Exhaustion Devilry

Oleh nonolllll_

218 70 0

Nurul live a beautiful life with her two best friends, Aifaa and Dee. She never did unpleasant things to othe... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1 - Examination Day
Chapter 2 - The Stare
Chapter 3 - Confession
Chapter 4 - Called to Mind The Past
Chapter 5 - Getting Sick
Chapter 7 - How She Know
Chapter 8 - Wax Better
Chapter 9 - Afresh Incident
Chapter 10 - Iedritch Aghast
Chapter 11 - Aggravated State
Chapter 12 - The Awaited Day
Chapter 13 - The Revelation One
Chapter 14 - Bumped Again
Chapter 15 - The Recall
Chapter 16 - Bickering
Chapter 17 - Familiar Ones
Chapter 18 - Surreal
Chapter 19 - The Visit
Chapter 20 - The Revelation Two
Chapter 21 - Healing Process
Chapter 22 - Sleepless Time
Chapter 23 - Working Day
Chapter 24 - Who's Capital N
Chapter 25 - Unfavourable Eventuality
Chapter 26 - Known Anew
Chapter 27 - How Come

Chapter 6 - Unwell Query

5 3 0
Oleh nonolllll_

3rd POV

5.21 pm

A sound of commotion could be heard.
Nonetheless, she shut herself on the spot.
Earwigged to whatsoever barney she could apprehend.
Came across as consequential either scrimmage or bun fight.

Aifaa was strolling around the playground when she heard the ruckus. There was a group of children, aged approximately 5 years old like her niece, who were playing on the slides and swings. The fight started as 2 boys were disturbing 3 girls when the girls were playing on the slides.

"You can't play here, potty girth(girls)" Said the tallest and cocky boy on the left.

"Yes, you're not allowed here, uglith(uglies)" Said the other one with an evil smile on his face.

"No girth like you guys can play with us" The cocky boy added.

"Go away, you wh*reth(wh*res)!" The other boy harshly yelled. These boys still have the guts albeit their lisps. Two of the girls in the middle and left, calm and crybaby started to weep but the girl on the right was plucky and seemed to calm herself. The boys should not be cursing! Where are the parents?

"We just... Wanna play. Not... Disturbing you," The calm girl told politely to them boys while holding her weep to let her while and her friends play peacefully.

"We don't wanna play with you. We wanna play the slides" The plucky added.

"How dare you!" The arrogant boy seemed angry and harshly pulled her.

She tripped on a huge stone and fell pretty hard to the ground. Her two friends merely looked at her. Their sobbing began to fade little by little. 'Maybe it's just a misunderstanding. Isn't it, no? Ugh! scr*w it!' Aifaa thought. She then began to walk leisurely and quietly forward to the children while eyes intently staring at them. The plucky girl picked herself up and sweep her shirt which was dirty as it was stuck by soil and dry leaves. The plucky girl well-nigh lost her temper as infuriated by the arrogant boy's attitude.

"Oh, no no no. The boys will be dead if she moves now. I better quick" She mumbled and immediately paced towards the girl first.

"Hey, are you okay?" She embraced and stopped the plucky girl from moving.

"You alright?" She gently asked one more time. The plucky girl just nodded then Aifaa looked over the other two girls and smiled.

"It's okay. I'm here" She mouthed to the girls. The two already calm as sobbing were faded and their front showed relief the moment she came to the rescue.

"You shouldn't say that to the girls, boys. What you'll do if the same thing happens to your mother or sister? Why be bad when you can be nice, boys. You wanna apologise or not?" She spun back and advised the boys while crossing her arms with a firm tone.

"Don't know how to curse anymore, boys?" She added. The boys were merely quiet and bow down in shame. Stand squarely like a ruler. Scared as she was close by.

"You guys don't wanna, really?" She questioned once again more fierce than before. The boys instantly moved from their spot and shouted sorry in unison then ran away. Back home. She then intertwined with the calm girl's hand and walked to the two girls. "You two, okay?" She queried and a worried tone was visible.

"I-i'm... okay" The crybaby stammered. She seemed a bit afraid but Aifaa kept smiling to make sure the kids were not afraid to speak with her. She waited for the other one to answer but no single word was uttered from her mouth.

"Are you hurt somewhere?" She asked while checking the calm girl.

"I-i..." The calm girl began speaking. "I'm... okay... t-thank you fo-for helping us" She faltered.

