By sl33pBISHOP

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【description】 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 𝐥𝐦𝐚𝐨 𝐀𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐃𝐎 ❐ n. a kind... More

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«ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴀɪɴ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀꜱ»
00; 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞
01; 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡?

02; 𝐭𝐰𝐨 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐝𝐬 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫

182 14 5
By sl33pBISHOP



[y/n] stayed in the house in hopes of finding something, and that something is some sort of clue (is what he would say), he hasn't found anything yet, he did take the favor of cleaning the house, he looked in the bathroom; nothing, the kitchen and dining room; nothing, the living room; nothing, the only place that he had not checked was the brunette's bedroom, and that's where [y/n] is currently standing in front of

as [y/n] blankly stared at the auburn-colored door 'it's just a bedroom, just another room! nothing special, so why the fuck are you hesitant to open it' the [h/c] haired male narrowed his eyes as he slowly grabbed the doorknob, he swung the door open making him surprised at his own strength as the door slammed itself to the wall making a huge bang

'ah, it's still there, huh?' he thought as he gawked on his own hand, his thoughts were interrupted by...well his own thoughts 'oh right! missing Violet' he snapped his gaze back at the room, the room was surprisingly normal, no broken glass, no flipped furniture, no messes! he narrowed his eyes as he stepped into the room with caution, it's quite suspicious that half of the house is destroyed

[y/n]'s grey colored eyes darted towards the closet, the most suspicious things are always expected and stored in there

he went towards the tall closed cabinet with wary, he gripped both the handles and halted 'ok this is just dramatic' he rolled his eyes as he proceeded to open the cabinet's doors, inside was your normal looking closet, he knitted his brows together as he sighed in relief, he expected a jumpscare of some sort just like from the horror / thriller  movies 

he looked back at the closet, everything was normal...apart from the mirror that was oddly placed in front of the clothes "the hell?" he observed the item, it was oddly positioned too, it was positioned to 70 degrees to which it reflects the floor, he chewed on his bottom lip as he stared at the mirror in confusion, he looked back at the floor (in the mirror) 'it wouldn't be positioned that specifically for no reason...or I might be over-analyzing ' 

he shrugged as he approached the carpet that the mirror pointed at, he deadpanned at the carpet as there was a specific square shape that lingered on it, he looked up to see a piece of paper that was taped on the ceiling light, he grimaced at the light 'jeez you could have placed it on a chair or something ' he peered at the paper that was taped on it 

it had an arrow printed on it 'what the fuck' it made him chuckle, his eyes followed to where the arrow was pointing at, it was another mirror, it was on a wall this time " so what, a camera is taped on the other side?" he sneered as he climbed on the bed (he took his shoes off don't worry) and taped the screen making a double-tap noise

his eyes became dots in a comical way as stared at the mirror "I was just...joking, that- what?" he stammered with his own words, he yelped as he was interrupted with a ringing of a phone, it wasn't his phone, it was Violet's house phone that was in the room, he snapped his head towards the side where the phone was placed, he sat there deciding whether he should answer it or not 

'it could be the kidnapper' he popped out his lips

taking the good to be true idea of that happening, he picked up the home phone and placed it near his ear, he didn't speak cause who does that? the [h/c] haired pursed his lips as he waited for a response of some kind, after a while of no response— a cough went through the other line "dude is this even the right number?" "We used it to find the girl last time!" "well, what if we had the wrong one?" "it's the same number fatass!" "DON'T CALL ME FAT, YOU FUCKIN-" "Uhm.."

the unknown men from the other line abruptly stopped as [y/n] had cut off their childish interaction, as much as it was amusing, they had just told him in some context that these dudes kidnapped his benevolent, brown-haired friend

[Y/N] figured that they had set the camera, so he turned his head towards the mirror as if to talk to the person's face to face, his face was blank — as usual — it seemed to hold no emotion — which was a lie because [y/n] is amused at the two's interaction

he heard a cough but this one seemed to be forced—as if they had done something embarrassing and treated it as if it wasn't there anymore— "Detective [L/n], It's nice to finally be in your presence" "Charmed, I'm sure" [y/n] snarled as he glared at the mirror camera, the man from the other line chuckled darkly making the [h/c] haired male grimace in cringe — earlier he was just yelling with the other guy he was with.

