You Are My Spring

By E__lizz_a

283 68 23

"You are my spring",she whispered against my lips, forcing me to smile as I leaned in again for a passionate... More

Author's Note


20 6 2
By E__lizz_a

"What's happening mom?" I shouted as I ran towards the kitchen. The house was shaking and everything was falling apart. Cracks were forming on the walls.

"Elaina"- My dad shouted from the living room. His coal black eyes were filled with fear.

"Where's mom, dad?" I asked him.
"I am here,honey! " I saw my mom coming out of the kitchen. She still had the apron on her.

"What's happening? " I was on the verge of tears. The ground was shaking.

"Honey, I think it's an earthquake." My dad said looking outside. I could feel fear in his words. My knees were shaking. Everything on the shelfs was already on the ground. The paintings on the walls were either on the ground or were shaking like anything.

"It's quite intense"- My mom screamed.
To our right, the ceiling cracked open, revealing the sky. A giant tree had fallen on the roof. The crack on the ceiling began spreading in all directions. Soon the ceiling was going to come down. We were terrified. Running outside wasn't the perfect option now.
"We should take cover! " I said.
"Where?" My mom asked.
"Under the bed! Let's go to the bedroom."
We ran towards the bedroom and got under the bed. I hoped it was strong enough to hold the ceiling.

"Oh god,!! " My mom covered her mouth.
"What's wrong?" We asked her.
"I think I forgot to turn off the gas! "
"Oh god, I will go turn it off" - my dad said getting out of the bed. "Stay here !".
" Honey, no!!! It's dangerous.I am coming with you."
My mom shouted after him.
"Elaine,I am going with dad, stay here itself! Understand? Stay alive! " She kissed me before running after dad..
'Never knew that would be the last kiss.'
"No mom," I screamed. "Don't leave me!!"

Before I could do anything she was out of the room. Tears began to blur my vision. I didn't know what I should do.
The next thing I heard was the kitchen roof collapsing and my parents' screams echoing throughout the room.
I was startled.I couldn't even cry.
I felt a sharp pain on my head and suddenly everything around me went blank.
Everything was over.
I gasped sitting up on my bed.
Ever since the incident I had been having these dreams often. Even if I tried to bury them deep down, they kept resurfacing like the oil on the water surface.
I am so unlucky.
I sighed. I glanced at the clock on the wall. It was already 7. I had to go to school. I got out of bed and went to freshen up.

I hummed as I walked to school. The school where I worked was near to my apartment so I had only a 15 min walk there.The morning was so refreshing. It was another nice sunny day. Everything seemed so lively.The sunlight was coming in through the trees, making the scenery dazzling.

So beautiful.

I didn't want the spring to end and I had never wanted it to end.Suddenly yesterday's memories came to my mind. I smiled thinking about him. Oh yes, Edward Knight was his name!.. That name seemed to fit him well.

When am I gonna see him next?

I laughed. I sensed some glares on me.
Did I laugh too loudly?
People might have taken me for a lunatic. Well, it's okay! I don't care.

I am silly anyway.

I danced a bit as I walked. For some unknown reason I was feeling happy.

Perfect morning.

As I got near school, I spotted some students of mine near the entrance. They were staring open mouthed at me.
Don't tell me they saw me walking like a mad woman.
I knew I was a terrible dancer, but I couldn't help it.

"Ma'am, you look so happy today!!" Rea, one among them said as I got near them.
"I guess so". I laughed gently.
"Even you were dancing while walking!! That was so unlike you," another girl said.
I blushed from top to bottom out of embarrassment.

"Oh god! Don't tell anyone you guys saw me dancing,it's so embarrassing! " I covered my face out of embarrassment.
"You look so pretty today!. Even, your clothes look new, don't tell us you got a boyfriend Ma'am." A boy among them said.
"Of course not!! " I said, patting his head.
"Of course yes!! " They sang together.
Somebody save me.!!!
"Let's go to class, or else we're gonna be late" I said changing the topic.
These children were intolerable.


"Thank you ",I said, taking the lunch tray. It was lunch break and I was in the cafeteria.
I walked towards my usual place and sat down.
"Hey", Rita said as she sat down next to me.
She was a fellow colleague of mine as well my closest friend. She taught History, while I taught geography.
" What's up? How's class?" I asked her while we ate.
" Like always, not so boring but not so enjoyable."
" Okay... it will become boring soon. Terminals are gonna start in a week"
I sighed.
"You know... last day Mr. Jones asked me out."
"Are You kidding me? " I said in a surprised tone. Mr. Jones was the mathematics teacher at our school. He was young and was favored by both students and teachers as well.
" No!!! I said yes. "
"What? Really? I am so happy for you"
" I know that you would be happy for me. Don't make it a big news. "
" Ok--"
Our conversation was suddenly interrupted by a shouting from the other side.

