The CEO and Her Driver

Від AuthorCassidyKate

538K 35.5K 14.9K

Allie Winters is the CEO of one of the most profitable fashion lines in the world. But with that comes its ow... Більше

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
"The Detective and Her Bachelor"

Chapter 41

7.4K 594 269
Від AuthorCassidyKate

Siblings can be wildly protective. They have that 'no one can mess with my family but me,' energy. A mamma bear level of tenderness for the people who are in their litter, while wielding a ferocious wildness that will scratch a threat to pieces when said threat gets too close to the ones mamma bear calls their own. 

And although that protectiveness can leave the one that is being protected feeling safe and taken care of, a hospital bedroom was hardly the place for two alpha sibling protectors to have a  match of wits, or fists. 

Delle and Aiden— from what I had seen of him, were both terribly stubborn people. And at the moment, that was the most dangerous trait they bost possessed as they glared daggers at each other. 

They were one word away from breaking into attack mode like a pair of wolves from rival packs, determined to protect their own members. 

Aiden's eyes shifted to look at me, but quickly snapped back to Delle's when she blocked off his view by blocking his access to my hospital bed. "If you even look at my sister sideways again, I will kill you and make it look like an accident," she promised.

"Delle!" I called. "That's just his natural expression. Calm down!" 

She turned and raised a brow. "You just chill. I've got this." 

I scrambled from the bed, knowing full well that Delle's way of handling things would involve Aiden's head through the wall. But before I could get more than a foot away from the bed, I was suddenly yanked to a stop when my arm got tangled up in a morphine drip. Oh, come on! 

Yanking the IV bag along with me on its wheels, I stumbled between them, hoping to act like a buffer. Which was the most unnatural thing in the world to ask of me. I wasn't a peacekeeper. I was a fire starter, a fighter, a girl who punched first. And the sudden demand for me to be the well-adjusted one was infuriating. 

"I can't believe you are both making ME be the sane one right now!" I snapped looking between them. "I'm on medication!" I turned and leveled Delle with a stare. "He's just frustrated and scared. Just let the dude bark. No sense in stooping to his idiotic level."

Then I whirled and glared at Aiden. "And you! You shouldn't be shouting at people in the hospital in the first place! It's bad form! I know you are angry. I am too. But yelling at me doesn't fix anything! It just makes you look like an ass." 

I looked between them again. "Now cool your jets because I am about to fall over and if I do, I am ripping the hospital bill down the middle and sending it to both of you to pay for my potential injuries!" 

Like mirror images of each other, Delle and Aiden each took a step back, taking in deep breaths, yanking themselves from their domineering stances. 

"OH MY GOSH," I heard Misty squeak as someone new entered the room. 

"Aiden?" Laliana asked looking between the three of us. "What's going on? Allie, why are you out of bed?" 

Game over.

I had to fight a smirk as Aiden's entire body language changed as he watched Laliana walk into the room. The fight left his body, replaced with a warm exterior, eyes only for her. The rest of us had vanished the moment he saw Laliana. It was like his world had gotten its sun back. 

"It's Laliana Summers!" Misty squeaked from behind her hands, still at the doorway, eyes wide in awe.

"Everything's fine," I said when no one else offered an explanation after a very long silence. "Laliana, these are my sisters." 

"I'M MISTY!" Misty said before hiding back behind the doorway, completely flustered by her own inability to look even remotely calm. 

"I'm Delle Falls," she replied with a quick nod in Laliana's direction before staring back at Aiden with a heated expression. "Oldest sister, black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and detective by trade," she added for good measure.

"I'm Aiden Dalton. Previous secret service agent, previous bodyguard by trade, and a black belt in Judo." 

"Cool," Misty whispered, forgetting that he was the enemy in Delle's eyes until Delle raised an eyebrow at her. "Oops." 

"I'm Laliana Summers... and I'm confused," Laliana said almost like a question as she shot me a questioning look. 

I cleared my throat, yanking Delle and Aiden out of their glaring contest. Delle yanked her eyes away and fully turned to look at Laliana. "It's nice to meet you." She added, ignoring Aiden completely. "Thank you for always being so kind to my sister."

Laliana self-consciously tugged on a strand of her hair, a smile crossing her face. "It's my pleasure. Your sister is awesome." 

Delle nodded, seeming to calm slightly. "We think so too."  

I offered Misty a tired smile. "Hey, kiddo. Help me pack up my stuff."

Misty moved into the room, plucking up my phone and my now bloody dress before shuffling back to the door, completely conflict avoidant. The sanest of us all. 

"Where are you going?" Delle, Aiden, and Laliana asked at the same time before both Delle and Aiden glared at each other for daring to ask the same question. 

I yanked the IV drip from my arm and wobbled towards the door. "I'm leaving. Being here isn't helping anyone keep their heads." I stopped at the door. "You coming Delle, or do you expect me to drive myself?" 

Delle chuckled, fighting off her irritation as she followed me out the door. I turned back to stare at Aiden. "Oh, and one more thing. You don't get to choose who I hang out with. And I highly doubt any member of your family would listen to you if you gave them the same ultimatum." 

"Wait, what?" Laliana asked, alarmed.

I smiled at Laliana, knowing I had fully shoved Aiden under the bus. "Aiden can fill you in later. Let's get lunch soon okay?" 

She nodded, speechless while Aiden seemed to bristle as he watched me walk towards the door.

"As hard as it is for you to believe right now, I like your family a lot. Stop assuming that I am an unfeeling person. You out of anyone should know what that assumption feels like since nine times out of ten you look like a brick wall of unfeeling emotions." 

