Arc 10 Remnants Omnitrix Wiel...

By MasterArti

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After Jaune was expelled from beacon abandoned and betrayed by his former teammates/friends and disowned by h... More

Chapter 1: Aliens Among Us
Chapter 2: Alien Season
Chapter 3: Tetrax Story and Omnitrix Origin
Chapter 4: The Conspiracy
Chapter 5: Attack On Atlas
Chapter 7: Alien Fang
Chapter 8: Psyphon
Chapter 9: Zs'Skayr the Ghostfreak
Chapter 10: Vilgax Part 1

Chapter 6: Dr.Animo

864 13 0
By MasterArti

Somewhere in a suburban area of Mantle is an apartment building with an old man in his mid 60s knocking on the door of the apartment building 

"Hey Animo open up you need to pay the rent it's been overdue for the pass 12 months so pay up or move out" said the landlord as he kept banging the door

The door was opened up and greeted the landlord is a green skinned old man with white hair in his late 50s

"What do you want" he answered rudely 

"Your rent you haven't paid for the pass 12 months and it's already been overdue so pay up or get outta here Animo" said the landlord 

"You'll get your payment another time right now I'm on a scientific breakthrough" said the now name Animo

"You said that the last time and the time after that and the time after that and I am getting sick of your excuses Animo and not only that I've kept getting complains from the tenants in this apartment of the loud noises coming from you something about animals living there and if there is an animal then you are in bigger trouble than you already are since pets are not allowed in here" ranted the landlord 

"Bah! Idiotic fools they don't understand the genius of Doctor Aloysius James Animo" he boasted

"I don't care Animo so if you don't" he got interrupted by animal noises "what the hell" he muttered as he pushed Animo away entered inside and saw to his shock lots of caged animals like snakes, birds, hamsters, rats, cats, dogs and among others

"What the hell is this Animo I said no animals allowed and look at this it's like a zoo here" said the landlord as waved his hand of the bad smell

"These animals have the honor to be something big something revolutionary that will change the world of remnant as we know it behold" Said Animo as he took out something and put on a helmet with antennas and device strapped on his chest

The landlord just looked at him blinking and then laughed"what the heck are you wearing" he said as he kept laughing 

"This is my greatest invention the Transmodulator where it mutate the DNA of these animals into something better" Animo explained 

"Yeah I don't care what your doo-hickey does Animo so you either pay up or get outta here" The landlord demanded 

"How dare you I am the world's greatest scientist in all of remnant" boasts Animo

"Were until the General cut off your funding and fired your ass out of Atlas because you are mad Animo" said the landlord 

That triggered something in Animo "Mad? MAD!?! What they call mad I called evolutionary I am the greatest geneticist that Atlas ever had and Ironwood was a fool just like he was a fool for choosing that Polendina's project over my idol Arthur Watts's invention that man was a genius and knows what he was doing that would've benefited not just Atlas but for science he was the embodiment of everything that is science itself" ranted Animo

"Yeah well that Watts or whatever the hell his name is was probably mad as you" retorted the landlord 

That cause Animo to clenched his fists until he looked at the animals and smirked sinisterly "tell me are you an animal lover"

The landlord raised his eyebrow at that "no they are disgusting and annoying why do you think I put the no animals allowed rule"

"Well I'll change your mind when you have a look at this" said Animo as he twisted the Transmodulator on his and the antenna on his helmet glowed red and then fired a red energy beam at the frog 

The frog was blasted by the red beam and something was happening 

The frog was starting to mutate growing large as a Goliath growing horns and growing multiple eyes as the landlord step back looking at the mutated frog in shock 

"What the..." the landlord muttered 

"Get him my pet" ordered Animo and the mutant frog obeyed as whip out his tongue at the landlord as he screamed which was heard through the apartment with Animo laughing 

Next morning in Mistral there are two thieves running away from the store they robbed as the store owner told them to stop or ask for help

Just as the thieves were running a wall of fire erupted in their tracks and walking outta the fire walls is Heatblast 

"Alright punks now are we gonna do this the easy way or the hard way so return those items you stole and then avoid getting your butts smoked by me" Heatblast said 

