Pretty Reckless ━━ Derek Hale...

Da Monrox

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[COMPLETED] ❝It was my fault for caring. I've made a habit of never doing that again.❞ All teenagers dealt... Altro

| ZERO: Darker than Death βœ“
| ONE: Lingering Gazes βœ“
| TWO: Transition βœ“
| THREE: Beating Hearts βœ“
chapter four | web of lies
chapter five | hot girls and car wrecks
chapter seven | ptsd
chapter eight | seducing a stilinski
chapter nine | impulse under pressure
chapter ten | heart of stone
chapter eleven | werewolves and alcohol don't mix
chapter twelve | sugar lips and harsh words
chapter thirteen | bite to the dust
chapter fourteen | miguel juarez
chapter fifteen | the huntress and the wolf
chapter sixteen | words before threats
chapter seventeen | panic on the rise
chapter eighteen | howls at night
chapter nineteen | the perfect shot

chapter six | a little taste

50.8K 1.3K 646
Da Monrox

06 // Chapter Six

A Little Taste

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

        School was passing by quicker than Clara imagined. Last night, after Derek took Clara home, him and Scott got into a fight which was bond to happen at some point. Derek explained to him about the alpha and how he needs to kill him. They formed some kind of untruthful alliance.

        Clara, Allison, and Lydia were walking up the stairs when Lydia mentioned Scott, "Scott's coming over? Tonight?"

        "We're just studying." Allison shrugged innocently.

        Clara scoffed, "Studying never ends in just study."

        "It's like - getting into a hot tub - somebody eventually cops a feel." Lydia added on.

        "Well, so what are you saying?" Allison asked, still confused at what Lydia and Clara.

        "I'm just saying, you know, make sure he covers up." Lydia then laughed, "Hello, snow white! Do it with him with a condom."

        "After one date?" Allison exclaimed.

        "Don't be a totally prude. Give him a little taste." Clara smirked.

        "Like you giving a little taste to your secretive boyfriend." Allison fired back, chuckling.

        Clara rolled her eyes, "How many times do I have to tell you? I do not have a secretive boyfriend. I just had to go to the gas station to pick up some things for a friend."

        Although neither Allison or Lydia believed her, they nodded, "Whatever you say."

        Then the bell rung, ending the day, and everyone began to leave. As the three walked up the stairs, Clara stopped and mentally face-palmed herself, "Crap, I forgot my bag. I'll see you guys later."

        The hallway was almost empty, at this point, but once Clara turned the corner, she saw Derek Hale, sickly and pale, leaning against the row of lockers. Her eyes widened in shock before rushing over to him, standing rather close to him.

        "What happened to you?" She asked in a hush whisper.

        Harsh breaths left his mouth as he panted, "I-I was shot."

        "Shit, by who?"

        "An-an Argent." He said breathless, "G-Get me to Scott."

        Clara nodded before grabbing his arm and wrapping it around her neck. Slowly and gradually, Clara led Derek outside. Her eyes glanced around until she spotted a familiar blue jeep. The two stopped walking until they were in front of Stiles's jeep causing him to stop abruptly.

        "Holy God." She heard Stiles mutter, 'This guy is everywhere."

        Suddenly, Clara felt Derek's grip on her lessen and soon enough, Derek fell to the ground. Clara keeled down, trying to help him up but he was too heavy. Scott, who has been witnessing the whole scene play out in front of him, he rushed over to them.

        "What are you doing here?" Scott asked, dropping to the ground as Stiles stood off to the side.

        "I was shot." He panted.

        "He's not looking so good, dude." Stiles pointed out warily.

        Clara looked over at Derek, "Why aren't you healing?"

        "I can't. It was - it was a different kind of bullet." Derek said breathless.

        "A silver bullet?" Stiles exclaimed while Clara rolled her eyes.

        "No, you idiot." Derek glared at him.

        Scott then looked like he was in deep thought, "Wait, wait. That's what she meant when she said you had 48 hours."

        Clara glanced at Scott and then Derek, "What? Who - who said 48 hours?"

        "The one who shot Derek." Scott answered. Derek then winced, groaning slightly in pain before opening his eyes. They were a bright blue.

        "Stop that!" Clara hissed, noticing the curious eyes lurking around.

        "I'm trying to tell you, I can't!" Derek growled as more people started to honk their horns, getting agitated that Stiles was holding up the line.

        "Alright, Derek, let me help you up." Clara commanded as she grabbed his arm once more and wrapped it around her neck. Scott went to the other side and help him stand, "Help me to put him in your car."

        Eventually, Clara and Scott got Derek into the back-seat of Stiles's jeep. Clara slid in next to him and shut the door. Derek leaned over slightly as he spoke to Scott, "I need you to find out what kind of bullet they used."

        Scott's eyes widened, "How am I suppose to do that?"

        "'Cause she's an Argent. She's with them." Derek responded.

        "Why should I help you!" Scott questioned, his voice getting louder.

        Derek paused, "Because you need me."

