.

"Bitches" I say as I walk past them, interrupting their session. They don't have time to say anything because the exploding of my ringtone plays across the empty space. Barbie girl plays louder as I pull it out of my pocket. I don't even have to look at the caller ID to know who it is. 

I accept, placing it to my ear; "Hey Laura"

"Oh my gosh, where did you go, I had the perfect dress!" she shouts through the phone, I can practically hear her shouting from the store, that's how loud she is and I had to be stupid and go and put the phone to my ear.

"You said that about the last fifty and I got hungry" I say simply, and I swear I heard her gasp.

"Oh well, where are you, I'll come and we eat together" she says excitedly, more like 'ill judge you while you drink your caramel latte frappe and look disgusted every time you take a bite of the doughnut'

"Okay, I'm heading to subway" I say into the phone. Subway was at the opposite end of the mall, far away from me. I just needed some time away from her.

Plus who would want subway when they have a Krispy Kreme? It's just mental.

"Okay I'll see you there!" she shouts chipper into the phone before shutting off the call without as much as a goodbye.

Rolling my eyes I put my phone back into my pocket, walking up to the counter, my eyes immediately drawn to the doughnut display.

My weakness.

"Like what you see?" A deep baritone snap me out of my daze. My eyes wander up the cabinet, finding his cute brown eyes.

I just manage to get out "Now I do" before he reaches across the divider and places his hand on my cheek, beckoning me closer, I move away from the stand and towards him. I close the gap and our lips meet in a soft kiss. That's my Tyler; shaggy blonde, soft brown eyes and the hottest body you have seen in miles.

"No kissing on the job Tyler!" The old manager barks at us, I pull back laughing.

"Sorry Mr Sawyer, it won't happen again" Tyler shouts back laughing before, kissing me again, but this time it's only a peck, I smile.

"I saw that" Mr Sawyer says from somewhere behind Tyler, do doubt looking thought the cracks in the wall.

I pull back and fold my arms and pouting "Did you change my ringtone?" I watch as he gets a mischievous grin on his face, before nodding.

"Barbie girl, really?" I ask and he chuckles

"What can I say, she's hot" he send a suggestive wink in my direction and I can't help but chuckle.

"Yeah and she's also a doll, so if you want to spend the next sleep over with a doll I'm sure I can dig up one of Laura's old ones, but don't be too surprised if they don't have hair or even a head" he freezes slightly at the mention of Laura's name, or maybe the suggestion that I cut the heads of my Barbie's.

He laughs anyway and pulls me in for an unexpected kiss, full of temptation and pleasure, it was comfortable. Come to think of it everything about him was comfortable, it kind of gets boring.

A roar has me jumping back from Tyler so fast you'd think his lips were on fire, my eyes going wide as the manager come from behind Tyler, his hand on his ear. Dragging him out the back, I can't help but laugh at the sight.

"That's it young man, you can come back here and swap with Adam, I'm sick of you kissing and not taking orders, look at the line up we've got" He was only half joking, I look behind me to see a lady in her mid-thirty's covering the eyes of what looks to be a ten year old boy, who is squirming in her grip.

My laughing immediately stops when who I'm guessing is 'Adam' steps in front of me, he is breath taking, I mean if I didn't have a boyfriend I would be tempted to jump his bones right here, right now. He has amazing Green eyes and silky black hair, pushed back from his forehead. He was sexy, plain and simple.

I have to hold back the urge to drool, my eyes roaming his face and those arms. It's like he walks in slow motion to the counter, eyes searching the complex. He is one hot piece of ass, anybody who had him would be lucky.

"So what can I get you today?" he ask, his baritone deeper than Tyler's if possible. The voice just adding to his attractiveness. I smile politely at him, remembering that I have a boyfriend who I love standing on the other side of the wall. I take a deep breath before ordering.

"Can I please have get iced latte, no cream. Also a cinnamon doughnut" He nods slowly and chuckles. Scratching the back of his neck, the uniform, straining against his muscled arms.