The thieves immediately did as they were told surprising him

"Huh that was easy was expecting them to put up a fight" muttered Heatblast confused 

A dust round was shot at nearly at him catching him off guard look behind him and groaned as he saw huntsmen and huntresses aiming their weapons at him reminding Jaune that there are still huntsmen and huntresses after him along with Atlas military to capture him and take him to Atlas

"Hold it right there alien freak" said one of the huntress

"I don't have time for this" Heatblast said as he fired off a wave of fire at them causing them to dodge as Heatblast then propelled himself like a rocket blasting fire underneath him as the huntsmen and huntresses shot their dusts at him missing or dodging them

Heatblast sighed as during the pass few weeks since the whole Mechzilla attack on Atlas ordinary criminals, thugs, a few bandits he ran into same thing with the White Fang and rouge huntsmen and huntresses easily give up and surrender probably due to Humungousaur when he used him on a bunch of thugs robbing a bank a few weeks ago or due to the powers his aliens possessed either way many criminals surrender due to their fear towards his aliens though are some that were brave enough to fight him but were defeated easily and because of this not only crime was now low in Vale but so was every crime in every kingdoms especially Vacuo and that place was known to have many crimes due to how harsh Vacuo is 

Not that he has any problem with that or anything it just things has just been dull and sure there were the alien androids sent by Vilgax and there were also the DNAliens he, Tetrax and Celes have combat against during the pass few weeks since the Mechzilla Incident but still

"Hm maybe I should go to Vale I don't work today due to my boss not feeling good so what the hey and perhaps I should take a break from this whole alien hero thing for only a day so what the heck Hm probably should by groceries since I'm running out" he muttered as he flew faster towards Vale

Unknown to Jaune at the forest something big that is hopping is on its way to vale 

Jaune managed to arrive in Vale just as the Omnitrix time out and now he is at a supermarket looking for anything as he already brought eggs, milk, bread, Pumpkin Pete's Cereal Boxes, chips, soup cans and soda 

"Hm let's here I wonder if they have any muffins here oh maybe they have electric dust batteries here can't forget about that" Jaune muttered as picked up a few hamburger patties and beef

As Jaune was busy the slide door opened walked in is Doctor Animo as he looked around looking for any electric dust batteries 

"You there" he pointed at an employee sloth Faunus who looked at him with a bored look 

"Yes how can I help you sir" he said in a monotone voice

"I'm looking for electric dust batteries for my Transmodulator do you have it" he demanded 

"At aisle 6" pointed behind him with a sign that says Aisle 6

Animo marched to the aisle as Jaune pass by him

"Hm" he looked around until his eyes shined as he looked and saw a comic book stand with a new issue of X-ray and Vav

"Oh awesome the new issue of X-ray and Vav are out" Jaune said happily as went towards the Comic Book stand grabbed and read it

Animo carried about 10 electric dust batteries went to the cash register where the same sloth Faunus is as he typed in the price "that'll be 50 lien"

Animo went into his pocket but to his surprise and dismay he only had 3 lien as he used up all his money for the Transmodulator 

"Sorry sir it cost 50 lien don't have any more than you can't buy it" said the employee faunus with the same monotone voice 

Animo grew mad at that and pointed "Y'know what forget your rules I'll just steal them then"

"Sir I can't let you do that or I'll call security" he said in the same tone

"I am Dr.Animo Watch me" Animo said as the antenna glow red and bursting throw the walls is the same mutant frog and it is not alone as there is a mutant hamster and mutant serpent with three heads

The sound got Jaune's attention as he looked and was shocked at what he was looking at "the heck" he muttered 

Animo hopped on the mutants frog as employee surprisingly has shown no expression just a bored one as if a bunch of mutant animals weren't even there "security" he monotonously called as the security came and aimed their taser guns at Animo

"Freeze dirtbag and his freaky pets" said one of the security guards incredulously 

