Silver Bells (The Santa Claus...

By InvaderTrollFalls

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Selene Calvin (nicknamed Silver), is a 16-year-old girl who went to live with her father, Scott Calvin, after... More

A/N: Information
The Worst Time of the Year
Dinner at Denny's
The North Pole
Keeping This a Secret

Was It All a Dream?

579 11 10
By InvaderTrollFalls

(A/N (Small Spoilers for the future): So I recently watched "The Santa Clause 2" and I thought it was good, 7/10 stars. And because of the romantic theme that was going on there, I'm going to turn Selene and Bernard's relationship into a slow burn. So they won't get together until the 2nd movie. But until then, they'll be growing their friendship for the 1st movie as well as have some mutual pining for each other. That way their romance won't feel rushed. I hope you guys don't mind.

Enjoy the chapter)


"Dad! Selene! Willa! Wake up, Sleepies! Come on, get up!"

The next morning, Selene woke up to Charlie screaming. She tossed and turned in her sleep as Charlie ran into her room, jumping on her bed "Selene! Dad and Willa are already up! Come on!" He told her as he began to shake her, which didn't work.

Willa then walked into the room and looked at Charlie. "Let me try". She pulled the pillow that Selene was laying her head on and started playfully hitting her with it. "Wake! Up! Wake! Up!"

Selene got annoyed and snatched the pillow from Willa. "Okay! I'm up! What time even... is it?". She looked around the room and realized that she was back home, which confused her. "When did we get home?"

"I don't know", Willa answered. "We just woke up and suddenly, 'boom', we're back. Anyway, come on. You should see the jackpot under the tree".

Willa and Charlie walked out of the room as Selene sat up on her bed, still feeling confused. 'Was it all a dream?', she thought. She got up and scratched her neck a bit, to which she felt something on her. She looked at it and realized that it was the silver bell necklace that Bernard gave her.

She quickly ran to the bathroom to look in the mirror, where she saw that she not only had the pajamas that she was given before she fell asleep, but also that her ears were still pointy.

Selene then ran to the hallway and bumped into her dad. As if they shared a mind, the two both ran downstairs and out of the house to where Santa fell, but there was nothing there. Scott, then ran to the street to look at the roof. And once again, there was nothing; no reindeer and no sleigh.

As they soon headed back inside, Scott threw himself on the couch and Selene sat on the floor, next to Willa and Charlie, who were busy opening presents. "It wasn't a dream?", Selene says out loud.

"Are you guys, okay?" Willa asked them.

"Yeah. Just fine, Just fine." Scott says.

"Are you two having heart attacks? I know CPR." Charlie told them.

"No, I was just..." Scott looked at his pajamas and saw the initials. "S.C."

"Yeah, Santa Claus". Charlie then realizes something. "Hey. Same initials as both your names. Scott Calvin and Selene Calvin".

"Oh! I didn't even put that together!" Willa exclaims.

"Wait what?" Selene questions as the doorbell rings. She gets up and follows Charlie as he runs to the front door and opens it, to which the two are greeted by their mother.

"Charlie! Selene! Merry Christmas. Did you two have a good time?" Laura asks them as Charlie runs back to the living room.

"Great time! The best!" the kid yelled happily.

"Um... it was... an experience". Selene answers next.

Scott then walked out of the living room and Laura then noticed that he and Selene had similar pajamas. "Scott, nice PJs. Both yours and Selene's look very festive. Where'd you two get them?"

"I don't know", Scott told her.

"Judy gave them to you", Charlie answered for him.

"Judy. Really". Laura said.

"Who?" Scott asked his son.

"Up at the North Pole," Charlie said.

"Ah. One of Santa's little helpers". Laura slightly mocks.

"They still rank low when compared to Selene though". Willa adds. "Also, hi Mrs. Miller".

Laura waves at Selene's friend before turning to her daughter and noticing her necklace. "That's a beautiful necklace. Did Willa give that to you?"

Charlie passes by and answers her. "No, Bernard did".

"Oooh~ Who's Bernard?" Laura teased a bit, causing Selene to groan in embarrassment.

"He's the head elf", Charlie says. "Last night, Willa, Selene, dad, and me went with the flying reindeer. It was really neat, mom. Dad was Santa, and Larry showed me the workshop. You know, where they make all the toys".

"All the while Selene became Santa's assistant and got flirted with by Bernard", Willa smirked.

"Willa, when are you gonna give it a rest and leave?" Selene says, now feeling even more annoyed.

"You can't get rid of me that easy", Willa jokes. "Besides, my mom won't be here until noon".

