Caught, A Yautja fantasy stor...

By wnnoxer

73.4K 3.8K 370

What if..., you escape prison, and crashland on earth? What if..., your camping with your friends and you wi... More

Author's note
Author's Note


1.8K 107 17
By wnnoxer

Valk & Kenzi

After finishing some repair's to the ship, Valk walked back to the bed he shared with Kenzi, to find her sitting up in the middle of it, her back to the entrance.

"Why aren't you asleep? I told you to get some rest..., you have a concussion, and fractured ribs... and stop fiddling with the bandages on your leg!"

"They're to tight..., I was just trying to loosen them a little, jeezz..., you sound like my mother..."

Because to Kenzi the subject of pregnancy was still a very, ...well..., new and uncharted subject, she decided to ask Valk what had happened on the planet instead, which made the Qas'qiari come after them.

"What the hell happened back on that planet,Valk?" She cocked her head a little.

He sighed.
"I stumbled across some kind of gathering between two Alpha's, at the edge of the forest were I decided to go for a hunt. The youngest of them had set a trap, to kill the older one. I tried to intervene but before I could reach them the kid gave the old Alpha a fatal stab, and took off. I couldn't leave the man dying there alone and stayed until he did. But the cavalry arrived before I could leave, catching me standing next to his dead body. So, now they think I'm his killer. In short, that's what happened."

He never failed to amaze her, Kenzi thought. The man was a ruthless fighting machine, a killer pure sang, and jet, on the other hand he could be kind and gentle, and she felt her heart missing a beat when she looked at the tall creature standing in front of her tending to the wounds on her leg.


"Nothing... I was just thinking of, how sweet you are..."

His head flew up, and flexed his mandibles irritably.


Almost chocking on her laughter, Kenzi duck away. She new damn well he'd be pissed if she called him sweet, but wasn't able to resist the opportunity to tease him.

"Yes you are! You're so incredibly sweet!" Teasing him a little more.

Valk threw her leg aside, got onto his feet and stormed off. What the hell!? Sweet! I'M NOT SWEET!!!
Valk was irritated, calling a Yautja, ...worse..., calling HIM sweet was nothing more than an insult!

Still snickering, Kenzi got up, and carefully hopped after her annoyed mate.

She found him standing behind the pilot's seat, his arms folded over his chest, staring at the big screen that showed the universe flying by.

"Oohhh, come on Valk, don't be so mad, I was just teasing you..." But failed miserably in her apology when she couldn't suppress a grin."


The naughty grin on her face instantly swoop all irritation he felt down the drain, oohhh for pauk's sake, he desperately wanted to be mad at her for calling him sweet, but he couldn't. He wasn't even capable to maintain a stoic appearance like the rest of the Yautja did.

"I'm just teasing you my love..." and hopped towards the gigantic male who managed to steal her heart in just a couple of weeks.


"Just hold me, you big softy..." She snickered seeing Valk flexing his mandibles in annoyment.

"I let you be the biggest, baddest and terrifying Yautja to anyone else, as long as you'll be the strongest and sweetest one to me and our child..." Her cheeks reddened saying the words out loud, our child... Her heart skipped a beat seeing the look in his yellow eyes soften.

"Pauk... We're going to have a pup..."

"Yeah, big guy..., we're going to have a pup."

Valk had taken her in his arms, and she felt his large hands holding her bum.
Kenzi leant a little backwards to take a better look at him.

"I feel..., happy..., scared..., nervous... all at the same time...." She said, stroking his jaws and fiddling with the pointy tips of his tusks.

The gentle caressing of his jaws, the feeling of her warm groin against his stomach and the though she was carrying his pup, aroused him tremendously.
He put her down in the seat and knelt in front of her separating her legs with his hands.

Having her eyes sparkling at the sight of what he was up to, was enough encouragement for Valk to pull away the piece of cloth that had slipped in front of her crotch and bury his head between her thighs.

The feel of his rough tongue between her lips and his hot breath fanning her folds, made Kenzi shiver with pleasure, and she gripped some of the black, dangling tubes tightly and pulled him closer to her.
With his mandibles he played with her swollen lips, carefully nibbling and pulling the sensitive flesh, his tongue slipped in and out of her canal, past her clit, repeating it over and over untill he felt her on the verge of cumming.
Valk pulled back, much to Kenzi's frustration, and swept his tongue around his inner mouth. He grinned...

"Sweet, you said...?"
And before Kenzi was able to reply, he turned her around to the the backrest.

With one hand he pushed her against the back and with his free hand he loosened his loincloth, releasing his swollen limb.

He heard her stifled giggles.
'What was it again? I was sweet?'


With her head pressed against the backrest and her excitement taking over because of his dominant posture, it was almost impossible to answer so all she could do was hum in agreement. Her excitement increased when she felt his hard member pressing against her entrance.

Slowly he pressed his cock into her swollen and tender sex and heard her moan.
Valk couldn't help but smile, it was a pleasure to make love to her.

Slowly he increased the pace, the sound of their bodies crashing into each other every time he pushed forward made him even more excited. Her excitement caused her channel to become more and more moist and Valk felt his cock being milked more and more vigorously, enjoying the sense of pleasure he was giving his mate.

He let go of her neck and slid his arm under her armpit, over her breasts and grabbed her neck and jaw and pulled her torso towards him so that her back was pressed tightly against his chest. He rubbed his jaw against the side of her face and heard her gasp.

"Oooh my god, Valk, don't stop..."

Her nails dug into the stiff fabric of the chair.

The hand with which he held her hips against him slid forward to caress her clit with his fingers. This was too much and with an ear-numbing scream, Kenzi came, her whole body writhing in his tight grip. He let her ride her orgasm, he then bent her forward again and started to thrust fast and hard until he reached his own peak and came with a roar.

"Did I hurt you?"

He carefully lifted her back up to take her to the shower.

"Nah, for now the painkillers do their job, so I'm fine. I'm probably going to regret this in a couple of hours from now, thought..." She snickered.

The hot water caressing her body made her feel drowsy, and she leaned with her back against Valks stomach.

"We're going to take a detour. I want you to see a doctor at Vas Brec naDir. You being pregnant with my baby..., I don't know how this will affect your body..." He rubbed her shoulders.

" ...and I'm not willing to take any risk with your health or our pups for that matter, so I'm going to make some adjustments to the medical systems, so we can monitor your condition."

Kenzi nodded in agreement, it also crossed her mind as well, hearing him to speak his concerns out loud gave her a sense of security.

"What is Vas Brec naDir?" She craned her neck as far as possible to look at her oversized mate.

"It's a space station... You can basically get everything you need, or want for that matter. It's a hideout for criminals, refugees or people who just want to disappear. For the right price you can get everything."
Valk sank down onto his hunches, so the were now at the same eye level.

"The doctors may look shady, but they're capable and most importantly, they will keep their mouths shut... I think you'll enjoy spending some time there, just as long as you'll stick to my side..."

"Can I get myself some clothes, shoes, and other basics?" She fiddled with his dreads, which immediately was rewarded with a deep purring from Valk.

Valk grinned.
"Hmmm. I found some "resources", so we'll get you everything you need..."

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