"Try it" Animo said as the guards did so and shot electric dust shuts set in stun mode at him but the 3 headed mutant serpent quickly moved with great speed and agility he blocked and tank the shot with mild discomfort and the middle head breath out fire at the security guards causing them to get outta the way 

Jaune looked at the situation and looked around for security cameras to avoid until he the janitors closet "Bingo" he went in and closed the door and bright green flash erupted behind the door 

Back at the situation the security guards kept firing their shots but all it did was annoy the mutant serpent causing the right head the shoot out an electric breath at them causing them to take cover as the electric attack causing an explosion 

"Good work my pets now to create an army to take revenge on those that wrong me and ridiculing and ignoring my genius starting with Ironwood then the council and then all of Atlas itself let's see if their so called military might can stop my unstoppable and powerful mutant army" yelled Animo

"That's not going to happen" 

Animo looked and saw Four Arms right infront them

"And jut who or what are you" demanded Animo

"What don't you watch the news I'm the talk along with my friends around remnant" said Four Arms

That clicked in Animo "Ah, that's right your one of those alien superheroes that I've heard about it is fascinating that the existence of aliens are real and that we aren't alone" said Animo as he rubbed his hands together "I've heard of you and your alien friends of their powers yours along with their DNA might be the key for my studies and research after all it isn't everyday you get to study extraterrestrial DNA of different life forms"

"Yeah dream on tough guy cause I'm not letting you rob this market" said Four Arms as he charged straight to the mutant animals 

"My pets attack" orders Animo as they obeyed his order with the middle head serpent breathing fire at the Tetramand who tanked at and punched it in the guts 

The heads on each of it's side wrapped themselves around the four arm alien restricting him as they threw him towards the mutant hamster who rammed against Four Arms  causing him to plow through the shelves 

He got up and grabbed one of the shelves and slammed against the charging monster hamster 

A tongue wrapped itself around his waist as he looked and saw it was the mutant frog who used its tongue to thrash the durable alien around and threw him over away from it as the mutant snake lunged it tail thwacking him away crashing through the wall and the left head then shot out an ice breath at the alien encasing him in ice

The Tetramand used all its physical might to break free from the ice and lunged at the mutant serpent punching one of its heads and grabbed the middle head that lunged itself at him with his one hand then does the same to the other heads as he used all his strength to keep them at bay

However the mutant hamster tackled the alien catching him off guard and then used its jaws and bit him causing him pain while it didn't pierced his thick skin it was painful nonetheless 

The mutant hamster wildly shake the Tetramand in his mouth around 

Four Arms pulled through it and punched into one of its eyes  causing it to shriek and let go the alien

He then punched the mutant hamster a few times and than grabbed its jutted test and heaved it over his head and then slammed him hard on the floor knocking it unconscious 

He was them blasted an electric attack coming from the mutant serpent as he went down on his knees in pain 

"Come my pets for now we retreat and go somewhere to create my army for my revenge" said Animo as got on to the mutant frog and hopped away the mutant serpent following them same thing with the mutant hamster who regained consciousness and followed them out 

"Oh no you" groggily stood up Four Arms as he went to stop them however the Omnitrix started beeping red causing him to groan in annoyance "oh come on not now" he immediately leaped up to the rooftop and landed just as the Omnitrix time out and transformed back into Jaune 

"*sigh* well that's just great that guy got away who even was that anyway and those creatures" Jaune muttered as he looked back

After the incident Jaune went to library in Vale typing in the name Dr.Animo from what he heard "Ah there we go let's see here Doctor Aloysius James Animo was a respected scientist in Atlas as he specialize in Genetics and was also surprising enough the friend and associate of the late Doctor Arthur Watts who Animo idolize but after the Death of Arthur Watts Animo became derange and blame Atlas especially the General and the Council for Watts's death and after that Animo became solo in his studies of Genetics as he wanted nothing to do with his fellow scientists especially Doctor Pietro Polendina who Animo hates and blames him as he is the reason of Watt's death because his project was chosen instead of the late scientist, after and during the pass 5 years since the Incident the General had found out that Animo was conducting unauthorized and illegal experiments on animals and faunus and human test subjects but not only that he was also experimenting on Grimm"

