Fix the future by changing th...

By cheebs18

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when Jim uses the chronosphere to rewind time, things don't exactly go as planned. Jim is now tasked to save... More

Becoming again?
chance meeting
striking a bargain to tell mom
plans to begin
calm before the storm
Young Atlas
what is familiar and strange
A shadow's whisper
setting challenges
fight of fists and spirits
a sudden change in plans
setting things in motion
trollhunters untold
a family ever growing
a birthday curse
a grave mistake
0/10, never again

an experience

910 23 12
By cheebs18

It's been almost an hour since Jim went to Strickler's office. Fifteen minutes into Gym class too. Toby was very worried about how his best friend was doing but he had to focus at this very moment so as not to slip and fall from the top of the rope. 

His training had been paying off, he'd lost some pounds, not too much but his endurance and strength got a significant boost. 

All of a sudden, the doors to the gym opened revealing a Jim, fully ready to head into PE. "You're fifteen minutes late, Lake!" Coach Lawrence yelled standing in front of the teen. 

"Sorry, Coach Lawrence… Mr. Strickler needed to talk to me." Jim apologised, rubbing the back of his neck, as Strickler walked in behind Jim, causing the whole class to look at them.

"Coach Lawrence, I do apologise. I needed to have a stern talking to with Lake… he wasn't feeling too well today in class." Strickler said, placing his hands on the teen's shoulder like a worried father. 

Jim looked back at his step-father-to-be with a grateful and confused look which only earned him a small smile from the history teacher. 

"Not feeling well?" The Coach asked with a raised eyebrow examining the teen in front of him. "Hm… he does look a little pale… did you call his mom to pick 'em up?" 

"No Coach, I'd rather not have to worry mom. Besides, I want to have PE today." Jim said with a weak smile. Lawrence always did like how hardworking Lake was, how he always did his best to participate during all his classes. 

"Alright, kid. But don't push it." The Coach warned with a stern look. "We're playing dodgeball, if you're up for it." The rest of the class groaned, knowing how competitive the teams could get, especially the one with Steve in it. 

"Dodgeball would be nice." Jim said with a smile, going to join the rest of the class. Strickler continued to talk to Lawrence about if he could stay and watch the match, being worried for his prize pupil, going to sit at the benches once he was given the okay. 

Jim walked over to Claire and Toby who looked at him worriedly. “Are you sure you’re okay to play, Jim?” Claire asked gently, grabbing hold of his arm in worry.

“yeah, Jimbo, you didn’t look too good earlier.” Toby chimed in, brows furrowed.

Jim gave them a reassuring smile, they worried for him even though they had more pressing matters on their hands. He was so happy that he had them for friends. “I'm fine, I just needed some sleep. Mr. Strickler was kind enough to let me sleep in his office.” he said after letting out a tired sigh. “Didn’t really get much sleep last night…”

Toby and Claire looked at each other with worry, before turning to look back at Jim. “Jim…” Toby started a frown forming on his face. “I think you should sit tonight out.”

At this the taller teen’s face fell. “What why?”

“Because we’re worried about you, Jim!” Claire exclaimed, crossing her arms and giving him a stern glare, one he knew fully well that he couldn't argue with.

A bad feeling started welling up within Jim's gut. Something wasn't feeling right, but wasn't able to get anything out as Coach Lawrence blew his whistle indicating for the students to take their position in the court. Jim was assigned to the team Toby was in, unfortunately Claire was on the opposing team but that was fine. 

With another whistle from the Coach, both teams were sending out balls towards their opponent. It was loud with the squeaking of shoes on polished wooden tiles, the thumping of the balls against students and the ground. 

Jim dodged an incoming ball easily, Toby doing the same before grabbing a ball from the ground next to him and throwing it with terrifying precision, hitting Logan's side, getting him out of the game. It wasn't long until Jim's team was already on the losing side, with only him and Toby left on the field while their opponents dwarfed their numbers by three times. 

"Get your head in the game, Lake!" Coach Lawrence shouted to the teen who had yet to make a move to attack, only ever dodging and evading the incoming balls. 

Steve laughed from across the field, ball in hand and being cocky. "If it isn't Lame Lake Jr and Dumbzalski! You better give up now before I bash your faces in!" He threatened to throw the ball at Toby. 

Jim's eyes flew wide just as Steve threw the ball towards his best friend. With a sudden adrenaline spike, his senses heightened, mind running faster than ever as Jim picked up a ball and threw it at the incoming ball that was now mere centimetres from hitting him. 