        Scott then glanced over and saw Allison stepping out of her car, "Fine. I'll try. Hey get him out of here."

        "I hate you for this so much." Stiles said before starting up the car and driving away, out of the high school parking lot.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

        Clara sat in between Stiles and Derek, helping the hurt werewolf take off his jacket. He was growing paler by the sick and looked as if he would past out any minute.

        Stiles angrily tossed his phone to the side, "Hey, try not to bleed out on my seats, okay? We're almost there."

        "Almost where?"

        "Your house."

        Derel's head shot up, "What? No, you can't take me there."

        "I can't take you to your own house?" Stiles questioned, raising his eyebrows.

        "Not when I can't protect myself." He snapped back, his tone sounding as if it was obvious.

        Getting more aggravated by the second, Stiles pulled over to the side of the road and angrily looked over at Derek, "All right. What happens if Scott doesn't find your little magic bullet? Hmm? Are you dying?"

        "Not yet. I have a last resort." Derek said, his voice shaky.

        "What do you mean? What last resort?" Stiles humorlessly exclaimed before Derek lifted up his sleeve to show the bullet wound. Clara's face twisted in disgust as she forced herself to look away, "Oh, my God. What is that? Oh, is that contagious? You know what, you should probably just get out." Stiles sneered, looking away.

        "Stiles!" Clara hissed, smacking him on the arm.

        Derek looked over at Stiles, shooting daggers at him while breathing heavily, "Start the car. Now.

        "I don't think you should be barking orders with the way you look, okay? In fact, I think if I wanted to, I could probably drag your little werewolf ass out into the middle of the road and leave you for dead." Stiles threatened while Clara looked at him with her brows raised, slightly impressed with his little outburst.

        "Start the car, or I'm gonna rip your throat out - With my teeth." Derek warned and the two had a stare-off while Clara just awkwardly sat in the middle.

        Clara then pulled the adorable puppy dog eyes, "Please."

        Stiles clenched his jaw before starting the car again and driving. Clara sat back in her seat, smiling in satisfaction. Now she knows Stiles could be easily fooled by puppy dog eyes. She'll keep that in mind.

        The car ride was thankfully silent, no one talking. But Clara could sense the pain increasing in his body. Hesitantly, Clara placed her hand on Derek's arm and took a deep breath. She felt Derek's eyes on her but she didn't dare meet his gaze. Her veins became black as she took away his pain and her chest heaved, the pain becoming more and more extreme. When the pain started to become too much, Clara snatched away her hand and rubbed her wrist.

        Slowly, she adverted her eyes to meet his. He looked so weak but his gratitude what for Clara did was evident in his eyes. Clara knew that the pain would come back eventually come back but at least it would last for a few more minutes.

        "Your welcome." She muttered, glancing at him for a second before turning her attention back to the road.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

        It was soon night fall and Stiles had parked his jeep of the side of the road. The only light was from the streetlamp and the moon. Stiles had Scott on the phone, "What am I supposed to do with him?"

        "Take him somewhere, anywhere." Clara heard Scott say from the other end. Perks of having werewolf abilities.

        "And, by the way, he's starting to smell." Stiles added while Clara and Derek turned their heads to glare at him.

        "Like-like what?"

        "Like death!" Stiles huffed, holding on the word "death". Clara pinched the bridge of her nose, trying to block out all the frustration that was building up.

        "Okay, take him to the animal clinic."

        "What about your boss?" Stiles asked.

        "He's gone by now. There's a spare key in the box behind the dumpster." Scott explained.

        Stiles sighed before handing the phone over to Derek, "You won't believe where he wants me to take you."

        Derek grabbed the phone and held it to his ear, weakly "Did you find it?"

        "How am I supposed to find one bullet? They have a million. This house is like - the fricken Walmart of guns." Scott hissed.

        "I'm starting to think that's not such a bad thing."

        "Then think about this. The Alpha called you out against your will. He's gonna do it again. Next time you either kill with him or you get killed. So if you wanna stay alive, then you need me. Find the bullet." Derek demanded before tossing the phone back at Stiles.

        This was going to be a long night.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

        Derek slid the hand saw towards Stiles while wrapping a blue rubber string around his arm. Stiles examining it before turning it on. He groaned with anxiety in his voice, "Ugh. Look - I don't know if I can do this."

        "Why not?" Derek growled.

        "Well, because of the cutting through the flesh, the sawing of the bone, and especially the blood!" Stiles exclaimed, his voice growing higher.

        Derek huffed, looking up at Stiles, "You faint at the sight of blood?"

        "No, but I might at the sight of a chopped - off arm!" Stiles yelled and Clara knew this was putting way to much pressure on him.

        Growing frustrated by the minute, Derek was losing his cool quickly, "All right, fine. How about this? Either you cut off my arm, or I'm gonna cut off your head."

        Stiles narrowed his eyes, "You know I'm so not buying your threats anymore-" Derek reached across the table and grabbed his collar, yanking him over the table, "Oh, my God. Okay. All right, bought, sold. Totally. I'll do it. I'll do it. What? What are you doing?"