What's happening.?

We both washed our hands and ran towards their direction.

"What's wrong?", I asked the kids.
"Ma'am, something is wrong with David. He can't breathe." One among them said in a panicked voice. A sick looking boy was lying on the table with his face turned towards us.

" Are you okay, David?", I asked, touching his forehead. It was burning hot.
He murmured something that we couldn't understand.
"I think it is something serious, we better call for an ambulance." Rita said, taking her phone out.
"Yeah.. "

The ambulance came soon and we took the boy to the hospital. I was afraid that something bad might happen before we could reach the hospital. Fortunately, we made it there by time.

"What's wrong with him?, "we asked the doctor.
"Don't worry ,It's just an allergic reaction. He might have been exposed to something that he is allergic to. Seeing the symptoms, I think it is food allergy. He might need to rest for a day.. We have given him an injection, so he will wake up in a few minutes." The doctor told us before going over to the next patient.

"I have contacted David's parents, they will arrive shortly, Elaina" Mr. Jones, who came shortly after us informed me. Outside school we mentioned each other casually itself.
"I hope he will be okay soon." I said, watching the boy sleeping peacefully .David was an active and cheerful student in my class. I wondered what he was allergic to.
Poor kid.

"David's family is here."
I heard footsteps echoing through the room. I Turned around to greet them, but instead my eyes got locked with a pair of glassy ocean blue eyes. Unlike last time, I sensed a ravaging storm of worry and concern in those familiar, yet so distant eyes. But it still was addictive and intoxicating. I didn't know why, but butterflies were dancing in my stomach pit. Slowly I felt that storm disappearing as if something more stronger, something more powerful was suppressing it down.

Suddenly something pinched my hand and I managed to look away.
I mouthed a thanks at Rita. 

"Are you David's brother? " I heard Mr. Jones asking Edward.

"yeah.!, how is he? ", He said, glancing worryingly at his brother.

" Doc said he is okay now, they have given him an injection. It's an allergic reaction." Rita informed him.
" Did you have any prawn items for lunch at school? "
" Yes, we had prawn fry today. " I said, suddenly remembering it. We had only started eating when he fell ill.
" Oh, that's why... He is highly allergic to prawns. We usually don't give him it. "
" Doesn't he take meds?" I asked.
" Sometimes "
" I hope he wakes up soon"
" Never knew you had a brother, " I sighed dramatically.
" You never asked! "
" Well..... Should I interview you or something?" I joked.
"If you want, never knew you taught him" He chuckled.
"At least you know now, right?! He doesn't look anything like you. Even his hair is brown" I said, observing both of them.
"He takes after our mother, I look more like dad" He said looking at me and our eyes met for a second.

"Well, wait" I heard Rita clearing her throat. I had completely forgotten about them. " You both know each other? "
"Yep" We both said together.
"Seriously.....! ! Elaina has never mentioned about you! "
"I have!! Don't you remember me telling you about a guy I knew in France? " I had told many times about him.
"Oh that....." I saw a mischievous glint sparking in her eyes.

Don't tell me.

"Oh, yes, I remember. You are a lot more handsome in person. "
"Thank you " He said in a cute way.
"They are?" He asked about Rita and Mr. Jones.
"This is Ms. Beckham and Mr. Jones." I introduced them.
"You can call me Rita" She said, winking at him, which I knew was to make Mr. Jones jealous.
"You can call me Samuel, " Mr. Jones said, shaking hands with Edward.
"I am Edward," He told, smiling genuinely. His smiling face again reminded me of the maple tree from our first meeting. He was still giving off a spring vibe which I found so charming.
He glanced at me, making me look away.
Oh no.

"Isn't there a canteen in this hospital? " Rita asked us. I guessed she was hungry. We didn't even eat properly.
"Yes, there is, near to the children's ward."
"Okay, thanks, I am gonna buy some snacks. I am super hungry."
" Let's go together, then" , Mr. Jones said.
" Buy something for me also," I said. " Do you want anything? " I asked Edward.
" No, I ate"
" Ok, then, we will be back soon"

They both went out and we both were left alone. Suddenly the air became tense and I had nothing to talk about. It was so awkward. I glanced at him. His gaze was fixed on his brother who was lying on the bed. He looked worried.
"Does he get this allergic reaction often?"
" Yeah, whenever he eats prawns. He likes them so much. But, we don't allow him to eat them. I don't know what made him eat it."

