「°•Living la vida loca•°」Blue...

By crocothecrocodile565

91 4 2

I'm out of cover ideas....SORRY 1- this story has SPOILERS from the original book 2-In this story I'm going t... More

「the forest」


39 2 0
By crocothecrocodile565

°•Owen Pov•°

That girl was on my back, she was asleep, I was home, I opened the door, I went to my room and I put the little girl to bed, I wonder how a child came to these forests?  i know it's a baby dinosaur but as far as i know she shouldn't be here, where are her parents?

Owen: this girl would get in a lot of trouble if she stayed in the woods... - I left the room and went to the living room, sat on the living room chair and started cleaning my hunting knife, honestly I don't know what I'm going to do with it, I I could sell it to Dr.Wu but that would be cruel...very cruel, I remember your last experience

Owen: it's stupid to use a weapon with a laser to make a dinosaur kill/attack someone, you are already using a weapon, it would be easier to use the weapon to shoot and not wait for a dinosaur to attack...- I looked to the side and there it was she that girl

Owen: You have to stop scaring me....why are you here?  I mean...you're a child shouldn't you be here, do you have a mother, father, sisters or brothers? - she was quiet and looked at me, she lowered her head and started to cry

Owen: hey why are you crying?  did I said something wrong?

Blue: ...

Owen: well I don't know what happened but I'll tell you a little bit about my life, my name is Owen...Owen Grady and when I was born my mother was eaten by wolves, my father blamed me for my mother's death and for this he became addicted to drugs, booze, womens, sex...oh...sorry I forgot you're a kid, my dad already tried to sell me for a piece of cheese....well, he got it... .but I managed to escape and I went to live with my grandmother and grandfather, they and I made this house - the girl took a deep breath, looked around confused, she looked at me and she's tilt head questioning me

Owen: well, i'm already 25 years old, and my grandma died already my grandpa is still alive....that grumpy old man - i started to hear her laugh, well at least now i know she has a voice

the moment was interrupted by the door that opened showing Claire, Zach and Gray

Claire: Owen can you take care of the boys for me, the hospital is very full and... WHO IS THIS CHILD!?  - the blue girl got up and hid behind me

Owen: well, I don't even know who she is, but I call her the blue girl...- I said while trying to hide her from the view of the boys, especially Gray...

Zach: it looks like your boyfriend kidnapped a child...

Claire: Owen...where are this child's parents?

Owen: I found her in the wisteria forest and she was starving and her leg hurt, and I didn't kidnap her I saved her, while her parents...well they...they...I don't know, but you have to promise not to call Dr.Wu or anyone else

Claire: why would I call Wu?  - she and the boys come into the house, I asked Zach and Gray to go to the room, after that Claire and the blue girl were sitting at the table, Claire and I were looking at the blue girl, waiting for her to say something, apparently Claire was doing "child psychology" I think...

 Claire: you are a dinosaur right?  Owen already told me this, but tell me your name and what happened to you being here?  - she was quiet, he said nothing, the silence invaded the room...

Blue: ... - she looks at me and then she looks at Claire, she lowered her head and she remain silent

Claire:  ok, you're not leaving here until you say something, and if you don't say anything and I call Dr. Wu, to be more exact Wu is a scientist who works with dinosaurs, he would be capable of anything to have a blood velociraptor pure like you, believe me, if you don't want to spend the rest of your life in a cage you better start talking... - I stared at Claire in horror I never thought she could be mean to a child, I I looked at the girl one more time and she was crying, Claire took a deep breath and got up and walked to the phone

Blue: MY NAME IS BLUE MY SISTERS DIED I RUN AWAY FROM HOME BECAUSE I WAS AFRAID THAT MY MOTHER WOULD BE DISGUSTED WITH ME!  - she said while crying, she lowered her head and I'm still crying

°•Blue Pov•°

Blue: I...I don't want to go back home, I'm scared, afraid my mom will be disgusted with me for not being able to protect my sisters, please don't care about this man, I...I don't want to get stuck in a cage... - I lowered my head as I tightened the sleeves of my sweater, I feel Owen's hand caress my head

Owen: I understand, I know what it's like to lose someone - he said as he patted my back

Claire: my god... I'm sorry, I didn't know... - she dropped the phone and sat down again

5 minutes later

The red haired woman bandaged my leg and she said I shouldn't move my leg or do some exercise, I had a horrible smell so after that I went to take a shower

Claire: well, you really like this blouse but i have to wash it, it's dirty with dirt and it smells like wet dog...

Blue: OK, but will you give me the shirt back?

Claire: Yes I'll get it back to you later, I promise - she gently smiles, I took off my sweater and handed it to her, leaving only the gray summer dress she lends me, the red haired woman was gone but the boys were still here, we were in the room, I didn't say a word and I stayed three meters away from them (she needs a psychologist)

Gray: look... I know you're scared of humans, but we won't do anything bad for you, by the way I love dinosaurs, I love them, I know it sounds weird for a human to like dinosaurs, but you guys are so interesting , their way of life is so different from ours, you know, like dinosaurs went extinct 64 billion years ago (if I'm wrong, correct me) and somehow they managed to bring it back to life, but then you have a humanoid shape and -- he stopped talking for breath and also because he probably noticed that I was scared of what he was talking about

Zach: Okay, I think you better be quiet and wait for her to get used to our presence

Gray: Oh yeah!  How did I not think about it?  She'll act like a cat when there's a different person in her territory - the boy added, then he took a notebook and some pencils, I sat on the floor looking at the television, it's not like I've never seen one on mine life but this was a little weird, i couldn't help noticing that the boy was looking at me and then looking at the paper, it really was making me uncomfortable, but at least he's not talking again

1 hour later

Gray: hey Blue...me and my brother Zach did this for you - I looked at the paper I had a nice drawing of myself, I couldn't help but be surprised it looked like a picture they drew well, one of the drawings was in color and the not another one but I liked it, I thought it was beautiful

Blue: cute, i liked it - i approached him and patted his head in thanks, he just laughs, i did the same thing to the other one but he resists

Zach: What are you doing ?Hey Gray! Translation Please

Gray: she's thanking you, this is better than getting licked in the face

Zach: yuck...how can you be sure she's thinking that?

