Black crystal

By Imhereforthelols7381

184 30 0

This is a fantasy type story. I've been really wanting to make this so i hope you enjoy I might make a book 2... More

Chapter 1: the paper demon
Chapter 2: Yetimese
Chapter 3: Shit is about to go down
Chapter 4: Aqua and the visitor
Chapter 5: the chase starts
Chapter 6: baby driver 2
Chapter 7: the paper forest crystals secret
Chapter 9: alot of aftermath!!!
Chapter 10: Fauna shop
Chapter 11: Rumikos run in
Chapter 12: Yetiseme recovery and alot of infomation
Chapter 13: New school
Chapter 14: Noel and Rumiko

Chapter 8: a diffirent world

10 2 0
By Imhereforthelols7381

"This place is so awesome" Aqua screams out. "I bet yeah we can get powers here too!" "Aqua seems a little too happy about this?" Noel thought as they walk into the crystal forest. The forest Is filled with white crystal clear crystals hanging from ropes from above. Noel observes the forest. She starts to feel a weird urge to go under a crystal. "Hey Aqua something about these crystals make me want to... touch them, and feel there shiny smooth surface." Noel says. "Yeah your right." Aqua agrees. Noel and Aqua starts to walk under one of the hanging crystals as they look up. The crystals rope snaps on Noel.
"LOOK OUT!!!" A girl with green long hair and a staff shouts as Noel breaks from the urge. Aqua is about to get crush when Yetiseme jumps in front of her and they land on one another. Aqua breaks from the trances. She looks at Yetiseme. (Who's on top of Aqua) and blush's. "thanks." Aqua says. "No problem >:D" Yetiseme says confidently.
"There's no time for thanks, and preys. We gotta move, and quickly!" The large breasted green haired woman shouts! The green hair woman offer a hand to Noel and Aqua with Yetiseme on her back and they start to run, so does Noel. As the green witch girl starts to break the hanging crystals on the tree. "Why are you doing that to the poor crystals?" Yetiseme sadly says. "Didn't you see what the crystals did to the two girls?! Look I don't know who you are but I'll tell you something. This forest is here for a reason. Every demon and species in this world is fast. It prevents the creatures from the other world which are slow to come in our world!!! I'll explain more once we get to my shop" Noel pulls out a knife and proceeds to cut a falling crystal right in front of her. As they start to run. Tentacles of crystal bits start to form. "How much more do we have to run?!" Noel ask. "Just a little bit" Fauna, Corelett reply's. spikes like crystal start to form in the ground. Fauna pulls out her staff from her back and blows up the crystals. Aqua pulls out the pistol and shoots the crystal tentacles, 1 down 7 to go. This piss off the forest even more, Noel proceeds to stab one of the crystals while Aqua reloads. "WATCH OUT NOEL!!!" Noel runs to the left side of Fauna and Aqua shoots the crystals. Fauna leaps up in the air dodging crystals spike that was gonna stab her. "How does she know where they're gonna hit" Yetiseme mention to Aqua (still on Aqua back). "Yetiseme pulls out dynamite she brought at the store and threw it at one of the crystals tentacles, the crystals try's to dodge it but gets blown by a gun shot and crashes into another crystal tentacles. "Yetiseme where did you get dynamite from?!" Noel shouts. "Oh just at the store! I'll show you sometime." "Shut up!!!" Fauna yells "your wasting your breathe, you'll run out of stamina more it's why Aqua hasn't talk that much as well" Aqua Nods her head in full agreement. The 4 tentacles seem to be bigger then the other 4. Noel jumps up and dodge some crystals spikes, A crystals gets stab into Fauna leg, but like a CHAD she doesn't even react. Yetiseme mention this to Aqua as Aqua shoots another tentacles. "Hey let me do the shooting as I'am the one on top of you and your hands are getting scarily close to my thighs or buttocks." As Yetiseme blush's she grabs the gun and shoot the tentacle just behind Noel. "we're almost out!" Fauna yells. It seem that the tentacles got more mad from that, as crystals shards hit Noel right arm. "Owww dammit!" Aqua dodges the large tentacle and gets thrown to the ground from the force. Yetiseme shoots the tentacle just in time and lends a hand to Aqua. The last tentacle does a full blown slam to the ground pushing Noel back from the force. Yetiseme try's reload but she realized the ammunition all felled out of Aqua pockets. The tentacle rush up to Noel and...
BOOM!!! Fauna uses her staff to explode the tentacle they run to a hilltop, and then the crystal forest stops attacking them and goes back into the forest to kill another person who dares to enter.
Fauna alludes to having a break until the nice cold shade as they heavily breathe. Especially for Aqua.
"I'm sorry my appearance was so abrupt. Let me have the chance to introduce myself" "I am Fauna Corelett. I am a witch that owns a shop. I like to travel inside the crystal forest to get materials for my shop. But then I saw you two had piss off the forest." "How did we Piss off a crystal forest!?" "I mean by you and Aqua of course?" "That's beside the point." "I'd say Yetiseme and Aqua did the most work out of the three. I mean she save Aqua? Did she not." "Yeah, I did more then Noel did!" "Come here you peace of sh..." "oh so I see your name is Noel?" "Yup it is". Yetiseme lays on Aqua knees. "Hey your not suppose to lay on my lap!" Aqua embarrassingly says. "Relax I'm just laying on your lap, I get tired to you know" Aqua shyly let Yetiseme lay on her lap. "You two look so cute together!!!" Noel fan girls over them. "Shut up" Yetiseme blush's. "you got Hot boys falling for you at any second." "SHUT UP!" Noel yells. Fauna laughs.
Fauna really loves nature. She try to use resources from nature saying it's a gift in it of itself. Fauna has antlers that come out of her head. Has beautiful stunning green hair and green eyes, she has large breast and has such a calm voice. Fauna has almost a mother type feeling. Like she your general mom. She wears a galaxy green and white robe. Her bangs kinda coil as the right bang comes up covering some of her right eye. She wears a lovely green skirt under her robe.
I'm not gonna say anything but I can tell you for a fact that you might want to go back and read a little closely to when the crystal forest attacks the four girls. 👀👀👀👀👀

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