Toby let out a surprised yelp as he watched the ball Jim threw into the incoming ball collide and divert their course of trajectory. The shorter teen watched as his best friend ran towards the closest ball, picking it up and swiftly hitting their opponents. 

Jim was so swift, so fluid, so agile, as if he had been doing this for years. Was he somehow training? Toby didn't know, but whatever it was was helping Jim to at least be able to protect himself if he ever needed to during a mission. 

Claire, who had been sent to the benches early on in the match willingly, watched how Jim moved. How he caught fast flying balls with ease, outing a couple of the opposing team before throwing to out more of them. She hasn't known Jim for that long but something told her that the smile he was wearing wasn't something the boy often wore when playing games that could potentially hurt others. He didn't seem like that kind of person after all, but this Jim was beaming, practically vibrating in joy. She couldn't understand why, but seeing him have fun while being rough during the game didn't feel wrong at all. 

Soon, the playing field was even. Toby and Jim vs Seamus and Steve. A stand still happened, both teams glaring at each other. Seamus was the first to make a move, throwing a fast ball towards Toby who dodged before throwing a ball towards his offender, managing to hit him in the leg. 

Steve followed after Seamus' attack, sending a ball flying towards Jim with all his strength, grunting from the strain he put his body through with the throw. Jim on the other hand was prepared, managing to catch the ball, turning in a half circle to return the ball with twice as much force as Steve sent his way. However, due to his growing strength, Jim hadn't realised just how much power he packed into the ball until a very audible and painful crack sounded across the gym as the ball collided with the blond's very punchable face. 

A collection of winces and gasps rang around the gymnasium as Coach Lawrence, Strickler and Jim ran over to the fallen boy. All three wincing seeing a few broken teeth, a broken nose and a black eye on the now unconscious blond teen. 

"Sorry…" Jim winced, biting his lower lip to stop himself from whimpering. Steve was one of his friends back in the old timeline and he couldn't help but feel terrible for hurting him like that but right now, Steve probably deserved that ball to the face. 

Strickler drove Jim home that day after a talk with the principal, convincing the old man that it was an accident and that Jim was truly sorry. Luckily for Jim, he only managed to get away with just a few days in detention (which he was thankful for Strickler) and a scolding over the phone from his mom and a week's grounding unless it was Trollhunter business. 

As soon as both Jim and Strickler got into the Lake residence, Jim ran all the way up to the bathroom upstairs, fearing that maybe, just maybe, he had gone a little bit too trollish. 

Quickly removing his mask, Jim examined himself in the mirror, taking note of any changes. And there were a lot. His skin had turned almost completely blue, a few patches of actual stone dotted his skin, his horns were now fully grown no doubt about it, fangs fully sharp and tusks protruding, his eyes were now a very vibrant shade of light blue instead of his human self's sapphire eyes. There was also a slight change in height however paid little mind to it. 

With a sigh, Jim turned towards the bathroom window where the afternoon rays came through and hesitantly put his hand under the sunlight. There was an uncomfortable warmth, like holding a bowl of scalding hot soup. He's going to have to either start wrapping himself up or stay home… the latter option not something he was willing to consider at the moment. 

Another sigh escaped the teen as he moved away from the window and the light it gave off, his body now only feeling the sore aches that made him feel heavier than he would like. How strange, why was the pain only now acting up? Putting back on the glamour mask, Jim ultimately dragged his feet down the stairs, only to be caught off guard by Douxie and his mom being there at the dining table with Strickler. 

Barbara was the first to look up at Jim who stood frozen by the stairs. "Jim…" she called out, getting out of her seat to walk over to her son who only watched her every movement. 

"Mom…? I thought you wouldn't be home until later tonight?" He asked, voice somewhat raspy from the strain of his body's sudden accelerated transformation. 

Carefully, Barbara hugged her son, giving him gentle pats on the head. "Jim… let me see…" 

At her request, Jim's breath got caught in his throat. How would she react? He looked so different already… 

"Please, Jim." She pleaded, grabbing hold of the teen's shoulders to look into his eyes. To see the tears that threatened to fall, gently letting a hand cup his cheek ready to catch any that would fall. It wasn't like she wouldn’t accept him as a troll, she's already shown him that it didn't matter if he was human or troll, she loved him for him and that's what mattered the most. He knew this. 

