By kris_sirk_kris

257K 8.5K 1.7K

"Should we tell them about us?" "No. Not yet" "So we'll hide it then?" "Yeah. Let's keep it lowkey" More

DAY 01
DAY 02


14.3K 390 115
By kris_sirk_kris


"WHAT???? NO!!!!"

Everyone was confused on who shouted. They all look around to search for the owner of the voice who boldly shouted in front of the rich woman.

Everyone on the stage followed where the familiar voice came from and found the owner of the voice.

CL's face softens when she saw her youngest daughter looking angrily at her. Kai saw his sister and he almost laughed when he saw her angrily making her way through the crowd.

Jennie was furious.

She had never imagined her mother would say such thing. She didn't care if everyone is looking at her right now.
There's just no way they're going to take the blonde away from her.

She pushed everyone who was in front of her and angrily stomped her feet and walked up the stage. She didn't remove her gaze off of her family as she gritted her teeth while going near them.

Once she made it on top of the platform, she stopped in front of Lisa and spread her arms, blocking the blonde.

Lisa, who was behind Jennie couldn't help but smile a little when she saw her fiancee.

"What do you think you're saying?! You're not taking her away from me!" She shouted angrily while blocking Lisa from them.

"Easy there, babysis. No one's taking her away from you. Atleast not yet" Kai said while grinning making Jennie more upset.

"You shut your mouth, Oppa!"

"Jennie?! Stop shouting at your brother. He's older than you" her mother said as she took the mic from Kai.

"You can't do this me! I won't let you"

"Ahh. And you finally showed up"

Jennie was ended scared earlier but when they mentioned Lisa, especially the marriage thing, Jennie didn't think twice and immediately revealed herself.

"We're going to have a nice talk, young lady" her mother said seriously and gave the microphone to the principal.

Kai gave his sister and Lisa one last look before following her mother off the stage. Jennie slowly lowered her arms and look at her mother.

Lisa saw her uncle motioning them to follow the two so Lisa cleared her throat and hold Jennie's shoulders.

"Nini, we should follow them" she whispered to the brunnete.

Jennie immediately turned around to face her and cupped her cheeks.

"Are they going to take you away from me?"

"What? No. No. We won't let that happen okay? We just have to talk to them"

"Okay" Jennie smiled sadly and Lisa just held her hands and brought it to her lips.

"Let's go"

They both went down the stage and followed the two. They ignored everyone's eyes on them since they both know they have a bigger problem that they should face.

Jennie is currently sitting beside Lisa on the sofa while her brother and mother is sitting in front of them. They're waiting for Mr. Lee to arrived so they could discuss some things.

"You really thought you can hide from us? You forgot I'm a hacker, Jennie. I can find you wherever you hide" her brother said a little annoyed.

"Then what took you so long to find me? Are you rusty now?" Jennie answered back making the tall man to clenched his jaw.

"Mother, look at her! She changed so much because she's out her cage"

Jennie flinched when she heard the word cage. She immediately hugged Lisa's waist and hid her head on the blonde's chest.
Lisa draped her left arm around Jennie and kisses the brunnete's head.

Kai scoffed at the sight and crossed his arms before looking away. CL, who's just watching the interaction just remained silent as she wait for Lee and her husband.

Minutes later, the door opened revealing Mr. Lee, Jennie's father and Jisoo.


"Babysis.." Jisoo immediately sat beside Jennie and Lisa while her father stood behind his wife's chair.
He was finally relieved when he saw her youngest daughter safe and sound.

"Now that you're all here, I think it's time to hear our precious daughter's explanation"

Jennie gulped and look at her mother. She took a deep breath before opening her mouth to speak when Jisoo stopped her.

"Mother, it was my idea"

Both Jennie and Lisa whipped their head to look at the older girl. Kai gritted his teeth as he look at his sister while both the couple are shocked with what their first heiress has said.

"What did you say, Kim Jisoo?"

"I said it was my idea. It's me who pushed Jennie to run away"

"Do you realized what you've done?! You almost put your sister's life in trouble!" CL couldn't help but get mad.

She felt deceived and betrayed. She never imagined her daughter would do something like this.

"Mom..." Jennie started and everyone looked at her.

Lisa look down when she felt something wet on her collarbone. She gently pushed Jennie away to see her face and she was shocked when she saw the brunette in tears.

