stolen away, zuko

Da tatesbaee

72.6K 1.2K 152

| zuko {a:tla} 1 water & fire don't usually mix but maybe this time it does - in which the daughter of a wa... Altro

fire and water never mixes
but this time it does
book two
outfits <3


3.1K 60 7
Da tatesbaee

— capturing the avatar.

before zuko set off to go and capture the avatar, both him and senna got into huge fight. zuko wanted senna to stay on the ship because he was terrified about her getting hurt. but senna, she wanted to come.

he had asked her to help him, right? and they finally found the avatar.

senna proudly won that argument. zuko on the other hand was still mad but tried not to show it.

the two waited in front of the ramp with many soldiers behind them.

"stay by my side." zuko whispered.

senna rolled her eyes and nodded, "i will. promise."

the ramp finally began to open and many faces came into view. that's when senna realized, these people were waterbenders.

just like her.

senna didn't even notice that she was alone now and watched as zuko and the fire nation soldiers walked down the ramp toward the terrified waterbenders.

she ran after them, now standing next to zuko. her eyes connected with a boy. his face was painted and his hair was pulled back into a bun.

he ran at zuko, shouting in the progress, holding his boomerang. zuko kicked the boomerang out of the water tribe boys hand and it went flying.

senna gasped.

then he kicked him once more and sent him flying into a pile of snow. senna watched him struggle to break free.

zuko continued walking with senna not that far behind. the members of the watertribe stared back at them in fear.

one girl looked like the boy who was just kicked into a pile of snow. they must be siblings.....she thought.

the soldiers stopped as zuko walked forward toward the scared women and children. senna followed him but zuko protectively pushed her back.

"damnit." she mumbled, with a huff.

zuko walked around, eyeing down each member of this village. he stopped in front the girl and an older woman.

"where are you hiding him?" he asked, staring right at the girl.

she stared back at him. suddenly zukos hand launched forward and he grabbed the older woman, who was reaching out for her granddaughter, senna was guessing, and pulled her away from the group.

"he'd be about this age. master of all elements."

no response.

zuko let go of the woman and she ran into her granddaughters arms.

zuko then flung his arm as fire came out from his fist toward the villagers. they all gasped in fear, "i know you're hiding him!"

shouting was heard from behind them and the watertribe boy senna was suddenly so interested in ran at zuko again.

zuko ducked and the boy went flying, landing on the ground with a thump.

zuko fired fire balls at him and the boy rolled out of the way, throwing his boomerang.

senna watched as it disappeared into the distance and zuko did too. he glanced back at the boy.

"show no fear!" a smaller boy shouted, throwing a spear at the older boy and he caught it.

he ran toward zuko once again, aiming the spear right at his face but zuko instantly broke it, he snatched it from him and poked the boy in the head with it.

the boy fell and zuko snapped all that was left of the spear in half.

there was a shimmer in the sky and the boomerang came flying back and hit zuko right in the head. he groaned in anger.

senna could tell zuko was now furious and had enough of this boys playfulness.

so she decided it was finally her turn to step up and do something. using the snow as her advantage, she formed an ice dagger and pushed past zuko.

she pointed it at the boy who was still on the ground and he looked back at her.

she has blue eyes? he thought. only watertribe members have blue eyes.....

"look we just want to know where the avatar is and then we'll be on our marry way, leaving all of you unharmed."

sokka couldn't take his eyes off this girl. she was beautiful. he slowly stood up and the girl kept the dagger pointed at him.

before the girl could speak, a boy came flying down on a penguin, right toward zuko. he rode under him which caused zuko to fly into the air and land on his face.

the children cheered as the boy slowed down. the penguin stood up making the boy fall off of him. they exchanged looks and then the penguin waddled away.

"hey, katara. hey, sokka."

sokka, that's what his name was.

"hi, aang. thanks for coming." the watertribe boy, well sokka, said sarcastically.

senna took in the boys features as him, zuko and the soldiers began to fight. with the help of his staff, he managed to knock the soldiers over with a gust of snow.

he then aimed for zuko, slamming his wooden staff on the ground. zuko held his stance as the snow hit him, not moving an inch.

"looking for me?" asked the boy.

"you're the airbender? you're the avatar?"

everyone gasped at zukos assumption. how? this boy looked to be the age of 12 and he was the avatar?


"no way."

the two benders circled each other. aang holding out his staff and zuko holding out his fists.

senna now stood next to sokka and katara, watching the fight unfold.

"i've spent years preparing for this encounter, training, mediating. we both have." he gestured toward the girl who was standing next to the avatars friends.

"you're just a child."

"well," aang fixed his posture, "you're just a teenager."

the two began fighting. zuko launching fire at aang while he blocked it with his staff. aang didn't look ready. zuko wouldn't stop even when aang was an inch away from his two friends and the girl he loved.

the fire nearly hit them but aang luckily stopped it from burning them and the other villagers. aangs eyes widened as he saw the fear on their faces.

"if i go with you, you promise to leave everyone alone?"

zuko and senna shared a look, then he looked back at the avatar and nodded.

the soldiers surrounded aang, one grabbed his staff as they lead him toward the ship.

"no, aang. don't do this." katara pled, as she watched the boy she just met get lead away with the enemy.

"don't worry, katara." aang said, looking back at the girl, "it'll be ok."

the soldiers shoved him, "take care of appa for me until i get back."

senna watched the avatar, zuko and the soldiers walk up to the ship. she stared at the girl who yelled after him. senna didn't know what to do.

zuko finally got what he wanted, the avatar. but senna didn't. does this mean she's free?