        Derek then leaned over the table and started to vomit out black blood, "Holy God, what the hell is that?" Stiles added, rubbing his head.

        "It's my body - trying to heal itself." Derek mumbled, spitting out the last of the black blood.

        "It's not doing a very good job." Clara said over all the commotion, pacing slowly in a straight line.

        "Now. You gotta do it now."

        "Look, honestly, I don't know if I can."

        "Just do it!" Derek yelled at him as Stiles grabbed the handsaw and placed it below the blue rubber band, "Okay, here we go."

        "Stiles? Clara?"


        Scott, the man of the hour, walked in and his eyes bulged out of his sockets once he saw what was going on, "What the hell are you doing?"

        Stiles dropped the handsaw and let out a breath of relief, "Oh, you just prevented a lifetime of nightmares."

        "Did you get it?" Derek asked him.

        Scott handed the bullet over to Derek. Derek stood up and held it in the light. "What are you gonna do with it?" Stiles asked.

        "I'm gonna-I'm gonna." He didn't get a chance to finish his sentence because he fainted to the ground, dropping the bullet in the process. While Scott went to search for the bullet, Stiles and Clara got down to their knees to wake Derek up.

        "Derek, Derek wake up." Stiles said while slapping him softly on the cheek.

        "Please don't be dead." Clara found herself whispering. It was true. No matter how many times she's tried to deny it, Clara cares about him. She cares about him a lot.

        With her eyes wide, Clara looked over to Stiles, "Punch him."


        "Punch him!" She yelled. Stiles balled up his fist, sweat beaming down his forehead before slamming his fist into Derek's face. He yelped in pain before shaking his hand, trying to wear off the pain.

        Derek then opened his eyes, "Give me..."

        Scott handed Derek the bullet before him and Clara helped him up. Once Derek was up, he bit off the top part of the bullet. He shook the piece until a small powder was in a pile and grabbed a lighter, setting it on fire. He pushed the powder into his hand. He glanced at his wound before covering his wound with the powder, violently pushing it into the bullet hole.

        Derek fell to the ground, screaming and yelling in pain. Clara covered her mouth, watching smoke come from the powder. Suddenly, the blood and pulsing veins disappeared. Along with the bullet wound.

        "That..was..awesome!" Stiles shouted, pumping his fist into the air. Scott and Clara looked at him, bewildered. He was something else.

        Derek got up and Scott asked him, "Are you okay?"

        "Well, except for the agonizing pain." Derek snapped.

        "I'm guessing the ability to use sarcasm is a good sign of health." Stiles said, earning yet again another glare from Derek.

        Scott narrowed his eyes, "Okay, we saved your life, which means you're gonna leave us alone, you got that? And if you don't, I'm gonna go back to Allison's dad, and I'm gonna tell him everything - " Clara rolled her eyes before Scott could even finish. A werewolf trusting a hunter? Sounds impossible.

        "You're gonna trust them? You think they can help you?" Derek questioned him.

        "Well, why not? They're a lot freaking nicer than you are." Scott angrily exclaimed.

        "I can show you exactly how nice they are."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

        Derek parked his car in front of the Beacons Crossing Home. Scott and Clara hesitantly got out of his car, looking around confused.

        "What are we doing here?" Scott asked but Derek didin't answer. Clara and Scott caught up to him but he still said nothing. Once we were inside, Derek led us to a paitent's room. Inside was a motionless man sitting on a chair. He didn't blink or speak, hell his chest didn't even move that much. Clara glanced at Derek and saw sadness filling his eyes.

        "Who is he?" Clara asked, her tone soft. A tone Scott nor Derek have heard.

        "He's my uncle. Peter Hale." Derek answered her, his voice low.

        "Is he, like you, a werewolf?" Scott questioned.

        "He was. Now he's barely even human. Six years ago, my sister and I were at school, and our house caught fire. 11 people were trapped inside. He was the only survivor." Derek explained and Clara could tell that it pained him to talk about the fire.

        "What makes you so sure that they set the fire?"

        Derek looked at him and scoffed, "Cause they were the only ones that knew about us."

        "Well, then - they had a reason." Scott added but Clara knew he shouldn't have said that.

        He looked at him with an unreadable expression, "Like what? You tell me what justifies this." He turned around his uncle to see half of his face had burn marks, "They say they'll only kill an adult, and only with absolute proof, but there were people in my family that were perfectly ordinary in that fire. This is what they do. And it's what Allison will do."

        "What are you doing? How did you get in here?" A feminine voice spoke from behind. All three of them turned to see a nurse.

        "We were just leaving." Derek said before leading the two other werewolves out of the room and out of the building.

Here is chapter six and the finish episode four. I swear to God it was so hard to write this chapter. I never liked the episode anyway. Onto Episode five now. I'm really trying to develop Stiles and Clara's friendship because their friendship will be really essential and important when i start writing season two. Just keep that in mind.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Monrox (Katie)



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