Then I walked out of the room, letting the door close, cutting off Aiden's conflicted expression and Laliana's bewildered one. 


I stared out the window, zoning out as Delle drove, posture radiating with anger, muttering to herself about Aiden's rude behavior. "What is that guy's problem?" 

I traced my finger along the glass, watching several raindrops slide down the cool glass. Delle had brought me a change of clothes, consisting of a pair of black skinny jeans, a white peasant blouse, and a black leather jacket. Not the most comfortable clothing, but it didn't matter at the moment. 

My mind was far off, caught on a thought that played over and over, making me feel more irritated as time went by. Where was Tate? Why wasn't he at the hospital? I continued to slide my fingers across the glass, trying to wrap my head around how utterly strange it was. 

He never came... 

I pressed my fingers harder against the glass, pushing away the hurt. He must have had a good reason. Right? 

Irritation gave way to anger.

His cousin is hurt! At least come for her! Even if he is avoiding me, he should check on her. Instead, I was stuck with that grumpy maniac!

"I can't believe you almost beat up Aiden Dalton!" Misty said, staring at Delle from the passenger's seat. 

Delle shrugged, and I could tell she was trying to keep her profanity to a minimum in front of Misty. "Whatever." But she sat slightly straighter, seeming pleased that Misty believed she could take out Aiden. That was high praise.

Misty scoffed. "What do you mean whatever! That's Laliana Summer's boyfriend! The author Laliana Summers! You know... the one who wrote the Seapunk Princess series! And the Seapunk Princess movies! She's amazing!" 

Misty turned her entire body to stare at me from the front seat, eyes wide. "And I can't believe you are friends with her! Do you think I could meet her?... I mean again? You know, when I can mentally prepare for it and not be so freaked? Do you think she would sign my books!?! Do you think she would take a picture with me?!?" Misty's voice was at a near squeak. 

I offered her a tired smile. "I'm sure she would. I'll ask." 

Misty squeed very loudly, causing Delle to jump before adjusting the wheel to keep the car from swerving. "Geeze Misty, keep the volume to a level humans can hear!" 

Delle looked at me in the review mirror. "Almost there. You sure you want to do this now?" 

I nodded. There was no sense in waiting until morning. I had to handle it now. 

Delle sighed, pulling up to our destination. She parked the car, ordered Misty to stay put with the doors locked, and got out. I followed suit. "I'll see what I can do," Delle said as we walked towards the police station. 

"He's been charged with a big one." 

"I know," I replied as we walked towards the station. 

She shoved her hands into her worn jean pockets. "You know how it's going to look right? Helping him? It's going to look like you two are very close. That picture you've been waiting to drop just might hit the internet and set up a brand new set of theories. You should probably call Tate and explain—"

"I know," I snapped. "After I take care of this."

"But why do this—"

I turned to stare at Delle. "Because he didn't do it! How would you feel if I was in jail for something I didn't do and the person that could clear my name didn't want to say anything because it would make their lives a little easier? It's wrong Delle. He shouldn't be in there!" 

She sighed, running her fingers through her hair. "I know. You've just been through a lot tonight. I just wanted you to sleep on it. Come up with a plan that isn't as dramatic as barging into the police station at midnight. They said you could give your statement in the morning." 

I started walking again, determined. "No. This ends now. I am not going to let paparazzi control me." I shot her a hard smile over my shoulder. "Being liked by everyone is overrated. I just need to make sure the ones close to me know the truth. That's it." 

I shoved the doors open, walking into the lobby with Delle a step behind. A woman sat behind a large black desk, seeming startled by my entrance, shoving both doors open like a cowboy from a western. 

"I'm here to give my statement to get Laurence Royal released."


"You look like crap," I said leaning against the bars to Laurence's cell. The jail cell was empty of everyone other than Laurence sitting with his head in his hands, fingers buried in his dark hair, sporting a now very wrinkled suit. 

His head shot up, taking me in with a look of surprise. "Ms.— Allie? Are you okay? What are you doing here?" Laurence's face went from pale to beat red in a single moment. And I suddenly wondered how I had never picked up on the completely obvious before. 

"Busting you out," I replied with a shrug. 

He was slow to respond. I could tell he wasn't sure if I was joking. "No really, why are you here? Revenge for earlier?" 

I crossed my arms. "Do you really think I'd just let you sit here because you kissed me? Gosh, it's a miracle that you like me at all. You have terrible taste if you think that's true." 

"Well, you did say I had horrible taste in fashion. It would make logical sense for it to stretch towards romance too."

I smiled. "Fair." 

He stood up. "So... am I free to go?" 

I shook my head. "Not quite. You and I need to have a little chat first." I shoved off the bars standing to my full height before looking at him through the bars. "Someone is after both of us. And I am tired of playing catch up." 

I rolled my hands into fists. "And as painful as it is for me to say this... I need your help to put the pieces together."

"What do you need?" 

"Your list of enemies. Does anyone hate your guts?" 

"Besides you?" he asked, his lips quirking up slightly.

"Yes. Besides me." 


Thank you for reading chapter forty-one! I hope you are enjoying the story! Or are at least curious to see where it goes! Add this story to your reading list to know when the next chapter drops!


Allie is determined to solve the mystery. Will Laurence help find the one behind the attack, or will Aiden get to the culprit first?

What do you think of Misty? 

Where is Tate in all of this?!? Is Allie right that something must be wrong with Tate? Or is he avoiding her?

Why isn't the picture of Allie and Laurence out?

Does Laurence Royal have any enemies?

What will happen next?

CHAPTER QUESTION - If someone you hated was stuck in jail, but you had the evidence to get them out, would you do it?

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