The Seer's Lady ( Bruno Madri...

Por Marku_likes_frogs

65.4K 2K 916

Mirabel has a "tiny" problem, nothing too troublesome, nope, not at all; but it seems like the Family's Encan... Mรกs

Why did I talk about Bruno?
Breaking The Ground Rules
It all began with a Reading
Ajiaco for a Flaco Desnutrido
That was... An Interesting Day
Hands, Buรฑuelos & a Flaco's Schedule
You're A Weird Girl
A Game of Tejo With Unexpected Results
AN CHAPTER: Drawings!
Sunshine, Food & Rats
A Sleepover's Aftermath
Everyone Loves Colombian Weddings
Just the Two of Us
An Used Phrase & A Proposal
The Seer's Assistant
The Seamstress's Week
Next Saturday / The Moon
Eclipsing Embrace
Aguardiente & Dumb Drunk Words
Rosa de Cristal
Everything Gets Told In Due Time
Holiday Bonding

Next Saturday / The Sun

1.3K 68 134
Por Marku_likes_frogs

AN: Hello hello, gosh, it really took a lot of energy trying to write the last chapter, but! everything is good now, this chapter was actually easier to write, I felt it flowed with more ease than the last one lol.

Also, I had the time of my life reading all the comments for the last chapter, all of you being defensive for Maru against Santiago had me dying of laughter lmaooo. You'll probably hate the guy more this chapter, as it will be all that happens during the date.

Today's chapter art has been made by me, I'm not very good at anatomy and I think I did a decent job at drawing Marulanda's locks lol.

HAPPY NEW YEAR'S EVE! Hope we have a great 2022, and surely I'll finish this whole story in this new year lol, it's a VERY LONG STORY FR.

You guys thought you had a bad time last chapter? Boooy, this one will surprise you ;)


The Past

Morning at the Salazar's shop goes smoothly, various sales and simple orders that make the early embrace of the sun much better than ever, thank goodness Pepita has been in a good mood lately.

-I'll have to buy more white thread these days, along with the brown one... We are running short of them soon; also, we have to get more of the warm-colored wool- Every Saturday or Friday they did a small inventory check, just to see what they were running short of soon and buy enough for one month or two, it always had some discounts on how many were ordered, it was a good deal.

-Noted!- Lupe answered as she took note of what they needed to order, just some sisterly teamwork. -Comó estamos de telas? He visto que nos falta Tul de algunos colores-

-Ah, Tulle. People aren't buying a lot of it these days... I'll check with mom later tomorrow if she has some in storage-

-I think she does, she made Alejita some sort of Tutu- Alejandra, one of the newborn nephews in the Salazar's family, very pampered by their grandparents, especially Mamá Elvira.

-Yes! Sarita showed me! It was very very pretty!-

Today the usual shop schedule went different, today they were closing at 1 pm, one hour earlier than the opted time of meeting with Santiago for their date, he had the evening planned as he said, Maru didn't protest at all with his ideas, it seemed to be a fun evening!

-Anyways, I'll finish checking the rest of the fabrics, you go finish some of the orders so we can close earlier-

-Ay verdad, para tu cita- Lupe mocked her older sister, laughing a little and teasing the older one for going on a date after years of not being on one.

-Oh shut up, it's a simple invitation, I barely know him and he seems like a nice acquaintance- All week Maru has repeated the same over and over her annoying family, it was all taken lightly, they mess around each other a lot, it's a family thing.

-Whateveeeer- She brushed off what her older sister said, as long as she could breathe, she was going to mock Marulanda around. -I don't get why we are working on a Saturday anyways-

-Because that way we won't work on Monday, Papá's birthday, plus we are closing the shop early today, calm down-

-... Fair enough- Guadalupe didn't protest, after all, it was a good idea from her older sister so they could join the upcoming family celebration without a problem. 

-Yeah, now go and do some work, I gotta finish checking the inventory so I can order everything - She patted Lupe's back softly, signaling for her to continue the work as Maru would take care of the rest.

It was weird to not have Brunito around during a Saturday, she supposed he was highly busy with work too, little did she know Bruno was having a chaotic day staying at home, and his chaoticness was caused exactly by the girl who was asking about him, quite the coincidence.

But there was no time to ask herself if he was okay or if he was busy, she was equally busy working today, and she had a commitment at 1 pm, she had to leave everything decent so she could leave for the noon with Santiago without any problems at hand.


-This is quite ironic... I'm a seamstress and I have barely any decent clothes- After closing the shop, they made sure to leave the sign saying they won't open on Monday for personal reasons, just to avoid any annoying person asking about not opening. For now, Maru had a new dilemma, she barely had anything decent to wear on a "date", and she wasn't sure of what to actually wear.