"are you going to just stand there or follow after your psycho boyfriend?" a voice said from behind her. she met the gaze of the boy, sokka.

she glared at him, harshly, "never again call him psycho. he's been through a lot."

the girl turned and headed toward the ship, feeling the boys glare stabbing her in the back. the ramp slowly closed as the watertribe villagers watched the boy who saved them vanish.

senna couldn't stop staring at sokka. he wasn't special or anything, right? he was the enemy.

yeah, the enemy.


all senna felt was guilt as she watched the avatar be lead down into the chambers. the two made eye contact but she looked away.

he saw her as the enemy.

zuko walked over to her, grinning from ear to ear. "i finally did it. i found the avatar."

senna rolled her eyes and shoved past him, heading downstairs.

"hey, sanny. what's wrong?" he called after the girl as he followed her. he could tell she was upset but he didn't understand why.

"you got him zuko. you now get to go home, congrats. but-" she stopped, trying to think of how she could say this.

"but what?" zuko asked, his eyes flying all over the place.

"it's nothing. nevermind." senna faked smiled, patting him on the shoulder and walking into her quarter. she collapsed onto the bed with a groan.

"it's about the watertribe boy, isn't it?!"

she sat up, "no it's not!" she shouted, as she saw the fire princes eyes flash with anger.

"it's nothing." she said, softly, "can you leave?"

zuko nodded and walked out the door, his head down low as he slammed it shut causing the girl to jump.


"the avatar has escaped!" a guard shouted through the ships halls. senna groaned and put on her coat. she knew this would happen. the avatar wasn't stupid.

senna ran to the deck and spotted zuko and the avatar fighting.

"great going zuzu, can't even keep a 12 year old contained." senna says, "stand back hothead, i got this." she smirks, running toward the avatar with her left arm now covered with water.

zuko sends the girl a glare but sighs and steps back anyway to let the girl work her magic.

with a smirk on the girls face, she freezes the deck which causes the avatar to slip then uses her water whip and grabs the monk by the torso and slam him very damn hard, down to the metal floor of the ship.

the avatar groans and tries to reach for his glider but senna drops the water that surrounded her arm and throws a series of ice daggers at the boy. he dodges them all of course and uses his air bending to launch himself onto the railing. the avatar struggles to gain his balance which gave senna the chance to send him a strong kick of water which she learned to do and he falls off the side of the ship.

she turns toward zuko with a smile but soon spots the avatar high in the sky, water spiraling around him. his eyes and tattoos were glowing and senna was shocked. she had never seen anything like this before.


the avatar landed on the ship and used the water from the spiral and circled it around his body then pushed it out in all directions sending soldiers and the prince into the ocean. senna gasped as she blocked it with her arms out in a 'x' shape and a strong stance to prevent her from falling off the ship as well.

but she still slides back a few feet and ends up crashing into a wall. she groaned as she stood and saw a flying bison land on the docks with the same two teens from before. both dressed in water tribe clothing. they go and help the avatar who had fallen to the ground.

senna watches as some of the soldiers regain their strength and do the same. they charge toward the water tribe girl. she then sends a stream of water to freeze them but fails and instead does it to the boy behind her.


senna chuckles as the boy groans and begins hitting the ice with his boomerang. she runs toward him and knocks it out of his hands, sending it flying to the ground.

sokkas eyes widened as she reached for his hands and shoved them behind his back, then grabbing a ice dagger with her other hand and holding it up to his throat.

"remember me?" she whispered, her cold breathing hitting sokkas ear, causing a cold chill to run down his spine. he waits for his water bender sister to freeze the guards.

katara turns to the boy in senna's grasp and gasps.

"take a step closer, katara and i'll turn his pretty face into an ice cube." she hissed, smirking as the boy shivered in her touch. she had to say this boy was really cute but just because he was cute didn't mean she was going to let him go.

katara gets into a fighting stance and glared at senna, "let my brother go! aren't you one of us? a water bender?" she yells. senna ignored the last bit of what katara said and cringed at how the girl tried to seem confident but she saw the fear in her eyes.

she was scared of her.

"leave the avatar here and i'll glady let your brother go." senna says, tighting the grip she had on the boy. the water tribe girl shakes her head and senna shrugs in a 'great going' way. she freezes the guys legs then sends multiple sharp icicles toward the girl. katara  was too stunned to move but the avatar used his air bending to redirect the blast back toward her.

senna formed an ice wall surrounding her as the icicles hit the other side of it. the wall then melted and senna watched as the avatar grabbed the water tribe boy and the trio sets off onto the flying bison.

zuko and iroh try and send a big blast of fire towards the group but the avatar bends it toward the large glacier beside the ship which breaks apart and lands on the front of their ship.

"i can't believe i fucking lost to a kid who could be my brother." senna scoffed as she watched the flying bison fly away.

"i won't underestimate him again." zuko says, from beside her.

"good idea. im sick and tired of saving your ass."

the avatar was lost in thought as he steered him and his new friends away. his mind wandered back to the girl he had just fought. she's a really good waterbender but she's teamed up with a bunch of firebenders, why? and how can she easily stop things in mid air?

how could she do that? it's like she could air bend but also not?

"she's a water bender." katara spoke up from appas saddle, "why is she with them?" her brother beside her sighed in admiration towards the girl his sister spoke of.

"im going to kill her the next time i lay eyes on her." she huffed, crossing her arms and stared at her brother weirdly.

sokka shrugged and smiled, "she's gorgeous."

"uh what? she's crazy! did you see the way she fought and how she nearly killed me? she used my own bending against me!"

"she may be psycho but she's beautiful too. i cant help it. im just attracted to her and i can't help that, right aang?"

aang turns and his eyes land on the flawless waterbending girl after hearing sokkas words, "yeah totally."

"i hope we see her again." sokka smiled.

"i hope we never see her again." katara rolled her eyes.

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