"Mom…" Jim started, grabbing hold of the hand on his cheek and giving it a light squeeze. "It's not that I want to hide my trollish side… it's just… I don't really look all that great right now…" he said in a quiet tone. 

"I know, Jim… Walter already told me about how you fell asleep in class…" 

A sigh escaped Jim for the third time since he came home. He hadn't wanted his mom to worry about him at all, but seeing that hurt and concerned look in her eyes made his instincts just want to hold her close and assure her that he was fine. 

Jim reached up and removed his mask. In a flash, the teen was replaced by a young troll, slightly taller than Barbara, his skin blue and covered in stone patches, horns long and sharp, tusks protruding out from his mouth. He looked so different- he was different. Yet his eyes, his blue eyes, although a lighter and more vibrant shade, were still the same. The closer she looked and observed, small details started aligning to the familiar face that was her son. The hooked nose, the round eyes, hair parting and even the face structure -although missing some of the baby fat that rounded his cheeks. 

This was her son. 

Her beautiful son. 

Gently she stroked her son's cheek with a fond smile on her face, her eyes holding recognition. "Jim, you look tired…" she finally said after a moment. 

Jim gave her a small smile, allowing his instincts to lead some of his actions as he gently touched foreheads with his mom in a familial manner, like a young troll would do to their parents. This only solidified the fact that Jim was still a youngling in Strickler's eyes, both troll and human. 

"I didn't really get enough sleep…" Jim finally said, making Barbara lead the half troll towards the couch where she made him lay down. 

"Sleep, Jim." Barbara commanded, sitting next to her son, to allow him to rest his head on her lap in an attempt to reassure him that she wasn't going anywhere. 

"But-" Jim started, only to be interrupted by Strickler this time. 

"No buts, Young Atlas. Your body is still changing, you'll need the energy." 

A couple more attempts at protest were thwarted by the combined effort of Barbara, Strickler, and Douxie from that point on. Archie even curled up on Jim's chest, letting out a soft purr that slowly but surely lulled the half troll to sleep. Allowing the two adults and wizard to talk about Jim's condition, and about a little surprise Douxie had for Jim but would be needing the help of both Barbara and Strickler. 

By the time Jim woke up again, the sun had already set, only an hour before he had to go keep an eye on Toby and Claire for their mission to the museum. He was glad that Strickler had made them dinner while Barbara made Jim some "horribly tasting" (by human standards) soup. 

They all sat around the table, eating and chatting away. Everything was peaceful. And everything would work out. 

A phone buzzed aggressively on the table next to Strickler as a very familiar ringtone (in the hall of the mountain King by peer gynt if he remembered correctly, was nomura's favourite piece to hum) sounded across the room, silencing everyone.

Strickler picked up his phone, answering the call and putting it on speaker for the rest to hear what would be said. A string of incoherent words were shouted out, only Strickler knowing fully what they meant. Jim had somewhat learnt the changeling language from the two changelings he considered family, however not enough to understand fully, yet the words he did recognise were not ones he wanted to hear. 

Both changeling and half troll paled as a scream of pain sounded from Nomura on the other side before the line went dead after a few seconds of shuffling.

They were in danger. 


As soon as classes ended for the day, Claire and Toby headed off towards Trollmarket. They were going early, way too early since Toby got a text from Blinky asking to meet as soon as classes were over. 

"What do you think it's about?" Claire asked riding her bike to a stop under the bridge, hiding it under the massive shadows. 

"I'm not sure, Claire. But it sounded like it was urgent!" Toby copied his companion's action before rummaging through his bag for the Horngazel, handing it over to Claire who quickly walked to the wall that held the magic door of the hidden world and opened it with the key.

As soon as the wall faded away, two pairs of stone hands grabbed the two teens and yanked them forwards and into the dark cavern. "Master Tobias, Fair Claire. Is Master Jim not with you?" The six eyed troll asked in worry and he looked over them. 

Quickly getting out of their shock, Toby was the first to talk. "Yeah, Jimbo didn't look like he was feeling too well so we decided to keep him out of the mission tonight." The new trollhunter said with a sigh. He really wanted Jim to be there, to share with them the experience since he'd always wanted something more from life. 

"Why did you want to meet us so early?" Claire started, taking a step back from the trainer. "Didn't we agree to go after the museum closes by an hour so no one would be inside?" She asked, crossing her arms over her chest as they started heading down to trollmarket. 

"Yes, well…" the old troll started, letting two of his hands rest on his back as they walked. "Some extra training wouldn't hurt, would it?" 