CL's face immediately softened when she saw her daughter's face. Jennie sat straight to face them.

"It was my fault. Jisoo unnie has nothing to do with me running away. It was all my idea"

"But why would do such thing? You made us all worried" she heard her father said and Jennie raised her head to face them.

"I wanted to be normal. I want to know how it feels like going to school together with my friends. I want to experience going to trips, riding a bus, going to the mall and try different booths on a foundation day. You took that all from me, mother.  I lived inside that cage for all my life and I just want to experience what it feels like being an average person. I didn't want the life you give me. You can give all of my inheritance to my siblings but don't take the happiness I'm feeling right now.."

Lisa placed her left hand on Jennie's back and rubbed it. She cleared her throat to speak and help Jennie.

"I'm sorry if I lied to everyone as well. All this time Jennie had been staying in my apartment and I provided everything that she needs. I've never seen Jennie this happy unlike when we talk when we're inside her room. She would always ask me how it feels like being outside and free. I let Jennie experience all of those but I made sure I always have my eyes on her and that she's safe. I'd never let anything bad happen to her and I'd risk my life to bring her back to you safely"

The couple were silent and so was Kai. He knows Lisa is being serious so he decided to just shut his mouth.

"How did you escape?" CL asked her but since Jennie is having a hard time explaining, Jisoo decided to tell them everything.

They just listened carefully to what their eldest daughter is saying. They couldn't believe Jennie managed to escape their house without being seen.

After Jisoo's explanation, they finally calm down and scoop Jennie into their arms for a warm embrace. They might be mad for what their daughter did but deep inside, they're truly in joy when they saw her alive and well.

"I don't want to goooo" Jennie whined while clutching on Lisa's sleeve.

The tall girl chuckled as she continued to walk to pick the boxes. Jennie was just following her behind.

"Nini, how about you help us move your things hmm?"

"Why are you helping them?! Do you really want me gone here? Is that it?"

"What? Where did that come from? I'm just helping them so they'll be able to place your things inside your apartment before your parents arrive" Lisa carried the box and went inside the apartment.

After what happened inside the office, Jennie's parents decided to let Jennie finish her school and promised to not lock her up in her room ever again.

Jennie and Lisa was happy of course but still, they received a punishment including Jisoo.

Jisoo is temporary on a leave together with her wife and have a honeymoon in Hawaii.
Jisoo was shock with what her parents had said and they told her that it's time to give Chae her dream family.

They know Jisoo doesn't want to have a child but deep inside, she's just scared so as a punishment, she's going to give them grandchildren.

As for Lisa and Jennie, they're going to have different apartment. Jennie can no longer stay at Lisa's because she's going to have her own since she badly want to be independent.

"Lili, I don't want to. What if I accidentally burn the apartment? Or what if there's a burglar?"

"Nini, don't be such a baby. It's not that bad to live alone"

"But I'll be far from youuuu"

"Jennie, your apartment is just next to mine"

Jennie pursed her lips.
Lisa was right. She can knock on Lisa's door whenever she wants.

"How about this. Once we're done here and your parents left, I'll stay here tonight"


"Yeah. I know you can't sleep without me" Lisa said and winked at her.

Jennie blushed a little and gently pushed Lisa before walking away. She knew Lisa was right and the blonde is teasing her because of it.

Jennie was nervous.
She was fidgeting on her seat while looking outside the window.
She was deep in her thoughts that she didn't noticed the car had stopped moving.

She felt a hand on top of hers making her flinch. She look around and was greeted by a pair of doe eyes who looked worried.

"Nini? What's the matter?"

"N-n-nothing. I'm just scared"

"Huh? Why? Do you have exams today?"

They're currently inside Lisa's car in front of the Academy. They didn't attend school for a week to help lessen the gossips that are running around the whole campus.
Jennie knew she and Lisa are the hot topic of everyone and she's anxious.

It's now time to face them and Jennie wondered how they'll react especially her friends. She didn't really managed to talk to them properly after the incident.

"I'm just scared of what they'll say"

Lisa realized Jennie's struggle so she smiled at the brunnete and took her hand. She brought it to her lips and kissed it before staring at the girl.

"If you hear them talking bad things about you, just tell me and I'll deal with them"

"What are you going to do?"

"Probably punish them"

"Yahhhhh" Jennie lightly pushed her making her chuckle.

