Daminette December

By Butterflykingdom33

60.7K 1.3K 287

A full month of Daminette each day will be brought to you by a wonderful one shot for you to enjoy each day o... More

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
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Day 5
Day 6
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Day 11
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Day 13
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Day 21
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Day 26
Day 27
Day 28
Day 29
Day 30
Day 31

Day 20

1.4K 30 2
By Butterflykingdom33


For anyone who likes the now you see me movies this will be taken from the second movie but changed to be like Maribat style. The lines are all the same except a few which have been changed.

Marinette and the bat boys have been assigned to steal a chip from Lex Luthor one if sold, can hack into any computer and steal all your privacy which can be sold onto the black market.

Alfred was the driver and Bruce would be coming to see the chip with a couple of his workers, which happened to be Marinette, Damian, Dick and Jason. Tim was going to be staying back at the manor and watching them through the cameras.

"Bruce, my old friend.So glad you could make it. I knew you had a soft spot for an old-school bidding war. How have you been?" Lex began

"I trust my people implicitly. What they say goes." Bruce said then four of his people walked out of the limo and waited behind Lex towards the entrance of the building.

"Certainly. But I'm sure you'd like to see it for yourself. Hold it in your hands and check the build quality. Or not." he said the last part as Bruce rolled up his window no longer having interest in this conversation.

"Also fine. Well, if you'd like to follow me. You'll have to remove all your metal. Watches, rings, etc." he said pointing to a tub

"Yeah, of course." Dick said, taking out his wallet.

"Excuse me for asking..." Lex said watching the group

"Where might I have seen you before? I don't know, probably one of my many symposiums. The book jacket!" Damian said

"I have to say, Dr. Michaelakis, I'm a huge fan." Lex said looking at the group

"Oh, thank you so much. Uh, which book?

There have been so many..." Damian started he was told that

Does Bruce's chippy always talk for you, Doctor?" Lex said looking at Marinette, who was unsure of what was happening till he looked at her directly.

"Doctor?" she mumbled, she was told her job was to be one of Bruce Waynes one night stands, not the doctor that was Damian's role.

"Sorry, when you say 'chippy,' you are referring to Buffy here, yeah?" she asked
"Of course" Lex replied

"Bruce prefers the term "floozy" for all his boy toys." Jason cut in annoying Damian but that was a problem for later.

"Yeah. He does." Dick said following Jason's lead.

"Noted." Lex said, stopping at the lobby before they entered the room.

"By the way, I got your email, Dr. Michaelakis. You had a query about our ability to maintain quantum coherence at room temperature without the use of dilution, refrigerators, or error correction. Do you care to elucidate?" he asked, trying to get her to elaborate.

"Right." Damian said giving Marinette time to think of something.

"Yeah." Marinette said trying to think of something to say next

"Yes, I did send that email." she started

"The other day, I saw you." Lex said, trying to remember where they had seen each other.

"I did, I sent it. So what gives? I'm sorry, what gives..." Marinette said

"I wonder what she's trying to say..." Damian tried to explain but only to be interrupted.

"Actually, the grown-ups are having a meeting, Buffy." Marinette said.

"Okay." he said, hiding his annoyance.

"If you'll hold on to that." she said handing him the piece of gum she had been chewing before
"Yeah, sure, Doctor." he said, trying to ignore the other boys snickering at what was happening.

"Thank you." Marinette said before turning her attention back to Lex Luthor

"Now, every seventh grader, even the dumb ones, know the second law of thermodynamics. 'All ordered systems tend toward disorder.' Disorder! So I'm going to ask you one more time, sir, what gives?" she asked, looking at Lex directly.

"Well, it's actually topological quantum order. The emergence of quantum effects on a macroscopic level. So that is, in fact, what gives." he explained to the group

"Thank you." she said taking off her jacket revealing her outfit and tossing Lex her jacket before walking in through the
There outfits

Daimian walked through but the alarm went off and all the security went to him and reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet.

"Sorry, sorry. Sorry, sorry. My wallet." Damian said to a security guard.

"The stick's metal. How are we going to get it out?" Jason whispered to Dick

"Yeah. I don't know." he replied

"This is the housing. 820 million qubit miles of digi-synaptic resonance. But of course, what sets us apart from anything else on the planet is the processor, which we playfully refer to as the Magic Broomstick." Lex said showing them the machine

"The Broomstick?" Marinette asked curious to what the name ment.