Toby only hummed in disdain for his oncoming torture in the forge with Claire. "Why all of a sudden?" The shorter teen asked, falling into a brisk walk besides Blinky. 

"An extra precaution, Master Tobias." Blinky said firmly, his voice only slightly holding that hint of paranoia that the humans couldn't place as to why it's there. 

Claire caught onto the distressed glances the four armed troll would cast around them as they entered the forge, only for Blinky to stop and stare agasp at the activated Soothscryer in the centre of the forge. 

Toby looked at the contraption, eyebrows shooting all the way up into his hairline in surprise and fear of an arm getting lost. "Uh… why is that thing open?" The boy asked from behind the mentor. 

"I do not know, Master Tobias." Blinky spoke, getting closer to the Soothscryer, just as Vendel walked in with AARRRGGHH!! Behind him. 

"I see the Soothscryer has summoned our trollhunter…" Vendel said, walking over to the group. "AARRRGGHH!! Has informed me that you intend on going to this… museum…?" He asked, looking at the two humans for confirmation. 

Before anyone else spoke, it was Blinky that stood up. "No such action will be taken tonight, Vendel!" He exclaimed with a huff, crossing his arms. 

To that, everyone's eyebrows rose in confusion before Toby spoke up. "Whaaaaaat?! What do you mean we aren't going?!" 

"Blinky, goblins are out there doing who knows what and if we leave them alone then they're only going to multiply!" Claire tried to reason. 

"I do not think it's safe for you two to go somewhere where danger might be evident!" 

"Blinkous, this isn't another conspiracy is it?" Vendel accused, eyes squinting as his hold on his staff tightened the slightest bit. 

Blinky simply huffed and glared at the elder. "It isn't a conspiracy!" 

"There hasn't been a conspiracy theory that you didn't like." 

"I hate conspiracies!" Blinky defended. "That is why I am dedicated to rooting them out!" 

"Like you rooted out the plot to rid Trollmarket of all its cat meat?" 

"That was a misunderstanding!" 

Toby and Claire looked to AARRRGGHH who only gave a quick nod before continuing to watch the back and forth argument of the two trolls in front of them. 

"Or the time you were convinced we were infested with flea trolls?" Vendel continued proving examples as he stepped closer to the shorter troll. 

"Precaution is the soul of virtue." Blinky continued rolling his shoulder and looking away, now realising that the old troll had a point but still refused to admit that he was right.

"Everyone in Trollmarket thinks you're paranoid!" 

"If it's everyone, it must be a conspiracy!!" Blinky finally snapped, allowing his breathing to become laboured. 

With a sigh, Vendel decided to have enough of this conversation and turn towards the trollhunter. "What say you trollhunter? What is the best course of action, do you think?" 

Toby fiddled with the hem of his sweater, being put on the spot never sat well with him. He looked to his feet, trying to find the words he needed. "I…" he started slowly lifting his gaze back up to the elder troll. "I think we should deal with the goblins…" 

Just then, the Soothscryer whirred to life. The clanking of its mechanical parts caught everyone's attention. Toby, deciding it was time to use the Soothscryer, walked over, ready to insert his hand into the machine, only for said machine to instantaneously fall back into the ground, surprising everyone in the room. 

"How odd…" Vendel voiced, walking closer to the Soothscryer's hiding place before humming. "Blinkous you are to stay here with AARRRGGHH to ensure the Soothscryer is in perfect condition." 

"What?!" Blinky protested, not wanting his charge to rush into a possibly da group situation. However, Vendel wasn't going to deal with another of Blinky's outbursts so instead the old troll just walked away. 


By the time Toby and Claire left for the museum, the dark night covered the sky. The duo riding their bikes to the museum an hour earlier than their original plan, just so they wouldn't look too suspicious if they were caught and could easily get away with the excuse of "We didn't know the museum was closed already." 

Toby and Claire went through one of the open windows, Toby needing help when he got stuck. It was rather dark inside, only the soft light of the exit signs were visible except in one of the rooms where the faint sound of an old record player sounded, filling the empty halls with the soft tone of classical piano. 

The two teen snuck around, scouting the area for any goblins. Not realising that all they had to do was look up to find a whole nest, and instead opted to go towards the room with the lights on. 

The closer they got, the more clear it was that there were people talking. One voice being all too familiar, low and haunting. Bular. He was here. 

"The museum has closed, sire…" a female voice called. 

