KickThePj Imagines

By Trinisnotonfire

38.7K 1K 582

So, If you've checked out my profile, you'll probably be able to guess im a HUGE fan of Youtubers and as my D... More



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By Trinisnotonfire

You walk down the highly decorated hallway, the walls full if children’s drawings and paintings of trees and oceans. You see your son’s room and enter the Year Two class. There are many little uniforms and a lot of yelling 6 and 7 year olds. You spot your son’s head and call him over.

“Mummy! Today was so cool! Mister Peach sang us a song on his mini guitar. And Mister Chris gave us a play! He dressed up like a lady and we all laughed. Paul and me were on the ground and we got in trouble a little for laughing too much! But Mister Peach let us choose the next book we get to read.”

You smile at him, “Mister Peach and Mister Chris?”


“And where are your teachers?”

“Right here, ma’am!”

You stand and find yourself face to face with a young man. His green eyes shine behind his glasses and he has a kind smile on his face.

“Oh please. I’m not nearly a ma’am. Do I look that old?” you ask him, pretending to search for wrinkles.

“No, of course not. I just didn’t want to sound rude,” he chuckles and you smile at him.

“Are you the infamous Mister Chris who inspired Lennon here to become a detective?”

“No, that’s Chris over there.”

“Yeah, mummy! The one with the floppy brown hair and big mouth!” Lennon chirps and you stifle a laugh.

“So I’m guessing you’re Mister Peach. I hope that’s not your real name because that would be a bit unfortunate,” you smile and he blushes a little, stammering.

Lennon runs off to play with his friends leaving you with “Mister Peach”.

“My name’s PJ but the kids seem to like Peach more so that’s what they call me.”

You stick your hand out and he takes it, “Well, PJ, thank you and Chris for being wonderful teachers to my son. You two are all he raves about when he comes home. He especially loves your stories. Lennon wanted to be an astronaut for a few months after one of your stories. He made me go to the store so I could make him a rocket ship like ‘Mister Peach’ had brought into the classroom.”

PJ ducks his head and pushes his glasses up his nose, “Sorry for the troubles!”

You laugh, “It’s all fine. It broadens his mind and expands his imagination which you seem to have a lot of, from what I’ve heard. Len’s stories aren’t exactly to the point and he trails off a bit but from what I’ve understood, you’re quite the story teller!”

PJ nods and looks around at the classroom, “I guess you could say that. The kids love story time. I’ve always liked kids and I’m always excited to do a new project with them.”

You feel a stirring in your stomach when he looks at you with those green eyes and you’re the one who looks down this time.

“It’s just nice to know Lennon’s in capable hands. Well, I have to get home. Have to start dinner for Len and myself.”

“No, Mister (y/l/n)?”

“No. Just Len and me. Let me just tell you, I’m never lonely. This kid!” you shake your head in mock despair and PJ laughs, head tilting back.

Lennon comes over with his bag and a few papers, “Mummy? Can we go home now? Can I have a Hob Nob? Please, mummy?”

“Only after you say goodbye to Misters Peach and Chris.”

Lennon sighs dramatically and runs to Chris. The tall man crouches and shakes Lennon’s hand. Lennon runs over to PJ and shakes the man’s hand.

“Bye everyone!” he shouts and a chorus of goodbyes sound out.

PJ smiles and Chris waves goodbye at you.

You take Lennon’s hand and you start to leave but Chris stops you.

“Hello, Mrs. (y/l/n)! I’m Mister Chris! I was wondering if you’d be able to chaperone for our next excursion,” Chris whispers the last word and you smile at the man’s wide smile.

“Um, yeah that would be cool! When would it be, though?”

“Next month on the first Friday.”

You nod and he shakes your hand, “Thank you, Mrs…”

“My name’s y/n.”

“And she’s a Ms.,” PJ cuts in and you nod.

Chris smiles, “Oh sorry! I’ll email you about the details of the trip later. Just leave your email at the sign-out sheet!”

You nod and thank him, writing your email before leaving, Lennon in tow.

            It’s the day of the excursion and you wake up early in the morning to make sure everything is packed. You get Lennon up and by 8:30, you two are at the school. Lennon runs off to play with his friends while you go to his classroom.

Chris greets you and you notice a jean-clad butt bending over a box. The figure stands straight and PJ’s face smiles at you. You blush and place your bag on the ground.

“I’m ready for the trip!” you state and PJ huffs happily. You see Chris quirk his eyebrow in the corner of your eye and you feel your cheeks redden.