When did she have her last date? Damn... She was 14 the last time she had an actual decent social life, hopefully, today her social life could get better, Santiago looked like a very friendly person, they will surely get along.

-Fuck this!- She groaned while she left the clothes over her bed, just staring at them as she tried to figure out something, but answers sadly don't really fall from the sky.

Green, Yellow, Orange, Beige... So many colors hurt her head. -A ver, a ver... Que agarraria Brunito?- 

She would usually ask Bruno what would be more decent to wear, the guy barely has her and a bunch of rats as friends, but he was quite good at helping her with choosing anything, it was funny to see that he wasn't actually able to choose something for himself.

-Let's get into Flaquito's mindset...- Maru immediately humped sightly, mimicking how Bruno acted usually; then she put a green bedsheet over her head, clearing her throat and trying to use a tone similar to the one the awkward Bruno uses when he overexplains things. -Well, Maru, anything would look good on you, but depending on what colors you have worn before, I would choose...-

She dropped the whole "Bruno" act while laughing, she was still so childish, looking around the clothes and landing into one of the usual dresses that have some green color. -...Green, let's wear the usual color then, Brunito-

Acting as Brunito sort of work this time, but it was always better to have the real one around.

-Let's not waste time, Santiago is arriving in 40 minutes- She stretched her arms as she yawned, eventually dressing up in one of the chosen green dresses, settling with one of her usual ones. Eventually, she moved towards her hair, she fixed her locks correctly in a bun, trying not to make it a messy one but a neat one.

She looked... Okay? She would love some feedback, but Lupe wasn't really an option, she surely would mess around with her for funsies, but that was the last thing she needed now. 

One, Two, Three rhythmical knocks called the girl's attention at the front door, a similar knock to a familiar one, but resulting in facing someone earlier than expected.

-Santiago, hey! Nice to see you, you came by earlier than I expected you to!-

Maru laughed awkwardly while greeting him, letting him enter the house for a moment while she finished getting ready.

-Yeah, sorry, I didn't want to be late, but seems like I arrived too early- He laughed too, feeling quite sorry for surprising her, he was wearing fairly casual clothes too, seems like Maru's choice of clothing was correct for the occasion.

-Don't worry! I'm already ready, so we are good to go soon!- She smiled, trying to keep up a nice self, she truly wanted a nice fun afternoon for both,  it was basic decency.

-Oh that's nice, I'll just wait for you-

And so, the date began, the sun shining brightly for a wonderful rest of the day.


Santiago's plan for the date was some sort of picnic, there wasn't a lot of variety of stuff in the picnic, but it was the thought that counted! It was just some fruits, bread, and sweets, but it all was worth it.

-A picnic!? It's an unexpected plan for sure, but it's very nice!- Maru helped Santiago to set the stuff around, they went to a zone apart from the main part of town, a calm little place in Encanto with a good view of the landscape.

-Yeah, I tried to search for a nice place to hang out, but you have probably been around this place several times- He laughed, accepting the help to set things around for the picnic.

-Well... You're right- Marulanda accepted with a laugh, living so many years in Encanto she already knows it like the back of her hand, and surely this location was not unknown for our dear girl. -But don't worry, you chose a very amazing place- She tried to comfort him with his kind effort, both taking seats in the grass, everything was laid down neatly.


They began simple and nice conversation themes, colors, seasons, family anecdotes, and how their jobs worked, it was not a lot, but it set a nice ambient, although sometimes Marulanda drifted off the conversation, it was quite boring in some senses for everything to be so... normal?

I guess she was used to the lovely chaoticness around certain Madrigal and his rats, it felt weird to have a change of events even if it was one single day, but adapting is supposed to be part of the human nature

-Do you have a big family?-

-Hmm, not really, it's just my parents, siblings, and nephews. We don't really have extended family-

It was... A complicated theme about the Salazar's extended family, and Maru actually didn't know much of such, all she knew her parents and her older siblings had to escape the armed conflicts two times, they never told about other family members, one supposed it's a deep wound that they don't wish to open up, and the younger Salazar's could understand such.

It was better to leave the complicated family theme away, especially since this is barely their first time truly hanging around, there wasn't that type of trust to tell him that. But on the other hand... Well, Brunito surely knew all these family issues from the Salazar's, thanks to Maru sharing some words about it with him.

-But what about you Santiago?-

-Me? Well, all my family got to get here, grandma, uncles, nephews and cousins, the whole family- That would explain the quite big house Maru and Bruno arrived to for the reading, and also why the house looked in a rough shape, barely had a form because it had to be changed to fit more people. Although it doesn't answer why he was alone in the house that day, maybe the whole family was working or something?