Jaune recoiled in shock from what he read "what the hell this guys a freaking real life mad scientist" he muttered and then read back to the old news article 

"Animo ranted on he was on a breakthrough how he believe his research cannot only benefit the Faunus and Human race to stop the discrimination between the two species but Grimm as well as he believed DNA Mutation could positively changed the world and after that Animo was kicked out by the General and Atlas Council and his reputation was tarnished and is negatively looked down upon by the scientific community and no laboratories or companies will hire after the crime he pulled and Animo was never heard from again as he disappeared though witnesses claimed they've seen Animo located in Mantle"

Jaune looked at the date on how old the news article and showed that it was 3 years ago since anyone has seen the mad doctor probably doing experiments with this mutation if those mutated animals were to go by

"Now what is your plan said something about needing an army but where could he get an army" He muttered 

A Woman and her daughter pass by Jaune as the daughter excitedly said that she can't wait to go to the new zoo that was opened in Vale 3 days ago

That got Jaune's attention as he looked and ran towards the mother and child

"I'm excuse me miss" he called out getting their attention 

"Yes how can I help you young man" the mother said

"You guys are going to a Zoo" he ask

"Yeah it was opened up 3 days ago why"  she said

"Oh just wanting to see this zoo I've heard about" Jaune said 

"Well if you like we can take to where the zoo is located" she kindly offered

"Oh no you guys go on ahead I don't want to but in to your mother daughter activities I'll just look it up online" Jaune said and the mother and daughter left as Jaune ran back and typed in the zoo in Vale and saw the address

"Of course he specialize in mutation from what I saw and read and now I know where he is gonna get an army" Jaune said as he wrote down the address and ran off quickly to call a cab as wanted to save the energy in the Omnitrix as he confronts the mad doctor 

At the new zoo where family and friends are enjoying see the animals and having fun

A young boy was looking at some bears minding their business until a massive figure overshadowed him and his father as they looked behind and were shocked as they the mutant frog with Animo on top along with mutant serpent and hamster 

"Begone" he hissed at them causing them run in fear as Animo then activate the Transmodulator and fired the beam at the bears mutating them

A cab drove up to the zoo as Jaune payed the driver and immediately ran towards the zoo but stopped and saw people running outta the zoo in fear as he looked and saw 3 mutant gorillas and a mutant elephant

"Shit I'm too late" Jaune cursed as he looked around and saw an abandoned golf car and hid behind it and a green flash erupted 

As the mutant bears and elephant caused havoc a roar was heard and they looked back and saw Humungousaur charging at them

The mutant bears growled and one of them lunged at the Vaxasaurian who backhanded it away and kept charging forward 

The 2 mutant bears charged at the Dino alien as Humungousaur grabbed a trash can and throw it one of them to which it sliced through it with its claws and leaped at the alien causing the three of them to grapple with each other 

The mutant bear swung its claw at the alien to which Jaune avoid and swung his spiked ball tail at the monster bear causing it fly away and collide through a wall

The bear leaped on his back causing Jaune to try to grabbed it off his back as the back swung its claws slashing at his back causing Jaune to yelp in pain 

The mutant elephant charged at the Vaxasaurian causing the mutant to leap off just the mutant elephant collided against Humungousaur 

He quickly got to his bearings and grappled with the mutated pachyderm using with all his strength to stop it and then tumbled it down to the left and grabbed one of its tusk and heaved over his shoulder with little effort causing to crash against the mutant bear that was gonna attack him from behind

Another mutant that he backhanded attacked him causing to dodge used his spike ball tail and hit it against it jaw and then punched it in the gut a few times

Another bear interrupted his fight as it hit his tail causing Humungousaur to yell in pain as the mutant bear he punched backhanded him away

The Vaxasaurian growled and immediately grew up to his 60 feet size form and palm smashed the mutant bears 

He felt something strong colliding his shins causing him trip and landed on his back destroying the tiger habit but luckily no tigers were harm or killed

He looked and saw it was the mutant elephant as blow his trunk causing fire to erupt from it and used it on the alien 