" I see. You came from the office? "
He was in his suit, so I guessed he came from work.
" Yep, mom called me. Her leg is sprained, so she couldn't go."
" What happened? "
" Nothing much, she tripped and fell. "
" Oh! "
" How's he at school? "
"David? He is always active in class. He talks and laughs a lot and I find it difficult to make him quiet. He is totally cheerful. His grades are also not bad." I sighed.
" Thank God. He is quite a troublemaker at home."
I laughed. We stayed quiet for a while.

"Are you free this Saturday?" He asked, suddenly lessening the tension.
"Me? I guess so.. Why?"
"How about we go for a movie?"
"Yeah. if you are ok with it.."
" Sounds good."
" Evening show? "
" Okay."
" You sure? "
" Yeah, why? "
" Nothing "
" Which movie? "
" Have to check. "
" Ok, text me the details later" I said, with interest.
" Mm"
I agreed so fast and It felt weird.

"Brother, You can't do this. You are embarrassing me, she is my teacher!!!" We looked back to see a sick looking David sitting on the bed.
Oh god. When did he wake up?
" When did you wake up? How are you feeling?"

We rushed over to him.

" Feeling better, at least I can breathe now!!" He said in an upset tone.
" Thank god! Why did you eat prawns!?" I asked him.
"Oh, Ms. Johnson, I missed it's taste, that's why."
"What!! " Edward pinched his ear.
"Oh god! It's not like you gonna buy me them if I ask " He whined.
" When you become okay, we will buy you some okay? "
" Okay? My foot. I am tired of taking meds"
"Whatever, no use in telling you'' .Edward said, in an annoyed tone.
"Ok ok, stop it guys. Lie down, you aren't even well" I scolded David. If I hadn't stopped them, they would have started a war.

" Why are you taking his side Ma'am?" He whined before lying down again.
"Oh God!! " I laughed.
Nice brothers.
"Are you guys like this at home? "
"Sometimes " He said, looking at me.
I chuckled and looked away.

Oh Man.

"Why are you staring at me? " I asked before my heart beat could be heard all over the place.
"Simply. Why are you blushing?" He asked in a teasing tone.
" I am not." I looked away.
Stupid hormones.
He laughed gently.
" Do I still remind you of spring? "

I might look like a tomato if he goes on like this.

" Yeah " I said.
" Really? "
Oh god.
"Stop it!! You are embarrassing me" I muttered.
"You blush easily."
"Are you flirting with me? " I asked, looking at his eyes.
"Maybe... " He said, staring back at me with his calm eyes. I couldn't look away. His messy black hair was lying lazily on his forehead making him look more adorable. The mole under his nose seemed a bit bigger than last time. There was something about him that made me want to get more of him.

What's wrong with me?

Suddenly the clicking of heels was heard and we looked away.
"Hey, we got you things" I heard Rita's sound behind the curtains.
It's a hospital you idiot.
" Um, sorry! ", she said, handing me a burger.
" Thank you "
" We bought something for you too", she gave Edward a juice packet.
"Oh.. Thanks".
" David woke up," I told them.
" Good, I bought juice for him as well."
" He slept again, I guess."
" It's ok"


We stayed at the hospital for some more time. David woke up soon and Edward discharged him suggesting it's better to make him rest at home.

We protested but David seemed like wanting to go home as well. Edward paid the bill and we walked out of the hospital.
Edward helped David to get into his car. I felt that he cared a lot about his brother.
"Ok, then.. Rest a lot and get well soon." We told him, waving our hands.
" Thank you, " He smiled back at us.
" Let's get going, then", Mr. Jones told us.
" Okay"
" Don't forget about Saturday.. " Edward said, waving his hand. He sounded desperate.
" I won't, don't forget to text me the details " I said, waving back at him.
"Ok, bye" He smiled before getting into his car and driving away.
"Let's go" Rita pulled me by hand. "It seems like I am not being updated lately" She said, flashing her eyes mischievously.
I am trapped.


Hey there,
So the next chapter is here finally.
I was busy with my exams so I couldn't upload it.( I still got one more left).😭
Don't forget to vote and write down ur opinions in the comment box😘
With love,

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