"No problem. You guys wanna keep playing or wanna go home? I can be your company if you want and I can send you guys if you wanna go home" She told thereupon grinned at each of them. A smile that never left her lips.

"I wanna play the slides," The calm girl said.

"I wanna play the slides too" The crybaby snapped her head and interjected after being silent for several minutes.

"I don't wanna play the slides anymore. I wanna play the monkey bar now" The plucky girl uttered and a contented expression could be seen on her countenance.

"Okay then if you three say so," She said, watching them running to the slides and monkey bar as they began shouting happily.

"Yay!" The calm girl screamed.

"Hooray!" The crybaby girl yelled.

"Yeah! Yeah!" The plucky girl shouted.

"Cute... But too loud. Haih, these girls" She mumbled and chuckled with their cute manners.

6.01 pm

On the other hand, Nurul went to the clinic after her father was back from work. The doctor said maybe her sore throat made her throw blood. She did not have a medical history thus the doctor queried many questions and did a CT scan, chest x-ray, pulse oximetry and arterial blood gas after. All of the results were still normal as usual and she was in a good condition. Strange but facts. No such severe hemoptysis as she only coughed once and not more than 20 millilitres.

She also got a sore throat caused by coughing non-stop yesterday. She felt sleepy then slumbered peacefully in the car. While snugly leaning on the seat in a deep slumber, she felt pretty hot and somehow the car was not moving anymore. Her father will wake her up usually if they already arrived and wait until she stirs before shutting the engine but he left her boiling at this moment.

"What's wrong, dad?" She asked with a groggy voice while rubbing her eyelids. 'We are at the roadside? Ah... That's why I feel like in the oven just now. But mentioning the oven, I suddenly feel peckish. I wanna eat pastries. Is there any pastry on the roadside?' Her peepers wandered around.

"The car suddenly stops. It can't be started. Don't know why lass" Her father told. He tried starting the car again but the engine did not move.

"What's wrong with the car? So sudden at night?" He complained and later sighed. He then unlocked the bonnet and stepped out of the car as well as gazed closely at the engine. "Nothing wrong with the engine. I just sent this car to the workshop 4 days ago..." He muttered while eyeballs travelled to the other parts.

"...and no other damage too. Odd... I'll call the mechanic if the car still won't start" He flung the bonnet and entered the car after. He prayed 'bismillah' and try for the third and fourth time yet it did not start. He tried for the fivefold as they were becoming a grilled chicken at the moment as the heat sunbeam struck through the windows. He nearly called a mechanic after the fourfold but the engine began moving on his next attempt.

"Alhamdulillah..." Nurul and her father said in unison.

The muggy weather made them sweaty and energy drained too. Once arrived home, she walked to her room and almost collapsed after closing the door. She stumbled but had time to balance her weight by holding onto the knob. 'What's wrong with me? Weak so abrupt?' She thought while massaging her temple.

She then went to the bog and take a bath as well as prayed maghrib later. She still felt tired and her whole body felt heavy as well. Plus, her eyes became fold too, sleepy. She grabbed her water bottle and slowly swallowed the water thrice before going to her bed to kip. She plopped on the bed and tucked a duvet on her body covering lower parts till her neck but feet.

"Wha- a-..." She was compressed by a hefty thing on her anatomy all of a sudden. It made her breathing stuck and sought air to breathe properly but to no avail. Sh*t!

'Ya Allah! Why I can't move my hands?!!' She attempted pushing the duvet but her hands just stayed still. How about legs?

'My legs too?!!' She also tried moving her legs but the result remain the same. Paralyse? No!

'Ya Allah, help me! Anyone?!!' Her peepers roamed around searching for a human or things that crush her but nothing. Nothing was on her anatomy. The h*ll?

'Help me! I can't even talk!' She screamed in her mind hoping that anybody would rescue her. Please!

'Mum??? Dad???' She called her parents thru her brain as succour was needed. It was suffocating.

''Suhairul??? Amran??? Zafirah???' She attempted to call her siblings to boot and was almost out of her mind. From weak to weaker.

'Allahu akbar! Bismillah...' She prayed while supplicating with eyes slowly blinking and nearly shut because of the lack of oxygen. She then recited ayatul Kursi perfectly thrice.

'Ya Allah!' She shouted with all her might and her eyes widened and mouth agape. The h*ck happened???

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