"Yes, yes you can. I will do that now." he says incredibly unsure of himself. I raise an eyebrow. He walks to the cabinet, his eyes searching for the doughnut, coming up empty.

"Uh, we don't have any cinnamon, sorry" his eyes search my face, as if he's trying to figure out if he knows me.

I hold up one finger and to him and say "Excuse me, for a minute" I motion for him to move to the side a bit and he watches me curiously, before shuffling over.

"Tyler, what kind of Krispy Kreme doesn't have cinnamon doughnuts?" I ask towards the back, I hear a chuckle and see his face pop out from behind one of the racks.

"I know, baby, do you want me to make you a special one?" he winks suggestively at me.

I smirk back "I think I'll survive, thanks"

"Oww, ow, alright, alright!" he yells before I see him being dragged back behind by the ear to his spot, again.

"Cya babe!" he shouts back out before the door closes.

I let out a small laugh before turning my attention back to Mr sexy. That is now his name; forget Adam.

"Sorry about that, so I guess it'll just be an Iced Latte" I smile, and he gives me an unsure nod.

He looks a bit nervous as he approaches the coffee machine; he's looking at it like it's going to jump at him.

"You know it's not going to kill you" I say as I watch him press some buttons on the machine, it doesn't do anything. 

Does he not know how to work that thing?

"Do you know how to use the machine?" I ask folding my arms; he looks up at me, with a guilty look on his face.

"Would you be terribly un-impressed if I said no?" he holds up the cup and ice, I shake my head and laugh.

"They haven't got very good trainers here" I chuckle, because I know Tyler wouldn't have done a very good job trying to train him.

I explain how he has to grind the coffee, put it in the machine press the buttons and viola, he has a shot of coffee from the machine. He pours it over the milk he poured into the cup, and its done. And looks as good as him.

I need to stop.

"Done!" he says holding the delicious beverage up in achievement, smiling.

"Well at least I know I can do this now" he says winking, I feel a blush crawl up my cheeks, but thankfully he turned around so he couldn't see.

He hands me the drink and I pull out my wallet "It's on the house" I start to protest but he holds up a hand

"You helped me more than you know, thank you" I have a feeling his words have a double meaning but I couldn't figure out what I was.

"Thanks, Adam right?" I take a sip from the cup and smile.

"Yes, and what's your name?" he asks, wiping down a bit of spilt milk. As I'm about to open my mouth, someone else does it for me.

"HARLLEEYY!!" The voice rips through the air and I close my eyes hoping, that by some miracle, there is another Harley in this shopping complex, which has an overly loud and obnoxious friend.

I open my eyes and look at Adam smiling "That's me" I say and wave one last time before walking in the opposite direction to the voice.

"Harley! Hey, Harley!" I turn and look at Laura, who is holding three bags up as she runs after me, I reluctantly stop and pull my face into a hopefully convincing smile.

"Oh my gosh, look what I bought, you're going to flip!" she says taking a seat at a nearby table beckoning me closer, I reluctantly take a seat and look at her, sipping on my drink.

"I thought you said you were going to subway?" she looks at the drink confused and disgusted at the same time.

The judgement.

"Oh yeah" I look at the drink and back to her again "I made a detour" I say sipping on the drink some more, it's a perfect mix of coffee and milk.  She takes that as her queue to chat my ear off about what she bought. I sit there and scan the crowd, watching all the people who don't think I'm watching them, more importantly Adam. He is wiping down the bench where he spilt some syrup from the machine, his muscles flexing under his shirt.

It's as if he can sense me looking at him, he looks up and stares directly at me, smirking, I'm caught in his green gaze, and how I'd love to see them up close.

I have a boyfriend!

I break his gaze and look back to Laura who hadn't noticed my lack in concentration. Thank god.


BOOP- *GEORGE! I did it! You better be proud of me ;)

:P The song at the side is for you!!! <3

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