He resisted the attack thanks to his humungous forms dermal armor plates and then used his massive hand to backhanded it away knocking it unconscious 

"Ow" he yelped as he lifted his other hand and saw it was the mutant that bit his thumb 

He shook it off and harshly landed on the concrete and then was smashed by Humungousaur's scales fist knocking it unconscious 

He went back to his base size and looked around to where Animo is until he dodge from a tongue whip and looked back and saw Animo

"Another alien hero oh I can't wait to harvest your DNA from your corpse and use it to enhanced my army stronger and better than ever" he gloated 

"Do you always talk about your evil plan" Jaune said

"Hush, now alien get outta my way I have date with vengeance so shoo" Animo said

"Hmph liked I will let that happen your going down Dr.Animo" he retorted 

"Ah so you heard of me" he ask

"I read about online and now I see how much of a mad doctor you are Animo for those dirty experiments you've done on those people without their consent and you are even more mad by doing experiments on Grimm your a danger to yourself and others" he retorted 

"Mad? Mad! Mad??!?!?! I'll show you mad with my army of mutant animals rise my pets RISE" he yelled

Many mutant animals obeyed as mutant wolves come out same with the parrots and seagulls

Humungousaur looked surprised and saw he is surrounded by many more mutant animals like a mutant tiger, mutant bears, mutant lions, mutant chimpanzees, mutant giraffes among many more

"Oh man" he groaned

"Attack" Animo ordered and attack they did

Humungousaur immediately grew to his massive size and punched the ground causing a shockwave that blew them away

The mutant parrots and seagulls came and attack him with their beaks peaking at the Vaxasaurian causing him to yelp and swung his arms wildly or try to block them away

A mutant panther lunged on his legs and then ran/crawled with its claws 

Humungousaur yelled and looked down and saw the panther "oh no you don't" he growled as he shake his leg around causing the mutant panther to clung tightly on it

"Get off me you darn mutant cat" he growled

A mutant elephant charged at his other leg toppling him down and crash and now the mutant animals piled on his massive form

Humungousaur thrashed around wildly as he tried getting them off 

Animo laughed "Hahahahahahaha so much for the mighty hero" he laughed hysterically 

Humungousaur tried getting and then figured out a plan he shrunk to his base size and then immediately grew back to his giant size again which caused the mutant animals to be blown everywhere 

He immediately started smashing them everywhere knocking them down

The mutant parrots tried attack him however he has no time for that and backhanded a few of them away

He grabbed the mutant elephant and used it as a ball to smash against a mutant gorilla and wolves he then used his more spiked up tail and smashed at the ground causing a shockwave and earthquake knocking them down he shrunk down to his base size and grabbed a statue from what he guess is the owner of this zoo and used it as a club to smack away a few mutant lions and then a mutant peacock 

A mutant ox charged at the alien with is dermal armored head and long spikey horns at the Vaxasaurian causing him to dodge and grabbed its body and used it to pile drive a few mutant sloths 

A mutant lizard lunged at him causing them to throw down  with each other surprising the alien that the lizard is almost matched him in strength along with agility superior to his massive bull form 

He immediately headbutt it and then grabbed it tail and swung towards an oncoming mutant rhinoceros knocking them down 

He dug his fingers on the ground and used his strength to pull up a slab of concrete from the ground and used to slam it on the mutant alligators and then threw it at a bunch of mutant gorillas and chimpanzees 

He was then engulfed in ice from his lower waist looking back and the 3 headed mutant serpent 

"You guys again" he said as the lunged at him and then coiled themselves around him causing him to grunt

"You may have defeated my army but I will make lots more of them throughout all of remnant and then used your and your alien buddies DNA to make them stronger and more powerful it will be an army unlike any that remnant and Atlas has ever faced hahahahahahahhahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA" he then laughed madly 

"Wow you are way madder than what I've read" he muttered a bit disturbed from the doctor's madness 

"I'll show you mad tear him apart into pieces so I can study his biology" Animo command to which they obeyed