-Oh that's quite nice!-  She grabbed another piece of fruit, mango, it wasn't ripe yet, that took Maru by surprise for some seconds, she usually liked the very sweet one. -...- It was better to keep silent this time didn't want to embarrass Santiago over a bad choice of fruit, she'll just eat other ones.

-So, what's exactly your job? I've seen you have a shop, but I'm not very sure if you make the clothes or what?-

Now, this is it, this is what brought Maru's attention back to the conversation and not her food, actual talking about something she actually enjoys doing.

-Well! Clothes making, fixing them, adjusting them, the whole deal. It's a family thing my mother taught my sisters and me since a young age, she first opened the shop with help of my Papá, but now she retired so my little sister and I are in charge!- She was quite proud of the theme, she always shared it with a smile and enthusiasm, she always moved her hands more than usual to make emphasis on certain parts, she simply loved her profession.

-So, a seamstress?- His interruption was unexpected, Maru freezing in place for some seconds until eventually laughing awkwardly.

-I mean, yes, but we do more than the usual meaning of seamstress- She tried to explain that it was more than the traditional "seamstress", but she eventually stopped while seeing his face, he seemed... Bored. 

She had to rescue the conversation in some way, she was feeling bored in the conversation earlier, but she didn't want him to be bored too.

-Anyways... How about you and your family work?-

Self-centered, quite a hypocrite... It would sum up this whole date and the interactions in it...

Santiago would ask a question, Maru would answer happily but then would be shut off by him, "summarizing" everything she said in watered-down words. But when she asked back, well, she had to contain the urge of shutting him off in the same way, she limited herself to smile, laugh or eat, she felt like a doll... Useless and decoration.

She repeated in her mind that she should treat people as she would like to be treated, but the urge to punch herself or him in the face was quite tempting.

-Good thoughts, nice thoughts...- She mumbled as she ate, it was the best thing she could do as she kept smiling. How long has this gone on? Two? Three hours? Goodness, gracious... Someone save her.

She tried to focus on nice things while she hung around, sometimes about simple stuff like her favorite things, chigüiros (capybara), or even Bruno's little plays with his rats, she had some favorite plays.

For example, the one with two rats with a forbidden love because their families were enemies, but their union made the families tolerate each other.

Oh! Also the one with the childhood friends who end up with a happily ever after

And then there's the most interesting one! Two people who met when both try to commit suicide but end up being immortal, become friends as they live for thousands of years but eventually they tragically kill each other and end their universe.

That one was quite her favorite, especially since she helped Brunito write it and work the characters, it was a team effort, he even put her name in the script, giving Maru the credit she deserves.

She wonders if he's going to send the script to the amphitheater, it would be quite interesting to see their work interpreted there!

-Oh, it's quite late, want me to walk you back home?-

The spell of calmness cracked at the moment Santiago actually asked her something again, her mind caught in the fantasies of different stories being brought back to earth.

-Sure- She answered as if she had always paid attention, she helped him to set everything back in his bag, just the last kindness Maru would give him for today or ever.


The conversation on the way back home was equally as empty as in the beginning, Maru truly already lost hope in him, and she doubted he will miraculously realize try to make the last 5 minutes better, but alas, he was way too self-centered to realize how she was actually miserable, all he saw was a pretty girl paying attention and laughing like he wished to.

It was 6 pm, she really spent more time thinking about good things alongside Bruno than ever paying real attention to Santiago, nor than he ever realize so.

-So, what are your plans for the future Maru? Marriage? Children?-

That was... An unexpected question for sure, especially since it's a more personal one. The worst part was him calling her "Maru", it made her feel sick in some senses.

But also, the word Future... It reminded her about the actual reason she ever agreed to this date in the first place

 At first, she thought Santiago might be the groom in the vision, he fit the curly description at some points, she convinces herself he might be the one, accepting to this date even if she wasn't truly sure of it, and seems like her head was correct, it was a shitty date.

If she was honest, at some point she thought it might be Bruno, a dumb thought she had a year ago but she has brushed it off as something silly. Bruno surely will end up with someone more fitting for him, she should know who as his best friend

-Hmm, well, I plan to continue with the family shop, marriage or children aren't really on my mind or plans- She tried to keep the smile as they continued to walk, Maru trying to keep her distance as he tried to get closer, dude already missed his chance hours ago.

-Really? I totally thought you were more family orientated! I could totally see you more as a housewife-

That comment almost made her gag, she was way too young to think about making a family.