"Good." A deep unnerving, rumbling voice filled the room with an air of distaste. "When will the new shipment arrive?"

"By dusk tomorrow, Bular." The woman said, shifting forms in a flash of green, shedding her human disguise in favour of her troll form. Toby paled seeing the scene in front of him through the small crack of the door. 

"I'll stay on guard here tonight Bular, surely you must be hungry after a few days of no food…" Nomura's voice sounded ice cold, with a hint of disgust. 

The two hidden teens shared a look for a few seconds before they both nodded, deciding that, maybe, they should come back another time. As they turned to leave, a loud "waka chaka!!" Sounded like an alarm, catching the attention of the gumm-gumm and changeling in the other room. 

Everything moved so fast, one second Toby and Claire were heading back out towards the window, the next they were being chased by a bright pink troll with two swords out, bular right behind her.
"Trollhunter." Bular bellowed with a dark chuckle. "So fast to come to your demise?" He said just as he charged towards the stout teen, only for Toby to roll out of the way, allowing the giant troll to collide with the exhibits before donning his armour with a fast incantation. Claire on the other hand, fought against the goblins, smacking them away with the bo-staff she brought with her. 

Nomura watched the chaos, unsure of how to act. This wasn't part of the plan. They were supposed to arrive an hour after the museum closed, long after Bular had left to make his rounds around the town. A yell of pain sounded, causing her to snap back into reality, the scent of iron filling her nose as her eyes landed onto the fight between Bular and the trollhunter. 

The next few moments were slow. Bular stood on top of an unarmoured Toby, ready to drive down his sword and end him. Claire’s shouts rang through the air, calling for her fallen friend. 

This was the end. The end of the trollhunter. The end of the world. Bular would get the amulet and the changelings the rest of the bridge pieces. A sense of dread echoed throughout Toby. He shouldn't have gone down the canal that day. He shouldn't have, yet he couldn't get himself to regret that decision. 

Toby dared to peek up at the hulking form of Bular, sword raised high enough for the incoming impact to cut him clean in half. Just then, through blurred vision, images flashed through his eyes. Memories of his childhood, the days he would spend with Jim, simple moments of his life leading up to the point where he became the trollhunter. Except there were some he didn't recognise. A magic hammer, a blue troll in black and red armour, Claire with a white streak, and lastly a crying, scarred Jim calling out his name. How strange… none of that really happened. Jim was home, probably resting. Safe.

Sorry, Jimbo. 

The clang of metal striking metal silenced the room, causing all gazes to focus on what made the loud clash. It was a sight no one expected to see, two fiery red scimitars were blocking the black blade Bular used. 

Using the surprise to her advantage, Nomura made a quick and powerful kick, delivering rule number 3, causing the Black troll to stagger backwards, accidentally squishing a goblin which got the attention of the hoard. Sheathing her scimitars, Nomura quickly turned on her heels, picking up Toby like a sack of potatoes before making a mad dash towards Claire, dragging her along as she ran as fast as she could. 

They ran out of the museum, straight towards the canal. "This isn't the plan!" She hissed out to the two teens with her. A roar behind them sounded as they continued to run, Bular hot on their heels. 

Letting go of Claire, nomura rummaged around her person before pulling out a phone, dialling a number frantically. As soon as it was answered a string of words came out of her, words Claire couldn't understand as they jumped down to the canals. 

As they landed a blade went flying towards them, hitting Nomura's side as she let out a loud ear-piercing scream, allowing herself to collide with the stone pavement of the canal, letting go of Toby and the phone in the process. 

Claire ran over to Toby, trying to make sure that he was alright. "Toby!" She cried out trying to apply pressure onto the wound he received earlier in the museum. 

Toby grunted, holding onto his side in pain as he sat up to watch with Claire’s help. Bular’s golden eyes were filled with rage towards the pink changeling that was barely able to get off the ground, her own wound deeper than that of Toby's, yet she still tried to pull out her scimitars. 

"How dare you, impure?!" Bular spat with a deep growl, inching ever closer to Nomura. 

"Go to hell, Bular." She hissed back doing her best to drag herself back up. "I've never liked working for you brutes!" 

Bular brought down his sword, only to have Nomura roll away from the strike, causing her immense pain. Another strike was coming, but this time it was deflected by the sword of daylight, sending the bigger troll a few steps back from the unexpected impact, Toby now once again in his armour standing in front of Nomura. 

