Behind The Helmet

By Chadsta69

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There is a man who wears armor and never shows his face. This man is a very mysterious person even for The Bl... More

Chapter 1:The New Memeber
Chapter 2:The First Mission
Chapter 3:The Slayer
Chapter 4:Rage
Chapter 5:Suprisingly a Softie.
Chapter 6:A Date.
Chapter 7:Warming up.
Chapter 8:The One Before
Chapter 9:Chosen
Chapter 10: Training
Chapter 12:Dinner Drama
Chapter 13:My Human Side
Chapter 14:Time
Chapter 15:The Dungeon
Chapter 16:Penance
Chapter 17:Come Home Brother
Chapter 18:The Underwater Temple
Chapter 19:Despair
Chapter 20:Dark Art
Chapter 21:The Queen
Chapter 22:Salamander
Chapter 23:The Thread of Fate
Chapter 24: A New Side of the Duo
Chapter 25:Star Festival
Hey hope you are all safe
Chapter 26:Selina
Chapter 27:The Punishment
Chapter 28:The Tournament
Chapter 29:Last Rights
Chapter 30:The Assault
Chapter 31:Chaos
Chapter 32:The Palace
Chapter 33:The Devilsh Truth
Chapter 34:Suspicions
Chapter 35:The Truth
Chapter 36:The War Begins
Chapter 37:Major Loses
Chapter 38:Recovery
Chapter 39:Preparation
Chapter 40:War
Chapter 41:Who I Really Am
Chapter 42:The Aftermath
Chapter 43:Alone
Chapter 44:Hage
Chapter 45:Keeping a Secret
Chapter 46:The Last Confrontation
Chapter 47:Black Oath
Chapter 48:The Plague Lands
Chapter 49:The Prophecy
Chapter 50:The Slums
Chapter 51:Onward
Chapter 52:The Beserker
Chapter 53:The Beast of Darkness
Chapter 54: Distance
Chapter 55: The Slayer's Return
Chapter 56:The Twins

Chapter 11:Big Bro Slayer

130 5 7
By Chadsta69

*Slayer walks in with Recca and Noelle as Sister Lily shuts the door as Nash sets up the fire*


*Slayer Set Recca down*

Recca:Hey Aruru.

Aruru:Who are they?

Recca:They are magic knights.

Hollo:Oh wow mis you're so pretty!

Noelle:Aww thank you.

Hollo:*Looks over at nothing* Is he a magic knight too??

Recca:Hollo no ones there.

*Meanwhile in Slayer's head*



Slayer and Hadern:That was freaky.

*Back to reality*

Aruru:How about him.*Points to Slayer*

Slayer:I am yes.

Aruru:Oh wow. You so big. Are you super strong like Asta and Yuno??

Slayer:I am.

Sister Lily:I hate to ask but could you two watch the kids while we set up dinner?

Noelle:I uhh-

Slayer:I'll do it. You rest Noelle.

Noelle:You sure?

Slayer:*Sits on the floor* Yeah I got it.

*Noelle sits down and watches Slayer play with the kids*

Aruru:Can you lift me up with your arms like Asta?

Slayer:I sure can. Wanna see?

Aruru:Yes! Yes!

*Slayer lifts up Aruru with one arm*

Aruru:Oh wow you are strong mister!

Slayer:My name is Slayer Aruru.

Aruru:Alright big brother.

Hollo:Me next brother!

Slayer:I can lift you both up at once if you wanna.

Aruru:Oh do that Brother!

Slayer:Alright. Hold on tight.

*The two kids grab Slayer's biceps as he swings them around playfully*

Noelle:*In her head* This past year that I've known him ive never seen him act like this before. He seems...happy for once.

Slayer:Something wrong Noelle?

Noelle:Huh?! No why?

Slayer:You zoned out.

Noelle:Oh its nothing I was thinking thats all.


Aruru:Why aren't you playing miss?

Slayer:It's cause she was training all day like Recca and Big Brother.

Aruru and Hollo: Really?!?!?

Slayer:Yep! Thats why shes resting. Unlike Big Bro she doesn't do too much training to where as I do it daily.


Slayer:Also her name is Noelle.

Aruru:Noelle? That's so pretty!

Noelle:Aww why thank you Aruru. Your name is pretty as well.

Aruru:You really think so?!

Noelle:I do.

*Sister Lily comes around the corner to see Slayer sutting in the floor with the kids climbing him like a tree*

Sister Lily:Did you all have fun?

Aruru:Yeah Big Brother is strong!

Sister Lily:Big Brother?!