"Has the power to clear the contents of any computing system on the planet and then magically sweep them into your bin." He explained

"Oh! Broomstick. That's funny" Marinette said.

"Take a look, vet it however you'd like, and tell Bruce we'll be taking bids on Monday."

"Thank you." Marinette said looking around

"Oh, my God." Dick began sneezing again and again.

"I must be allergic to something in here." Dick said

"What could you possibly be allergic to in here? This room is hermetically sealed."  Lex said, confused.

"That's it. I'm allergic to hermetic seals." Dick said sneezing again

"If we could get him away from the computer, please." Everyone moved away from the computer, as they were moving Marinette slipped her hair clip and handed it to Jason who slipped under the side of the machine and grabben the chip.

He then stuck it on to a card to make it easier to work with

"We're gonna need some anti-bac... Do we have alcohol wipes? Your hands need to be sterile if you intend to get any closer. Do I make myself clear?" Lex said to his employees.

"Sorry. We couldn't..." Marinette began but
Dick interrupted.

"No, I'm fine." Dick argued

"...take his medicine into the country." Marinette finished

Dick signed and agreed with her "Yeah..."

"Can't risk any contamination. You're gonna have to stay away from the inner workings." Luthor said

"Thank you very much. Thank you." Dick said to an employee who had given him some tissues.

"All right. If you're done..." Lex said his eyes on Dick

"Sorry about this. Okay. I'm okay. This happens to him sometimes." Dick said, pretending to feel bad.

"It'll pass. Allergies. Nothing you can do." Marinette said.

"Well, something you could do, Doctor."
Damian said.

Just as he finished his sentence Jason quickly slipped in behind Marinette wich Lex noticed

"Search him, please." Lex said to the guards

"Didn't we just do that?" Jason argued

"Are you serious?" Marinette asked them.

"Okay. I wanna run full diagnostics on the system." Lex said to another employee

"Take off your jacket." a guard said to Jason

"This is completely unnecessary." Jason insisted

"Take off your jacket." the guard repeated

"This is completely unnecessary." Jason tried again to no use.

"Raise up both hands." Jason did as he was told "Let me see your hands." He showed his hands. "Turn around." Jason turned to "Spread your hands." He did what was told.

"Don't move." the guard said when he looked away  he tossed the card to Damian

"Turn around." the guard said to Damian

"Okay." he said in reply.

"Up, up. Up, up. Up, up, Up, up. Up, up. Up, up. Up, up." the guard said to Damian in another language but he pretended not to understand. Till she showed him with an action.

"Okay." Damian said understanding.

"Up, up. Up, up" the guard said again, Damian split the card down his jacket and through his pants.

"Okay." Once the guard was done with the check he split the card to Marinette who was walking past and got it to stick to the bottom of her shoe.

"Ah!" Marinette pretended to trip on the guard to get the card off her shoe. And slipped into the rope of her choker.

"Over there, thank you." The guard said, pushing her in that direction.

"Hey! I can walk on my own." Marinette exclaimed

"Whoa! Whoa! Hey!" Marinette said when they kept pushing her in a direction

"Don't start any trouble." the guard warned

"Hey!" Marinette said

"Don't start any trouble."  the guard warned once again

"Raise your hands. Raise your hands." he said to her and she lifted them up but they were closed.

"Open up your hands." and Marinette revealed her hands to be empty.

"Turn around."  as she turned around she slipped the card into her bra.

"Raise up your hands. Raise up your hands." he said, trying to do a body search on her.

"Hey! I can do that myself. We just met, man." she said reaching under her dress and undoing the clasp of her bra showing them the side without the card.

"The other side". The guard said and she flipped the card facing her but the opposite side of the bra.

"Hey! My eyes are up here, man." Marinette said, catching the guard doing a once over of her.

"How do you like it?" Marinette said hitting the guy, but in reality she was slipping the card onto his belt

"Hey!" the guard said

"Don't move." a guard said to Jason  who had already tossed the card to Damian

"Let me look at your hand." Jason showed his now empty hand

"Hey, I'm good." Jason said

"Don't move." All eyes went to Damian that was facing against a wall away from the guards.

