BanG Dream: An Influential Ro...

By FantasyWriter241

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[This is a birthday present from my good friend, SoupSlicker] "I know I don't usually ask for much, but... it... More

Prologue - Another Wonderful Day
Chapter 1 - The Big Problem
Chapter 2 - Wanting To Help
Chapter 3 - Dealing With Complications
Chapter 4 - The Big Show
Chapter 5 - Mall Date
Chapter 6 - First Meeting
Chapter 7 - Relationship Problems
Chapter 8 - The Right Gift
Chapter 9 - The Birthday Date
Chapter 11 - Keeping Secrets Again
Chapter 12 - The Truth Comes Out
Chapter 13 - The Farewell Party
Chapter 14 - The Send Off
Chapter 15 - Moving On Unexpectedly
Chapter 16 - Coming Home
Chapter 17 - The Conflict
Chapter 18 - Hoping He'll Pull Through
Chapter 19 - Dating For Old Time Sake
Chapter 20 - The Wonderful Engagement
Epilogue - The Wedding We Dreamed About

Chapter 10 - From Dream To Reality

198 6 23
By FantasyWriter241

Night time...

Location - (L/N) Residence, (Y/N)'s Room

Your POV

I was sleeping in my room, and it was like... 1:30am. At first, I was having a good, deep sleep, but little did I know, I had a dream that was going change everything.

The dream...

Location - (L/N) Residence, Living Room

I walked into the living room and saw boxes being packed and placed by the front door. I was so confused by what was going on, so I walked over to my parents, hoping they might know something about this.

"Mom? Dad? What's going on here? Why do you guys have so many boxes?" I asked.

"Oh, you mean we didn't tell you?" My mother asked.

"No... tell me what?" I asked.

"Well, I hate to break it to you, but... we're moving out of Japan, and going to a new place." My father said.

Is this actually happening? Am I being forced to leave my friends and Touko behind?

"I don't understand... we spent our entire lives in Japan. Why are we even moving away in the first place?" I asked, and I wasn't going to walk away without an answer.

My father let out a sigh

"You see, your father just got a job that is located in Sweden, and it starts next month, so we need to pack and leave as soon as possible." My mother said.

"But why can't we be here?" I asked.

"No use in talking your way out of this, my son. This decision is final." My father said.

I didn't know what to say, all of this was a bit too sudden. And as I took a step back just to get away from it all, the floor began to fall apart, causing me to fall in the darkness below.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed as I kept falling.

I truly believed that this was going to be the end for me. I am going to lose the home I loved so much, I am going to lose all of the friends I made, and worse of all, I am going to lose Touko, the girl I love.

I start to lose hope, but then...

End of dream...

Location - (L/N) Residence, (Y/N)'s Room


Turns out everything I just experienced for a few minutes was nothing more than a dream, and when it ended, I fell on the floor.

"Ow, that's not how I want to get out of bed." I said to myself. I hope my parents didn't hear that thud.

I got up from the floor to check the time. It was now 1:50am. I climbed back into bed, and stared at the ceiling, thinking about the dream I had earlier.

"Thankfully it was just a dream..." I whispered to myself. I mean, there is no way it could come true, right?

And soon enough, the more I thought about it, the more tired I got, and then I went to back to sleep.

Morning time...

Location - (L/N) Residence, Dining Room

A few hours later, the sun was up, and it was now morning time. I walked over to the dining room and began to ate my breakfast. Meanwhile, my parents were already at the table, and it looked like they were hiding something from me. But they did tried to talk to me.

"Hey son, how did you sleep?" My mother asked.

"I slept okay, minus the weird dream I had." I said.

"Oh yeah? What kind of a dream was it?" My father asked.

"Well, I had a dream that we were going to Sweden because of a new job that dad has gotten." I said.

My parents began to trade nervous glances with each other.

"Oh, is that so?" My father asked.

"Yeah, and I thought it was strange because I didn't know about it, and you guys say we had to leave Japan in my month." I went on.

"But it's a good thing that it is a dream, though, right?" I finished and went on with eating my breakfast.

The dining room fell silent, and when it did, I began to look at them.

"Mom? Dad? Is everything okay?" I asked them.

"Actually, we do have something we have been meaning to tell you for a while now." My mother said.

"Oh, what is it?" I asked. Why do I have a bad feeling about this?

"Well... what we're about to tell you... might change your life for the greater good." My father said.


They took a deep breath before they started talking.

"Your father... managed to score a new job in a different country, and... we're moving in a few months." My mother said with a sad expression.

Wait, am I actually hearing this right? Is my dream actually coming true?

"Where is the job at?" I asked.

"Sweden." My father replied.

Oh god, my dream is actually coming true.

"But... will this mean that I have to leave my Touko and everyone else?" I asked.

"Yes, it does." My father said.

"I know it's going to be hard for you, but before long, I'm sure you'll appreciate your new home, if not better." My mother told me.

But this didn't make me feel any better though. I didn't want to leave my beloved Touko and my friends, but it looks like I don't have a choice in the matter. The question is... how am I going to break this everyone? They're not going to take this well...

To be continued

A/N: That is that for chapter 10. Thank you guys for reading, and I hope you guys enjoyed it. Now we are officially at the halfway point to this book. Hard to believe, huh? See you guys in the next chapter, and have a good one. :)

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