"You thought... Because you never asked anything to really know me"

Some force from above must have heard Maru praying to be free from these "interactions" because she finally reached home, sighing with a small smile as she grabs the key to open the front door, she just wanted to get some sleep or anything else.

-Thank you for today's invitation Santiago, it was quite nice-. It was a lie, but she just wanted to get inside home already, she was just so mentally tired. -See you another day, bye- Please no, she didn't want to see him again, just let the girl get inside her home.

-You're welcome Maru, see you another day- He smiled, he seemed pleased with today's interactions. -Can I get a goodbye hug?-

A hug? Seriously? It felt foolish for him to ask for a hug after so many hours boring Marulanda till dead. But still, if that helped to get him off her, a hug will be given then.

-Sure...- She shrugged, there was nothing to lose, she simply approached awkwardly, but his next actions were... Unexpected.

He... Kissed her

Not the cheek, not even the forehead or something, but the lips... That was the straw that broke the camel's back.

In the moment of confusion, anger, and shock, Maru's instant reaction was to push him away and immediately punch him in the face, it surely made him fall on his back, while Marulanda furiously cleaned her mouth with her arm.

-THAT'S IT. AHORA SI YA ME TENÉS HARTA MALPARIDO- She screamed at him, dedicating to him every single insult that came to her mind at the moment, she was more than offended. -You self centered piece of shit, what did you think of me? A pretty girl you could try to woo around even if you don't pay attention to what she said and shut her off!?-

She kicked his leg while he was trying to stand up, scared, confused, and quite offended of his own. Maru was feeling so sick... 

-Get off my house or even close to me or someone of my family; the punch I'll give you the next time will make sure you can't even stand up- She spit at him, she just looked at him grossly, she didn't want any explanation at all.

-But, hey! What's with all the sudden hate? I was pretty sure you liked me-- Another kick before he could say anything else.

-I?? LIKE YOU? I COULD BARELY STAND YOU. HIJUEPUTA DE MIERDA- She laughed at his words, quite angry, seemed like the sky agreed with her, it looked like it was going to rain. -So far I like Brunito a thousand, no, a million times more than you. GET OUT- 

She didn't realize her words until later, she simply pointed away for him to go, eventually, as he left like a cockroach Maru stormed inside her house as she sat down on the floor, trying to calm down.

-God...- She sighed, at least Guadalupe wasn't in the house, that was one thing less to worry about at the moment. 

She touched her lips, remembering the non-consensual kiss some minutes earlier, she simply stared at the corridor in shock while she remembered. This has not been her first kiss, nor she cares about the whole deal about kisses.

But why... Why did this one feel so... Gross?




She hurried to the bathroom as she tried to hold her hands over her mouth, kneeling in front of the toilet as she let everything she ate earlier out, her mouth hurt, her head hurt, her body hurt, everything hurt, why?


She has kissed before, some kisses worse than others, why in this one she feels so horrible? She wasn't guilted about hitting Santiago, he deserved it for sure. She couldn't shake the foul taste of the vomit but also the memory of that kiss


The vomit stopped and Maru felt so dirty, so gross... She cleaned herself up while not noticing the tears threatening to come out, she kept going on cleaning until she nor the bathroom smelled terrible, she wanted a hug... A real one.

Marulanda changed clothes back to her usual ones, staring at nothing for more minutes than expected, she wasn't able to cry, nor laugh.

In fact, she wasn't sure of what she's supposed to feel at the moment.

This... strange feeling, is this what her whole future will feel like?

This one little intrusive through, breaks her out of her spell, looking around her room as she gets up and looks at the window... It's raining, a lot... There's even thunder.

This was a bad feeling, she wanted it off her, she never wanted to feel like that ever again. Was this her future? Miserable at every interaction or even romantic chance? She always tried to put the vision away from her mind, but it seems to taunt her in her brightest or darkest moments.

-Bruno,  Brunito... The vision he gave me was two years ago, he has gotten better at making visions, which means this one might be flawed, right?- She tried to reassure herself as she kneeled in front of her bed, reaching for an old dusty box she didn't want to see again, or even her family.

She hid it there because... Well, she never wanted to confront her future, it felt too cruel to actually be true, she always convinced herself about only seeing the nice part, marriage

She convinced herself that it might be Santiago and look how things turned out...


-So far I like Brunito a thousand, no, a million times more than you.-

What she said earlier hits back as a dumb realization, she doesn't open the box yet, she doesn't want to.

If Maru was being honest... There was a time she thought that maybe Brunito was that one, but it was a dumb idea, it only lasted a few months. She took it as a dumb crush because he was the only guy around her, she eventually let the idea away, but sometimes as she overthinks it kinda comes back.