"cut the crap, where's Violet?" [y/n] was surprisingly calm at this interrogation, he is an expert — is what his co-workers and friends would usually say if they worked with him(most of his friends are from work)— but it's just a norm for him since he's been doing this in high school with Violet 

"the chick with brown hair? yeah, she's here...and a couple of others" the guy explained but muttered the last bit— thinking that the male from the other line, [y/n] deadpanned as heard the last bit 'this bitch—' he sucked in a deep breath "so— there are multiple— pardon me for assuming— multiple women? that you have abducted?" "why, that's partially correct detective! did he hear that?" the man muttered again making [y/n] deadpan 

'This is gonna be useless but it doesn't hurt to try' thought [y/n] as he shrugged "well... can you give them back? it's quite tiring y'know?" the man hummed in thought " about—no. did you really think I'd just give them off?" the man laughed cockily as [y/n] sighed comically 'no need to be so cocky and rude about it...' he internally sulked "in the meantime, you can consider this as your last case" as that phrase was said, [y/n]'s eyes widen in surprise "how did you-" he was interrupted by a sound of ringing

it wasn't the house's phone, it was [y/n]'s, he yelped as he heard his phone ring, he pulled out his phone, it was one of his co-workers, his brows drew together in confusion ' isn't it 3 In the morning?' he glanced at the time on his phone

it was 7 in the morning "oh shit" "what?" "nothing" he answered the call and place it closer to his ear— he doesn't want the unknown man to hear his conversation "Sabine?" "boss! where are you at? the gang and I have been waiting for ages!" "Where?" "your house obviously" 

'i've been here for hours?!' [y/n] sneered "Alright, uhm-" he put down his phone and went to the house phone "listen here you little shit, do something to her I'll fuck you myself, now I got to go" he threatened and switched as he picked up his phone 

"I'm coming don't worry" and got off the bed and head to the door, the place was clean like the place had never been destroyed or rampaged, [y/n] hummed to himself as his grey eyes gaze around the place, he left the house as he wore his coat as he walked towards his street 

'oh right, Violet is also expected to come, what's gonna be our excuse...' he thought as he stared at the road whilst walking, the sun had risen but the sky was grey as the atmosphere was cold, it was considered a normal day in [town]

'feeling sick? no, they would visit the house...diarrhea? HELL emergency?... I guess? but she despises them though...ARGHH!!' he rubbed his face, he's almost in his street, he didn't know what to do! he breathed in and out in an attempt to relax

no, [y/n] isn't scared of lying, he's normally a manipulator and a liar— to culprits— so it's not unusual for him to do such a thing— benefits people, BENEFITS— he knows Violet well enough to know what she likes, loves, dislikes, and despise, and he knows DAMN well that Violet despises her family— but the more [y/n] thought about it the more it made sense to be an excuse

' she'll just visit her grandmother for a while, Mrs. Blakewell is the safest option' [y/n] nodded to himself and lifted his head in slight determination, and stepped forward

after walking for a while he stopped abruptly 'what was I doing again?'


heterochromatic eyes glared at a back of a man, her hair strands hanging in front of her face, dirt all over her limestone skin— same goes for her clothes— her breathing rapidly as she rubbed the tight ropes to each other in an attempt to break it through, after a while of breaking the ropes— Violet sighed as sweat rolled down her forehead "okay, that didn't work" she muttered "dang it" the person from beside her sighed quietly 

"say" Violet wheezed "we haven't properly introduced to each other, I'm Violet, pleasure meeting you" she introduced with a side smile making the person feel at ease "I...I'm Emily... nice to meet you too Ms. Violet" Emily flashed a nervous smile— trying to match the brunette's aura— Violet chuckled at the blonde, her two-toned eyes darted around the place, it looked like a warehouse of some sort, her gaze stopped at two men, one of them was on a phone call while the other one was writing something on paper 

"Detective [L/n], It's nice to finally be in your presence" the man's voice boomed all over the place, Violet lit up at the mention of that name as Emily stared confused at what was going on and to why the brunette was happy at the mention of 'Detective [y/n]' but she did feel relieved at the mention at this person's occupation 

Violet unknowingly glared daggers at the man's back making him shake— she grew up with [y/n] you can't expect her to be innocent and arrogant like a child forever

the call ended, and the man looked back at the girls, Emily narrowed her eyes as a shade of pink appeared on her chicks— the guy was hot( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)— as Violet glared, the man smile cockily at the two while closing his phone "the detective's coming for you" he pointed at the brunette "while for you" he pointed beside her 

"We sent your little ex-boyfriend a letter" he rolled his eyes as he mentioned this 'ex-boyfriend' making Violet dart her eyes at the blonde, Emily held a shocked expression making the guy nod "well, I'll be off, enjoy the ropes" he waved as he went towards the big doors but stopped, he went to look back at the two with a sly smirk displayed on his features "oh! and try not to agitate my men" and with that, he took off

leaving the two females to themselves, one panicking and one glaring at the ground




grey almost goes with any color; so you could say that [y/n] has a light shade of red, blue, yellow! 

Violet is benevolent but does have a temper that's rarely been pocked before 

Violet works as a secretary for [y/n] but both work together 

Violet hates her heterochromatic eyes; as to why she covers her other eyes with her hair 

lmao that's all for now mates

till next time :D

this was rushed so I'm sorry  . _.

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