"Not gonna happen" with his resolve and might he freed himself from the mutant serpent grip and managed to grab the mutant frogs tongue and used him as a whip and smacked it against the mutant serpent along with a few mutant animals and then threw against the mutant hamster that was gonna attack

Animo who landed roughly as Humungousaur used his mutant frog as weapon and saw the display 

"No this wasn't suppose to happen" he yelled

Humungousaur walked up to Animo as he managed to deal with most of the mutant animals "it's over Animo your army is down and now it is jail time for you" he said as he grabbed and saw the Transmodulator on him 

"Hm I wonder" he thought in his head as went and ripped out the Transmodulator and then crushed it to Animo's dismay "NO my Transmodulator" he yelled

Before his eyes he saw the mutant animals glow red and then reverted back to their normal selves 

"Now that is over as for you" he turned towards Animo who gulped

The police arrived along with animal control as they captured wild animals and then saw Animo with a metal pole wrapped around him to prevent his escape 

Jaune across from the zoo into his human form looked as the officers took Animo in

"All in a days work" he said as walked away

On the news channel Lisa Lavender is reporting the events that happened with a footage of Animo ranting on how he will get his revenge on the alien known as Humungousaur along with his alien friends where it was reported where Atlas called them as they heard the situation and Animo is being transferred to Atlas Prison

Watching the news from their scroll is Team RWBY and (J)NPR from their scrolls

"Wow this guy takes the mad scientist to a whole new level" said Yang as the others nodded

"Yeah and not only that apparently he also created mutates animals into mutant monsters and we didn't even get to be the one to fight them I wanna fight mutant animals" whined Nora as Yang agrees with her as fighting mutant animals sounds like fun

Back to land of darkness the meeting is taking place as they talking about the events that happened 

"Wow this guy is more of a mad scientist than you doc" said Mercury 

Watts didn't say anything as he sees the news on his scroll

"Something on your mind Doctor" said Salem

"Well yes its just I know this man actually" he answered 

"What is he your friend or something" said Emerald

"Yes" he answered surprising them to which he noticed "what"

"I find it hard to believe that you actually have friends Watts but then again I shouldn't be surprised at all what is one mad scientist to another" mocked Cinder causing Watts to scowl at her

"Heel Cinder" ordered Salem as she looked to back to Watts "can you tell us about this friend of yours Doctor"

"Certainly mistress" he answered and then explained "that man is name Doctor Aloysius James Animo and he is a Geneticist"

"A geneticist" Emerald raised an eyebrow 

Watts sighed "let me dumb it down for you to understand" he insulted her causing to Emerald glare at him "A geneticist is a scientist that studies the DNA of other creatures like human, faunus, and animals the building blocks the made up of all life that is in our blood and Animo was studying and figuring out a way that can benefit all of remnant and he thought one, DNA Mutation"

"Mutation" Hazel said raising an eyebrow 

"Animo believe that Genetic Mutation Genetic Evolution as he likes to call it can help remnant as he theorized that the Faunus are possibly the next step in human evolution but he thinks that there is another step to evolve into something beyond Faunus so he need to build a device that can help that he calls the Transmodulator to help us evolved into something great something superior where there won't be any discrimination between the humans and faunus because there won't be any two species only one species that will be the only dominant species in remnant and after seeing this now I believe that Animo achieved his project he finally built the Transmodulator" said Watts

"Wait so these mutant animals that was being heard on the news were made by some device that this Animo guy made that mutates them into superpowerful mutants" Mercury said and Watts nodded at that "Damn" he muttered 

Salem stayed quiet after hearing that something that Tyrian picked up "my grace are you thinking something" he said getting everyone attention 

"Yes after hearing this Dr Animo especially his device I believe that maybe he can be useful to our cause" Salem answered 

"Mistress are you saying" Watts said as he can guess on what his mistress has in mind

"Hazel Tyrian Watts I want you to bring in Animo here and have him join our cause as I believe his expertise in Genetic Mutation will possibly benefit us all I want you Watts to convince him after all he will accept without hesitation by a familiar face" Salem said and the three men bowed their heads as they got up and went to their mission as Salem eyes glowed an eerie red

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