"I'll open the door for you"

Jennie nodded and Lisa hopped out of the car. She opened the door for Jennie and help her to her down. They saw some students watching them but they ignored it.

Lisa boldly intertwined their hands and Jennie couldn't help but blushed when she felt the blonde's palm. They both walked in the middle of the hallway hand in hand with everyone's eyes on them.

Jennie look at them and she noticed that none of them are glaring at her anymore. Instead, their eyes are filled with adoration and some were even smiling at her when none of them ever did that before.

Some greeted Lisa and also bowed their head at Jennie. She thought it's not really necessary but decided to just stay silent about it.

When they reached her room, Lisa faced her and let go of her hand. She reached for Jennie's hair and gently caressed it while smiling.

"I'll see you later, okay?"

"Yeah. Let's eat together?"

"Sure. Go inside"

Jennie nodded and was contemplating if she'll give Lisa a kiss or not. She decided to just give her a small wave before going inside.

Everyone was staring at her and Jennie felt conscious and she walked fast to her seat. She turn to her side to greet her seatmate who's now looking at her.

"Good mor--"

"Good morning, Miss Kim"


She saw her seatmate bowed at her and Jennie wondered what was that for. She turn around to face her friend who's now looking at her with wide eyes.

"Good morning, friends"

"J-jennie! I mean, Miss Kim. Good morning" Tzuyu bowed at her and elbowed Sana who's now sleeping once again.

She raised her head and look at Jennie sleepily. She wiped her mouth and give Jennie a nod before placing her head on Tzuyu's shoulder.

Jennie just shrugged and saw her teacher came in so she fixed herself so she could listen.

They're on their way towards the cafeteria and Jennie noticed that her two friends are standing far from her. She was starting to get piss so she turn around to face the two.

"Yahhh you guys are far from me. I want to cling to you, yodaaa" she said and raised her two hands forward.

Tzuyu slowly stood beside her. Jennie pouted and pulled her arm before linking her own.

"Why do you guys look so nervous? It's just me"

"Well, we couldn't really help it, Jennie. I mean Miss Kim. You didn't tell us you're a rich man's daughter and not just any other rich man. You're a Kim! THE Kim" Sana emphasized as she walked beside her.

"It's still me. Are you guys going to avoid me now?"

"What?! No. No, of course not. We're sorry. We're just new to do this"

Jennie just pouted until they reached the cafeteria. Jennie immediately spotted Irene who's sitting alone

They walked towards her table and the older girl stood up to greet them.

"Jennie! You're here already"

"Yup. I miss you"

"I miss you too. Sit down"

Jennie smiled and sat down beside Sana.

"Wow, I can't believe you greeted her casually"

"What do you mean?"

"You're not faze that she's an heiress?"

"Why would I? She's still Jennie. Our Jennie. Our friend Jennie"

Jennie nodded proudly and she and Irene high five each other
Tzuyu and Sana were the one who ordered their food but once again, they're block by the jocks.

"I'm still heart broken, my love. I can't believe you choose a pussy over a dick" Jungkook said sadly while spreading his arms to stop them.

"Shut up, Jeon. She's my girl now so back off before I break your balls" Sana said seriously and pulled the girl behind her.

"Hey! I'm hungry already so leave my friends alone!" Jennie said while looking at them.

Jungkook's friends immediately pulled him to their table and whispered at him.

"Don't go against her, Kookie. You remembered what her brother said last week? We don't want to go against them" one of them whispered to him and Jungkook immediately focused on his food.

When the two came back with their food, the four started talking to each other especially to Jennie.

"I can't believe you're Lisa's mysterious lover. Everyone was so shock. Even us!"

"Ha! I told you guys it's Jennie. I felt it" Sana said but Tzuyu just scoff.

"No, you didn't"

"Yes, I did"

"No. You were just guessing. You didn't know it's her"

The two continued bickering until they heard some gasp and students murmuring.
Jennie was just listening to them while eating her fries. She dipped the last piece to its sauce and was about to eat it when a hand stopped her. She felt her hand being raised and she look up and saw Lisa.

The blonde brought her hand to her mouth and took Jennie's last piece and eat it. Jennie frowned before glaring at her.

"That was mine!"

Lisa just chuckled before sitting down and placed her tray on the table. She took her plate filled with fries and put it in Jennie's table making the brunnete's mouth water.