"Your fight's with me, big ugly and gruesome!" Toby yelled, a hand on his still bleeding side, but he didn't care. He was the trollhunter, it's his job to protect good trolls, and Nomura, even though she was some kind of troll-witch-thing that was working for Bular once saved him! And he wasn't about to let her die for it!

Bular growled deeply, charging towards the trollhunter as Toby held up his sword ready for another attack, heart pounding eyes somewhat blurry from the blood loss. Only, it never came. 

Instead of being face to face with an angry black mass of stone, he was met with the sight of something small (compared to the giant troll) taking down the black mass of murder, sending them both to the ground in a solid collision course with the canal pavement. A loud cracking sounded, an indication of the cement breaking with the impact of the larger being. 

A figure was crouched into the ground, obscured by the shadows of the moonlit Bridge. The canals were silent, only the faint growls of whatever came into the fight vibrated low in the air.

Seeing Bular get pushed back made Toby lower his sword to use it as a crutch to keep himself from collapsing as he stared at the… person? Being? 

Slowly the figure stood up, features coming into view of the moonlight. Dark, shaggy hair that ran down his back to his elbows, blue skin made of rock, horns that curved back with his hair, a deep blue hoodie vest with running pants. Was this a troll? Toby couldn't help but think. 

Bular roared in annoyance as he got up and shook his head to clear it from the stars that formed with the impact. His eyes focused on the new addition to the fight, recognising his unforgettable eyes that shone with a bright hope. 

"You…" was all Bular could growl out as he pounded his fists into the ground before pulling out his dual wield swords. 

"Let's dance, big guy…" the new troll snarled, taking hold of one of Nomura's disarmed scimitars, before calling out to the two teens and changeling behind him. "Get out of here!" Soon followed the song and dance of blades, as the two trolls clashed. 

Meanwhile, Claire was helping Toby back towards Nomura, but was surprised to see another troll, also blue skin, tall and slender like the pink changeling and a cloaked person with a crow on his shoulder helping her up, a bandage covering the wound on her side. 

"She's going to need to be treated in the heartstone." The cloaked figure said to the lady troll as he pulled out a horngazel and headed for the entrance. 

"Who…" Claire started, still surprised and terrified of the situation they were in.

"We're friends, love." The cloaked person said, opening the gateway. "Think you can walk, trollhunter?" He asked, helping them all through the tunnel, taking Toby from Claire who dared to glance back at the fight just in time to find the smaller troll grab Bular by the horns and throw him away before speeding towards the entryway before it closed, accidentally colliding with Claire in his hurry. 

"S-sorry…" he stammered out, earning a calculating glare from the girl he bumped into before his attention returned to Toby And Nomura. "Are they alright?" He asked, concern written all over his expression. 

"Nomura is going to need to be healed by Vendel, but To- the trollhunter I can handle" the female troll said, easily applying first aid on the wounds just as two familiar figures approached from the Staircase. 

"Great Gronka Morka!" Blinky exclaimed, running over to Toby and Claire. "What in Deya's name happened?!" The trainer asked frantically as AARRRGGHH walked over, a slight growl rumbling through the Krubera, not trusting the new faces around them. 

Seeing Blinky and AARRRGGHH made Claire feel at ease, allowing her repressed emotions to bubble up in relief as she tackled the four armed troll, allowing for a few sobs to escape. 

"What happened was that Bular nearly killed them!" The cloaked figure said in an irritated tone. Blinky instantly recognised the voice. 

"It wasn't supposed to be like this…" the young troll hissed, his eyes, holding an emotion Blinky couldn't decipher, but he once again recognised this one's voice as well. 

Then it clicked. 

They were the people inside of Vendel's office. 

Blinky walked up to the younger troll, pointing an accusing finger towards him. "YOU!" He shouted. "You were the one that did this! You were the one that planned all of this! How dare you show your face after endangering our trollhunter by informing Bular?!" 

Jim's ears drooped, not because he was being scolded. Not because he was afraid. No, it was because everything Blinky had said was right. It was his fault Toby and Nomura got hurt. It was part of his and Douxie's plan, after all. 

Unbeknownst to the Mentor, Jim’s whole posture shook as he held back sobs. However, unable to face his father figure like this, Jim opted to run away. He ran, ran, ran away. Hiding down in the depths of the market, refusing for anyone to see him break down and cry there. 

The hooded figure and female troll could only watch as Jim jumped down the crystal stairs in an attempt to get away. “Good riddance!!” Blinky shouted, shaking two of his fists in his direction. 