Gray: I read this in a dinosaur book by the writer Allan - I looked at him curiously, how could a human know this?

Zach: Allan is not your silly writer, by the way he was probably lying, it's impossible for someone to train a velociraptor

Blue: who is Allan?

Zach: well Alan and his wife trained a velociraptor, but nobody knows if it's true, he just drew and described what she's were like

Blue: she?  who did she look like?

Gray: wait here, i'll be right back - the boy leaves the room and goes to his room in a minute he comes back with a book, and sits on the couch, i was a little hesitant to sit next to him but i wish i could see who this guy was

Gray: she was a girl of apparently 16 years old, had black skin, dark hair with white and pink streaks, her eyes were red like blood and she was pregnant, she had told me she didn't want this anymore was forced to have a child, she she also told me she was pregnant triplets, i was a little scared but she was a nice woman, and unfortunately she lost her innocence in the worst possible way, but she said that her children are not to blame for this, her name was Violet !  That's how he describes the woman he helped - he finished reading and looked at me and then I smiled

Blue: violet... nice name

Zach: in my opinion that's all a lie it's impossible for someone to have a normal conversation with a dinosaur

Blue: ...retarded... -  I threw a pillow at him to make this idiot shut up, the other boy started to laugh, then the bigger boy threw the pillow in my face

°• My Pov•°

A few minutes later everyone was going to sleep, but Blue and Owen were awake looking at the stars outside the house, it was a beautiful night, the moon was full, the sky was full of stars, the wind was great, for Blue it was so Good to feel the wind and on her face again, she felt safe here... away from him, everything felt fine, her body will never hurt like before, when she thought that a smile appeared on her face, she took a deep breath and felt all the smells of that place, the scent of the glycerin trees was everywhere and you could hear the noise of some nocturnal birds, so Owen decided to break the silence

Owen: beautiful, isn't it?

Blue: yes...this place is beautiful...I don't understand why my mother told me not to come here

Owen: well, your mother was right when she said that, this is no place for children, this forest is considered one of the most dangerous in the whole world

Blue: why?  I didn't see any threats here...

Owen: well, that was because you were in the wisteria forest, and they smell not so nice to the monsters that live in this forest, so we patrol around to see if not even an idiot is trying to cut down one of those trees

Blue: oh so is there really a monster here?

Owen: yes, and if you're not careful they'll devour you - Owen started to tickle Blue as she laughed nonstop, that moment was interrupted by Claren

Claren:  please less noise, the boys are sleeping - she went back into the house, Blue and Owen just looked at her and nodded

Owen: so Blue, I know I shouldn't ask this question but, what happened in your house - the silence filled the place, it was so quiet that Blue could hear Owen's breathing and even the rustle of leaves on the trees. moving as the wind guided them

Owen: it's ok if you don't want to sa-

Blue: well, it was two days ago, mom had asked me to go to the market to buy her some things, a few minutes later i was on my way home, but i stopped halfway, i don't know why but it felt like something was following me , I didn't know if it was something in my head or if it was real, that's why I stayed alert, when I was near the house I saw blood trails coming from the gate entrance, so I hid and saw...I saw that weird thing, that disgusting monster was feeding off my sisters' bodies, that monster had killed them in such a brutal way and no matter what I do I can't get that scene out of my head, the only thing I could do at that time it was...run, i just ran...and somehow i ended up here... - tears started to flow down her face, her hands were holding the hair ties

Blue: my sweater and that hair tie are the only memory I have of them, I hate to think I'll never see them again in my life - Blue had cringed and put her face on her knees as it cry, Owen didn't say anything just stroke her head trying to comfort her

Owen: I know it's hard to think that you've lost such a special person in your life but, you'll have to get over it, your mother must be worried about you, maybe you should come hom-

Blue: NO!  I can't, my mother has been training me since I was 5 years old, if I had arrived earlier, if I hadn't stopped on the street because of something silly, I could have saved them, it's all my fault, and I-I don't want to go home, if I come back...my father will beat me and my mother will never love me again...she never did...

Owen: It's okay, I understand, you're tired and you feel guilty but...don't carry that responsibility on your shoulders, it wasn't your fault, you're a kid, I know what it's like, and I know you want revenge on all the ways of that thing, so I'll let you live with me, and I'll train you, but promise me, you'll NEVER hurt a human if you don't have to

Blue: I promise...- Blue continued to cry but this time it was tears of happiness, she hugged Owen, and was ready for her new life...

hi guys!  I hope you enjoyed the chapter and if you have any grammar mistakes please let me know, but now keep this Violet drawing (ps: when any character is drawing it means he will be important in the original story)

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