Her feelings, her thoughts, she always puts them aside but then comes back like waves, gigantic waves that just... Take her away

-Bruno's visions aren't always what they seem, right?- 

She finally opens the box, as its emerald shimmer lights up the darkroom and Maru's face, she has always admired Bruno's power even if she understands its downsides, it has always been an amazingly powerful ability she was not afraid of...

Until now

With trembling hands she inspects again the emerald plank, it haunts her, as the sad images repeat themselves over and over again, her crying in a bed, a wedding with an unknown groom, and the couple dancing as their relationship keeps its instability.

She had already memorized the images, even if she hasn't had the plank in her hands or sight for years, she still remembers perfectly.

-Future isn't linear, it can change, these visions only show possible outcomes- Any word, anything, she repeated herself as she chuckled slightly, as always trying to ease every circumstance and try to convince herself of better.

She didn't want this future, she didn't want this plank, she didn't want this gross feeling over herself again,  she didn't want to settle with the future this vision gave her, she...

She had an idea

It may work, it may don't, but she won't know until she tries

As she rises with the plank, staring at it the whole time as if she's bewitched with its green glow, Maru walks outside, bringing with herself the box and a shovel as she walks to the rain; she doesn't care if she gets a cold, if she dies of hypothermia, she just had one idea in mind, and she wasn't letting the idea go away.

-This vision... It's flawed, yes, yes it is. Everybody makes mistakes, even Flaquitos visions- Goodness, she was grateful her little sister isn't home, she didn't want her to see her in such condition, she couldn't.

Maru wanted a good life, was it so much to ask? She doesn't care if she ends up alone or... with someone, she just wants to get this vision off her chest and try to move on.

But she couldn't tell anyone of it... It would make things worse

She left the plank on the ground as it rained, and with the shovel, she started to hit it, again, and again, and again. She cried, in silence without realizing, as the moment of fury went away and the vision was simply emerald shards with no form on the floor.

-...God, I think I have gone crazy- Feelings are weird, Marulanda was weird, the world they live on is weird. The realization of her strange feelings sink as she grabs the shards and puts them back on the box, there was no puzzle to fix, she just threw them in the box in silence.

Her hands were bleeding... She should have handled the shards more carefully, but it was too late for that, she as already finished setting it all on the box.

The next steps continued silently, digging the box and covering it over. Now Maru's hands were bloody and muddy, she was a total mess...

Sadly, her whole effort of destroying the prophecy would only cause it to be established...


By 7 pm Marulanda realized that Guadalupe wasn't coming home soon, it was to be expected, after all, she made the girl work on a Saturday, there goes her only chance of comfort or a sense of calmness for her chaotic day...

She just wanted a hug, she just needed a hug, she needed...

-Brunito- Surely, she didn't think first of going and bothering him, but what she needed at the moment was a hug, and who was better for such than her friend with who they vent their worries away?

She did not care of the cuts, the rain, the thunder nor how late was it. She was quite worried she was going to annoy Doña Alma or something, but she might actually end up making the Madrigal matriarch worry more about her state.

She couldn't go to her family, surely the scandal of her vision will do more harm than good for her and especially Brunito, it's always bad news when someone reacts in a negative way to his visions and knowing her family... Well, it was a recipe for disaster.

After many years, Marulanda had memorized the path to Casa Madrigal, every stone, every type of flower on the path, even so, this time all of it was completely muddy by the storm. Maru just clings to her dress as she continued to walk, she began to count how many stones were in the road, just to pass the time as she arrived.

She knocks in a soft rhythmical sense, some seconds later thunderstrike the mountains around Encanto, it was possible that thanks to the thunder they may have not heard the knocks, it was better to wait some minutes and then knock again.

She heard... Some sort of scream in the house, a bad word? The sound of thunder kept echoing in her ears, it wasn't clear.

She heard hurried steps, she recognized it easily, not one but two people walking towards the front door.

Maru looked at herself, she was drenched in rain and hurt hands... She tried to keep a smile, anything to act as if she's okay even if all her body said otherwise.

-Marulanda? Mi niña pero que te pasó?- The one to open was Alma, immediately worried as she stepped aside, letting the second set of steps look at the Salazar girl, it was.. Pepa, oh god... Thinking about it, going to either house was a recipe for disaster.

-Hi Doña Alma, Pepi- She greeted both women with a slight chuckle and a clumpsy wave of her hand, immediately hiding it as she realized she's still hurt. -Esta Brunito en la casa?-

This was going to be hellish to explain...

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