“What is wrong with you?!” The female troll shouted, pushing Blinky back, earning her a growl from the Krubera behind him. She only glared up at AARRRGGHH!! With a scowl on her face. “He was only trying to help!” 

“Trying to help?! By alerting Bular to the trollhunter’s presence?!” Blinky shot back, standing his ground against the unknown troll. She was about to speak when the hooded figure stepped between them and spoke.

“We can worry about this mess later, for now we must prioritize the injured.” he spoke, an agitated tone in his voice but still relatively calm. No more words were spoken as AARRRGGHH!! Carried the somewhat conscious Toby down to trollmarket while the strangers helped Nomura down, the crow with them flying off ahead to where the market Elder was. 

The trip was silent and hurried, except for the occasional gasps and murmurs of trolls around them. Soon reaching Heartstone, Vendel stood there worry in his brows as he waited for the group, allowing them all entry to his workshop where he immediately started to work on Nomura. 

“Why are you treating her first? Isn't the trollhunter more important?!” Blinky asked, concerned for the boy on the makeshift stone bed. 
“I do not possess the skills to treat humans, Blinkous.” the Elder admitted, making the shorter troll go completely cold. Could they not save the trollhunter? Would he really die so young?

“Vendel may not have the knowledge,” the familiar voice of the female troll rang around them as she came over to Toby’s side wearing strange clothing, behind her the cloaked human followed carrying supplies for her to use. “But I do.” she said as she pushed past Blinky and started to work on Toby’s injury. “We can't do a blood transfusion but I can close the wound.”

“Heartstone can do the rest.” the young man supplied as he helped the troll treat the trollhunter. 

Seconds turned to minutes, minutes turned to hours. Soon, the operations were over on both Nomura and Toby. Everyone was shooed outside besides the elder and the lady troll to keep an eye on their patients. Blinky paced outside of the room mumbling to himself as to how he shouldn’t have let them go, especially after what he had heard, seemingly unable to keep his hands steady as they fidgeted around with anything he could grab a hold of. 

Watching the troll pace with that worried expression hurt the wizard, never had he seen him like this, not even in the old timeline. Yet he was more worried for his brother more than anything. After all, how often was it that the person you look up to as a father figure forgets about your whole existence and blames you for the injuries your friends get? 

With an audible sight, Douxie walked over to Blinky, making sure to step into his view to catch his attention. The sudden stopping of Blinky made AARRRGGHH!! And Claire look up to the wizard and the troll. “You should really stop doing that.” 

“Whatever do you mean?” Blinky asked, genuine confusion before reminding himself that this person, whoever they were, was also part of the reason his charge had been injured. “Who even are you?”

“Who I am is of no importance, Blinkous.” he started strong, catching the Troll’s eyes with his own from under the shadows of his hood. “But you really should stop accusing people of things you do not know.” 

“You may have fooled Vendel but I know of your plot!” he said, pointing an accusing finger towards the wizard, only for the hand to be pushed away. 

“And what do you know?” 

“I know you plan on endangering the trollhunter! I know that you are planning to end him the moment you can in order to infiltrate Trollmarket! I do not know how, but don’t think for a moment I will stand idly by and allow it!” the troll said, causing everyone’s brows to raise. 

“That just proves you know nothing, Blinkous.” Vendel’s voice entered the conversation. Startling the shorter troll, causing him to whip around to be met with Vendel and the female troll from before who now had her arms crossed. 

“Vendel, I-” Blinky started only to be cut off by Vendel’s Staff being hit on the ground. 

“Enough, Blinkous.” Vendel started taking a step closer. “If you must know, These people are my intel, ones I trust wholeheartedly.” 

“Surely you must be joking, Vendel! These trolls, if you could even call them that, have never been in trollmarket! Nor have I ever seen them around in the meetings you brought me to!” Blinky tried to reason. 

“Of course not, Blinkous. They came here from another continent.” Vendel said with an exhausted sigh. 

“That does not excuse them for notifying Bular!” 

“They did not notify Bular, Blinkous.” Vendel’s voice carried a strong commanding tone, intended for Blinky to quiet down and listen. “They are a group of five, two of them are changelings that infiltrated the ranks to work under Bular in order to retrieve information for us. The pink one, Nomura, risked her life to keep the Trollhunter safe.” the old troll said before looking over to Claire, who only shrunk into herself trying to hide away on AARRRGGHH!! “Isn’t that correct?”