"Good morning, Miss president" the three greeted her and she just nod.

She look at Jennie who's now ignoring her presence since she's busy eating. She thought of an idea and cleared her throat.


Of course, Jennie ignored her so she called her again.

"Jennie Kim"

No response.

"Jennie Kim-Manoban"

Jennie stopped shoving the food inside her mouth when she heard Lisa. She can feel herself blushing and her friends are now smirking at her. She slowly turn to her side to face Lisa.


Lisa patted her lap making Jennie frown.

"What? Does your knee hurt?"

Lisa chuckled before patting her lap multiple times.

"What is it?? Are you injured?" Jennie stood up to go near Lisa.

Lisa bit her lower lip before grabbing the brunnete's waist and pulled her down on her lap. Jennie squealed before holding on to Lisa's shoulder. She's now sitting on Lisa's lap sideways and was facing her friends.

"My hands are tired from writing. Feed me" Lisa said in a firm tone before placing her chin on Jennie's left shoulder.

"Y-you can do it on your own"

"But I want you to do it"

Jennie can feel everyone's eyes on her and she's starting to her even more shy. Lisa couldn't help but smile when she saw her fiancee's reaction and she want to tease her more.

"I'm waiting"

Jennie wanted to protest once again but when she saw Nayeon's group approaching, she raised an eyebrow before completely straddling Lisa's lap taking the blonde by surprise.

Watch and learn you bitch. I'm more wifey material than you are.

She held Jennie's waist tightly so the brunette won't fall.

"You're tiring yourself too much, Lili" Jennie said sweetly and started feeding Lisa.

"Mhmm that's why I need you"

Jennie smiled sweetly at her and continued feeding her not minding everyone who's now shock seeing the president being sweet to the brunette.
There was no denying that the two are really engaged at all.

Lisa walked Jennie to her next class. The brunnete was happy of course especially since Lisa kept holding her hand every now and then.

The two can now show everyone that Lisa is taken and no one should dare flirt with her. Her friends are just behind her and was watching them. They still couldn't believe that Jennie is Lisa's lover.

"Listen carefully and don't sleep in class" Lisa told her as they stopped in front of their classroom.

Jennie nodded like a child and look up to her.

"I'll be good"

"That's good then. Get inside before your teacher arrive"

"Yeah. Uhm bye"

"I'll see you at lunch"

Jennie nodded once again before turning around to get inside when Lisa grabbed her hand once again.

She pulled Jennie close and told her friends to go ahead.

"What is it?"

"Uhmm, don't forget to listen carefully to your teacher"

"You already said that, Lili. Do you need something?"

Lisa just stared down at her. She then look around and noticed some students on the hallway but no teacher.

"Lili, what is it?"

With all her courage, Lisa leaned forward and give Jennie a peck on the lips.

"For goodluck. Get inside"

Lisa didn't let her react when the blonde pushed her to the door and closed it. Jennie is now blushing hard and everyone who saw what happened immediately teased her causing her to blush more and run towards her seat and hid her face on the desk.

Jennie saw a note sticking to her locker. She frowned when she realized who's it from and she wondered if she'll tell Lisa about it or not.

What do you want from me now?

Jennie decided to follow what was written on the note. She's now standing in front of  the airport and immediately saw a familiar figure.

"Jennie, you came"


V smiled sweetly at her before they stood in front of each other.

"You're leaving?"

"Yeah. Abroad. I just want to say goodbye to you first"

"Why are you going?"

"It's already planned months ago. I really didn't want to leave and I was looking for a reason to stay here. I really thought it's you already" he said sadly while looking at her.

"V. I'm really sorry"

"Don't be. I understand. I should've known too. Maybe if I did, I wouldn't go running after you"

"I'm sorry. If only I told you right away. None of that could've happened"

"Yeah well, it's my fault anyway. Of course a woman like you is taken. Who wouldn't want you?" He chuckled and shake his head.

"You're a really good friend, V. I'm sorry but that's all I could offer"

"And that's all I'll gladly take. I'd rather be friends with hou than be a complete stranger"

Jennie couldn't help but tear up. She became close with V and she treat the boy as her own brother. If only he didn't catched any feelings, things could've been different.

"Hey, don't feel bad about it. I can take it. Just be careful while I'm away. I wouldn't be there to save you anymore"

Jennie just nodded did her best to not shred any tears.