Laura then turned to Scott, and she looked slightly disappointed. "Gee, thanks for keeping his feet on the ground". She says, referring to Charlie.

"You bet", Scott responds.

"Honey, you go wait in the car for a minute. I'll be right there". Laura told Charlie as he finished packing up his stuff.

Scott gave a kiss to his son. "Merry Christmas".

Selene then gave him a hug. "See you, bud".

"Bye Dad. Bye Selene. Bye Willa. Thanks for a great night at the North Pole". Charlie said, heading to the front door.

"So... what have you been telling him?" Laura asks Scott after Charlie leaves.

"Nothing. It's just... I had this really strange dream and I must've told him all about it". Scott told her. "...Wait".

He left after Charlie, leaving Laura with Selene and Willa. "Did he tell you two about the dream?" Laura asked the girls, before noticing Selene's ears. "And what's wrong with your ears?"

Selene, who was not sure how to respond, covers her ears with her hands and immediately ran upstairs. Willa then turns to Laura with an awkward smile. "Uh... she's just... it's not... we don't... Silver!" She runs upstairs as well, while Laura just looks confused.

Selene went to her room, with Willa not far behind. "Silver, hey! I know this looks weird but--"

Selene turns around immediately and her tone gets louder. "Willa, this is more than just weird! The fact that my mom also noticed my ears and the necklace just confirms that none of this was fake!"

"I know! I was there!" Willa's voice is now as loud as Selene's.

"Then why aren't you freaking out!"

"Because I already did that before you woke up!"

"Ugh!" Selene heads toward her bed and sits down. She didn't know how to feel at the moment. Should she be happy that none of this was fake and that magic and the North Pole exists? Or should she be worried that it was real? Was this going to change things for her and Scott now?

Feeling how stressed she is, Willa took a deep breath, sat next to her friend and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Listen Silver, it's not--".

"Don't say it's not that bad! Because if it wasn't, I wouldn't be feeling conflicted right now!" Selene snapped.

"I'm just trying to calm you down". Willa says. "Look, I don't know what's going to happen now. But if anything strange happens later on, anything at all, then just know that you still got me. And I'll be here to help when you need it".

Selene nods before she and her friend turn to the window as they begin to hear Scott yell outside. "It's just a dream. Stuff like that doesn't happen. It was a dream! Come on!"

"Besides, something tells me your dad is still in denial about the whole thing and won't be able to help right now". Willa adds.

They then hear Scott again. "I don't even wear pajamas! Normally I sleep naked! Buck naked! Ha!"

"Agreed", Selene grumbled.

Willa's phone then vibrated and she looked at it to see a text from her mom. "My mom's 1 minute away from here. I gotta get going". She gets up from the bed and begins to pack up her things. But before she leaves the room, she quickly stops herself and turns to her bestie. "Remember, call me when your elf puberty kicks in".

"Willa! Don't phrase it like that!" Selene says, annoyed.

Willa chuckles as she leaves the room and heads downstairs. Meanwhile, Selene just stood sitting on her bed and sighed. She's glad that Willa was willing to help her out if something got too weird for her when her elf transformation begins.

In fact, she was actually happy that Willa and Charlie were the only ones who were still sane and calm about this whole situation. This made her believe that maybe she was overreacting a bit. After all, this event just saved her Christmas spirit before she could start unbelieving in it. So, maybe things won't be so bad...

*1 & 1/2 Weeks Later*

{A/N: Basically after winter break}

Selene was back in school and grabbing some notebooks from her locker. It's been a while since the 'situation' happened and she was beginning to feel mixed emotions.

At first, she only needed to worry about her new elf ears, which had an easy solution that was mostly her wearing a beanie hat and tucking her ears under it. But things got a bit more... complicated afterwards.

Because someone had their little sibling tell them about the incident of Charlie telling his entire class that Scott was Santa Claus. And just Selene's luck, that "someone" was the gossip girl that attended her school.

Word spread like wildfire, and now she had students either making joking comments behind her back or even to her face about her being related to Santa. She would often ignore them, but that didn't mean that it didn't bug her.

Once she grabbed all of her books, she closed her locker only to see Bucky and Joseph standing near her. "Well hello there~", Bucky waved.

"Screw off", Selene tries to walk away.

"Hey, is that a way to say hi to us?" Joseph asks as he and Bucky followed her.

Selene doesn't look at the boys as she speaks. "No, it's my way of saying 'go drown in a river'. Now please leave".

"Why? We just heard about your family secret", Bucky tells her. "Is it true that your dad is Santa and you're an elf?"