All eyes landed onto Claire for a confirmation, to which she hesitantly nodded. “We saw her talking with Bular… Me and Toby tried to leave before they noticed us but we were found by Goblins… when Bular attacked, she defended us and ran straight here before we could say anything.” 

Blinky’s eyes widened, slowly realising his mistake. He was about to say something when Vendel continued to speak. “Did you even know that the troll that you chased away by your accusing is still a young whelp? One who recently lost most of his pack? His family?” 

Guilt pooled into the short troll’s gut, realisation hitting hard that this troll that he had so quickly accused of trying to hurt his charge might have been seeking refuge in trollmarket, probably believing that maybe they could form a connection to someone who was probably around his age, someone like the trollhunter. He never even thought that maybe, just maybe, this whelp just wanted to help the trollhunter in his own way. The Kurbera holding back a whimper of guilt, now remembering the broken look the whelp gave them. Especially to Blinky. 

Blinky’s gaze moved from the Elder towards the floor, his shoulders slumping in regret before they rose again, meeting the eyes of the troll lady behind Vendel who was giving him a stern glare. With a renewed motivation, Blinky swiftly made his way out of the Heartstone  with a quick. “AARRRGGHH!! Old chum, stay here and keep an eye on master Tobias.” 


Jim ran. He didn't know how long he had run or how far. He just did. Anything to get away from Blinky and AARRRGGHH!! 

After a while, Jim started to slow to a walk. Finding himself within the confines of the forge. What was he doing there? He didn't know. Though somewhere deep down, he had hoped, hoped that Blinky would be there greeting him with that bright smile of his, readying the forge for that day’s training.

Finally feeling the weight on his shoulders topple over himself, Jim leaned against one of the walls in the forge, allowing himself to slide down and curl up on himself as he sobbed. What was he doing? Did he really learn nothing from the first time he ‘traveled through time’? It was a stupid idea to let Toby take up the mantle of Trollhunter. 

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. 

How did he ever think this whole thing was a good idea? How could he have hoped that this would ever work? He was supposed to keep them all safe. But he failed. Nomura and Toby were now both injured because of him.

He sobbed into his knees, hands grabbing hold of his horns tightly, trying to get himself to stop. Voices rang through his head, over and over. Reminding him of what he had done. 

“You let me die, Jimbo!” 

“You were supposed to fix this mess! Not make it worse!”

“Did you not learn from your unbecoming, James?”

“You’ve failed us, Jim.”

“You’re nothing more than a manipulative vermin! We shouldn’t have accepted you into trollmarket!”

Soon the voices started to blend together, repeating his failures in his mind using the voices of his friends and family. Everything this Blinky had said was true. It was all his fault. If only he had been a better trollhunter, if only he had managed to stop the arcane order that night on the subway. 

The nightmare from earlier today found its way back up to the surface of his mind, reminding him that whatever he does, it's only going to end in failure because it was meant to be. It was his destiny to fail them all, after all; Play with destiny, and it shall play along, but never gone.

Jim felt numb. Tired. Exhausted. 

He just wanted it all to stop. For the voices in his head to stop reminding him how much he had failed his family. How much he was going to fail them all again. He felt so alone in the empty cavern that made up the forge. Maybe it was for the best? He didn’t know. 

After a while of sitting there, he looked around the forge, remembering all of the time he spent there, training or not. All the people that he had spent almost three years of his life with within these very walls. Walls that no longer held the memories of his days here. 

He rubbed at his eyes in an attempt to stop the flowing tears to no avail as they continued to flow. Instead, prompted himself to get up on shaky knees to walk towards the center of the forge. His eyes scanned lazily around for one troll in specific. 

Finding her by the far back, Jim quickly jumped up and climbed to sit next to one of the greatest trolls in history, sitting down in the shadows that obscured anyone’s visions of him being up there. He let out a shaky breath and a few more sobs, once again curling up on himself, wanting to hide away from the world. 

“Sorry, Deya…” he whispered softly. “I just… need a familiar face right now…” he said, leaning against the unliving stone that made up the first trollhunter, his eyes growing heavy with every second that passed until he fell sound asleep, tears still continuing to stream down his face.

A/N: hmmm I really love to hurt him dont I? 

Jim needs a nap and a hug. 

Anyway, please dont come after me! I promise the next chapter won’t be as depressing as this one! 

Also, I don’t really say this enough, but thank you to everyone that reads and comments on this story of mine! It really means a lot! 

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