It takes an hour to get the students lined up and piled onto the bus. The trip to the museum is eventful and you have fun taking care of the children. There’s one other chaperone, a jolly man named James, and he’s on the other bus with PJ. Chris smiles at you and you laugh at the faces he pulls. The children squeal with happiness and when you pull up to the building, they groan. Everyone piles off and you take your group of kids around the museum. They ask you a multitude of questions which you try to answer the best you can.

            When it’s time for lunch, you sigh in relief. You head outside to the little garden and your group runs over to their other friends. You sit down on the edge of the garden and take out your lunch. The kids all chatter as James and Chris hand out lunches. You watch them all playing and you don’t notice a figure sit beside you.

“Having fun, sitting all alone?” PJ asks and you jump in fright.

“You- yeah, it’s nice. I don’t know how you can handle being a teacher for so many children!”

“Well, I’m not the teacher per say. I’m just an assistant.”

“If my son’s learning from you, I think you’re considered a teacher.”

PJ smiles and looks at his lunch before looking up at you.

“I don’t mean to pry but what happened to Lennon’s dad?”

“He’s a massive ass-” you cut yourself off when you remember there are kids around and sigh, “I was 19 going on 20 when I found out I was pregnant with Len. His dad, Ethan, left me as soon as he found out. So, I gave birth to him on my own, finished college, and here I am, 26 and a mother.”

PJ puts his hand on your knee consolingly and you smile at him.

“I’m better now, though. Without him, I’m a better me. Last I heard he was in Vegas and going to jail for possession of drugs.”

You finish your food and throw it away in the trash can next to you.

“Sorry about that. It sounds terrible.”

“It’s okay. It’s not like you can change it.”

“I could, actually,” he blushes and you cock your head.

“What do you mean?”

“Well, it depends on if you accept my date and if we get married, but I could become Lennon’s father. Be the dad he never had.”

“And you’re so sure we’ll get married?” you blush, heart thrumming.

“Not sure. It’s more hopeful wishing than anything. So, y/n, would you do me the honor of going out with me?”

You nod and hug the man, “Only if you promise James rides with me on the way back to the school. Chris’ll probably tease me about this if I went back with him.”

PJ laughs, “Deal. He’s probably going to tease me but I’ll just mention the girl he likes. That’ll shut him up.”

You laugh and kiss his cheek before standing, “We should probably start getting ready to leave.”

PJ nods, hand touching his cheek, and you bite your lip to cover your smile. He takes you hand tentatively and the two of you join the hubbub.

“Mister Peach, is Len’s mom your girlfriend?!” a little girl asks, her voice loud and shrill.

Chris raises an eyebrow at your joined hands and you blush as all the kids look at you two expectantly.

“Is he your boyfriend, mummy?” Lennon asks and you stammer, lost at what to tell him, when he continues, “That would be wicked!”

You smile and look at PJ, “We’re not boyfriend and girlfriend yet but we might be.”

The kids smile and gasp, making you turn an even darker red. The news is soon forgotten when James brings out the children’s sweets.

They all crowd around the man which leaves you, PJ, and Lennon.

“Mister Peach, I need to tell you something,” Lennon states, arms crossed.

PJ crouches and Lennon cups his hands around the man’s ear, whispering something before leaving to join the other children. PJ stands and his body is shaking with suppressed laughter.

“What did he say?”

“He said that I can only become his dad if I let him eat sweets in the middle of the night when you’re not looking.”

You frown but then start laughing, shaking your head, “Only Lennon.”

PJ smiles at you and pushes his glasses up his nose, “I’ll be looking forward to our date.”

You nod in agreement and if Chris happens to give you a wink and a thumbs up, you pretend not to notice.


            Two years later, the thumbs up sign is replaced with a hug. You smile at Chris and pull away, wiping under your eyes so as to not ruin your makeup.

“Take care of Len while we’re gone!” you call out as you enter the 1940’s Cadillac. PJ leans around you and waves to the large crowd of people. You wave too and smile when you see Lennon wave back, blowing a kiss to you. The car leaves and you lean back, turning to face PJ.

“Shall we head home to change for our flight, Mr. Husband?”

“That’s a wonderful idea, Mrs. Wife.”

You smile at PJ, blushing when he cups your face and brings it close to his.

“I love you, Mrs. Liguori.”

He kisses you and you cuddle into his side.

“I love you too, PJ. Now, to Italy we go!”


See you next imagine my tiny planet explorers x

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