"No!" Selene responds, feeling half frustrated and half nervous. These two were the last people she wanted to know that all of this was true. 

"Then why did your brother say that?" Joseph questioned.

"He's just a kid and kids have a wild imagination", Selene answered.

"Or he's just crazy. Which sounds more realistic considering who he's related to", Joseph shrugs.

This made Selene finally face the boys. She gave them a raging cold stare and her voice was low yet scary. "Look, I don't care what you say to me. But don't you ever speak about my brother like that!"

"Or what? You're going to call your elf army to attack us?" Bucky mocked. "Stop trying to fight back and ruin our fun. We know you're not as intimidating as your voice when you're upset".

Bucky pushes Selene to the side and Joseph knocks the notebooks out of her hands. "There. Fun is restored". Joseph laughs a bit before they hear the bell begin to ring.

"See ya later, Silver Bells~", Bucky says as he and Joseph head to class, leaving Selene to grab her books.

She struggles to pick them up as students walk past her, and some even scattered her books around the hallway by kicking them. Half of them doing it unintentionally.

She waits until the hallway clears up and all the students are in class so she can finally grab her books. But as she grabs them, she realizes that a few of them are missing and begins to feel confused.

"Looking for these?"

She hears a familiar voice and turns around to see where it came from, only to be shocked when she sees Bernard standing in front of her. "W-wha...?" She was confused and almost speechless for a bit. "How did you--?"

"Magic... No seriously, I used magic to get here", Bernard answers as he hands over her books. "5 notebooks for 1 class?"

"I know, it's a bit much. But I need to write down every note I can because believe it or not, I take school very seriously... except on the weekends and breaks, then all bets are off and I become a delinquent". Selene joked a bit, making Bernard shake his head. "But uh, w-what are you doing here?"

"I just came to check in on you". Bernard told her. "And also to give you this". He hands her a big book that was very dusty as if it hasn't been opened in years.

"What's this for?" Selene asked.

"This book has everything you need to know about being Santa's assistant. It really hasn't been read for a long time. But you just need to mesmerize it before Thanksgiving. Simple as that". He explains.

"What?! This entire book? Come on! It's bigger than my other study guides". Selene complains.

"You don't need to read the entire thing. I've labeled the important parts that you really need to know. Your tasks, some rules, how to use your abilities, etc."

"Good to know. I'll just add this to my long list of stressful tasks", Selene says sarcastically.

"Come on, it's not that hard". Bernard crosses his arms. "Look, that necklace I gave you before wasn't for no reason. If you need help, have any questions or just need me to go over some things, just use it to call me and I'll be right over".

Selene looked a bit surprised. "Wait, so you're saying that this isn't just an accessory and I can actually call you with it?" She grabbed the necklace and stared at it. "How do I do that?"

"You'll figure it out. Just like how you're going to figure out that you're at least 6 minutes late for class". The head-elf gestures to the school clock, which made Selene panic a bit. It was because the class she had next was literature, and her teacher was a very strict man when it came to being late.

"Really?! This was your fault!" She tries to rush past him but almost trips on her own foot, which made her drop 2 of her books again.

Bernard picked them up and passed them to her. "Thank you", Selene says calmly before switching back to being upset. "But I'm still blaming you for making me late!"

"I'm not the one tripping on my own feet and wasting more time right now", he told her.

Selene stuck her tongue out to him, though it was slightly in a more playful manner. She then quickly ran to her classroom and once she made it, she peeked into the class to see her teacher writing on the board.

This gave her a chance to slowly open the door and enter the room without her teacher noticing. But as she quietly walked to her desk, Bucky took a bag of marbles from his desk and purposely spilled some on the floor.

This made Selene step on a few and caused her to fall over, which caught her teacher's attention.

"Selene Calvin".

He gave her a stern expression as she scrambled to grab her books and head to her desk. Her teacher gave her a warning about coming to class late, meanwhile Bucky and Joseph smirked at this.

This was the last thing she needed right now. On top of dealing with the biggest (metaphorical) demons in the school and working on her stupid school work, she also needed to study about being an elf and all before Thanksgiving.

This started making the teen girl think...

All of this is probably going to get worse from here on out.

A/N: I'm back~

I know this part feels a bit more high school-y but I kind of want to show Selene's situation with Bucky and Joseph before continuing.

Also, sorry for the long wait, but these last months have been a huge nightmare and I either couldn't find motivation to write this, or I was extremely busy with school. But once again, I promise to finish this story for the ones who enjoy it.

Anyway, please comment and tell me what you think of the chapter.

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