"Stop. Slowly turn yourself around. Raise up both of your hands." they said but he did nothing

"Stop. Slowly turn yourself around. Raise up both of your hands." they said it again but Damian didn't move

"Turn around." a different guard said

"Stop. Slowly turn yourself around." Damian slowly turned around. "Raise up both of your hands." he did as he was told

"Turn around. Turn around. Turn around. Turn around. Slowly turn around." Yet Damian didn't; he was slipping the card into his trick pocket.

"Do you hear me?" the guard asked him.

"Don't move."Damian turned and the guards checked his pockets but they were empty

"Do you have anything?" asked the first guard to the second.

"I don't know." the second guard said to the first.

"Can't trust anybody." the guard mumbled

"They're clean." a guard said to Lex

"They're clean." said the guard that searched Jason

"They're clean." said the guard that searched Damian

"They're clean." said the guard that searched Marinette

"They're okay." said the guard that searched Dick

"Do your final checks and get them out of here." Lex Luthor said to his security team

"Oh, we're walking this way again. Yay." Marinette said the guy tried to say something but Marinette interrupted "I don't speak the language" she told him. Damian passed her the card as he walked in front of her but she missed it.

"See? What did I tell you, man? We didn't have anything." Dick said to them. Luckily he saw the card coming towards him. 

"Thanks, pal. Appreciate that." Jason said, getting their eyes off of Dick.

"4 guys from the inside are coming out. Get ready." a guard told the person at the desk near the metal detector.

"Something about a big white dance floor makes me wanna boogie. Hey, thanks for having us. That's great stuff." Dick said, hiding the card in his hat.

"Are you ready?" someone asked Dick.

"Hold it." the guard said while he did that Dick grabbed the card out of his hat.

"Okay." he replied

"You guys are pretty serious about your security, huh?' DIck jokes

"Hold on a moment." the guard said

"Okay" Dick replied.

"Hold on a moment." the guard said yet again

"Okay." Dick replied once more

"Do I have all my things? I feel like I came in with more stuff. Did I come in with more stuff?

"Did I come in with more stuff?" Marinette said to the guards.

"Still want to start some trouble." the guard asked Marinette

"Did I come in with more stuff? Did I come in with more stuff?" Marinette said, trying to buy the others more time.

"Walk out of here. Walk out of here." the guard kept saying

"You don't think so?" Marinette asked the guard who was getting annoyed with her.

"Walk out of here." he repeated

You don't think so?" She tried again but gave up and walked through the scanner.

"Okay, next person." a different guard said

"Uh, sir, I think you still have my wallet." but it wasn't heard over the noise of the machine.

"Okay, next person." a guard said to dick but Jason interrupted before he went through.

"Uh, sir, I think you still have my wallet. Remember, I, uh, gave it to you when I came in? It would be nice to leave with it." Jason said to the guard.

"Wallet coming through." he said at the time
Dick bent down ro tie his shoelaces and as the wallet came through so did the card which Marinette caught in her jacket before anyone could see it.

To also make sure that no one noticed Damian used the buckle on his belt to hit the gong they had up on display.

"Sorry, my belt." Damian said as all eyes were on him and the gong he had hit the belt with.

"Uh... I guess that's everything, right?" Jason said.

"Thank you." Marinette said to Lex Luthor

"That is not a toy, Buffy." Marinette scolded him

"Sorry." Damian said acting innocent, not like he had planned this.

With that the four walked out of the building once they entered the limo Marinette pulled out the chip from her jacket. "I saw what happened through the cameras, you nearly got caught, but you still managed to pull it off. Well done" Bruce congratulated them.

He then turned to Damian, "I am so sorry you turned out to be my apparent one night, stand you or Marinette never should have gone with that as your identity" he said looking towards Marinette and Damian. "It's okay father" Damian and Marinette nodded agreeing with Damian. 

Hey guys,

So I followed the original script of this scene. I cut a couple lines and changed a few bits. I know this isn't the same as the original but I tried and I hope you like my attempt at this.

Sorry if you're not the biggest Now You See Me fan but if there is another scene from a movie you would like me to do, I am more than happy to do it for you as a bonus chapter or something. That and I am sorry that this has nothing to do with Christmas.

Now to the question of the day...

Question: Any ideas on a better name for this chapter?

Merry Christmas 🎄

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