"I'll miss you. I hope when we meet again, you're already single"

"Hey! What the hell bro?"

V chuckled and raised his hand.

"I'm just kidding, Lisa" he said and look at the blonde standing next to the brunette.

Of course Jennie had told her about the note and she went with Jennie. There's no way she'll let her go alone because Jennie doesn't been know where the airport is. She might get lost.

"Take care of her. Don't dare make her cry or else I'll take her away from you"

"No, thanks. She'll stay with me till the end"

"Glad to know"

V look at Jennie one more time before spreading his arms. Jennie immediately hugged him right and patted his back.

"Be careful on your trip"

"I will"

"Okay, that's enough. That's too tight" Lisa pulled Jennie back to her side and drape her right arm on the brunnete's shoulder.

"Don't forget to invite me on your wedding day"

"We won't. Take care, V"

He smiled and waved his hand before walking away. Once he was far away from the two, he let his tears fell but didn't dare to look back.

"You good?"

"Yeah. I didn't know he was leaving. Do you think it's because of me?" Jennie look up to her as they walked back to their car.

"No, of course not. His father had been bugging him to study abroad. He was just persistent on staying here because he didn't want to leave his friends. I guess he finally decided to obey his dad"

Jennie just nod and hugged her waist tightly. They still have something to attend to.

Jennie and Lisa are now holding hands while looking outside the car. There are a lot of cameras and everyone was waiting for them to get down.

Jennie is nervous as hell and kiss can feel it because the brunette had been gripping on her hand for the entire ride.

"Hey, Nini. If you're nervous, we can always go back and ditch them" Lisa said jokingly earning a whine from the brunnete.

"Lili! I'm being nervous here. You're not helping"

"I'm sorry. You just look so pale right now"

"I'm scared. What if they don't like me?"

"Why wouldn't they like you? They don't know you like that. I'm sure they're going to love you"

Jennie look outside once again and saw a lot of people waiting for her arrival.

"Lili, I'm scared. There's a lot of people outside"

"That's why I'm here with you. I won't leave your side. Besides, our family is waiting inside already"

"What if they ask a lot of questions? Did Kai Oppa and Jisoo unnie feel this too?"

"Hmm, I'm not sure about unnie because she was so young back then but I'm sure your brother got scared too. And now you're next. We've been waiting for this day remember?"

Jennie nodded and look at Lisa. The blonde smiled at her and kissed her forehead.

"Everyone's going to know about your existence now. I can't wait to kiss and hold your hand like this in public from now on"

"You won't leave me?"

"Never. Let's go? Let's face the world together"

Jennie took a deep breath before nodding.

"I love you"

"I love you too"

Lisa was the first one to got off of the car and everyone immediately flashed their cameras on her. Lisa walked to the other side and opened the door for Jennie.

Once Jennie was outside, she was greeted by cameras and tons of questions.

"Is it true that you're the youngest heiress?"
"How long were you locked up and hidden?"
"Are you sure you're the last one of your kind? Or do you have younger siblings hidden as well?"
"Is it true that you ran away?"
"Since when did you two got engaged?"

All the questions scared Jennie and she immediately hugged Lisa's arms.

"It's okay. I'm right here"

"I'm scared"

"Don't be. I'm right beside you"

Jennie look up to her and Lisa intertwined their hands together. Jennie knew she's now on TV and she wondered if her friends are watching her right now.

Can V see us?

I hope that Nayeon bunny is watching right now

My friends are probably going to tease me tomorrow

"Nini, you're fine. Just few more steps and we're inside"

Jennie nodded and pressed herself close to Lisa. Once they reached inside, she saw her family together with Lisa.

Today is the day where she's going to be announced as the last heiress next to her siblings. They're also going to tell the public about her and Lisa's engagement even though some of them already have a clue about it because of what happened at the Academy.

Jennie stood beside Lisa as she listened to her mother staying a speech.

"You good?"

"Yeah. Just nervous"

"Just a few more minutes, Nini"

Jennie smiled at her and squeezed her hand.

"Few more minutes"

"And then a few more years before you completely become my wife?"

Jennie couldn't help but blush but nodded nonetheless.


"And we wouldn't keep it low-key"

They stare at each other and Jennie can feel herself tearing up by just seeing how Lisa look at her lovingly.

"No. We'd never hide it forever"






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