Hollo:Yeah. Big Brother!*Points to Slayer*

Slayer:Its fine. I don't mind it.

Sister Lily:Care to join us for dinner? Its not much but we try.

Slayer:Pot potatoes huh? Its been awhile.

Sister Lily:You've had them before?

Slayer:Yeah...A very long time ago.


Slayer:They taste great but dry your mouth out like no tomorrow. But they are a very versatile crop.

Noelle:Alright..ill have some too.

*The two knights sit down at the table with the church. After the church blesses the food they dig in.*

Father Orsi:Question Slayer sir?


Father Orsi:How are you supposed to eat with that helmet on?

Slayer:Oh..*Slightly lift his visor up for food* I can adjust the visor. I usually do it just like this when around people. Its just enough for me to eat.

Father Orsi:Why hide your face?

Slayer:I have my reason. Plus I don't think any of you are ready for that yet.

Sister Lily:I see. Well eat to your hearts content.

Noelle:*In a dry voice* You weren't kidding..these things do dry out your mouth.*Drinks water*

Everyone:*Starts to laugh as Noelle joins in too*

Noelle:But they do taste pretty good.

Slayer:See commener food aint all that bad miss royal.

Father Orsi:WAIT ROYALTY?!?!?

Slayer:Yeah why? She doesn't care for the whole looming down on peasants.

Father Orsi:Still Slayer you should have said something before hand!

Slayer:She said she was when I save the village a year ago.

Sister Lily:Forgive his panicked state. He is getting quite old.


Noelle:*Laughs* Its fine honestly. I don't mind at all. Its refreshing from the royal life. I actually prefer this way of life along with royal side as well.

Slayer:Well to be fair I kinda forced you to get used to it.

Noelle:And I'm glad. Thank you Slayer!

Slayer:Your welcome??

Noelle:Man you can't take a compliment.

*Eveyone laughs and continues eating*

*Later Noelle wakes to find herself in the same situation from the other night but feel that something is off*

Noelle:*In her head* Calm down Noelle. You know it was because of the lack of space. Plus he is actually asleep this time. What time is it?

*She looks at the grandfather clock*

Noelle:*In her head*It's three o'clock in the morning?!

*Slayer wiggled a bit seemingly adjusting himself*

Noelle:*In her head*Is he not comfy on this massive bed?

*Noelle starts to hear more breathing towards Slayer*

Noelle:*In her head*What the?

*Noelle sits up to find that Aruru and Hollo are cuddling with Slayer*

Noelle:*Immediately starts to smile from the scene before her* Awww.

*Noelle slwoly fall back asleep but when she wakes up she wakes to the interior of her and Slayer's room*

Noelle:*Grogy voice* Huh? When did I get back here?

Acier:About time you wake up.

Noelle:Oh hey mom. When did I get here?

Acier:It was around ten o'clock.


Acier:Yeah. Slayer had carried you all the way here.

Noelle:Cause of course he did.*Sighs*

Acier:What is it sweetie?

Noelle:*Starts to remember yesterday at Hage* If only you guys had seen what Slayer did.

Acier:What did he do?

Noelle:You know Hage Village right?

Acier:Yeah. The place Asta is from.

Noelle:Well Slayer became a big brother of three.

Acier:What really?!


Acier:Speaking of Hage tonight for dinner they are coming over at Slayer's request.



Noelle:I'll get ready for today then.

Acier:Same here but remember it is only twelve.

Noelle:Right. Also thanks for waking me up mom.

Acier:No problem sweetie.

Noelle:Where's Asta anyways?

Acier:Training. Why?

Noelle:Just wanted to know...

Acier:Still can't get over him?

Noelle:*In a sad tone* Yeah..It just bums me out a little that we dated but I still haven't had a first kiss and i wanted it to be Asta but...We were close too as well but he would pull away every time.

Acier:He probably wasn't completely confident in his kissing skills or wasn't comfortable.

Noelle:I guess...I should probably go at least check on him see how he's doing.

Acier:Thats fine. He is your squadmate after all. So yeah go check on him.

*Acier leaves while Noelle gets up,dressed, and heads outside to find Asta*

Yami:So Slayer.

Slayer:*Helping Charmy with cooking* Yes sir?

Yami:When the he'll did you become so social and WHEN THE HELL DID YOU LEARN TO COOK!?!?

Slayer:Well before joining I lived by myself in the wild and for the social thing I uhh..i don't know why either.

Yami:Whatever floats your boat.

Charmy:Slayer-kun could you pass me the Garlic!

Slayer:Here you are Miz Charmy.

Charmy:Thank you!

*With Noelle*

Noelle-Hey Asta..


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